A/N: I must be crazy to be starting yet another Kingdom Hearts Fic along side three others. Why must I torment myself with my ideas that I can't wait to get out?
Anyway here's a little background on this particular story. This is actually a complete redo of a very old fanfic I wrote years ago, long before I even had a Fan Fiction account. The original was written in a screenplay format with not much detail as to what was happening. Needless to say I think it's aged poorly. I had attempted to rewrite it in a novel-like format on Deviantart, but I soon grew bored of writing essentially the exact same story just with update details, started putting off updating it more and more, and then by the time the KH3 trailers started rolling out one by one, I felt like some of my old concepts were outdated, and the direction it was going just no longer works in my mind. However, I didn't want to flat out abandon it partially because it was the first fanfic I ever wrote, but mostly because it shares a connection with the fanfic of another author, which I won't talk about here.
As such, I decided to give this story a complete overhaul, redoing the plot from ground up. I've been planning to do this since about July 2018, but wanted to wait until after KH3 came out before starting. I hope I can make it a better story then it used to be.
With that, here's the prologue of my Keyblade Princess rework!
Prologue: A New Light
On a world deep in the Realm of Light, in a place known as the Luminous Highlands, a religion known as Harmonism is practiced. This religion worships the Goddess of Harmony, Cosmos, caretaker of the afterlife known as Elysium. Harmonism has been a way of life in these highlands since the ancient times of the War of the Champions centuries ago, when a battle between Harmony and Discord took place.
At the very center of this religion, resting at the base of a mountain and surrounded by a forest, was a town called Eveston, where an order of warriors called the Knights of Harmony was established to keep the peace in these lands. In this town, was an ancient shrine that also served as the town's church. Within this shrine was the statue of the goddess herself, depicted as a woman with long hair, wearing a long gown and a tiara with a veil. What stood out the most about this statue was the crystal orb it held in its hands, though no one today is sure what its purpose it.
At this moment, the Harmonists were in the shrine for their afternoon routine of praising their motherly goddess. Though today was a special occasion, for a baptism ceremony was about to begin, where anyone ages seven and up could officially join the faith. Little did anyone know, today was gonna bring them more then just new brothers and sisters.
The head priest of the church stood at his stand before reciting the Harmonist phrase, "May the light forever shine upon you all."
"And you!" the crowd replied.
"And now fellow children of Cosmos, as you are all aware, today is a momentous occasion. For it is the day we welcome five new individuals into the house of Harmonism." The priest gestured a hand towards the five individuals in question. One appeared to be a teenager, one was an adult, and three were seven-year-old children. The children were also accompanied by their parents. All five of them wore a white tunic design specifically for this ritual. "Some are lost souls seeking solace in the light of our goddess, while others are children who have come of age and wish to officially follow their family tradition. Now it is time for the baptism." He then turned to the statue of the goddess and raise his staff.
The eyes of the statue glowed as the floor in front of it began to split open. The opening revealed what appeared to be a pool of water. The priest continued, "When I call your name, step into the holy spring and you will be blessed by Cosmos's light, and you will become one of us, part of our faith, and part of our family." With that the he began calling names and one by one each individual took a quick dip into the holy spring.
One of the seven-year-old children, a girl with silver hair, looked restless as she awaited her turn. Her mother, a pink-haired woman in a cleric attire, kneeled down and whispered to her, "Nervous?"
The girl looked up at her mother with a bright smile. "Excited," she whispered back. "I'm gonna be a real Harmonist like you."
Her father, a silver-haired man clad in armor, patted the girl's head before saying, "I'm gonna ask you one last time: Are you sure you want this?"
"Of course, Papa. After everything you taught me about Cosmos's love, why wouldn't I want this?"
The father chuckled softly. "As long as it's your heart's desire."
"Mizuhime Tenshi!" the priest called the last new follower.
The mother giggled. "You turn, Mizu."
The girl nodded before she approached the holy spring. When she got in front of it, she put her hands together as her bare feet dipped into the water. She walked deeper into the spring until she was deep enough to where she could sit on her knees, take a deep breath, and covered her face as she dipped the rest of herself in the water. When she rose back out of the water, there was a round of applause.
However, that applause was cut short when something unexpected happened. The water young Mizu sat in suddenly started glowing a golden light, causing the girl to stand up in surprise. Something in her chest then starting glowing as well. She put her hand on her heart in confusion as she began emitted strange sparkles of light that then flew into the crystal orb that the goddess statue held, which then started flashing a golden light. Then the statue surprisingly moved as though it were alive, though it only moved enough to release the orb in its hands. The orb then floated in the air in front of the girl. Mesmerized by the sight in front of her, Mizu reached out her right hand and touched then orb, which reacted by glowing so brightly that everyone had to shield their eyes.
Once the light dimmed, the girl moved her arms away from her eyes, and the first thing she noticed was that a glowing mark appeared on the back of her right hand, a golden mark in the shape of a heart with a pair of wings. Having no idea where the mark came from, she looked back at the orb, only to find that it was gone, and in its place was a glowing creature floating in the air. The creature looked like a white rabbit, except its ears seemed to be replaced by gold wings, and it had a gold cottontail. For a moment, it appeared to be asleep, until its gray eyes started to open. It seemed to do a few quick stretches, before rubbing its eyes and looking at the girl before it.
"By Cosmos," the priest muttered to himself as he observed the creature.
After a moment of curious staring, the rabbit creature spoke, "A child woke me up?" She seemed to inspect the child. "So young, and yet you have a strong pure light within you. What is your name?"
Mizu couldn't help but stare in awe, but she managed to find her words. "M-my name is Mizuhime Tenshi, M-Mizu for short."
"Mizu..." The creature tilted her head to the side before nodding. "I like that name. My name is Lumina, Spirit of Harmony, and Messenger of Cosmos." She seemed to do an aerial bow. "It is an honor to meet you, my new master."
The spirit seemed to giggle. "Of course! It was you who woke me from my long slumber. You see that mark on your hand? That means I am bound to you for as long as you live, and my power will be yours to command."
The girl looked at her mark again in awe. She then looked back Lumina before reaching out her hand and petting the spirit's head. She then let out a giggle as she suddenly pulled the rabbit into her arms. "You're so cute!"
"Ugh!" Lumina had never received this kind of affection before, so being cuddle by a little girl like this caught her off guard. "Mizu! Maybe not so tight!"
While all this was going on, all the other people in the cathedral were muttering at each other, trying to understand what just happened. Mizu's parents couldn't help but look at each other, stunned by this sudden turn of events.
The priest then tapped his staff on the floor to get everyone's attention. "Brothers and Sisters! We've have bore witness to a great miracle! Our goddess's messenger, Lumina has awoken! And she has chosen a new Champion of Cosmos! Our next savior has come at last." He kneeled down and bowed to Mizu.
Mizu tilted her head in confusion. "Savior? Champion of Cosmos?" She then looked all around her to see that nearly everyone in the church was now bowing to her. She blushed. She honestly didn't know how to feel about this. She turned to her parents who had approached her with smiles on their faces. They pulled her out of the holy spring before pulling her into a loving embrace.
Mizu was overwhelmed by the attention, but felt content in her parents' arms.
Later that evening, Mizu, now wearing a lavender dress, sat on the fountain with her parents, and Lumina floating above the girl.
Little Mizu stared at her mark, which was no longer glowing but still visible. "I still can't believe I'm supposed to be some kind of savior," she said. "I...don't even know what all this stuff means."
The father then pointed her to the statue in the middle of the fountain, depicting a man clad in armor with a cape and a horned helmet, holding a sword and shield. "You know who that is, Mizuhime?"
The girl looked at the statue. "Of course! That's Cid Lufaine, the Warrior of Light who defended this land from Garland."
"And he was also the first Champion of Cosmos."
"He was?"
"That's right!" Lumina chimed in. "He was first one I chose after Lady Cosmos created me! And now you, Mizu, are my second!"
The father then picked the girl up. "You see, my side of our family are said to be direct descendants of Cid himself. His blood runs through our veins. It honestly doesn't surprise me that someone from our bloodline was chosen once again."
"Ah, but her bloodline had nothing to do with it! It was the pure light in her heart that awakened me! She's quite special!"
Mizu couldn't help but blush at the praise. "So what am I suppose do as a... Champion of Cosmos?"
The father thought for a moment. "Well, that remains to be seen at the moment. All I know is that it's been prophesied that whoever awakens Lumina is supposed to be a light of hope in the coming dark times. But there is a stepping stone I can point you to. You see that mountain peak right up there. There's an entrance to a cavern that serves as a rite of passage for only the best of our knights to become paladins."
"Like you, Papa?"
"Yes, like me. But the shrine at the end is also said to hold a sacred artifact that apparently only Lumina's chosen can obtain: The Amulet of Harmony."
"I remember that amulet. Cid, with the help of an alchemist, forged it to help him better control the Power of Harmony I bestowed upon him."
"One day, Mizu, you will climb that mountain, enter that cavern, and retrieve the amulet. I have a feeling whatever task awaits you, you will need its power to help you accomplish it."
The mother then stood up and patted her daughter's head. "But you won't have to worry about that until you're older, Sweetheart. No way we're sending you into such a dangerous place unprepared."
Mizu had mixed feelings about the whole thing. On one hand, she always wanted to be a holy knight like her father, as it's been kind of a family tradition for generations, and she wanted to be a protector of the people when she grew up. But on the other hand, the whole Champion of Cosmos stuff was a little overwhelming. "Do you really think I can do it?"
The father chuckled. "I know you can. You're our daughter after all. And you've been given a great honor. You still wanna be a holy knight like your old man, don't you?"
Mizu smiled. "Of course I do!"
"Then we'll start there. I'll make sure you're ready for anything."
"Now now, Mizuki," the mother lightly chastised her husband, "let's not be hasty. Chosen one or not, she's still a child right now. She needs time to enjoy being young while it lasts."
Mizuki chuckled. "Right, sorry about that Sakura."
"I have to admit," said Lumina. "I certainly didn't expect to be awoken by someone her age. But the potential is there, for she wouldn't have been able to otherwise. And I believe she will be a strong champion when she grows up."
Mizu thought for a minute before smiling cheerfully. "I'll do it! I'll be the best champion ever!"
"That's our girl!"
Then a new voice approached. "It warms my heart to see such dedication to a great honor."
Mizuki looked to see the priest. "Ah, Father Christopher! What can I do for you?"
"I am in need of some escorts, Captain Mizuki."
The paladin handed his daughter to his wife. "Certainly, Your Excellency! May I ask where you are headed?"
"To Abelton," answered Christopher.
"Abelton?" asked Sakura. "That's way on the other side of the Materia Mountains. What's going on?"
"It has come to my attention that there is a child residing there on his own, and may be being treated...unfairly by the citizens."
Mizuki crossed his arms in concern. "How unfairly are we talking?"
The priest thought for a second. "Let me put it to you this way: I've recently been sent requests from that town to deal with a 'demon child' who they claim killed the priestess that was stationed there."
"That's...disturbing news," said Mizuki.
Christopher nodded. "I've been out of contact with that priestess for more than seven years, and now see why."
"Is there even any truth to this?" asked Sakura. "I mean, it just seems like an awful thing to accuse a child of."
"That's what I intend to find out. I wish to personally investigate these claims and meet this so called 'demon child' myself. If I see that these claims are unfounded, I shall either enlighten the citizens or bring child here where I'm certain this treatment will not be continued."
Mizuki nodded with a serious expression. "Of course, Your Excellency! I'll gather a few men and we'll set out in the morning!"
However before anything could be done, a crowd of frightened screaming could be heard. They turned to see that citizens are running scared. They then saw the cause. It was a bunch of dark creatures. Some were pitch black shadowy beings, others were blue humanoids with red claws, steel helmets, and ominous black and red heart shaped symbols.
Mizuki's eyes narrow. "These demons again?" These creatures have been a frequent nuisance in the last few decades. While they had yet to learn their proper name, they weren't anything the holy knights couldn't handle. He put on his helmet and turned to his wife. "Sakura, take Mizu home!"
"Of course, Honey!" Sakura then carried Mizu away.
Lumina started to follow, but decided to stay and observe, so she hid behind the statue.
Mizuki then turned to the priest. "Father Christopher, the Knights will handle this."
"Of course." Christopher then fled to the shrine.
Mizuki then summoned a sword then a shield just as his fellow knights gathered next to him. "Alright, Knights of Harmony! Let's vanquish these monsters!"
It was a relatively easy fight, as the knights have gotten use to these things. Most of the holy knights just hacked away at them, while Mizuki, being a paladin, fended them of with his power of light; whether it be throwing particles of light, firing beams form his shield, of launching energy waves from his sword.
Soon, it appeared as though the monsters were gone, and they were just about to celebrate...
...Until a deep voice caught their attention. "Not bad for a bunch of holy knights!" They turned to see a large man with red eyes, messy black hair, and a thick beard. He wore black gauntlets and greaves, and a purple cape and loin cloth. His upper arms, chest, and abs were bared, showing of a very muscular physique and his dark tattoos. "Afraid it won't be good enough."
"Who are you?" asked Mizuki.
"I am Thaddeus Tomahawk...of the Cult of Chaos."
"Cult of Chaos? Are you responsible for these demons?"
"In a way, yes! While they often act on their own instincts, we however are capable of commanding them." Thaddeus gestures a hand and more of those creature appeared next to him. "Quite interesting creatures, these Heartless, aren't they?"
"Heartless? That's what they're called."
"They are born from the darkness of men's hearts, ever seeking to capture new hearts. Darkness made real. They are simple yet useful creatures on their own. However, add the Power of Discord to them..." his hand then started glowing a dark red. Soon every Heartless became covered by a red aura, and their yellow piercing eyes suddenly turned a magenta color. "...and they become a real force of destruction!" He then sicked the powered up creatures on them.
This fight did not go as well. The Heartless were much more aggressive, and considerably stronger. What's worse is that the knights found that their weapons were completely ineffective. Even Mizuki's light attacks were barely damaging them. It got worse when the Shadows and Soldiers were joined by Neoshadows, as the knights were quickly falling one by one.
Mizuki found himself surrounded, when Lumina came out of hiding and flew to the captain's shoulder. She then started glowing a gold light which quickly spread onto him. Mizuki felt a surge of power coursing through him. One of the Shadows jump up to attack him, only to be struck down by his sword in one swing. Mizuki was surprised by this but quickly focused as he cut down each heartless one by one. Soon he stabbed his sword into the ground, and a few beams of light finished off the rest of them.
Thaddeus glared at the paladin and spirit. "So, Lady Evol was right! The Messenger of Cosmos has awakened! And is already spreading her Power of Harmony!"
Mizuki looked at his gold aura again. "So this is the Power of Harmony?"
The dark warrior then summoned a large dark battle axe. "And now you will hand over the Princess of Heart that awakened her!"
"Princess of Heart?"
"One of seven maidens whose hearts are pure light. According to my mistress, only one such heart could've possibly awakened the Spirit of Harmony. I won't ask again, hand over Lumina's champion and I might let you live."
The paladin narrowed his eyes, knowing that this man was basically after his daughter. "I won't let you let you lay a finger on her!"
Thaddeus chuckled. "Don't be a fool. Even with the Power of Harmony, your inexperience with it can't hope to match my Power of Discord."
Mizuki then glanced at the spirit. "Lumina! Tell my family to leave this town immediately! Tell them to flee into the forest, and not wait up for me!"
Lumina showed great reluctance. "But Sir Mizuki..."
"Their lives are more precious than mine, and you know it! Now go!"
The spirit lowered her head in sadness knowing he was right. "Please be safe..." she said as she disappeared in a flash of light, using her connection to Mizu to teleport right to her.
Mizuki readied his sword and shield. "As captain of the Knights of Harmony, by the will of Cosmos, I will smite you where you stand!"
Thaddeus smirked. "Just try it!"
Mizu was clutching her mother in apprehension. While she knew her papa was a strong man, she couldn't help but get this strange feeling that something terrible was gonna happen.
Then Lumina appeared in a flash of light. "Mizu! Sakura! We have to leave now!"
"Leave?" asked Sakura. "What's going on?"
"Some warrior from a group called the Cult of Chaos is commanding those creatures!"
The mother gasped at this. "Cult of Chaos?! As in the God of Discord Chaos?!"
"The man can use the Power of Discord so it must be. But worst yet, they're after Mizu!"
Mizu gasped. "Me?! But why!"
The spirit lowered her head in shame. "I'm sorry, but they want you because me. They know about my awakening and they're after my chosen one. If we don't get out of here, they'll find you, and... who knows what they'll do to you!"
Sakura put her hand up to her heart. "What about Mizuki?"
"He's fighting the commander as we speak. He said to flee into the forest, and not to wait up for him."
The mother showed great reluctance in leaving her husband behind, but she knew that he'd never forgive her if she didn't follow this important request. "Alright!" she said as she summoned a magic staff. "We're getting out of here!"
"But what about Papa?" asked Mizu.
Sakura couldn't but worry about whether or not they'd see him again, but she had to keep her daughter as calm as possible. "He's gonna be okay, Sweetheart. He'll catch up to us."
Lumina then hopped on Sakura's shoulder. "Here! You'll need this power to fight against the Discord powered monsters!" She passed her power to the woman, covering her in the same golden light.
Sakura looked at the power she was given before saying, "Thank you, Lumina."
Thaddeus brought his axe down onto the paladin.
"Shield of Light!" Mizuki shouted as he raise his shield, which was glowing white. Then as soon as the axe collided with the shield, Thaddeus found himself blasted back by a beam of light.
Thaddeus then raised his hand. "Swords of Desolation!" He summoned fusillade of energy swords and threw them at the paladin.
Mizuki deflected and dodged the blades. He then charged energy into his sword. "Luminous Shard!" He swung his sword, unleashing a wave of light at the dark warrior, who deflected it with his axe. He then dashed over to him and clashed with him a few time before manage to swipe him in his bare chest. It barely made a scratch.
Thaddeus then kicked the knight away, before managing his wound as though it was nothing. "It's been a long time since anyone has ever been able to leave so much as a scratch on me," he said. "Looks like its true that Harmony is a perfect counter to Discord." He then charged energy into his axe. "Too bad the opposite in also true, and your power is still weak compared to mine." He raised his weapon high in the air. "Chaos Crusher!" He slammed his axe onto the ground, creating a dark straight-line shockwave along the ground, leave a fissure in its path.
Mizuki charger light energy into his sword and lower the blade to the ground behind him. "Shining Wave!" He dragged the blade forward along the ground, unleashing a shockwave of his own, were beams of light arose in its path.
Both shockwaves collided with each other, trying to overpower one another. Soon, the Chaos Crusher overtook the Shining Wave, and blasted the paladin, knocking his helmet off his head and shattering much of his armor.
Mizuki struggled to get up. He's...too strong... He thought. No...I can't...let it end here! He managed to stand on his feet, albeit shaky.
"I'm impressed you're still able to stand," said Thaddeus. "But you've wasted enough of my time. Give up now!"
The holy knight held out his hand. "Pearl!" he said weakly, as a particle of blue light shot out of his palm.
The cultist just deflected the attack. "So you'd rather die a warrior's death," he said. "I can arrange that." He then raised his hand. Soon something erupted from the ground behind Thaddeus. It looked like a giant swarm of Shadow and Neoshadow Heartless clustered together in a flying shapeshifting cloud of darkness, and powered by discord as the cloud has countless magenta eyes. "Chaos Tide! Ravage this entire town, starting with this knight!"
The Chaos Tide rose high into the air before it came down towards the weakened warrior. Mizuki gritted his teeth as he raised his sword and gave out a battle cry as he met the Tide head on.
Meanwhile, Father Christopher stood outside the Shrine of Cosmos. He had been feeling a very ill omen since shortly after Lumina's awakening. He had hoped it he was just being paranoid, but now a sense of dread was plaguing his mind. Something terrible was happening, he was certain of it now.
It was at that moment when spotted the cluster of darkness in the sky, and his sense of dread magnified.
"By Cosmos!" he said.
Before he knew it, the cluster had soared back into town and start destroying everything in site.
And the last thing the priest saw was the Chaos Tide swarming right onto him.
Sakura ran through the forest, carrying Mizu in her arms, and Lumina flying behind. Soon they found themselves surrounded by Shadow and Solder Heartless, powered by Discord. The cleric put her daughter down as she summoned her staff.
Soon all the Heartless jumped up to them, only for Sakura to jab her staff on the ground. "Reflect!" she shouted as a barrier surround them, and upon impact the Heartless were blasted into oblivion. When the dust settled, a Neoshadow appear and charged at them. But the cleric pointed her staff at it. "Pearl!" She shot a particle of blue light, which pierced through the creature, turning it to dust.
One then tried to sneak up on them from behind, but Lumina caught it and generated an orb of gold light in front of her. "Luminous Sphere!" She threw it at the creature, which exploded on contact.
Soon some Red Nocturnes, Blue Rhapsodies, and Yellow Operas appeared at started casting fire, ice, and lightning magic at them. One fire spell came at Mizu, but Lumina casted a gold barrier around herself and blocked it. Sakura and Lumina were able to fend them off pretty well.
Little Mizu had stepped towards a tree, trying to get away from the action while not straying too far from her mother. Unfortunately, a Soldier leapt next to her and scratch her with its claws. She cried out in pain as she fell to the ground.
The cleric heard her daughter's cry and saw that she had been hurt. "Mizu!" She then raise her staff up high and charged a lot of light. "Faith!" Beams of light then rain onto all the Heartless in the area, obliterating them all. She then pointed at her daughter. "Cura!" A green light shone on Mizu, whose wounds were healed instantly. Sakura then ran up to her and kneeled. "Are you alright, Mizu!?"
Mizu couldn't help but shiver. "Mama...I'm scared!"
"It's gonna be okay, darling! We're gonna b-" Sakura was cut off mid-sentence when she was suddenly struck from behind by a flying dark axe. She gasped with a shocked expression. Her body started slowly glowing brighter and brighter as she fell over, until she landed on the ground and bursted into sparkles of light in an instant.
Mizu witnessed the whole thing, a look of shock plastered on her face. Her mother was just struck down right in front of her, her body disappearing before her eyes. "M-Mama?" she choked as tears started leaking from her eyes.
The axe that killed Sakura disappeared only to reappear in the hand of a new face. "And here I was expected the champion to be her. But instead it's a worthless little girl."
"You!" Lumina recognized the man as Thaddeus. "Wh-what did you do to Sir Mizuki!?"
Thaddeus held out Mizuki's helmet. "He fought well, but alas, he was no match for me." He crushed the helmet into his hand.
"P-Papa? H-h-he's..." Mizu stammered, unable to finish her thought.
The large man approached the girl with his axe at the ready, but lumina flew in between them. "Stay back!" she shouted as the threw Luminous Spheres at him one after another, only for them to be blocked by the man's axe.
Thaddeus then raised his axe and brought it down on the spirit. Lumina tried to block it with a barrier, but it did her little good as it just shattered on impact, knocking her onto the ground next to Mizu. The warrior glared at her. "This is the Spirit of Harmony? Hah! I gotta say you're not as strong as I was expecting. Has your power diminished in your slumber?"
Mizu just sat their staring at her attacker, trembling and frozen in terror.
Thaddeus shouldered his axe as he looked at the girl. "This is disappointing. You're barely even worth killing. As you are now, you are hardly a threat to us. But my mistress wants you dead and the spirit put back to sleep." He then raised his weapon high. "At least this'll put you out of your misery."
And with that he brought his axe down on the frightened little girl...
Only for it to collide with a gold and silver key-shaped weapon. The owner of this weapon was a man with spiky chocolate hair and blue eyes. The men glared at each other before the girl's savior spoke. "Don't you even dare, Thaddeus!" He then shoved the dark one away from the girl.
Thaddeus glared. "Well well! If it isn't the has-been Hero of Light! I take it you and the other Keyblade Masters detected the tremor in the light as well!"
The Keyblade Master gritted his teeth. "Just what do you think you're doing this time!?"
"Out of the way, Sora! The Champion of Cosmos must die!"
The man, identified as Sora, tilted his head in confusion. "Champion of Cosmos? This little girl!?"
"You sense it, don't you? She is one of the seven princesses of heart. And her pure light has awaken the Spirit of Harmony from slumber."
The Keyblade Master couldn't deny that he indeed could sense this girl's pure light. However, he also sensed something...familiar within the girl, but he couldn't dwell on that right now.
Thaddeus lifted his axe again. "As long as that girl lives, she will be a threat to our cause! So we must destroy her, and put the spirit back to sleep!"
"I don't think so! Not if I have anything to say about it!"
"Hah! Don't make me laugh! You and the other Keybearers have always struggled against our Power of Discord! What make you think it'll be any different now?!"
Sora then pointed his Keyblade at his opponent. "Knock me down all you want! I won't let you hurt her!" He then began charging energy at the weapon's tip. It was then that Lumina got back up and hopped onto the Keyblade Master's shoulder and proceeded to passed her power onto him. As a sphere of light formed on Sora's Keyblade, the Power of Harmony caused the sphere to glow brighter. "Ragnarok!" he shouted as the sphere burst into many projectiles, that were a little thicker than usual, that homed in on the dark warrior.
Thaddeus braced himself with his axe, but he didn't expect the projectiles to come at him as fast as they did, nor hit him as hard. He growled in pain as he staggered backward. "WHAT!"
Sora was confused. He had never been able to hurt Thaddeus this much before. He looked at himself to see the golden aura surrounding him. He then took note of the rabbit creature perched on his shoulder, who then fell backwards onto the ground and panted in exhaustion.
"I've lost...so much...power..." Lumina said between breaths.
"You're gonna pay for this!" The dark warrior shouted as he readied his axe.
The Keybearer wasn't sure what this newfound power was, but he wasn't gonna look a gift horse in the mouth. He dashed at Thaddeus and clashed with him a few times.
Soon Thaddeus shoved him away before raising his arm. "Swords of Desolation!" He summoned a fusillade of dark energy swords and threw them at the Keybearer.
Sora leapt back and twirled his Keyblade in front of him, deflecting all the swords, and charging energy at the same time. He then dash at his enemy with his charged weapon. "Sonic Flash!" He swiped passed Thaddeus, who then found himself strike seven times at once.
Thaddeus then swung at Sora, who leapt away, before raise his axe. "Chaos Crusher!" He slammed his axe on the ground, creating a dark straight-line shockwave and a rupture on the earth in it path.
Sora leapt aside, swung himself around a nearby tree, and flung himself at the cultist with a light charged Keyblade. "Salvation!" Thaddeus tried to avoid the Keyblade, only to be engulfed by a pillar of light when it hit the ground.
When the light ceased, the dark warrior kneeled down in pain. "Dammit! I didn't expect just a touch of the Power of Harmony would make a Keyblade Master this strong!"
"Power of Harmony?" Sora asked looking at his hand. Is that what this power is?
Thaddeus stood up but then two new faces arrived on the scene. He looked to his left to see a man with silver hair and teal eyes, and holding a sliver Keyblade that more resembled a pin timber lock key. To his left he saw a man with spiky blond hair and blue eyes, and wielded two Keyblades as opposed to one, one black and one white. The warrior growled at the situation. "Don't think this is over! The Cult of Chaos will hunt the girl down and destroy her!" With that he disappeared in a dark portal.
All three men dismissed their Keyblades. The silver haired man approached Sora. "You alright?"
"I'm fine, Riku." Sora answered. "Somehow I managed to catch him off guard."
The blond man then crossed his arms. "We searched the town. It's been completely ravaged. We...weren't able to find any survivors." He then punched a tree right next to him. "Yet another town they decided to destroy!"
"Calm down, Roxas," said Riku.
Sora then turned to the girl he saved. She sat there, still in shock. "Mama...Papa...they're...they're..." The state the poor child was in pierced his heart.
The spirit stood next to her on her hind legs, her head looking down and her wing-like ears drooping. "Mizu...I...I'm so sorry."
Sora then approached the Mizu, knelt before her, and held out his hand to her, prompting her to look back at her savior.
No words were spoken between them as they just stared at each other in the eyes. Mizu couldn't comprehend why, but those eyes gave her a strange feeling. In spite of what just happened, she felt...safe.
Meanwhile, Sora could still feel a strange familiarity within her. A presence he had not felt since... It couldn't be...could it? he thought. It only made his heart break for her even more.
Then without even thinking about it Mizu just jumped into Sora's arms, and began crying into his chest as he held her comfortingly.
"Poor thing..." said Riku as he watched the interaction. "If only we had had gotten here sooner..."
Roxas looked at Lumina. "Isn't that the strong source light we detected?"
"It seems to be, but the girl also appears to hold one of the pure lights." Riku then turned to the spirit. "Who are you?"
The spirit turned to Riku and answered sorrowfully, "I'm Lumina, Spirit of Harmony. That's Mizu, my new master."
"Master?" asked Roxas.
"Her pure light awoke me from my long slumber, and I'm now bound to her for as long as she lives. And that warrior of Discord was after her because of it."
"And he still is...as well as the rest of the cult," Sora said as he stood up, carrying Mizu in his arms. "Come on, we have to get her out of here."
Poor little Mizu had cried herself to sleep. In fact she was still crying in her dream that she hadn't even realized it. Crying into her own hands, she failed notice that her surroundings, in her mind anyway, had changed.
In this dream, she was sitting on top of a large circular platform that appeared to be made out of stained glass, the image on the floor was a gold background with pictures of a four-pointed star, a heart, a shield, an ocarina, and a rabbit. Now normally beyond this platform would be nothing but pitch black, but this time it was surrounded by a what appeared to be a pool of water that seemed to stretch out endlessly and reflected the cloudy blue sky above.
"Mama... Papa..." Mizu sobbed.
Hovering outside the platform was a lone star. Normally a star in this plane would be clear and transparent, but this one had a golden glow to it. This star soon floated towards the crying girl, and when it reached the platform a flash occurred, and the star was then replaced with a woman in a pink dress and a red cloak with its hood up.
The woman walked over to Mizu. "You poor little girl," she said as she knelt front of her. "It'll be alright!"
To distraught to even be startled by the new presence in front of her, Mizu could only choke out, "But...but..."
"Ssshhh..." The woman put her hands on the little girls shoulders in comfort. "I'm so sorry for your loss. No one, especially a child like you, should have to experience something like that. But you must be strong now. You'll see them again one day. But for now, the worlds will need you."
"But...what do I do? Without Mama...or Papa...I...I..."
The woman then pulled the girl into an almost motherly embrace. "It's gonna be okay. You'll see! You're safe now. You're in good hands. You will never be alone, child. This I promise."
Mizu finally looked up at the woman, she could see blue eyes and strands of red hair inside her red hood. "Who...who are you?"
The woman just smiled and said, "Oh, just think of me as your guardian angel!"
"Angel..." she muttered. She couldn't explain it, but she had this strange feeling in her heart as she stared. She had no idea why but, just like the Keyblade wielder who saved her, this woman made her feel safe, only the feeling was slightly stronger with her. Without even thinking about it, she just returned the embrace and started crying onto her shoulder, prompting the 'Angel' to caress the girls hair in comfort.
"You're gonna do great things, Mizuhime. I know you will."
A/N: And that was the start of my redo of my first fic. Whew, this prologue turned out longer than I thought. I hope you like it.
Just so you guys know, any questions you might have regarding Kingdom Hearts III stuff will be address in story later, don't worry. However, don't expect any references to the post-credits scene any time soon.