A/N: Thought of this after binging the entirety of PSG Season 1 because I'm a sucker for cliffhangers, and this one is massive. So let's do this! Also, at the start and end of each chapter, I'll have a counter for how many Panty parts Brief has collected.

Panty Parts Collected: 0/666

Brief stood in shock. He'd just seen Stocking dice Panty up into 666 pieces, after he'd a) fucked her, b) got his dick stuck in the keyhole for a gate to hell, and c) fucked her again. It was really not his day. After the initial shock wore off, though, he crumpled to the ground, before grabbing the first piece of Panty that Corset had dropped on the path to Oten City. He held onto it tight, as he felt that if he let go of it, it might disappear, and she wouldn't be whole. And that would be bad, especially if it was in a specific place that his mind dared not think about.

Garter had shouted at him to get a move on, but before he could race off, Scanty and Kneesocks strode in front of him. "Uh, um, sorry to b-b-bother you two, but c-can I g-go? I kinda wanna put Panty back together, and I wanna do it fast." Scanty looked down at him. "We can see that. However, you can't drive, can you? We happen to have a very tough limousine, better weaponry, and, most importantly, a grudge. So here is what I suggest: we will go with you on your quest to put your whore of a supposed angel girlfriend back together. Do we have a deal?" Brief nodded. "Yes, ma'am!" Scanty smiled. "Good. Oh, Fastener!" The dutiful zipper-covered minion proceeded to pull up with the Demon Sisters' limousine, G-String, and the sisters, Brief, and Chuck, all got in before Fastener stepped on the gas and sped off.

In the limo, Kneesocks was talking to Brief about something rather important. "How, exactly, are we going to find Panty's pieces?" Brief's expression, which had thus far been a mixture of mild shock and a little fear, morphed into something decidedly more sinister. "Easy! A few days back I modified my proton pack to have a special angel detector built in for… reasons." The sisters became visibly disgusted, and Scanty rolled down the window so they could vomit. After they finished, Scanty coughed, "Would you care to explain how this detector works?" Brief nodded. "Certainly! Alright, here goes: So all you non-human types exude a special aura, if you will. It's how my detector tracks ghosts: by locking onto their aura. So all I had to do was recalibrate it to Panty's aura, which is really easy when she leaves spare pairs of panties everywhere she goes." Kneesocks interrupted him then. "Alright, that's enough of that. How do you plan on collecting the little Panty chunks?" "I was getting to it! If you wanna know, I'll just suck them right up! Then we slowly piece her back together in here. Sound good?" Brief glanced at the two, hoping for even a little acknowledgement his idea was good. He got none. What he did get was a smack to the face. "OW! Hey, what was that for!?" he cried out. In response, Scanty started screeching, "You wish to taint our limo with that slut's presence!? Are you mad!? Or do you have a death wish!?" But in an unprecedented move, Brief, who would've normally just cowered in fear, did something very interesting: He lifted his bangs. And given how his face was the most perfect thing in existence, Scanty subsided. But only for a little bit. She scoffed, then said, "You think your looks will stop me? You really are stupid." At that point, Kneesocks decided to intervene. "Sister! Stand down this instant!" Of course, Scanty did not comply, and so Kneesocks pounced at her and latched onto her limbs. Scanty began squirming to try and get free, and Kneesocks began losing her grip. Then, the elder sister managed to get loose, and flipped over. The two were now embroiled in a fierce grappling session, and their rather tight clothing was straining. Brief, meanwhile, was curled up in a corner with a camera out. "This'll be good…" he muttered to himself. Or at least, he thought he had muttered it to himself. However, he hadn't quite controlled his volume well enough, and the sisters, who were now completely naked, both heard him. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?" the two shrieked, and Brief proceeded to dive into the trunk and hid. He could also hear his detector beeping, and looked at it. "Huh? Why're there so many? Just from getting in the limo I got 5, but there's gotta be like, I dunno, 10 nearby! He called through the trunk compartment door, "We got a stash of Panty parts nearby!" Fastener heard, and after the location was uploaded into the limo's GPS, they took off to find the first stash of Panty parts.

As it happened, the first 5 parts that Brief had collected had been part of her left boob. (if you're wondering how he knew it was the left, please don't) And when they came upon the place where Panty's parts had been stashed, which was a train station, Brief immediately began combing the area. "Alright, let's see… ah! Found 'em!" He raced off into the nearby sheds. Scanty and Kneesocks followed suit, although they were a few feet behind him. When he got inside, he saw what appeared to be some sort of tiny four-legged ghost. "AH! What the hell are you doing in here!?" he cried out, and the ghost looked at him. "What? I like goin' fast, and I like goin' hard. Got a problem with that?" Brief used what little intimidation factor he had and glared at the ghost, before saying, "You're licking my girlfriend's panties." The ghost immediately began laughing like there was no tomorrow, but in between, he said, "YOU? Having a girlfriend!? Hah! I'll believe it when I see it, pal. Anyway, you're interrupting me. Though these taste kinda familiar for some reason…" At this point, Scanty and Kneesocks had also entered the shed, and their eyes immediately began bulging out of their sockets and their jaws dropped. "Is that…?" Scanty began, "Yes, that does appear to be ghost number 36." Kneesocks finished. Brief was now rather confused, and, turning to the demon sisters, he asked, "Uh, what's this about ghost numbers?" Scanty then explained the system, and Brief froze. "Oh, so you're the ghost that possessed a train that one time!" The ghost crossed its forelimbs. "I have a name, y'know!" Brief rolled his eyes. "Alright, what is it?" "Name's Hotshot, and I'm the ultimate speed demon! Don't fuck with me! Also, you're invading my privacy, and I'm really feelin' the urge to go fast as fuck, ya feel me? That means I'm horny. So peace, fuckers!" With that, the newly christened Hotshot possessed one of the engines inside the shed, and he took off with Backlace in tow. Brief was horrified. "NO!" Then he looked around. "OK, we're still good. He left Panty's parts behind." Then, to the demon sisters, he asked, "Should we go after him?" Scanty shook her head. "Unfortunately, our weapons would do no good against ghosts, and the only reason your penis even entered the keyhole was with some… assistance, so we have no means of stopping that freak." Brief groaned. "But what's gonna happen?" The sisters shrugged. Kneesocks then put in, "At most, probably some property damage when he inevitably flies off the track, but I honestly couldn't care less. Do you, sister?" "No. So we are leaving." With that, they turned on their heels and walked out, with Brief rushing after them after a little bit. "Onto the next stash, I guess!"

Panty Part Counter: 15/666

A/N: Alright, that's that done! So, if you're wondering, no, SK and B will not be fighting ghosts. However, a few angels may decide to come down and stop them, (mostly because they have a grudge on Panty) so watch for that!