I suppose that I'm writing this for a reason, although I'm not entirely sure. Not everything needs a reason does it? Well yah. it probably does. But I really don't feel like giving one. Sure I'm just a regular teenager. but to tell you the truth there is no 'just' or 'regular' in it. I'm not even sure if you can call me a teenager. I mean seriously what is a teenager? Well let's see we will now decompose the word.

Teen - I mean seriously what is a Teen? Say it in your head. Does it sound sane to you? Now put it into a sentence. "Hello, oh yes I am a Teen." Personally I feel like we're talking about some kind of strange bird-y. By 'bird-y' I actually mean it. Without the additional 'Y' at the end the bird would be lonely. It would be a lonely bird without its 'Y'.

Ager - it means umm. to age. But it also adds the 'r' at the end, so that makes it a profession doesn't it? "Hi, I'm an Ager. I age. that's what I do for a living." Yah. that does sound quite psycho. I think the English language has gone to pieces. You can't even makes sense of it.

In conclusion. we're all pretty much strange bird-y type things that age for a living. How does that make you feel? Does it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? No, it doesn't because personally I think birds are really bony and scary. They really freak me out. Now snakes on the other hand. Those are really cool. But yah. I do not feel warm and fuzzy. I feel vaguely confused. Or confussed in real English. Or maybe confuzzlededed.

Or maybe not.
So here is my weird so called. FANFICTION But I prefer to call it a collection. You out there can go ahead and collect your stamps, antiques, religious artifacts, old bones, wads of gum, or whatever you people collect and I will collect the things that matter. The words of the world. I will collect what makes people happy, what makes people sad, what makes people all confuzzlededed. The world of Harry Potter by me. ( J.K. Rowling I love you.) I am the master and you are the puppy. Or maybe the eel? Well anyways, this is the beginning, this is my life as a strange bird-y, my life as a professional ager, my life in general. Written for you, by me, in the words of you and me.
Yah ok. I'll start now.
So pretty much I was just sitting there, minding my own business, absently humming Chatahoochie by Alan Jackson. Ok we'll maybe not humming. uhh... bellowing? But seriously it's a free world isn't it? I mean I can pretty much sing whatever I want. Although what is a hoochiecoochie, and exactly how hot is it? And to all those reading this who don't know the song Chatahoochie. what has happened to you? Where have you been and what have you been doing there? Seriously I want to know.

Well anyways.

As I was sitting there I was thinking. What if I was Harry Potter? Then I realized how silly this would be because I would never be Harry Potter, I would be Draco Malfoy. As Draco Malfoy I would probably try and take over the world and make a large movie theatre. Or I would do what Draco would do, take over the world, kill Harry Potter, and then make a large movie theatre. Which is pretty much my plan but adding the death of Potter.

But Potter is cool

Did you ever realize how cool Potter actually is? No, I didn't either. But the whole world thinks Harry is pretty cool. I must admit that Harry Potter is extremely cool, when you are reading the books. But in truth. when reading all of your guys MARVELOUS Fanfiction, I realize what a dork Potter truly is, and how magnificent the cunning of Draco truly is.

So as I was thinking about Harry Potter, I realized how I would like to write my own Marveloso fanfiction for all of you to enjoy. So here it is in the flesh. well not the flesh. But here it is!!

It's called Calgary goes to Hogwarts, starring Me! And Kimberley because she wants to help kill off Harry. Although I don't really want to kill him off. I love you Harry. Well kinda. But yah, it will also include the magnifique Kate, Blaine, and Matt.
Thank you for reading this intro and I hope you enjoy the fic.
By the way. In between the chapters I will be writing a little piece on my thoughts of the story so far. Alrighty? If you have a problem with that, or any comments please review, as I would love to hear what you have to say!
Love from me