Sonic and the Freedom Fighters
Chapter 1: Reunion

Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit fan-based work of fiction. All characters portrayed in this story, unless specified otherwise, belong to SEGA.


It was a peaceful day in Knothole. Ever since Robotnik was defeated 3 years ago, things have gradually taken a turn for the better. The rest of Robotnik's robots were destroyed, his lackeys were imprisoned, and the Mobians that were roboticized were returned to flesh and blood. Now that everything was back to normal, the citizens of Knothole could finally relax - all except one certain girl, that is.

Princess Sally Acorn was pacing anxiously around her room. A week ago, Rotor had finished building a transporter to allow Sally and the rest of the Freedom Fighters to reunite with Sonic, but it was still untested and he needed to make sure that it was safe for use. After a week of waiting with no word from Rotor regarding the transporters progress, Sally had become rather impatient.

Finally at her wits' end, she sighed in extreme frustration. "When will Rotor finish testing that stupid transporter?" Sally growled. "I'm sick of all this waiting."

"Sally, I think you should calm down." Nicole, Sally's handheld AI, said. "Complaining about the situation isn't going to solve it."

"I'd calm down if I could." Sally replied. "It's just-"

"This is about Sonic, isn't it?"

Sally stared in surprise at the handheld computer sitting on her bedside table. Ever since Rotor had modified Nicole to have a better understanding of emotions, she became better at reading people, especially Sally. Sighing, Sally sat down on the side of her bed.

"Sonic said that he was going to find out if Robotnik had any secret plans after his disappearance, but that was three years ago." Sally said. "What if something happened to Sonic? What if he's forgotten all about us?" She sobbed, a tear running down her cheek.

"Sally, I highly doubt Sonic has forgotten about you." Nicole said comfortingly. "Besides, if Robotnik hasn't been back to try and take over Knothole, it means that Sonic is perfectly fine."

"I know, but-" Sally started.

"Sally." Nicole interrupted. "Sonic is very fond of you. He won't forget about you."

Sally smiled, realizing that Nicole was right. The conversation had helped her take her mind of the transporter, but it didn't stop her from thinking about the blue hedgehog she missed dearly. When he told her that he was going to see what the mad dictator/scientist was up to, she wanted to go with him, but he was able to convince her to stay behind, saying that it would be too dangerous and he didn't want to see her get hurt.

She could remember that day like it was yesterday.


3 years ago - Knothole Outskirts

"Please, Sonic." Sally sobbed. "You don't have to do this."

"Sal, you know better than anyone how much of a threat Robotnik is." Sonic replied. "If I don't go after him, he could come back stronger than ever."

"I... I know that, but..."

"What's wrong, Sal?"

"I just..." She said, on the brink of tears. "I just don't want to lose you."

"Wait, that's what you're worried about?" Sonic said, his signature cocky grin spread across his muzzle. "Don't worry, Sal. It'll take more than Ro-butt-nik to beat me."

"Sonic, you know that doesn't help!" Sally said, turning her head away from him in frustration. Sonic's smirk turned to a look of surprise and shock at Sally's outburst, then to a calm, serious look as he gently placed one hand on her arm and turned her head to face him with the other. Sally's stern expression quickly softened when she saw Sonic's serious look. She had never seen him this serious before.

"Sally, I'll be careful." Sonic said. "I promise." Sally didn't respond, she just looked down sadly. "Tell you what." Sonic said after a few seconds of silence, getting Sally's attention. "If I don't find Robotnik within a month, or if I find out he doesn't have any secret plans or anything, I'll come straight back to Knothole."

"You promise?" She asked.

"I promise." And with that, Sally wrapped her arms around Sonic's neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Sonic was surprised at first, but quickly closed his eyes and returned the kiss. After what felt like hours, the two slowly and reluctantly separated.

"Good luck, Sonic the Hedgehog." Sally said as she stepped back a little and smiled encouragingly. Sonic flashed her one last smile before turning around and running at top speed out of Knothole. Sally watched him, confident that her hero would return.

{End flashback}

After reminiscing, the 17-year-old princess looked at herself and realized how much she had changed. Apart from being slightly taller, she now wore a white tank top, white gloves and blue shorts, alongside her signature blue jacket and boots. She wondered if Sonic would recognize her if he saw her.

The sound of her door opening snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked up to see her best friend, Bunnie Rabbot. Like Sally, Bunnie's appearance had changed quite a bit. She had grown her hair out to about shoulder-length, she now donned a brown cowboy hat and jacket, and her robotic limbs were now far sleeker, the latter due to Rotor's maintenance to allow her limbs to keep up with the rest of her body growth-wise.

"Hey, Sally-girl!" She greeted in her trademark southern accent.
"Bunnie!" Sally shrieked in excitement, jumping off of the side of her bed. "Has Rotor finished testing the transporter yet?"

"Sure has." Bunnie replied. "The thing's safe to use, so Ah came to see if y'all were-" She was cut off as Sally grabbed Nicole and a light brown backpack and rushed out the door in a flash, leaving Bunnie stunned and staring at the doorway for a moment.

"After you." She muttered to herself before following.

Within seconds, Sally reached Rotor's house/workshop, but stopped just in front of the door. She took a few seconds to calm herself down before opening the door. Upon entering, she saw Rotor sitting in front of the computer. Like Sally and Bunnie, Rotor's appearance had changed over the years. He was now taller and slimmer, and wore yellow goggles, yellow fingerless gloves and grey and white shoes with yellow cuffs.
"Hello, Rotor." Sally said. "I hear the transporter is ready."

"Yeah, it is." Rotor replied. Sally walked up to a large cylindrical machine. "When you're ready, just step inside."

Without hesitation, Sally stepped inside the transporter. She looked around at the interior of the machine as the doors closed behind her. After a few seconds, the interior began to fill up with light, and Sally closed her eyes as she let the light envelop her.

When she opened her eyes again, she found herself still inside the transporter, wondering if it worked at all. When the doors opened, however, she found that she was in a completely different room. When she stepped out of the transporter, she was pleasantly surprised to see a familiar yellow twin-tailed fox.

"Aunt Sally!" Tails cried as he rushed to her and hugged her.

Sally smiled as she hugged him back. She was happy to see Tails after he left to find Sonic. "It's good to see you again, Tails. I missed you." She said.

"I missed you too, Sally." Tails replied as they separated from their embrace. Sally then started to look around the room anxiously. Tails immediately guessed what, or rather, who, she was looking for.

"Sonic's not here right now, but he should be back any minute." Tails said.

"That's okay, Tails. I wanted to surprise him anyway." Sally replied with a wink.

-Eggman's Base-

Meanwhile, Sonic was currently in the heat of battle with his arch-enemy, Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik. The mad doctor was seated in his Egg Mobile, which was equipped with two giant mechanical arms, which he was trying to crush Sonic with. But Sonic, being the fastest thing alive, effortlessly dodged all of Eggman's attacks.

"Too slow, Eggman!" Sonic taunted as he jumped over Eggman's futile attempt to grab him.

"Then make this easy on both of us and stay still, you little blue rodent!" Eggman shouted as he tried to crush Sonic with the left arm, only to have the blue hedgehog sidestep out of harm's way.

"Stay still? Not a chance!" retorted Sonic, Spin Dashing through the shoulder of the mechanical left arm, completely destroying it.

"Why you...!" Dr Eggman growled.

"Just give up, Egghead. You can't win." Sonic said.

"I'm not giving up yet, Sonic!" Eggman replied. "I can still clobber you with one arm!" He then tried to punch Sonic with the right arm, causing Sonic to backflip out of the way.

"You always want to do it the hard way." Sonic said to himself as he charged up his Spin Dash, and burst through the right arm, leaving a large hole and causing it to short circuit. "No, no, no, NO!" Eggman desperately shouted.

The right arm exploded, sending the Egg Mobile flying and knocking Eggman out of it. When he landed, Eggman tried and struggled to get up as Sonic walked up to him.

"I'll be honest, Eggman. I think this has to be your worst attempt yet." Sonic said with a bit of boredom in his voice. Eggman only growled in anger as a response.

"Catch ya later, Egghead." Sonic said as he rushed out of Eggman's lair using his signature super speed. After he left, Eggman got back up on his feet.

"I'll get you next time, Sonic." Eggman said to himself. "And when I do, you're not gonna know what hit you!"

-Emerald Town-

Sonic was now racing through the streets of Emerald Town. Since Eggman had become more active within the area, Sonic and Tails decided to live there for the time being.

"Eggman's plans have been getting worse and worse every time." Sonic said to himself. "It's like he's not even trying anymore."

Sonic suddenly skidded to a halt in front of Tails' house. It was a simple, yellow, two-floor house that the young fox built himself. He was about to go in when...


Sonic turned around to find the source of the strangely familiar voice, and gasped in shock when he saw the 17-year-old princess and tactician Sally Acorn.


Sally ran up to Sonic and hugged him. Though shocked at first, Sonic quickly returned the embrace. "It's good to see you again, Sonic." Sally said, her voice cracking slightly. "It's been so long."

"I missed you so much." Sonic whispered.

"I missed you too." Sally replied, pulling him into a passionate kiss. The kiss only lasted about a minute, but to them it felt like hours had passed.

When they separated, the two stared at each other lovingly. "We have a lot of catching up to do." Sally whispered.