
I watched Ahsoka sleep, Anakin, Plo, and Obi-Wan were in a meeting with a couple of senators who are willing to hear Ahsoka's side of the story, we're trying to decide on if we should release Ahsoka's ordeal to the public, we're worried that it might be too much for some people.

Master Che would come in periodically to check on her vitals and to give her her medicine but otherwise we were alone and waiting for news, well I was waiting for news, she was sleeping, I sighed as I turned on my datapad to scroll through the holonet, that's when I saw it, an artical on Ahsoka, I clicked on it, expecting to see people bashing her and bashing us, I was pleasently suprised to see that it was none of that.

'We all know of the recent Jedi Temple Bombing that killed 26 people, 12 crew workers, 8 clones and 6 Jedi, and that one of their own Padawans, Ahsoka Lydia Tano, is accused of the crime not long after Letta Marie Turmond was arrested, Tano escaped custody, it is currently unknown how Tano was taken back into custody, but its believed that something happened to her which caused her to be unable to run any longer, but I'm not here to discuss Tano, I'm here to discuss Admiral Wilhuff Matro Tarkin, who is the one accusing Tano of the bombing, it seems that Tarkin and Tano have a history, Tano had saved his life a couple of months ago, after which Tarkin filed a report against her, stating that she was reckless, crude and arrogant, Tano received punishment for this, which was 3 months suspension, which basically put her 3 months behind in becoming a knight, Tano also reportedly complained to High Jedi Councilor Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and High Jedi Councilor Master Plo Koon that he had acted weirdly around her, that he made her uncomfortable, and one time she had caught him looking at her arse, the Councilors put it off as her not liking him but made sure they never worked on the same missions to avoid any altercations, this leads me to question Tarkin's motives in this case, could he just be trying to protect the Republic? Or is he trying to harm Tano? No matter the answer, Tarkin should be removed from the case and investigated, it seems the Jedi agree as they are refusing to hand over Tano, claiming that she's been severely injured and that she provided evidence to prove her innocence, they have yet to reveal the details of this, I will update as I get updated.'

I scrolled down to the comments, curious as I was.


'That man is just plain creepy.'


'It's pretty clear that Tano is guilty, but still, I wouldn't let that guy near her.'


'I don't know what to think of this case, I think it's pretty clear that Tano needs mental help if the video of her escaping is anything to go by, she must have at least PTSD, but that wouldn't excuse her if she did commit these crimes.'

They went on like that for a while, people trying to decipher her case, mental state, Tarkin's behavior and fighting over the politics surrounding the case, that's when I saw the comment that made my blood go cold.


'I know he has underage sex slaves, he wants to take her as a slave.'

I forwarded the comment to Plo, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Yoda, Padme, and Bail to get another opinion on it, this is really no grounds to base an investigation.

I heard Ahsoka groan from her bed, I quickly got up and rushed over to her bedside, "How do you feel Padawan Tano?" I asked making sure to keep my voice stern but more gentle than normal, she nodded, "Can you please get me some water?" She asked her voice a little hoarse, I nodded and went over to a table that had a pitcher and couple cups, I poured her some before Master Che came in,"Hello Master Windu, Padawan Tano." She said bowing to me and nodding at Ahsoka before she moved to Ahsoka's IV to administer her medicine, they had decided to give her it through the IV so that she wouldn't have to get up every other hour,"I have to go to a Council Meeting, is there a healer that she trusts on duty today?" I asked not wanting to leave the already frightened girl without someone she trusts, "Master Undli is helping with surgery, but Knight Offee isn't occupied with anything that I'm aware of, I'll send her in." Master Che said finishing up with Ahsoka, I nodded before making sure that Ahsoka would be okay alone for a few minutes before leaving.

I waited until I was outside the Halls of Healing to contact the Council members, "I'm calling an emergency meeting, summon Knight Skywalker, and Senators Montha, Oragana, and Amidala, we're going to need allies." I said.

There will update for Vader's Order tomorrow, I'm tired, sorry.