Raindrops punched against the huge window of the throne room. The Goddess of Nature was sitting inside and watched raindrops racing each other. She sat next to the window, meters over the ground. Her throne room matched that of Palutena to some extent. It was also a long room with multiple doors leading to the different wings of the palace. At the head stood a massive throne build out of nothing but vines that were growing different kinds of flowers. At the other side of the room was the big double door.

Viridi's little sister was really going all out with this storm. Viridi smiled slightly. Phosphora had a slight tendency to over do when given certain restrictions but without them she could make storms so bad, you'd think the world was going to end. Dazzling lighting was followed by roaring thunder. Viridi sighed and laid a hand on her round belly. She thought the creature was shivering in fear as another thunder let out it's mighty roar, Yes, she was pregnant and no, she couldn't remember exactly who the father was. The only thing she knew, and the only thing that mattered to her, was that he was a stupid, useless, plant-hating, insignificant, hairless monkey. She didn't even remember his name or what he looked like but it didn't matter to her now. She let herself fall for the one thing she swore to destroy and out comes this-

Her thoughts broke off as she felt a light kick. "Yeah yeah... I know it's not your fault." Viridi sighed deeply: "You can't choose your parents." Her fingers went over the kicked spot. Perhaps it's not all the hate for humans that made her despite her current condition. Maybe she feared what was going to come sooner or later. In order to keep said condition hidden, Viridi never read any books on how to care for babies and how the labor is going to go. Meaning she threw herself right into the cold water. It also didn't help that a certain white-winged tattle-tail had started the rumor that the Goddess had let herself go. Viridi clawed into the strong vines under her.

"Come on, Viridi. It's just for a couple of hours." Palutena said with a cheerful smile painted on to her lips. "Forget it!" Viridi snapped: "There is no way in hell that I will be under those useless, stupid monkeys! Not today, not in a million years!" The other goddess frowned: "What do you have to loose?" "Oh, I don't know. How about my dignity?" Viridi said, sarcasm dropping thickly from her lips like honey. Palutena sighed and the two fell silent for a couple of seconds then Palutena's face lit up again: "I know! You like parties, don't you?" The other one narrowed her eyes. Very carefully she said: "Yes. So?" "Pit said that the humans are planning a big party. Wouldn't that be fun? You don't even have to talk to anyone." A small but still determined snort escaped Viridi's throat. Why would she want to go to a party and then not talk to anybody. She was an very extroverted being after all. "Please, Viridi." "If I say yes, will you let me eat my breakfast in peace?"

The party was really big. There were certainly over two hundert humans dancing, standing at the small bar or just talking. Some were already drunk even though the sun didn't even touch the horizon yet. Both goddesses were disguised as normal humans for the occasion. Viridi looked like she was about 20 years old or so since it would be pretty weird to see a small girl at a party with alcohol - Looking back she was happy about such an "adult-disguise". The music wasn't bad, it had a nice beat. The air was filled with different voices and it smelled weirdly. "So?" Palutena asked with a huge smile on her face: "What do you think?" "It's weird." Viridi mumbled and the two sat down at a small, round table: "But, as much as I hate to admit it, it could be worse." Palutena leaned onto her hand as she sighed deeply: "I am not surprised." Suddenly a young human with dark, curly hair and a pair of dark green eyes, came to their table and smiled towards Viridi: "Well hello." The goddess couldn't help but blush even if, on the inside, she wanted hit herself with a hot iron rod for it: "Hello."

A knock at the door caused her to flinch and look towards the double door. Quickly she used her magic to cover herself with a blanket that hid most of her belly. "Come in!" She ordered. One of her commander came in. "Mistress Viridi, I wanted to inform you that Phosphora is waiting for her fortune." "Really?" Viridi turned to the outside again. Wouldn't she keep this kind of storm going until someone forced her to stop? The Goddess quickly cleared her throat and nodded towards Arlon: "Yes, of course, bring her to me as soon as possible." He bowed deeply and started turning to the door of the huge room but he stopped as soon as his hand touched the wood. He was visibly embarrassed: "How are you feeling?" Viridi arched an eyebrow and looked down at her servant/commander. "Pretty good, I guess. Why do you ask?" She used her magic yet again to float down to him, making sure her belly stayed hidden. "I am just asking. You seem... A bit different than normal." His voice spelled out the worry he felt. The goddess shook her head violently "I am fine! I am just a bit... On edge!" The servant flinched at the volume and nodded slightly. "And if you are believing Pit's stupid lies," Viridi continued: "then you are sadly mistaken!" Arlon nodded again and quickly exited the room to not anger the goddess even more. Viridi took a deep breath and sat down on her throne. Why was she lying? Arlon knew her almost as well as Phosphora. He knew what was up... "Hello, Mistress Viridi!" A bolt of blue lightning bursts into the room and stopped in front of Viridi. The Nature Goddess didn't even yelp or flinch. She was used to it by now. "Hello, Phosphora."

With a quick motion, the Lightning Goddess stretched out her right hand towards her older sister. "Can we hurry this up a bit? There is a certain angel I want to shock." Phosphora chuckled. Viridi nodded, took the others hand and retraced a few, random patterns on them. Since she was using both hands the blanket fell down her lap. "Woah, Viridi." Phosphora smirked: "Pit was right." "What?" "Come on, you know the gossip around you and your – hehe – weight." Viridi froze and looked up. Her face turned red that a Clobbler would get jealous. "Out!" The Goddess of Lightning blinked, clearly confused by the sudden outburst of her sister. "Get out!" The smaller goddess jumped on her feet causing the other one to flinch. Her purple eyes became round in fear. "This is an order, Phosphora! From your leader!"

Like a bolt of lightning, Phosphora stormed out of the room. The doors closed with a loud bang due to the wind that came with the speed. Viridi who only now noticed that she had jumped up, let herself fall on her throne again. Her hands were shaking violently. She had noticed those outbursts since that night that she had spent with that insignificant hairless-monkey. However... That one was more... Severe. A hot tear ran down her right cheek. There was no denying it anymore: She was scared. Scared of what's to come... The birth. And what happens after that? She was going to raise a child? Could she even do that? What if she wasn't ready? Viridi took a deep breath and leaned back. She needed to go somewhere. She didn't care where... She just needed to walk. The Goddess of Nature pushed herself out of the vine-made throne. "Viridi?" Her head shot up at the harsh, rather deep voice. The door had been opened again and an angel was standing in the hall now, eyeing her up. His red eyes were different somehow. Was that... Concern in his eyes? "What do you want, Dark Pit?" "I just saw Phosphora flying out."

The goddess wiped away her tears, hoping he wouldn't notice. "I... Yes, I am fine! Just peachy! How come you care all of the sudden?" The black-winged angel stepped closer. She noticed his eyes going from her face, to her belly and vise-versa. "What are you looking at?" The goddess turned away from him. Dark Pit didn't say anything, he just stepped closer and closer until there was just a mere step separating them. "Get out, Dark Pit!" Viridi almost screamed at him. "Be honest, Viridi. You're pregnant, aren't you?" The goddess didn't reply. "How long are you going to keep this lie alive? Until you break down during a meeting because of labor kicking in? Until there is a little child running through these halls? " As if waiting for a mention, Viridi felt a strong kick against the inner sides of her belly. "Get out, Dark Pit!" She repeated more urgent and angry: "Or do I have to use brute force?" He didn't even flinch at the threat. "Be honest, Viridi!"

The goddess bared her teeth or at least it looked like it. "How dare you talk to a goddess like that?" The angel hmpf-ed and his eyes went back to her belly, this time staying there. He growled: "Whatever." and stomped off. The small goddess felt another kick, this one way harder than the last. It was enough to make her draw in a sharp breath. The angel had just touched the wood of the door but as he heard it, he turned back. Viridi grunted and held her belly.

Dark Pit's eyes grew wide and round. Not letting another second go to waste, he sprinted out the throne room, to the one person who knew what to do. His surroundings turned into an ocean of oranges, reds and greens until he busted open a double door. Inside was a huge bed that would be enough for four fully grown men. On it lay a long-legged, thin man with a long mustache and a mystery novel in his hands. As the angel threw his doors open, Arlon looked up. "Ah hello young-" "Viridi... Baby... Throne Room..." Dark Pit gasped for breath after his sprint. Arlon didn't even bother to nod as he ran out his room and to the room that the black-winged angel had given him. Said angel took a few deep breaths before running after the servant. As the angel reached the throne room, it was empty. There was neither Viridi nor Arlon. Dark Pit whirled around and ran to Viridi's bedroom. The doors were grown shut with thick vines and branches growing from the inside. The vines and branches kept growing. Dark Pit stepped closer and pressed one ear against the wood while making sure to not get caught by the stuff. From inside he could hear Viridi moaning - almost screaming - in pain and Arlon speaking calmly, giving words of encouragement. At first he wanted to rush in but he figured that they didn't want someone just standing in the corner.

He would never show it but Dark Pit was ecstatic about the baby. He didn't know why but he liked babies. They were just so small and cute and- He shook his head violently to stop himself. Even if no one could read his mind – at least he hoped it was that way – Dark Pit was not going to dwell on this. Ever since he noticed how different and huffish Viridi behaved plus her weight-gain over the last nine months, he figured that something was up. He researched a bit through Palutena's library and found out what that something was. The months after that, he felt obligated to make sure Viridi was alright. And he got more and more excited. Though... The baby wasn't quite there yet so he figured that he shouldn't be cheery just yet.

Hours went by. Dark Pit had grabbed a chair and 3DS and headphones – just to be sure - before he sat down in the hall, near Viridi's bedroom. A bright light near him caught his attention. Palutena and his twin stepped out of the door that the goddess had created. The Goddess of Light's face was kinda pale as she turned to look at the door or what was barely visible from it because of the plants. While Palutena was visibly fretful and insecure, Pit had no idea what was going on. "Is she okay?" Palutena asked. Dark Pit shrugged: "I guess." A flash of blue came towards them and stopped: "Where is Viridi? Is she okay? I was in the throne room but she wasn't there." Phosphora looked at Dark Pit, who pointed to the door that was now completely behind vines and branches. Behind them the muffled sounds of Viridi and Arlon could be heard if one was close enough. Phosphora landed on the floor and stepped closer. "I think it would be better if we do not bother her right now." Palutena said. "But I am her sister. I have to be by her side." Pit looked at the Goddess of Lighting in confusion and surprise: "Wait! You two are sisters?" "Well yeah! Why else would I be her commander? Lightning had nothing to do with Nature and plants and all that stuff." Through the door the group heard Viridi yell in anger and pain: "When this is over, (...) get the Reset (...) Bomb Deport ready! (...) He will pay for this!" Her voice was broken off multiple times by panting. Pit jumped behind Palutena and hid behind her like a small child: "W-Who? Who i-is she talking about?" Dark Pit smirked at Pit's reaction. "I do not know, Pit." Palutena answered. "The guy who got her into this in the first place, of course!" The black-winged angel put his console on his lap to cross his arms. "What do you mean, Pittoo?" Dark Pit growled at the nickname like he did every time it was mentioned. "Pit... I am going to explain this to you. But not right now." Palutena looked at her angel who stepped beside her. "You have never talked with him about sex?" Phosphora lifted herself into the air and seemed to lay down on an invisible couch. She chuckled.

Another hour passed. Pit had gotten himself a chair as well and watched his twin play. Palutena walked up and down in front of the door while Phosphora was nothing more than a blue blur zipping from one end of the hall to the other. The vines started to grow along the walls as well. Then Arlon appeared in front of the door with a small, dark green bundle of blankets in his arms.