*Warning Level 4 Anthro*
Fro those who don't know what that means. It's MLP charters with hands and walking on two legs like humans. There may be some of you that understand this so look up "Anthro" on your own time.
For the first time in her life, Twilight was bored with books. She didn't think it was possible! She loved them, she adored books, she spent most of her life with her muzzle inside a book. But here she was in her library now slowly becoming bored out of her mind.
"Spike, I'm bored," Twilight says to the other occupant in the room.
Across from the Alicorn sat her dragon assistant/adopted baby brother was rearranging the shelves on the bookshelf. With purple scales and green fins upon his head. He turns to look at her. "Again? What about those books Princess Celesta sent you a while ago, did you read those to?" Asked the teenage dragon.
Looking back at the young Drake, seeing him in casual pants and a black hoodie. "Yeah, but I Finnish reading them all two days ago," she said as she stacked the book she tried reading next to her. It was one of Starswirls adventure stories that she read over a hundred times. Right on top of an astronomy and one of her Daring Doo books. Looking around at the walls and book cases made of crystal that she been living in for the last few years. After her old one got destroyed by Tirek. Only by herself and her friends sacrificing the elements of harmony and then having figured out the keys to the diamond shaped chest did they receive the power to defeat him. Also as an added bonus, she got this crystal castle.
Looking around at the crystal walls a thought crossed her mind. Has she actually seen all of her castle? It has been nearly two years and yet Twilight nor Spike has seen her whole castle.
Starlight Glimmer her student says she kept getting lost all the time when she first started living here.
"Spike, take a break when you're done rearranging, I'm going to go for a walk around and stretch my legs for a bit," Said Twilight as she got up from her spot at the table showing off her light blue tank top and navy blue skirt.
"Ok Twilight, have a nice walk," Spike said before going back to the shelf.
Walking out the library, she began once again exploring her home. One thing that she continued to see was the crystals. Crystal floors, crystal walls, crystal ceilings even the bathroom toilets was made out of crystals. If she didn't know any better if felt like she was ripping off Cadance and Shining Armor's crystal empire castle. Walking by the map room seeing no friendship problem arise she continued. Walking passed the dining room and the kitchen as she made her way down the hall.
Passing by her room and spikes, she continues on in till she sees Starlight Glimmer opening up her door with a book in her magic. Seeing the slender mare working hard at her studies of the magic of friendship. Seeing this brings her back memories of her time as Princess Celestia's personal student. She wore a dark lavender skirt similar to her own with a light green long sleeve shirt and brown vest on. But something felt off just by looking at her now. Twilight couldn't pinpoint it?
Starlight seeing her teacher moves to greets her. "Evening Princess, what are you doing up and about you usually in the library at this time of day?"
It's true. I always am in the library at this period of day every day. Maybe Dash and Rarity are right I do need to get out more.
"Just out stretching my legs a little. Also seeing if there is anything new I might have missed the first time I started exploring this place."
Twilight explained. Looking over to Starlight again, she figured out what made her different this morning.
"Starlight, are you trying out a new hairstyle?" Looking at her student's mane, it wasn't kept up in a high-up ponytail but lay flat and slightly curly at the end.
"Just thought to experiment this morning. Rarity says I should change my looks every once in awhile so here I am! Does it not look good? I messed it up didn't I?" She said worried tone.
Reaching out with a hand stopped Twilight stopped Starlight's ramp before she gets into it. "It is fine my student. It's your hair, and I won't tell you how you live with it. Besides its a good look for you." she said with a smile. With memories of how she to would get like that and still do some days.
"Thanks, princess."
"No problem Starlight. Wanna walk with me and see if there is anything new I might have missed in the castle?"
"Sure thing princess" And together they went. As the two walked on, they talked up about current events. Like Spikes changeling friend Thorax that still up in the crystal empire and the CMC first Griffin member Gabby. After a few minutes of walking, Twilight felt a odd cold breeze crawl up her spine that made her shiver.
"Whoa," the princess said looking around then to Starlight. "Did you feel that just now?"
"Feel what princess?" Starlight replied.
"That strange breeze just now. There was something off about it." Looking around again she spotted something strange. Over past Starlight and down the hall Twilight sees a door that is different than the others in her home. While others in her home were made of brown oak, this one looked to be made of rusted iron.
"I have never seen this door before?" Twilight says as she walks past a confused Starlight. The duo walked up to the metal door and looked it over. The door looked old, really old and the door looked like it stopped a couple of timber wolfs by the way its chipped in a few places. Just looking at it gave the mares a bad feeling but Twilight felt off about something. She felt magic behind this door. Old magic. Placing her hand on the door to get a closer feel of it the image of her cutie mark pops up on the door. And as quickly as it came it vanishes replaced by a flashing red and green strange mark one that she did not recognize. Before either of the mares could comment the door opens revealing a stone staircase leading down.
"I didn't know this place had a dungeon?" Twilight said. You learn something new about your home every day.
Looking over at her student "Starlight get Spike and go get my friends. I feel that they should be here for this. I'll stay and keep an eye on this"
Starlight nods her head then heads off to grab Spike.
About half, an hour later the the six mares and dragon are now walk up to the Twilight and the sealed staircase.
"Whoa" replied Pinkie and Rainbow Dash. Rarity had a look of disgust on her face at the sight of the stairwell. "Twilight dear, since when did you have a dungeon?" Rarity said with Fluttershy right behind her shaking like a leaf."Does it have to be so scary Twilight? And so dark?"
Pinkie was bouncing up on her hooves with a big smile on her face with Rainbow Dash looking Curiously down the dark staircase.
"Yeah Twi, when did you find the time to build one? " Rainbow Dash said
Applejack waking up in her regular workday artier looked over at Twilight seeing her with focused looked. Almost as she was deep in thought.
"Bit for your thoughts Sugarcube?" The apple mare said to her friend breaking her out of her train of thought.
"Just something doesn't feel right about this Applejack. There is something down there powerful and old."
Looking at all her friends seeing that she has everyone looking at her. "Something with dark magic."
Fluttershy shook even more with her mane covering her face. Starlight Spike and Rarity looked uneasy. Applejack and Rainbow Dash brows lowered with determent face on. Pinkie looked... where was Pinkie?
In Twilight vision she could literally see the outline flashing in front of her friend Pinkie Pie, but no Pinkie within.
"Pinkie!" The group said at once.
As one everpony and dragon looked to see a fluffy pink tail vanish down the staircase. Quickly following the pink mare the six mares and one dragon found the party mare at the bottom of the staircase with a wide eye jaw dropping face.
"Pinkie how many times have we told not to disappear on us like that?!" said Twilight to her pink friend.
Without even looking back at her Pinkie grabs her friends head and turns in to face what she was witnessing.
Twilight eyes widen at the sight before her and couldn't believe what she was seeing. A huge stone hall with unfamiliar architecture graced before them. The pillars were stone carvings of what looked like Knights clad in armor that she had never seen before. The stone ground looked old and beaten with a path leading forward up to some stairs. More strange symbols like the one shown on the iron or slimmer to it all over the walls. But that wasn't what everyone was looking at, no. They were looking at what was hang on the walls in between each of the pillars.
Upon on each of the walls was a skeleton hung by hooks. But not of a Pony or Griffin. They looked like a Minotaur's but WAY bigger to the point that it make Iron Will look like foul in comparison. They also looked like they been dead for a long time. Some either had a missing an arm or a leg and both. No smell of decomposer could be hinted, but it still didn't relieve the mares thoughts. For Twilight, she had been living here with all this under her hooves all this time and didn't even know it!
The mares were locked in place from the rest of the world staring at the most scariest room of their life's.
"Girls can we leave now please..." Fluttershy said in a very tiny scared voice.
One by one the girls quickly agreed, even Pinkie didn't like it down here. All except Twilight who remained silent when the group started backing up to the staircase that brought them down here. Applejack noticed the book worm not moving.
"Aren't you coming to Twi?" Said the farm mare. Everyone else stopped to see their friend hadn't moved from her spot.
Not hearing a reply from her friend and feeling a sense of uneasiness, the farm mare reached out to the young alicorn.
Just when Applejack has about reached her friend, Twilight moved forward down the stone path on the ground.
"Twilight, where are you going?" asked the dragon.
"Princess Twilight!" Starlight called out to her teacher, but it seams to fell on deaf ears.
As Twilight moved onward, her friends could only stare. The closer she got to the center of the room the less darker shaded the room became. By the time she reached what appear to be the center of the chamber fire looking out alone the line of torches out along the wall. With the fire lighting up the room the darkness lifted revealing the other side of the hall.
A set of stars was present leading up to a crumpled stone thrown where several figures stood fast.
The rest of the group caught up to their lavender friend with Rainbow Dash flying in front of her.
"Twilight! What's has gotten into you?" Dash said as she shook her friend snapping her out of her trance.
"Wha- what is that?" Twilight let out. Rainbow was turning around to see what her friend was looking at. Right behind the stone chair seemed like something she would only read about in Darning Doo. A sarcophagus.
"Is that a-" Before Dash could finish her sentence Pinkie appeared next to the big "Pinkie!"
Pinkie Pie looked back at Rainbow Dash and giggled. "Oh Dashie, that's not what it called it's a sarcophagus silly."
She said taking her hand and knocking on top of it.
"Uh, Pinkie? Would you kindly... stop doing that... It's... Um, impolite to knock on someponys... Grave" Fluttershy says in a small voice.
Applejack, Rarity, and Starlight agreed with Fluttershy on that.
Spike wasn't paying less attention to Pinkie and more to the cool looking stone statues that were around them. He counted six of them on the stairway that most of the girls were on and another behind the sarc- sarcco- tomb, behind the tomb. Thou it was that one that caught the dragon's curiosity. While the staircase statues looked like really cool knights with plated armor. This one looked more like something of the dragon's space pony comic books.
Also, it was on a raised pedestal. With what looked to be a podium and a book resting on top.
"Hey Twilight, there's a book over here," Spike called out.
Gaining the book Princess attention with the word "book" was said, along with the rest of the gang. They made over to what Spike was seeing. And low and behold a book was right there. Twilight knelt down done getting a closer look at it. The book looked like the size of a textbook with a dark brown binding that looked ancient, with a cover that looked just so along with that symbol that was on the door on top of the stairs. 'What is it?' The princess of friendship kept thinking of what means. 'Someponys cutie mark perhaps?'
Picking it up, much to the protests of others. It was much heavier then-then a textbook. More like four textbooks. If Twilight weren't an alicorn, she would have been having much more trouble lifting it up as a regular unicorn. With her thumb, she wanted to feel the paper pages. Instead, she got really cold metal. Turning the book on its side, she fond not paper but metal sheets looking about two centimeters thick per page.
Looking back at her friends Twilight stood up to face them."Let's head back and see what this is back at the castle throne room." she said to her friends. Holding up the book to them.
"This should tell us why there's a tomb in my basement."
This was a story that I wrote a while back that I posted on another site. I'll be posting these weekly so stay tune. Review to tell me what you all like about this idea.