One day on summer vacation, Issei had just come back from school as he bumped into a certain troll. How that meeting will change Issei life?

Chapter 1: Issac Newton is a blonde hair loli?!

Issei Hyoudou right now walking back home as he purchases some Eroge. His parents were getting worried that their son will never get a girlfriend when all he did was watching and playing Eroge. Not knowing his fate will be change soon.

He was happy at the thought of playing new Eroge as he walking back home eagerly. On his way back, he then spots a festival. But the weirdest thing is the festival is quite empty. No tourist, no employee, just an old man at a stall.

"Couldn't hurt to take a look." Said Issei going at the stall

"Welcome. What could this old man do for you?" Asked Zelretch

"Well… I was wondering what this stall do?" Asked Issei

"Well… What if I said I can give you a harem?" Asked Zelretch

"Eh REALLY?! Then please help me!" Said Issei excited

"Calm down my boy. First, you need to pass the trial." Said Zelretch

"Okay! What do I have to do?" Asked Issei "Is not something hard right?"

"No need to worry. It just a pop quiz." Said Zelretch

"Oh…" Said Issei

"Here. Fill this up." Said Zelretch

Issei took the paper as he looks at the question

Question 1: Do you want a harem

"Well of course." Said Issei writing down

Question 2: What do you think about the breast size

"Huh… well, each has its own charm I guess." Said Issei write it down

Question 3: What will you do for your first date

"Hmm… First I will prepare the most romantic spot. And… have to tone down the pervert." Said Issei writing down. Hey, he may be a pervert but he still knows that it was a rude thing on a date.

Question 4: How will you treat your harem

"I'll treasure them like my own family of course." Said Issei with certain

Question 5: Will you protect them even with your life

"Huh? What with the weird question? Of course, I will." Said Issei writing it downs

Zelretch collecting it back as he then smiling.

"So… do I pass?" Asked Issei

Zelretch only gives him a box of card containing 9 of them. Issei looks at the card in his hand as he said: "Wait did I fail?"

But as he looking up to see the festival was gone. No old man nor his stall in sight. So in the end, he just pocketed the box and then walking back home.

"I wish you good luck on your journey Issei Hyoudou. I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do." Said Zelretch chuckling

When he got back home, he then goes to his room to start up his game to play. But only for a few minutes as he shut down and then lying on the bed looking at the card box.

"Might as well see what kind of price I got." Said Issei taking the card out seeing the picture of a warrior, magician, ninja, bowmen… and many figures.

He then takes the magician call as he takes a look mumbled: "These cards look weird somehow."

The magician calls shining up as Issei drop it by surprise. And then, from the card appearing a girl.

The girl at the same size as Kuoh mascot as she had her blonde hair tied to twin tail. Her green eye shining seems to captive him.

"Whahahaha! So you must be my Master huh? Allow me to introduce myself. I'm servant Caster Alice Bedford or you may know me as Isaac Newton." Said the girl with confident

Then suddenness was too much for him as he then falls down unconscious.

"O-Oi Master. Don't just fall down unconscious like that." Said Alice worried


"Huh… never thought his first summon is the newest one that I add in. This should be interesting." Said Zelretch.

(Issei room)

Issei then wakes up to see that what happened before wasn't a dream. He then said: "So let me get this straight, you are the Isaac Newton that is famous through the world. Isaac Newton, the one who discover gravity?" Asked Issei still had a hard time to believe

"That's right." Said Alice with a high nose

"But wasn't 'he' an old man?" Asked Issei

"Back in my time, women are hard to theses inventions and ideas. They were either crush down or the idea is taken by someone who is a man." Said Alice

"I-I see… so you disguise as a male to do these 'theses' right?" Asked Issei

"That's right." Said Alice

"Then what are you doing here?" Asked Issei

"Well, I still am new to this so I half expect to be summoned in the middle of a fight." Said Alice

"Eh fight?" Asked Issei

"Wait… you don't know about the Holy Grail War?" Asked Alice

"Holy Grail War? Wait a second… I'm an idiot!" Said Issei smacking his forehead

"Eh? Master, what's wrong?" Asked Alice

"I should have realized sooner. These are the Class Card and the old man back then was Zelretch all along." Said Issei cursing himself not noticing sooner

"Eh? So Zelretch give you these cards?" Asked Alice

"Yeah… But don't worry. I don't know why he gave me these cards but there's no Grail War here at all." Said Issei

"Really? Then why is he giving you the cards?" Asked Alice

"Well… because of my wish." Said Issei

"Wish?" Asked Alice as then a paper appear in front of her.

Issei realized what that paper is as he curses Zelretch that he was amusingly watching this from afar.

"… Pervert Master." Said Alice with a cold look

"But but… I'm sorry." Said Issei bowing his head down

"Well… judging from this paper, you are not some sort of pervert who would command me to do pervert order at all. Virgin Master." Said Alice scowling at him in the last part

"Ahahaha… I'm sorry." Said Issei on seiza bowing his head down

"But still… it seems human had advanced a long way huh?" Asked Alice looking around

"Oh right. This is your first summon after all. How about looking around to pass the time?" Asked Issei

"Eh is it okay?" Asked Alice

"Well… it was my fault for summoning you after all. So consider this is redemption from me." Said Issei smiling scratching his head

"Hmph… don't think I'll be willing to help you with your sexual desire just from this." Said Alice looks away pouting

"I won't. Then good night." Said Issei

"Night Master." Said Alice looking around as she takes out some books to read.

At the morning, Issei wakes up to see Alice is now burying in his mathematics book as he said: "Morning"

"Oh, morning Master." Said Alice

Seeing the book, Issei said: "Inventor to the heart huh?"

Alice just buried her face in the book as she said: "Are you going to school now?"

"Not exactly. I'm still in the middle of summer vacation." Said Issei

"Oh good. Because you can work on something." Said Alice putting the book down

"What do you mean?" Asked Issei

"Issei are you awake? Get down here and get some breakfast." Said Issei mother

"Oh no! It's my mother." Said Issei

"Don't worry. I can change to spirit form. Your mother won't see me at all." Said Alice

"Cool. I thought since you are still new that you still don't know how to do that yet?" Said Issei

"I'm a genius Master. That kind of simple thing is no problem for me." Said Alice as she turns to spirit form

And his door opens to reveals Issei mother. She said: "Issei go down and eat your breakfast. You can masturbate or do whatever you want later."

"Mom!" Said Issei embarrasses. Normally he wouldn't but he's not alone right now. He then goes down brushing his teeth as he going down eating.

"Oh, Issei. A package delivered to you had just arrived at the door." Said Issei father

"Eh really?" Asked Issei

"Must be Eroge or some sort again." Said Issei father

"I don't think you have the right to talk dear. Considering what I found in your secret stacks." Said Issei mother

Issei father just buried deep into the newspaper as he blushed. Issei sweats drop at that as he continues eating.

After done, he checks the package to find no name on the bill at all. He then carries it to his room to see Alice is looking through his test score.

"Alice… what are you doing?" Asked Issei closing the door and putting the box down

"What with the box?" Asked Alice

"I don't know. It was delivered to my house just now." Said Issei as he then opens it up

He deadpanned seeing the contents as he pulls out two handguns looking at them

"You order that?" Asked Alice surprise

"No, I didn't." Said Issei as he puts the guns back in and then takes out a book that said 'Basic of Magecraft'

"Nevermind. I know who is the one sending this." Said Issei

"Who?" Asked Alice

"Zelretch who else! Honestly, mailing weapon in Japan. Is that troll crazy?!" Said Issei

"Don't answer that." Said Issei cutting Alice off

"I won't. But answer me this Master." Said Alice bringing up his test score

"My score? What about them?" Asked Issei

"Why is your score so low? And you only playing pervert game in summer instead of practice? This is education Master!" Said Alice

"Well… I never the one who pays attention to this at all." Said Issei

"This is why you are Virgin Master." Said Alice

"Hey what does virgin have anything to do with this?" Asked Issei

"Why do you keep on acting like a pervert Master? I know you are not like that. Judging on your personality that if you tune it down you actually have a chance for once. And with good Academic could be a bonus too." Said Alice

"Well… the truth is…" Said Issei as he then tells her about the old man he meets at the park. The old man making a show about breasts warrior fighting for justice and then caught by the police for sexual harassment.

After he did, Alice deadpanned at that as she then takes a whip from who knows where out.

"You will study." Said Alice

"Eh?" Asked Issei

"You will study to the point that you will completely forget about that pervert teaching if that's the last thing I do." Said Alice

"Oi Alice…" Said Issei slowly skid back but he can't move at all.

"Don't worry Master. I have studied about this. If I can inflict a trauma strong enough, then unnecessary memories or trauma will be deleted as well." Said Alice smiling with malice

"Oi Alice… can you find a more… peaceful solution?" Asked Issei

"Nope." One sentence decided Issei fate that day as Issei wailing had been silent in his room.

Summer vacation is over as Issei changing to his school uniform. He shivered at the memory of Alice… tutoring him. If that could be call tutor. His body was in pain from every wrong question that he answered. Well, but at least her teaching skills are good and then he got the opportunity to learn about Magecraft as well.

"Master. You are about to be late for school." Said Alice hovering near him in spirit form

"Oh, that's right. Thanks, Alice." Said Issei as he then goes outside "I'm going Mom, Dad."

"Take care dear…" Said Issei mother

Issei then reaches the school gate in time as he saw many students start to walk in.

"So this is Japan school." Said Alice

"You never visit Japan school before?" Asked Issei

"Like I said Master. This is my first time summon so I don't know much about this current time at all." Said Alice

"Oh…" Said Issei as he then enters the school

"Master…" Said Alice

"Yeah, I felt it too." Said Issei

"What should we do?" Asked Alice

"For now… let see what they want." Said Issei


"Akeno. Who is that boy?" Asked Rias

"Oh… if I remember right, he's one of the famous Pervert Trio Issei Hyoudou. Is there something wrong?" Asked Akeno

"Just a hunch." Said Rias

(At the classroom)

"Hey Issei how is summer? Rubbing any boobs?" Asked Matsuda

'You are friend with them why?' Asked Alice

'Hey they were my pervert buddy.' Said Issei

"Oi Issei. Why are you spacing out for?" Asked Motohama

"Oh nothing at all. So what is it you are saying?" Asked Issei

"I asked that did you get any experience in summer? That bastard from 3rd year losing his V card with a freshman! Curse you pretty boy!" Said Matsuda with tears in his eye

'Seeing this makes me pity you Master.' Said Alice

'Please don't. One troll in my life is more than enough.' Said Issei

And then the teacher came in as he then collecting the summer work. He checked the work then stop at Issei as he said: "Issei Hyoudou. Please come up here."

Issei looks confused at that as he came up. The class mumbled that he probably writing something pervert in there.

'Not… a word Alice.' Said Issei stopping her

"Hyoudou. Please answer this question." Said the teacher as he writing a question from the summer homework on the board

Issei looks at the teacher weirdly as he then writes the answer same as the one in his homework.

"It's… correct?" Asked the teacher surprise

"Is there something wrong teacher?" Asked Issei

"The answer is correct… but the answer itself is the problem." Said the teacher

"What's wrong with it?" Asked Issei

"This is a University level of answer." Said the teacher

"Eh?" Asked Issei as well as the class

"So would you mind telling me how did you manage to do that while we didn't even cover this in class?" Asked the teacher

'Alice…' Said Issei sensing a headache coming

'I can't help it. I was skipping grade straight to college so I don't know how to answer at the High school level at all.' Said Alice

"Um… I got bored in the summer so I study a little?" Said Issei weakly

"… Please show me your student card." Said the teacher

'That extreme?!' Though Issei as he brings out his student card

The teacher had to confirm it many times with his eye and even had to call the office to check his card number too. Oi oi… is that a bit extreme?

In the end, the teacher could only accept him as Issei Hyoudou as Issei going back to his seat ignoring the shocked look and whisper from his classmates

In the most period, he even answers many questions correctly that the teacher had to tell him to go to the nurse office… every period. Was it that hard to believe he can be smart?

School ended, he immediately being called to the Student Council. Oh for the love of, can he have a break?

'This is why I don't want to study.' Said Issei

'It was your fault in the first place Master.' Said Alice

'At least I didn't teach myself college level answer' Said Issei as they arrived at the room

He knocked on the door as he heard "Please come in" as he came inside

He came inside he immediately on high alert as the room reek of devils. Did he just walk into a lion den or something?

"Issei Hyoudou. It comes to my attention about your sudden intellect. I would like to give you an offer to join the student council." Said Sona

"Uh… no thanks, I'll pass. I kinda belong to the 'going home' club." Said Issei

"But if you join the Student Council, it will bring a good image to your student record." Said Sona

"As I said, I'll pass. I don't want to deal with troublesome work. It's not who I am at all." Said Issei

"Hey! Who do you…" Saji being cut off as Sona raising her hand

"Very well. I will accept your decision. My apologies for bothering your time." Said Sona

"Then if you excuse me…" Said Issei as he walks out of the office.

"Tsubaki?" Asked Sona

"I see it too President. Hyoudou may not know who we are but he's cautious of us." Said Tsubaki

"I see…" Said Sona

Issei walking back home as he then heard "Um… excuse me."

Issei turns around to find a girl with black hair look at him.

'That's weird, she may look like a human. But her energy is not like the devil… like it was tainted.' Said Issei

'She's on to something that's for sure.' Said Alice

"Um, my name is Amano Yuuma. I was wondering that are you seeing someone right now?" Asked Yuuma

"No?" Said Issei

"Oh, that's good. I was wondering that would you like to have a date with me this Sunday?" Asked Yuuma

'Okay… this is weird. A random girl suddenly just asking me on a date? Even though I love it, but this is too good to be true.' Said Issei

'Try to accept her. And we'll see what is she up to?' Said Alice

"Okay. Then where would we meet?" Asked Issei

"How about in front of the station at 10?" Asked Yuuma

"Okay. I'll see you then." Said Issei

Yuuma then runs off 'happily' as Issei walking back home.

On Sunday, he is now waiting at the station as he looks at the pamphlet he got.

'Isn't this a summoning circle?' Asked Issei

'Why are these things were being handed out in the middle of the street?' Asked Alice

'I have no idea.' Said Issei as he then senses Yuuma arrived

The date was normal to the extent. At dawn, they go to the park as Yuuma said:

"Issei-kun. Can I ask you one thing before we end our date?" Asked Yuuma

"What is it?" Asked Issei

"Can you… die for me?" Said Yuuma

Before Yuuma could throw her light spear to Issei, a gunshot was heard as Yuuma right shoulder had a hole in it.

"Oh sorry about that. My reflect get to me." Said Issei

"YOU DARE MAKE ME BLEED?! I KILL YOU FOR THAT!" Shout out Yuuma flying up with her wing.

"Weren't you try to do that few seconds ago?" Asked Issei

"SHUT UP AND DIE!" Said Yuuma charges another light spear but she suddenly can't move as she was slammed down on the ground making a crack

"Be quiet and stay down." Said Alice as she reappeared with her hand out

"Wait… who are you?!" Said Yuuma but the pressure stronger crushing her body

"Be quiet. You will only speak when we asking you. Now tell me, why did you attack Issei?" Asked Alice

"Do you think I'll… ARGHHH!" Her legs were smashed as blood pouring out

"Talk now!" Said Alice

"Okay okay. My order was to kill him because he's possessing a dangerous Sacred Gear. Our faction fears that the devil will try to take you in." Said Yuuma

"And you decided to kill him… someone who had nothing against you for that?" Asked Alice as the crack under Yuma widen

"ARGH!" Shout out Yuuma.

She then crushing both of Yuuma arms as Yuuma scream out. Alice then picks her up and then throw her straight to the tree breaking it down.

"Use that wing of your and get out of my sight. Don't make me see your face the second times." Said Alice as Yuuma collecting what left of her broken pride and fly away.

"Congraduation for your first fight." Said Zelretch knocking his cane down

"Zelretch?" Asked Issei

"I think you two need an explanation right?" Asked Zelretch smiling


"Something is wrong. Why is not having an effect at all?" Asked Rias

"What now Rias?" Asked Akeno

"I knew I should not do this. We might have to erase his parent memories after this." Said Rias

Done. This is one shot only. I still don't know that I should continue or not.

Servant: Alice Bedford (Issac Newton) (Isaac Newton and Apple Tree VNDB)

Class: Caster

AntiPlanet Noble Phantasm