The soft clinking of metal echoes throughout the bedroom. Denki continues to mindlessly work on the strange puzzle he found in an abandoned box in his attic back home. A few pieces successfully click together, but it is difficult to make out what the final shape will be.

"Damn," Denki muttered to himself, "I didn't think a puzzle would be so difficult to figure out." He sighs, returning the pieces to the box and setting the puzzle on his desk. Reaching into the box, Denki retrieves the other items left to collect dust. There wasn't much else besides some books on ancient Egypt and a deck of the strangest playing cards he'd ever seen. He started to flip through the cards, trying to figure out what kind of game it was. Whatever it was, it seemed complicated, but Denki was determined to figure it out at some point. Any game with cool monsters had to be pretty kickass! Maybe he could try to add in some of his old Pokemon cards too. The games were probably similar enough, right?

"Wonder why this stuff was in the attic in the first place," Denki mused. He took another look at the puzzle pieces and decided to try to fit at least a couple more pieces tonight. Heck, he could probably sneak it into class if he was careful enough. Keeping his hands busy helped him focus better anyway. Tinkering with the pieces once again, Denki missed the faint glow of one piece in the box.

"Would you stop whatever it is you're doing? That stupid clinking is driving me crazy, idiot!" Jirou hissed.

"I've only got a few more pieces left," Denki whispered back. He shifted his gaze to Aizawa, checking if it was safe to continue. Seeing that the teacher hadn't noticed, Denki resumed his tinkering. Soon the lesson was finished and the class was dismissed for lunch.

"I don't know what that is, but you've been working on it all morning," Kirishima commented, studying the puzzle. "So far, it looks pretty cool, though!"

"I'm not really sure what it's supposed to be. I found it in an old box in the attic with some other stuff. It looks like there's some sort of writing on the box, but I hell if I could read it. Wish I knew what it said," Denki said, not looking up from the puzzle.

"I'm surprised. I'd have thought you were too much of an idiot to figure out something this complex," Jirou teased. She swiped one of the pieces from the box. "This eye makes it look creepy. Never took you for the type to like the occult. Figured that was more Tokoyami's thing."

"I think it's Egyptian. There were some books on ancient Egypt in the box," Denki responded, grabbing the piece back from Jirou.

"What if it's cursed?" Ashido asked. "Maybe it's from an old tomb! And if you finish it, you die!" She wiggled her fingers menacingly.

"Would you losers shut up? I'm trying to eat hear!" Bakugou growled. "Who cares about that dunce's stupid shit anyway?"

"See, this is why no one like you, 'Kacchan,'" Denki said rolling his eyes. "You have a shitty attitude and it just keeps getting worse."

"DON'T FUCKING CALL ME THAT!" Bakugou screamed, lunging across the table. Kirishima grabbed Bakugou, restraining him.

"Hey guys, I think lunch is over, so we should probably head back to class," Kirishima struggled to say, trying to keep a grip on a very angry Bakugou.

"I wonder what we're doing for Heroics today?" Sero wondered. Denki tuned out the rest of the conversation, focusing on the puzzle. There were only a few more pieces left!

"Hey! Kaminari! Were you even listening?" Denki was snapped out of his thoughts by Jirou punching him.

"Ow! What was that for?" Denki moaned, rubbing his arm.

"We're going off campus for a 'Trial of Rescue,'" Sero explained. "Everyone is getting on the buses now."

"We're going off campus? This should be interesting!" Denki was excited. They didn't get to leave campus often. He followed the others onto the bus, absentmindedly fiddling with the almost completed puzzle. As more pieces fit together, the eye started to glow faintly.

No one could have predicted what happened next.

"What are villains doing here? I thought UA was like, impossible to infiltrate!" Denki was panicking now. His classmates were split up and cornered by villains, and he could feel himself approaching his limit. Denki searched for something he could use as a weapon. Remembering the puzzle, he slipped it out of his pocket.

"Only one piece left. I could probably throw this. It's a pyramid, and made of metal. Not the best weapon, but it'll have to do," Denki muttered to himself. "I just wish I was strong enough to protect my friends!" Picking up the last piece of the puzzle, the eye, he slid it in place.

Everything faded to black.

A/N: I was super inspired by the artist Selephi, who drew the crossover comics that spawned this disaster. Check her out on Tumblr!