The Happening - Chapter 1

"But Aunties-"

Sabrina had been trying to tell Hilda and Zelda about her visit from Nick during the night, but they were convinced it was nothing more than a dream. The sky was dark and rain thundered on the windows. The kitchen smelled of simmering cooking oil from the pancakes and scrambled eggs.

"No Sabrina and that is the final word on the matter," Aunt Hilda said stubbornly. "Now off to school with you."

"School? The Academy has ended," Sabrina replied, her head cocking to the side. Zelda rolled her eyes and Sabrina felt a sudden pang in her chest.

"You know very well she means Baxter High," Aunt Zelda chimed in whilst puffing on a cigarette.

"I left that school."

"Yes, but Mrs. Wardwell… Lilith never officiated the paperwork, so legally you are still enrolled at Baxter High."

"Oh," Sabrina hummed and got up from her seat. Zelda made a weak attempt at a smile and helped herself to a second serving of eggs. "I suppose I better get my things together then, this isn't over though Aunties."

The room was left quiet except for the soft purring from Salem on one of the stools.

"Okay, so tell us again exactly what happened?" Rosalind probed for the umpteenth time and Sabrina sighed putting down her fork.

"Well… I woke up in the middle of the night and Nick was there. He told me the Dark Lord was sending something or someone to Greendale," this made Harvey shift in his seat, taking his arm from around Rosalind and placing it on the table.

"And you're sure it wasn't a dream?" He asked as Sabrina took several stabs at her pasta.

"I know what I saw."

"I'm not saying you didn't, I just wanted to make certain. How do we know it's not the Dark Lord trying to get into your head?"

"His eyes weren't red, somehow he'd broken free," she said with a hint of hope in her voice. Although he had betrayed her, she missed him.

"Did he say what he was sending?" Theo chimed in.

"No… it was pretty vague. Why?" Sabrina pushed.

"Well we've done some research," Harvey started, pushing his lunch tray out of the way and replacing it with an old battered book. "We've had… what, nearly two months since he went to Hell?" He looked at Rosalind and Theo and they nodded. "Apparently, the Devil- the Dark Lord, cannot be killed, but he can be sent to a prison in the spiritual world."

"Although that would involve breaking him free from Nick first, otherwise we'd probably end up in the same position we are in now," Theo theorised.

"How?" Sabrina asked.

"How what?" Theo replied.

"How do we send him into the prison in the spiritual world?"

"That's what we're not sure of… yet." Rosalind replied. "We were sort of hoping you'd be able to confer with your aunties."

"Tried that," Sabrina wrinkled her nose, "We'll be getting no help from them. Well at least for the time being. I've tried talking to them three times and every time they've pushed it aside. Zelda has been busy helping Prudence and Ambrose locate Father Blackwood and Hilda is still trying to find a way of helping Dr. Cee." They all sat there silently for a few moments before Sabrina continued. "Aunt Zelda has a book that is dedicated to the Dark Lord, maybe there will be something in there."

"There's something else," Harvey said. "How much do you know about Hell, Sabrina?"

"Not a lot," she lied. "Well I know a little, but probably things that are different to what you know." She regretted saying it, she hated making them feel as if they were different from her.

"Well, there are evil entities, creatures if you will, that reside in Hell."

"Yes," Sabrina said as matter of fact.

"You don't suppose the Dark Lord will send one of those up from Hell, do you?"

The bell rang and the conversation broke away. They all looked up towards the alarm bell, stunned. They had almost forgotten they were in school. With it echoing around the walls of the canteen they all started collecting their things and making their way out.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he already has," Sabrina nodded.

"Well, there's Abaddon."

"Apollyon you mean, leader of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."


"I'd sooner see Cerberus," Sabrina said and the others laughed. "What?"

"Right, yeah, because a three headed Hell Hound is going to come up from Hell."

"As opposed to what? Apollyon? So, witches can exist and warlocks and angels and demons, but not Cerberus?" Sabrina asked frowning.

"You're being serious, it exists?" Rosalind asked shocked.

"Of course it exists. Why would you assume otherwise?"

"Oh my god, 'Brina, that is cool," Rosalind said, pushing open the door to outside and letting them all file through. Sabrina smiled, but Harvey wasn't impressed.

"Does that mean Hades is real too?" Theo asked.

"We're straying from the point here," Harvey said getting annoyed.

"Which is?" Sabrina retaliated.

"Which is, if he is sending something or someone up here, we need to be ready."

"And what do you propose?" Theo asked.

"That I don't know, I was hoping 'Brina would know."

"I believe I can help you there," a deep voice sounded from behind them. A tall tanned figure, with dark hair, brown eyes and a chiselled jawline was standing right behind them. Although his face seemed friendly, Sabrina couldn't help but feel as though he was the devil incarnate. His face twisted somewhat dark as he met her eye contact. "But first, tell me, where is my Lilith?"

"And who are you?" She queried.

"I am Samael."

"Who?" Sabrina asked.

"The Poison of God," Rosalind replied and they all turned to look at her. "Myth has it that he is a fallen archangel, Lilith's first lover and Satan's equal. He is the epitome of the Grim Reaper... I read about him, well Lilith, after you told me about your play."

"I'd say I'm more of a Legend, but myth will suffice," he said bowing slightly at his late introduction and then resuming his stance. "So where can I find my Lilith?"

"Mrs. Wardwell, that is, Lilith is now the self-crowned Queen of Hell. She's with the Dar- Satan," Rosalind replied.

"I am aware of his circumstance, but not that Lilith resides with him in Hell. She always was ambitious, even up until the day I lost her," Samael turned his twisted gaze to Sabrina. "Sabrina Spellman if I'm not mistaken?"


"I do believe we can help each other out."