The year is 2030, Europe and by extension NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization.) is weakening as Europe and the EU fall into a economic depression, although rumored but not outright declared most likely caused by CSAT, or more formerly known as the Canton-Protocol Strategic Alliance Treaty, A Asian and Middle eastern alliance formed originally between China and Iran, acting as a counter to NATO and its western backed allies who have been recently taking a more aggressive stance towards Western nations.

CSAT is winning in its war for both economics and military 'aid' throughout the globe, but in 2030 on the Mediterranean island nation of Altis and Stratis things have changed. CSAT backed AAF (Altis Armed Forces.) forces were decimated by the hands of a joint NATO/FIA (Freedom Independence Army.) attack which saw the withdraw of CSAT forces on the island and the complete military surrender of the AAF, handed down by Georgious Akhntero, head of the sham that was the 'Republic of Altis and Stratis'.

The former defense minister Nikos Panagopoulos, and former leading member of the Altian FIA oversaw the war tribunals for the majority of the former AAF command and several of its divisions for war crimes committed under the former AAF regime. With his help and NATO backing the country was able to quickly reestablish itself and not fall into a total collapse as the former Democratic government was once more reinstated.

Under his guidance the 'Reformed Republic of Altis and Stratis' was made as to restore order within the nation, with help of both NATO and IDAP in the course of a year since the stand down of the AAF many areas of the country, albeit slowly, have been making progress in restoring life back to a pre-war standard as burnt out wreaks and mine fields are being cleared away.

Although there has been talk within the United States about pulling the majority of its forces out of its overseas bases, with the victory on Altis and the reports of CSAT 'peace keepers' assisting AAF forces in attacking and in some cases slaughtering NATO forces in the region renewed debates have sparked on the matter of international safety. FBI investigations into matters involving certain American senators voicing opinions to withdraw from oversea bases have been discovered to have economic backings from Eastern Asia, namely multiple business fronts known to have ties with CSAT. Investigations are underway as to undermined CSAT influence in the American Government.

As of now, US forces are to remain in Europe and the Mediterranean in addition to peace keeping operations within the pacific. With the approval of US Naval command and the new Altian government, the former US naval base on Malden has been retrofitted for new generation naval vessels. American and NATO presence in the Mediterranean has exponentially increased upon a new wave of investigations into CSAT backed peace keeping operations through out the globe.

Although running for office of the presidency, Nikos Panagopoulos is considered the de-facto leader of the reformed Altian government. With the threat of a complete CSAT take over of Altis subsiding, and feeling that a major victory had been secured both NATO and Altis are resting easy for the time being.

As history has shown, with peace being merely a prelude to war. Located on a far off world, the entertainment of the God of the underworld, Hardy, is dwindling. And such as it were in the past wants something 'unique' and new in 'her' world. Conveniently just as the Empire is wishing for new lands to conquer and to spread their influence on those they deem 'lesser' than themselves.

The drums of war are once more beating, unknown to NATO or the RAAF (Reformed Altian Armed Forces.), for the eyes of the world, both worlds, shall be drawn to the Mediterranean island nation once more.

"Έτσι, η RAAF πολέμησε εκεί. - And thus, the RAAF fought there."