GammaTron: ...Huh, so we're gonna be making a fanfic on you, Z0? Nice!

KamenRiderZER0: Ha...its such irony given my shorthand. But I expect this mistake will happen a lot during the course of this story. But no its not about me its about the Kamen Rider King…

Woz: WAGA MAO! Kamen Rider ZI-O!

GT:*screams in fright and hides behind Rabbid Kong in a security uniform* He tries something, you slam him with a punch.

Z0: GAH! How'd you get into this room!? This room should only be available to the authors….wait a second...its the magic book isn't it!?

GT: ...He's got a magic book? ...He's not from Hogwarts, is he?

Z0: No...just the future.

Woz: Join us on a new adventure across time and space as we follow the boy who dreams of being king *gets hit in the head with a paintball making him fall over with a groan* Wa-waga...Mao….*gets dragged off by a tiny figure in a suit and fedora*

?: Ciaossu! *jumps on Z0's head* No need to pay attention to him, he was just leaving.

Rabbid Kong: Bwah-bwah-bwa?

GT: No, no. He's above any pay grade at the studios at this time, so no punching him or we all die.

Z0: Ah Reborn just in time, your new student is waiting for you!

Reborn: Hmm...he's a real piece of work, but I think I can handle him. I'm gonna have to beat some lessons into him, I hope no one minds.

Z0: Eh...he won't die easily, so go nuts. So as you smart readers can guess, and those who know him, this is Reborn, the world's greatest Hitman and Mafia Home Tutor.

GT: A Katekyo Hitman, if you prefer.

Z0: If anyone can whip our young bright eyed Kamen Rider King into shape...its him. It'll be a tough road, but I think we have just the timeline for him to enter.

GT: Yep. So, at this time, and because of how big it's gonna be...We do not own Kamen Rider not Katekyo Hitman Reborn not any anime, cartoons, comics, manga, or games that are utilized in this story. They are owned by their respective owners. Only things we own in this are our OCs.

Z0: Which is few and short between due to we already having a big cast as it is. But the few that do pop up belong to us and are not canon to their original source material. to enhanced your viewing one make a joke of that...or Reborn will find you.

Reborn: I always do.

GT: Alright, so without further ado…*tosses Rabbid Kong a banana* Begin the story! Smash the ceiling, boy!

Rabbid Kong: *roars with glee before picking up a crate of TNT and threw it at the roof, blowing it up and dropping the bedris on stage including the curtain*

Reborn: Hmm...Not bad mayhem.


The island of Sicily in Italy, a popular location in a very popular nation. However, like with all locations of fame in the world, in the shadows of said fame are things that strike a certain fear into the hearts of others. Those shadows always cast and move, reminding people of that which they must be weary of. One such shadow walked down the streets, making the people of Sicily scramble to get out of its way. The figure fixed his hat as he marched down the street, said hat being a fedora with an orange band around it.

One man flinched, watching the owner of both the shadow and hat walk past him. He breathed in relief, seeing the figure completely ignore him and march for the bar just down the street. Within the bar, several men of various ages were relaxing, enjoying a fine cigar or a shot of some drink provided by the bartender. The doors to the bar opened, earning the attention of several men and caused them to freeze up at the fedora-wearing figure that entered.

"That you, Reborn?" one of the older patrons asked, not even looking back as he tried to enjoy the drink in his hands.

"The Godfather called you in again?" another patron asked, taking a puff of his smoke, as the smoke trailed out the door due to air current, it revealed a small almost cartoonish chameleon resting on Reborn's fedora, "Must be hard being so popular? So where you heading this time? Roma? Venezia?"

"Giappone," Reborn replied.

"Japan!?" the one drinking gasped, finally turning around.

"Did the old man finally decide?" the smoker gasped, equally shocked at such a far off location to travel to.

"Sembra così," Reborn replied.

A man tried his best to sneak up on Reborn, he held a dagger in hand as he got close enough. He grunted as he moved in to attack, towering over Reborn...quite literally, given Reborn only stood about as tall as his shins or knees. However, this vast difference in height ruined the momentum of his attempt at assassination as he could not reach Reborn under any conventional stance. By the time he could get close, he froze at a black and green 9mm pistol with silencer pointed at his face.

"Sarà un lungo viaggio…" Reborn sighed, not even acting as if he had been attempted for assassination.

"Considering the distance, it truly will be," the smoker replied, sweating a little at the reminder of the man's skills.

"So're going?" the drinker added rhetorically as the gun shone before transforming into the chameleon in Reborn's hand.

"Of course," Reborn replied with a smirk, "After all its part of my name, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!" he smiled, revealing he was dressed in a black sit with an orange colored under shirt, a pacifier hanging around his neck made of bright yellow glass. The key detail was the fact he was an infant maybe at best guesstimation two years old.

(Cue Opening: 'Over "Quartzer" by Shuta Sueyoshi + ISSA

(Oh, yeah. Ohh…)

Isshun de tsukamitoru no sa Are you ready?

(Are you ready?)

Atarashī rekishi wa soko ni Feel it! Feel it!

(Crazy baby!)

Hikari wo kate ni kasokushite

Konomama Shout it out! Shout it out!

Ima wo susume yō

Madō hi mo Ikudo tonaku Asu no tobira tatake

Mitsumeta sono saki ni

Tobikonde mitara

Believe Yourself!

Now, Over "Quartzer"

Toki no ame Surinukete Tomo ni

You, Over "Quartzer"

Mirai wo koe yō

Kako no ishi wa Uso de wa azamuke nai

Kanjiro sō Nexus Future

Now, Over "Quartzer"

Mabayui sekai


Namimori-Japan; Fall of 2018

"ZzzzZZzz…." a young man snored as he lay under the sheets of his bed. He grumbled at the sound of his phone's alarm as he rolled over and fumbled to touch the screen and turn it off...or at least hit snooze. He groaned as his body's instinctual action was taking forever and his mind caught up, "Ah…." he yawned, sitting up and revealing his head of short brunette hair, which was just long enough it fell downward, but right now a night of sleeping left him with spiky bed head.

He grabbed the phone and swiped the alarm off before he yawned and fell back down. He grabbed the sheets and pulled them back over his bright blue pajama covered body. He was so close to finally falling back asleep when a sudden symphony of clocks going off shocked him out of bed.

"Gah!" he cried, "Ah...mou...Uncle! It's early in the morning!" he complained grabbing his pillow as he walked out of his room. He walked down the stairs before marching to a door to the side of the house, he opened it and entered a room filled with clocks as far as the eye could see, "Oji-san...OJI-SAN!"

"Ah Sougo!" an elderly man called out looking up from his work on someones old Rice Cooker, "Sorry, your Mother asked me to set this up to make sure you get up!" he shouted.

"Can you make it stop?!" the aptly called Sougo shouted.


"CAN YOU...MAKE IT...STOP!" Sougo shouted slowly.

" I can not." he said as they turned off by themselves.

"...I…" Sougo looked around.

"Huh...they were supposed to last longer…"

"Ah…" Sougo groaned going back and closing the door.

"Don't think of going back up to sleep. Your mother will get mad at both of us!" his uncle shouted through the walls as Sougo wiped his hand down his face to try and wake up, "And we'll both end up in the corner!"

"I was having a good dream, too…" Sougo sighed as he walked up to change.

Sougo walked into his room as he grabbed his cloths which were put aside to be put on at this moment. He began changing into the uniform consisting of black pants, a white under shirt, black vest, and blue tie. He sighed looking down at his tests laid out on his desk, his math scores again far below where they should be. Sougo sighed to himself as he hid the papers in his desk before grabbing his bag and other important things.

"You'd best hurry up!" his uncle called from the clock room, "You don't want to be late, do you?"

"Right!" Sougo called as he jogged down the stairs, he stopped and turned into the kitchen where he grabbed a bento left behind for him, "Thanks, mom." he smiled before going and putting on his shoes.

Sougo walked out as he grabbed a bike parked near the gate in front of his home. He wheeled it out onto the street before walking towards the road where he was allowed to ride it. As he did, he watched as students wearing the same uniform laughed and walked around him. Most of them happily looking forward to a new day while Sougo just yawned, wishing he could get a few more minutes of sleep. Sougo turned as the Karate club for his school jogged past him for their Morning club activity. They all chanted as they kept pace, the club captain stopping and jogging alongside Sougo.

"Yo Tokiwa!" he greeted, "Hey, is it true you actually said in your guidance meeting you wanted to be a King?" he laughed, slapping his shoulder loudly.

"Ah...haha...yeah…" Sougo chuckled as the sting was sharp.

"Hahaha...that's just like you! Aso-Sougo! You really got to get over that stuff!" he laughed, "You need some sense knocked into you!"

"Huh? What's...whoa!?" Sougo cried as he was grabbed and tossed onto his back by the club captain.

"'d that go knock some sense into ya!?" he laughed.

"Oof...that's some skill...goes to show for the captain of the karate club…" Sougo groaned, as he rolled over and used his bike to stand back up, "Perfect skills for a future Captain of the guard!"

" good…" he sighed, loudly slapping Sougo's shoulder again.

"Hahaha...told you Tokiwa wouldn't break his Chuunibyou that easily!" one club member laughed.

"He's too far gone, Kaichou!" another laughed, "Might as well be ready for when he becomes king!" he laughed harder.

'I suppose it's a little late to begin my own narration...but what they say is true. My dream ever since I was little has been to become a King. It's a little silly I know, but I can't explain's always just been the one thing I know that I want. Not that I know how to make it happen…' Sougo walked his bike forward 'till he got to a point he could ride it 'till getting to the bike lockup around the back of the school. As he locked up the bike, he blinked as someone walked out from behind the fence that was used to keep people out of the bike shed.

The man stood tall dressed in a brown coat with a hood and scarf tied around his neck. He held a book up in his hands as he looked down. "Congratulations." he smiled, earning Sougo's attention, "According to this book, today is a very special day for you." he mused as Sougo stood up to try and see his face, "It shall all begin; your journey to become great. But first you must train with the world's Strongest Baby."

"Huh?" Sougo blinked twice at hearing that.

"Oh...and beware Red robots." he mused. At that, all the bells of the bikes in the area began ringing.

Sougo covered his ears and flinched at the sound before noticing...the man vanished, "Eh...wha...what was that?" he asked looking around, "Someone's pulling a prank on me again, aren't they?"


Sougo froze up as he felt like a tiny bunny with a massive dragon glaring down hungrily at them. He slowly turned around to see who the flare belonged to. There was someone maybe a little a year older than him. He wore the same uniform save instead of the vest he wore his black blazer over his shoulders like a cape and an arm band around the left arm sleeve; he also didn't wear the tie around his collar. He had short black hair which fell down around his head barely covering his ears and framing his face with a fringe of hair going down the center of his forehead. His narrow grey eyes were currently glaring down at Sougo.

"Hibari-senpai…" Sougo gulped, "D-domo…" he weakly greeted.

"You're late," Hibari stated as the warning bell rang.



"Ah!" Sougo panicked upon hearing that and the collapsible tonfa in Hibari's hands, he quickly rushed around him and began running for the main building.

Sougo groaned arriving late and sitting at his desk after some jokes from the teacher and his classmates. He sat through class like normal, paying attention but not really absorbing the lesson. Most of the time, he would just get lost in his own imagination. That is until randomly the teacher would call on the class slackers to answer his questions.

"Yamamoto! Tokiwa! Come here and answer this." the teacher called out.

"Huh?" two voices asked in unison as they woke up from their dreaming.

The voice second to Sougo belong to a handsome young man with his black hair spiking upwards. He had large brown eyes that looked at the board in total confusion. Both he and Sougo walked up and scratched their heads at the equations.

" you get it?" Sougo whispered.

"Not a bit...what about you, Sougo-san?" Yamamoto asked.

"Not a lick…" Sougo quickly shook his head.

Yamamoto chuckled sheepishly at that, "Ah...we're in trouble, ne?"

"All I can think of is...tactical retreat," Sougo stated.

"What's that mean?"

"Run." Sougo explained simply.

"What are you two...OI! Where are you going!?" the Teacher shouted as they both ran out the door and down the hall, "Ah mou…"

"Ahahaha...those two are always a riot!" one student laughed, watching the class's two slackers run away from class.

All the while, unknown to all, a small figure was watching from a tree branch. He fixed his hat as he took notes of what happened. Mainly about Sougo, his behavior in class, his study habits...or rather lack thereof. But he did seem to have rather good social skills. That Yamamoto boy was also interesting, too, given how well he got along with Sougo.

"Augh…" Sougo groaned, sitting on the roof at lunch. He got through half the day so far, now he just wanted to relax and eat his lunch in peace. He pulled out his bento and quickly opened it as he smiled down at the perfect lunch before him. Some silence and a good lunch was just what he needed at this moment...oh if only the silence could last.

"Ah, Kaa-san's cooking is the best…" Sougo sighed in content between bites, "I'd make her the royal cook...but that'd be silly." he laughed to himself.

"Kyokugen Sprint!" a voice shouted as the door was flung open suddenly.

Sougo was so surprised, he began choking on his lunch. Standing there was another student maybe a year older then Sougo. He had tanned skin and short white hair. The most interesting thing he had to note was a scar on his left temple, and the bandage across his nose and sports tape around his arms. He aimed his grey eyes at Sougo before he rushed over and checked on him.

"Oi! You okay?" he asked before smacking Sougo's back, making him cough and clear his throat, "Yosh! Kyokugen save!"

" surprised me…" Sougo coughed, "I didn't think anyone else came up here…"

"Running up here after the lunch rush is an extreme workout! It works up a good appetite!" he explained, sitting next to Sougo suddenly, "I do everything that way! Besides this is the most risky lunch spot...Hibari is known to sleep up here!" he laughed.

"Eh!?" Sougo panicked, looking around.

"Ah don't worry, he's only a problem when he wakes up!"

"Ano...who are you?" Sougo muttered.

"I am Sasagawa Ryohei...ah wait I know you...You're that Sougo kid!" he laughed, "The kid who wants to be King!"

"Ah…" Sougo nodded.

"That's a pretty extreme dream...I like it!" he laughed, "Kyokugen dreaming! That's how it should be done!"

"Huh?" Sougo blinked at his words, "You don't think it's silly?"

"Huh...well, it's not my kind of dream...but as long as you stick to it! That's what matters!" Ryohei declared.

"Oh...arigato…" Sougo nodded with a smile.

"You gonna eat that?" Ryohei asked smelling Sougo's lunch.

"Eh? No way, you can't have my lunch!" he complained moving his bento away from his hands.

"Come on, just one extreme bite!" he declared getting up and swiping for the bento.

"Yada!" Sougo cried as he began running around in a circle.

"Kyokugen chase!" Ryohei shouted.

As the two ran around, neither noticed the nearby fire hose case opened slightly, revealing a figure peeking at the two. The figure smirked seeing this happen, seeing Sougo interact with someone so unique and get accustomed to his pacing so quickly.

Sougo groaned as he pedaled his bike down the street before coming to a stop at the incline that lead towards his home. He sighed, happy another day was over and he could rest at home. As he focused on what as ahead, he failed to notice a large figure poke a head out from behind the corner of a building. Sougo turned around as the giant figure pulled back.

Sougo walked up the incline as the giant figure walked out and rushed over to cover in another alley way. The robot was easily just shy of eight meters tall. It was mostly red in color with yellow markings all over its body, a silver section down its torso had yellow writing spelling 'Robo' in Hiragana. Its head was rounded and disk-like while colored in red and black with a masked face in the center, its yellow optics spelling 'Geiz' in Hiragana.

Sougo made it to the top of the incline as he began walking along the side of a railing. The entire time, the robot was hugging the wall below and following him. The robot then stopped when a Chihuahua began barking at it. The Robot motioned with its giant hand for it to leave, but the tiny dog refused to do so. The robot stomped its foot, making it yelp and run away. The robot then froze as the Chihuahua came back, standing on the back of a Doberman along with a pack of dogs from around the robot blinked as it began back peddling away before taking off down the street as the pack of dogs chased it.

"Those dogs must be loose again." Sougo noted, hearing the barking, "Boy, I hope whoever they are chasing doesn't get hurt. ...Hopefully, the Chihuahua's not leading them again. Last time, they needed to plead for Hibari-senpai to show up."

As Sougo walked on home, the hooded man from before laughed to himself watching the giant robot jump into the river to avoid the dogs. "Oh how I love Naminori in this time…" he mused to himself as he jumped away before he was noticed by the regular passerby.

As Sougo made it home, he was none the wiser to the insane events happening around him in the city. He parked his bike along the stone fence surrounding his home before walking up to the large duplex that was his home. He got the mail for the building to the right which doubles as a shop. He walked to the home on the left as he unlocked the door and stepped inside. After removing his shoes and opening the door that connected to the other building to drop off the mail he proceeded to move towards his room.

"Sou-kun!" a woman's voice called out, making him freeze mid-step before he could reach the first step of the stairs.

"Uncle did it!" he panicked.

"What I do?" Uncle complained through the door.

"Please come into the kitchen, Sou-kun!"

"Hai…" he slumped his head and shoulders as he walked in, "I can explain the thing you found in my desk drawer…"

"Hm? What do you mean?" a youthful-looking beautiful woman with her long black hair reaching the middle of her back while she wore a simple orange sundress asked.

"What do you mean?" he quickly asked. 'Play it off...and you might be saved…just don't be stupid...'

"Well, it seems I'll have to check your desk later," she noted, making Sougo nearly fall over, "But more importantly, I've noticed a few issues with your grades lately."

'Good going stupid.' Sougo reprimanded himself.

"I know you want to be a king, but how will others see you as a respectful king without good grades among your peers?" she continued.

"And this is why Moms are always the best…" Sougo muttered to himself mostly, "Well I guess that's a good point…" he admitted, "I should...focus better…" he avoided her gaze as he looked at the ceiling.

"Exactly. Which is why I called a home tutor," she smiled.

"Home tutor?!" Sougo and his uncle exclaimed, the uncle running in at that.

"Chotto don't they live in with you?" Uncle asked.

"Of course," she replied, "Which is why I spent lunch out. I met the tutor in person to get a feel for them. He seems quite nice and don't you dare bring up his height. It's a medical condition."

"Huh?" Sougo blinked confused.

"Well...we do have a lot of extra rooms." Uncle muttered, "He can stay over in one of my guest rooms." he muttered, "Ah, I better clean up the place. I left a lot of my winnings from the swap meet in them…" he rushed off at that last bit.

"Wait...Uncle! Uncle! You...we…" Sougo muttered, "Kaa-chan...couldn't you have texted me about this?"

"You would have avoided coming home." she argued.

"It's know me better than I know myself…"

"Of course I do. I'm your mother, after all," she giggled before giving him a hug, "Sou-kun, don't worry. I know you'll do a great job with the home tutor."

"Well I guess seeing Sensei's face when I suddenly do better would be nice." Sougo chuckled, 'Ah...I didn't think I was doing this bad...the teachers must have put my name out on some list for these guys.' the entire time he was thinking, his mother was leading him to the living room to meet this home tutor.

"Sou-kun, I would like to introduce you to your home tutor," she introduced, "His name is Reborn."


"Huh?" Sougo blinked a few times seeing, "Akachan? Kaa-chan...he's...he looks like a's both cute and kinda weird…" he hissed to his mother.

"...Sougo," Sougo froze, "What did I just tell you not even a minute ago?"

"Ah...t-to not mention height?"

"Corner," she ordered, causing Sougo to slump and stand in the corner she pointed at, before she bowed, "My humblest apologies, Reborn-san."

"I'm use to it. Besides, it's not the worst reaction I've seen." Reborn exclaimed, sipping some tea from his spot on the table, "It seems to be an effective method of punishment."

"Oh, he and his uncle have corners reserved for them," she replied, motioning to a tiny plaque with Sougo's name hanging above where Sougo was standing with his head slumped in shame, "Well, I need to finish preparing dinner, so I'll leave you to introducing yourselves. Sougo, temporary reprieve from the corner until you're finished."

"Hai…" he called out, looking up as she walked into the kitchen he then turned around to look at Reborn, "Hello…" he awkwardly greeted, walking over.

"So you're Tokiwa Sougo. It's time to evaluate," Reborn stated.

" want to...test me?" he blinked confused, "Well I mean...I'm kinda only good at history…"

"I'm well aware. You are below average in all school subjects besides History where you do rather well in. Primarily in global history and Japanese history. Your report on Oda Nobunaga was very well done." Reborn explained.

" did you?" Sougo blinked confused.

"Aside from your mother keeping all your graded work and reports to home in a scrapbook, I also looked into your records," Reborn explained, "Your guidance meeting was an interesting read. I intend on helping you make that goal a reality."

"My goal?" Sougo blinked, "You mean…"

"Yes, you wish to be a King...very well I shall make you someone who can become one. But the empire you shall take over will be a harsh one." Reborn explained, "I'll see to it you're strong enough to rule it."

"Eh?" Sougo blinked, "What kind of empire?"

"Hmm." Reborn smirked, "One that controls the world from a different angle, a kingdom that has more power then the police or governments." he said as Sougo leaned in closely to listen better, "The Mafia."

"!? Mafia!?" he asked in shock as he fell back.

"Yes, the Mafia," Reborn replied, "Just to let you know; I have no openings. My true profession is in assassination."

"Wha...assassination? What are you some kind of Hitman...oh my god…" he realized upon the silent response.

"I was hired by a certain man to become your tutor," Reborn explained, "Though, I'm quite glad your mother sees me as my real age and not my physical age. It feels refreshing."

"Yeah, it's hard to keep things from Kaa-chan...sometimes I'm worried she has some secret mind reading power...but then I realize that's silly...and then worry she just has some kinda super intuition."

"Considering that she is a direct descendant of the Vongola Primo like yourself, it shouldn't be surprising for the Hyper Intuition to manifest in subtle ways," Reborn noted.


"Yes," Reborn replied as his chameleon changed into a tablet and displayed a family tree, "The Vongola Primo retired and came to Japan. You and your mother are the last of that first's bloodline. I was asked by the ninth head of the Vongola to train you."

"Soka...but why me?"

"Enrico, the oldest of the three candidates, was shot in a feud," Reborn explained as he held up a picture of a dead man with a gun in his hand in a pool of blood.


"Matsumo, the second middle child, was found in the most cliche of ways; drowned in the river with his legs in cement," Reborn continued, holding up a picture of a plump man underwater with his feet encased in concrete, "It was considered the most embarrassing of them all because it was from a greenhorn famiglia that only knew mafia from movies."

"Wah...that's got to be awkward…" Sougo admitted.

"And the youngest and most favorite of the three, Federico, was found reduced to nothing but bones," Reborn informed as he held up a burnt skeleton, "The only reason we knew it was him was through dental records."

"Ah…." Sougo gasped out in fear at that one, "And that was from increased security?"

"Sadly, two of his supposed 'Guardians' turned out to have been traitors," Reborn scowled, "They had been bought out and sold him out. Their deaths were made public to the mafia side."

"Geez, I'd expect some corruption from the Mafia...but this is a little ridiculous." Sougo admitted, "So...every single one of the popular choices was...taken off the table. So now you have to do some family tree digging, and you turned up me...more or less?"

"Indeed," Reborn replied, "Because you are the direct descendant of the first Vongola, your lineage and bloodline make you a valid candidate. Don't worry, I'll make you into a fine ruler for the Vongola. The first step is simple: getting your grades up. A ruler garners respect and needs to be seen as wise. Your not make you seem wise to others."

"Ah…" Sougo sighed, falling back, "Well...I want to be a king…" he spoke as he sat back up, "Alright...if it means becoming King, then I'll learn from you Reborn-san."

"Your dream means that much, that you'll even become king of the Mafia?" Reborn asked.

"I've always wanted to be a King…" he spoke, "I've never been able to explain it...but it's something I've desired. Since the moment I could's been in my mind. I want to make my dream come true."

"Hmm." Reborn smirked at that, "You are an odd boy...but I can work with this."

"I get that first part a lot…" Sougo chuckled.

"Alright, after dinner we'll start with homework. Each time you fail to get them all correct, you won't like the result," Reborn stated as he hopped off the couch and walked towards the kitchen, "We're finished for now."

"Sougo, back to the corner!" Sougo's mother called.

"Hai, Kaa-san…" Sougo groaned, slumping as he returned to his corner.

"So how does that work?" Reborn asked.

"Well, it's something I learned from my mother, who learned from her mother, who learned from her neighbor for a bag of rice and a chicken," she explained, "Every time they break a rule, you put them into a corner for ten minutes with an extra minute added each time they talk unless addressed."

"'s surprisingly effective all things considered." Reborn noted, "I suppose this too must be a gift passed down from your ancestry. The First was said to be able to use the simplest of glares to bring people under control." he noted, hopping up onto the dinner table.

"I don't fully understand, but I am glad to know someone else supports my son," she noted with a small smile.

"Hmm..." Reborn smirked, "Truly a one of a kind family, I don't think I'll mind this assignment. I promise you by the time I'm done, Sougo will be an excellent young man who can lead people."

"Ah! Spider!" Sougo panicked from the other room. They then heard the sound of crashing and other possibly dangerous sounds, "The Spider wrecked the living room…."

"...Excuse me for a moment," Mrs. Tokiwa informed before going into the living room, "Tokiwa Sougo!"

"Yare yare…" Reborn sighed, tilting his hat down as Leon tilted his head at the living room.

From outside, just in front of the gate, a girl stopped and turned towards the house. She had long black hair, and was wearing a white dress, black tights, and two capes attached to each shoulder. She looked up at the building as she could hear chaos and reprimanding even from this distance.

"So...this is the home of the Demon king…" she spoke as the wind blew her hair and capes, "How could such a regular family home produce such evil?" she asked to herself.

She then looked as a figure walked around the corner. A figure clad in all Red armor; consisting of an allover red bodysuit with black gloves covered in yellow armor, each arm was covered in two connected watch-like devices holders. Each one currently housed a watch of some sort. He had red blockish shoulder armor with yellow stripes, a red chest plate that only covered his pectorals with light grey markings which merged into the shoulder pads. A black stripe resembling a sports watch strap went down his chest to his groin; it connected to his neck which was covered in black material before melting to his helmet. The helmet was red along the sides with the same black stripe along the top, the mask of the helm resembled a G-Shock sports watch with a black exterior a white mouthplate and forehead, said forehead had a small analog watch face with the tiny silver letters spelling 'Kamen' under it. His eyes where large and spread outward almost like butterfly wings with yellow letters spelling 'Geiz' in Hiragana.

The armored figure looked at the house same as the girl before he backed away and walked off. The girl sighed, seeing that the figure walked away and decided not to do whatever it seemed he was here for, but clearly it was something which drove this girl to worry.

"Geiz…" she finally spoke, "I see you still hesitate...That is good." she sighed, putting a hand to her chest in relief.


She sweatdropped when the figure dashed past her and down the street, followed by multiple dogs with a chihuahua in the lead of them all. The girl blinked as she swore the Chihuahua was somehow leading them like Napoleon...just minus the silly hat.

"I wonder if this is a norm of this time period…" she muttered, walking off once she heard the front door open.

Reborn poked out as he heard all the barking before shrugging and going back inside. Leon kept watching while an eye shifted into an infrared camera that followed Geiz until he was out of sight with the last bit seen was the Chihuahua managing to bite his behind. Though while it didn't hurt through his armored suit...the Chihuahua refused to let go...making it awkward.

"Eto…" Sougo muttered as he and Reborn were doing homework in the living room, "I think the answer to this question is 3!" he cheered.


"WHA!" Sougo cried as he was blown over by a sudden explosion.

"Incorrect," Reborn informed, wearing a demolition outfit while the explosive switch in his hands turned back into Leon.

"Pfft...ha-hack...that...that was something." Sougo groaned.

"You shouldn't just randomly guess if you don't know." Reborn added.

"I guess that's true…" Sougo muttered before coughing up a cloud of smoke which Reborn blew out the window with Leon who turned into a little desk fan, "That...that's one neat chameleon."

"This is Leon, a shapeshifting chameleon," Reborn explained, "Now then, pay attention to this formula for the question."

"Hai hai…" Sougo sighed, "Ne Reborn...I've been wondering, what are the Vongola like?"


"Well I mean you bring them up like every other sentence." Sougo pointed out.

"No, I don't…"

"Vongola family karaoke story…"

"I still say I won." Reborn looked away.

'Is he upset he got cheated out of a victory?' Sougo pondered.

"Don't misunderstand, it's not that I don't want to tell you or its need to know. I just know you're trying to eat up time by distracting me 'till dinner."

"Gh!" Sougo gulped.

"I applaud the attempt. But try it again and you won't like the consequences." Reborn said pulling out a newspaper that was in italian.

"H-Hai…" Sougo replied.

"Focus," he pointed down with a pointing stick that use to be Leon.

Later, after a stressful evening of 'get the question right or get an explosion to the face' as Sougo called it to Uncle, Sougo was able to finally retire to his room, at least not till after another drill sergeant like lesson of proper hygiene and cleaning up after himself at the dinner table. Also helping set up Reborn's room. He still wondered what all those odd power tool sounds he heard during the evening were.

"AH!" Sougo panicked seeing a tiny little door cut into the side of his room...a door just big enough…

"Ciaossu!" Reborn exclaimed as it swung open, revealing to have been cut perfectly for only his figure to walk through.

"Reborn?!" Sougo gawked.

"This is why I chose the room just opposite yours in the duplex," Reborn explained, "Now I shall come wake you up so your Uncle can work and your mother can focus on her morning routine and rituals." he added further as he removed his hat and quick changed into pajamas, "The room shall be my office during the day, but for the most part I'll be here to ensure your act is cleaned up. First...before you can sleep...clean up your room. Starting with Mt. Sougo's dirty laundry."


"I'm Reborn, I'm your Tutor, and because I can." he answered all his babbling questions in order, before jumping and kicking Sougo in the abdomen, knocking him over, "Now clean."

"Yes…." he groaned in pain, 'Not even my own room is safe...mou...cut me a little slack world.'

"Not a bit of slack for you," Reborn replied.

"How did…"

"Because I can. You really need to grasp these points, Sougo, otherwise how will you be the Vongola's Tenth boss?" Reborn argued, "Now clean while I go get my good night drink. I expect this place to be presentable and spotless by the time I return or you're sleeping on the roof tonight."


"Better hurry." Reborn smirked walking off.

Sougo snored peacefully after spending about ten stressful minutes of rushing back and forth through the house to clean his room. It was after finishing that Sougo learned he also had to now wash his own clothing, but that's a disastrous tale to embarrass him for another day. After finishing all his new personal chores...he just crashed in his bed, after a good eight hours of rest the sun began to finally rise. It was at this moment the peace was broken.

"Rise and shine!" Reborn declared jumping on Sougo's back making him jump up and then roll out of bed. Reborn himself landed with a bounce on Sougo's bed.

"Ah wha...oh...Reborn…" Sougo realized before grabbing his clock, "EH!? It's only five in the morning!?"

"I rise with the sun." Reborn explained, "And now so too do you, Tokiwa Sougo."

"Mou…" Sougo cried, falling over.

"Do you want to give up?" Reborn asked.

"No...I still want to become a king." Sougo grunted while sitting up, "I can do this...I think…"


"Besides, it's not like anyone is after me." Sougo chuckled, "You act like I should be worried all the time."

"You're good at reading people, I'll give you that." Reborn admitted, "Not many people can tell what I'm thinking by my face."

"I like to think I've seen your full range of visual cues after a full day in this house with you," Sougo admitted as he got up and stretched his arms, as he did something fell from his bed, which went unnoticed by him.

Reborn, however, saw it and walked over to pick it up. The device looked like a black watch face with the actual part to tell time removed, revealing gears inside. It looked incomplete… Reborn held it up towards Sougo as he looked for his clothes, a reaction of sorts came as the tiny gears within turned.

"Naruhodo...this is linked to Sougo," Reborn noted.

"Reborn, what's that?" Sougo asked, dressed in his uniform.

"Something for later." Reborn explained, putting it under his hat.

"Nanda? Another secret?" Sougo chuckled, "Well I guess I better get use to that. You strike me as the type who doesn't like to share." he laughed before he was kicked in the back of the head, "Ah the back of my head!"

"Finish getting ready," Reborn ordered.

"Yes….Sir…" he groaned in pain, "You know Rabbit punches are illegal…"

"It was a kick," he argued.

"Ah...kicked out to school before the sun is fully up…" Sougo sighed, walking his bike down the street to try and elongate his commute. He then blinked as several members of early morning club activities ran past him.

"Ah Sougo-san!" Yamamoto cheered as he carried a bat and baseball mitt, "You're out early? What a surprise!"

"Yamamoto-san?" Sougo blinked, "Oh right. You're in the baseball club, you must be on your way to morning practice."

"Yep!" Yamamoto beamed.

"Ah...well I kinda have been forced out early by my new home tutor," Sougo revealed as they walked together, "I miss my warm bed…" he cried the last part.

"Mmm...I feel for you," Yamamoto agreed, "A nice warm bed is always hard to get out of."

"Right…" he sighed, "But I don't mind it in the end...Kaa-san only agreed cause she's well...Kaa-san." he smiled, "I can still miss my bed though, even if I understand she hired this hellish tutor for my own good."

"What kind of person is this tutor?" Yamamoto asked.

" do I explain someone like Reborn? Well, foremost his most notable feature is that he has a condition that makes him a little shorter and younger looking than others." he nodded, "But by the way he can handle his alcohol, he's clearly an adult."

" he a foreigner?" he asked interested.

"He's from Italy apparently." Sougo nodded. Yamamoto blinked as he swore he saw something blink into existence on the seat of Sougo's bike seat. But before he could turn to get a better look, it was gone, "Yamamoto-san?"

"Nothing...just thought I saw something...must have been a lazy bug or something!" he laughed.

Reborn waited as a beetle dropped the device from before in his hand. " this thing refuses to be seperated from Sougo...I guess that means I'll need to follow and keep it safe as well as him." he muttered as several beetles crawled on his shoulder, "Hm? Hn…already in the area? Oh...a strange girl is stalking Sougo..." Reborn turned to see the girl with shoulder capes watching from a distance, ignoring the admiring lovestruck stares of boys her and Sougo's age as she walked after him, "Eh...oh...this is a complication." a static cricket noise went off, "Very complicated. Though impressive on how a giant red robot is able to avoid notice."

"Eh, so you understand the questions from last night now?" Yamamoto asked excitedly.

"They were hammered into my noggin good," Sougo sighed, "Literally...after a while, he hit me with a comical mallet each time I goofed." 'Only because he didn't bring enough explosives.'

"Whoa! That's one strict tutor," Yamamoto noted with an impressed whistle.

"Do you want me to help you with some before class?" Sougo guessed with a chuckle.

"That's my fail buddy!" Yamamoto laughed.

"Sure, I guess I got the time now!" Sougo laughed as well.

As the two chuckled, they didn't notice the girl as she grew ever closer to them. Her heels clacked against the ground as she seemed to pick up speed to get closer to them, her eyes trained solely on Sougo. She moved to close the distance before stopping as she saw Reborn jump over her and land on the seat of Sougo's bike. Reborn held up a gun with a silencer as he smiled and waved his finger in a 'No' manner.

"That's Reborn...the one who trained him…" she spoke as the two boys walked off, not once noticing Reborn or her.

"You're not going to get close to him like that," a voice spoke as the girl turned to see a young man dressed in a black and red sports suit with a black harness/vest around his upper torso with a turtleneck like collar, "Reborn is still known as the world's greatest Hitman...As long as he is alive and training Ohma, you can't get close to him that way. It was useless to try this, Tsukuyomi."


"I know that today is the day…" he spoke with a frown, "That's why as long as he never transforms today...then the future we come from shall never happen."

"Giez, that's cruel...we can't just let someone…" Tsukuyomi began to try and argue with her associate.

"I won't change my mind. Our mission was to stop him from becoming the Demon King, whatever method is acceptable in the end." he spoke in a huff as he walked off.

Tsukuyomi bit her lower lip in worry, 'Whatever method is acceptable in the end…'

Sougo sat down on the bleachers, overlooking the baseball team. Honestly, at this moment he had nothing to do. He wasn't really part of any club or sporting team, so he had no reason to be here so early in the morning. Besides, Yamamoto was probably one of the few people considered to be his friend in school, so it seemed like the best place to hangout 'till classes began.

"Isn't this a little boring?" Reborn, dressed in a baseball uniform, asked while appearing on the seat behind Sougo, spooking him.

"Bwah! R-Reborn?!" Sougo gawked.

"Yo, Aso-Sougo!"

"Oh not you too…" Sougo groaned.

"Everyone thinks your bit of 'I will become King' is a joke, so they call you Aso-Sougo, because you play around all day." Reborn explained, "Not bad word play though."

"I'm not playing around," Sougo sighed, "I do want to be King…"

"You have doubts?" Reborn noted his tone.

"…" he shook his head.

"Soka...a woman," Reborn nodded.

"Where did that come from!?" Sougo demanded, almost falling out of his seat and through the bleachers, "Ah...I'm falling! Reborn! Leon! Someone!" he panicked.

Leon turned into a slide whistle. Reborn simply blew into the instrument and stopped when Sougo landed flat on his back.

"It-itai…" he groaned, limping out from under the bleachers, "That was cruel, Reborn…"

"I could have done the fake hand gag." he pointed out, removing his hand to reveal it was a fake as the real one popped out.

"Guh…" Sougo groaned.

"Now then, what about this woman you like?" Reborn asked.

"Well I mean you already know by now…" he sighed leaning against the side of the bleachers as he looked out, "Come here." he motioned as Reborn jumped down and landed on his shoulder, "Her...Sasagawa Kyoko...she's a girl in my class." he pointed as Reborn lifted Leon who transformed into a pair of opera glasses/binoculars.

The two looked out across the sports field as a girl and her friends walked around. The girl Sougo pointed out in particular had golden brown hair and matching golden eyes. She was a little short, but had a slim attractive figure. Her smile, however, seemed to brighten the area as everyone around her was happy.

"She's very cute. So what about her is it that makes her doubt your own dream?" Reborn asked.

"I don't first, I didn't like her beyond thinking she was cute...but...when I did talk to her, she said...I might be a good king." Sougo smiled fondly at the memory, "I don't know...just hearing it from someone else...made me feel happy. But then...maybe I thought...Maybe she's someone I'd like to be normal for…" he admitted with a dry chuckle, "Not like you'd get it, you're probably super happy with your life Reborn."

"Doubting your own dreams over the prospect of love...not that I haven't heard of such a thing, but it is pretty naive…" Reborn explained earning Sougo's attention, "If you want to be King, then you have more than just option A and B."

"More than just...Option A and B?"

"Yes. There's always more than just those two options to a situation. At times, you'll see further options around you. For example, I could have helped you in that fall or I could have used my fake hand. Instead, I went with a comical slide whistle."

"Soka…" Sougo chuckled, "That...that was kinda funny."

"Your choice is always that: your choice. What you chose will always be yours and no one can take that from you." Reborn spoke, "So find the choice that'll let you live with no regrets."

"Yeah…" Sougo mused, "Ariga-Ah!? Are you asleep on my shoulder?!" he asked, seeing the bubble from Reborn's nose as he snored, "I guess he's so used to his size and people mistaking him for a kid that he can do this…"

Eventually, it was time for class. Sougo, for the life of himself, had no idea what to do with Reborn; so he took the sweater he always brought with him incase it suddenly became cold and made a makeshift bed for him in the Nurse's office where he left him. Besides, after the beatings he'd gotten from Reborn, he was sure he could take care of himself...right now he needed to make it to class before he met Hibari again. Honestly the teacher calling him out was nowhere near as bad as meeting Hibari in the hall during class.

Once more, he made it through a pretty normal day, though thankfully thanks to Reborn's harsh first day of tutoring he didn't make a fool of himself in math class...well too much at least. The teacher still chastised him and Yamamoto when he realized, Yamamoto also wrote down Sougo's short hands for the answers, making their homework sheets look perfectly identical. But regardless, the day went smoothly, yet all the while many didn't know of a looming danger around them.

"Ah...Lunch already," Sougo sighed, once more on the roof, before realizing something missing, "Ah...I got rushed out so fast, I forgot lunch! Kaa-san is going to give me that pouty disappointed face all evening..."

As he paced in a panic, a mechanical whir went off.


"Majin?" he blinked, looking around before he looked upwards, "Eh...R...Robot?" he realized, looking at the red robot standing over him on the door access to the roof, "'s a Red Robot...the mysterious Niisan was right!" it swung a fist at Sougo, who yelped and rolled out of the way, "Whoa!"

Within the robot, Geiz smirked. The interior of the robot was spacious with various screens both solid and holographic displaying multiple things with a holographic screen before Geiz showing what the robot was seeing. Each of his hands was occupied with mechanical levers emerging from two circular connections on the walls.

"I've finally have an opportunity...Ohma Zi-O!"

"Ah!" Sougo panicked, rolling out of the way of another punch, "Ah Nanda...What is this? The Mafia has giant robots?! Whoa!" he managed to roll out of the way of a stomp and managed to get to the stairs, "Down I go!"

"You won't get away!" Geiz declared.

The robot jumped off the roof as jets of fire came from its feet slowing its decent. The entire time the robot glared at the window which allowed it to see Sougo running...and then tripping down the stairs. Once he reached a level where the Time Mazine could stand at ground level, it swung back to punch through the wall; but before it could, it stopped when something green suddenly covered the main camera.

"Nani?" Geiz blinked as a face formed in the mass of green, "What is that?"

"What an interesting Robot...but I already know its not one of his works." Reborn noted as the robot struggled to pull off the giant green cloth that was Leon, clinging to its head unit, "I'm tempted to try shooting it, but I don't want it to explode and take out the school either...what a pain you are, Mister Assassin."

"Reborn!" Sougo panicked, running over to him, "Big Red Robot! Smash things...after me! Panic...OW!" he crowed as Reborn kicked him across the face, "I needed that." he smiled as he was kicked again and then a third time, "You're pushing your luck, Reborn!"

"Since you are the target, being here will endanger everyone here," Reborn noted, "Tell me, if you were to die before you could get it out of here would you regret that you couldn't have saved anyone if the assassin were to do a 'no witnesses' approach?"

"Eh? No witnesses? But that'd…" Sougo realized as his eyes widened, "That''s one thing to target me...but...these guys are my classmates...even if they mock day…It'll be my job to defend them."

"Heh," Reborn smirked before holding up a pistol with silencer, "Then do so with your Dying Will."

"Eh?" Sougo blinked just as the robot got the Leon cloth off its head unit.

"Nani?" Geiz asked before the muffled gunshot was heard via his machine's sensors, "Maska…" the Time Mazine turned its head to see Sougo collapsing, a bullet wound in the center of head, "Shit! A Dying Will Bullet."

' I dying?' Sougo asked as smoke escaped from the wound in his forehead, 'But...I can't...I still need to get that thing away from here...I need to save everyone inside...If I had the chance...the courage...I could have done it.' at that, the smoke grew thicker until an orange flame sparked from the wound. Sougo's skin began to crack as a light came from inside of him, "REBORN!" he snapped as another Sougo seemed to come out of his original self, dressed in nothing but his black boxer shorts with pink stripe patterns, "I'll get him out of here with my Dying Will!" he shouted as the flame on his forehead grew larger into a roaring ball of fire.

"Dammit!" Geiz cursed as Time Mazine threw a punch only for Sougo to jump out of the way and run off, "Get back here!"

"NEVAH!" he roared as he began building hopping, covering much more distance.

"Majidayo...I've never seen someone get such a boost from a Dying Will Bullet…" Geiz gasped upon seeing the feats of acrobatics. His Time Mazine jumped before transforming into a vehicle mode and flying off after Sougo, "Wait...why is he half naked?" he questioned, "Onore, Ohma Zi-O!"

"So...Are you going to come out? Tsukuyomi?" Reborn asked, turning to the corner of the school.

"...As expected of the world's greatest hitman in this era," Tsukuyomi admitted as she stepped out.

"I have my servants." he mused as beetled crawled around his face, "They tell me of a strange girl who unknowingly charms men with her beauty but follows my student, but with no intent to kill."

"Eh? Charming men?" Tsukuyomi pondered in shock.

"They are very well detailed," Reborn explained, " are from the future,"

"Yes, you see..."

"Stop." he held his hand out, "You really shouldn't go into detail or you'll change the future in different ways. Even I know that and I rarely like time travel plots. Too convoluted and hard to follow." he explained as his clothing changed into that of a scientist with messy white hair, "As the Doc would say, 'the less you reveal, the better your chances.'"

"A doctor said that?" Tsukuyomi asked.

"Must be a bad future if you don't know this classic reference," Reborn sighed, "How bad we talking?"

"In our world, an evil Demon King has made the planet the worst possible outcome," she explained before blinking as Reborn changed into a biker-like outfit with spikes on his leather jackets shoulders, and very dirty torn clothing and carrying a shotgun for added measure.

"Okay I think I get your gist. Let me Sougo this demon king?" he asked, pumping his weapon, "Your friend in the red robot is here to kill him to change the future, but you want to just change events so he doesn't become evil."

"Yes," Tsukuyomi replied.

"Even if it means you may well not be born?" He arched an eyebrow in skepticism at her conviction.

"I know that possibility exists...but it would mean a better future." she explained, "And I don't believe Sougo has to die to make that happen."

"An interesting stance," Reborn noted, "Well, we have three minutes left, so do you have a way to pick Sougo up?"

"I do." she nodded as a black Time Mazine flew out of a portal in the sky, "I don't like flying with others." she explained simply, "But in times of danger, I'll make exceptions."

"Stop dodging!" Geiz snapped as Sougo jumped over each punch of the robot. He then ran up its arm, " no NO!" he shouted as Sougo kicked the head unit clean off the robot, sending it flying into the distance and into the river, "Gah!" Geiz slammed the holographic monitor as the machine started shutting down, "Why do they even make them with this issue?!"

"Ah…" Sougo gasped, landing as the flame began flickering, "D...Dying...will…." he huffed as it went out, "...AH! I'm naked!" he panicked, trying to cover himself with his arms, "Oh boy, I hope no one recorded me…"

"Onore, Ohma Zi-O!" Geiz growled as he reached for something before crying out in shock when Tsukuyomi's Time Mazine rammed into his, knocking it away.

"Another one?" Sougo blinked as it opened along the bottom and Reborn dressed in a regular leather biker outfit and sunglasses walked out.

"Come with me if you want to live." Reborn ordered.

"You are enjoying this, aren't you?" Sougo sighed as he jumped up to the machine and climbed inside.

"Introductions can wait. Now hold on," Tsukuyomi informed before swiping her hand on the holographic screen, "Activating Space-Time transport system!"

"Wait, wha…!?" Sougo grunted as they took off into a tunnel in the sky.

"I'm quite curious if this is what someone who's hit with a Ten-Year Bazooka sees when it goes off," Reborn noted, looking at the digital-like scenery that they went through.

"Ten-Year Bazooka?" Sougo asked as he was presented a change of clothes, primarily a clean and non damaged version of his school uniform as the buttons were ripped off the old shirt from earlier. "Oh...pants." he smiled happily as he struggled to put them on with the space he had so as to not disturb their driver, "...Why did I end up in my boxers, anyway?"

"It was because of this," Reborn informed as he held up a red bullet with a fire-print on it, "It's called the Dying Will Bullet. With it, it releases your external limits, but doing that will also destroy your clothes. It's only been recent development from the eighth leader of Vongola that lets you keep your undergarments on."

"Eh? Why the eighth?" Sougo asked.

"She was the first female leader of the Vongola and kept the famiglia together during the second World War," Reborn replied.

"Oh…" Sougo noted, his cheeks pink with a blush as he realized the implications.

"This should be a safe era," Tsukuyomi spoke as they landed in a lush jungle.

"A jungle...are we in the Amazon...Africa?" Sougo asked, buttoning up his shirt as Reborn handed him his tie, "Thank you."

"Nope….this is the Cretaceous period." she explained.

"That's a little too far back…" Sougo muttered.

"I'm sure nothing bad will happen." Reborn smirked.

-Five Minutes Later-

"Something bad has happened!-!" Sougo panicked, running from a full grown mother Tyrannosaurus Rex and her child.

"...I wonder how Verde will react knowing a baby T-Rex's roar sounds like an elephant blowing its trunk," Reborn noted as he was recording it.

"Get back in the ship! Get back in the ship!" Sougo cried as he jumped in just as if lifted up and took off.

Edo Era Japan

Sougo sighed, sitting on a bench as they arrived in late summer in the Edo era of Japan. Reborn, having changed into clothing to fit the era ,left Sougo and Tsukuyomi in their western clothing. Reborn even went to order them some snacks and tea for their time here. Tsukuyomi took the liberty of paying as she revealed that a tablet she had on her ship had the ability to quite literally print Money of the era.

"That….that's really convenient," Sougo noted, "But isn't it dangerous because of counterfeiting?"

"In this era, its coins that aren't easily tracked." she explained, "In more recent timelines with paper money, it hacks into public financial system and makes them legitimate."

"That's a scary tool to have…" Sougo muttered.

"But handy for time traveling and you are left in need of money." Reborn spoke, sipping his tea as he took his costume to an extreme and even put on a fake beard and somehow made his hair into a shaved topknot.

"...If we went further back to when they still used rice, we'd have enough rice for a lifetime," Sougo realized.

"About that…" she muttered, "While yes it is can not replicate organic item. Metal and synthesized paper are not organic material like rice." she coughed with a slight blush while turning away.

"What kind of restriction is that?" Sougo muttered, "Who invented that?"

"You do," she explained.

"Way to go, stupid," Reborn tacked on as Sougo slapped his forehead.

"Well...if I invented time travel…"

"No, you just invented this tablet and the likes." Tsukuyomi added, "You are not the inventor of the engine that allows for travel through time."


"I didn't expect him to be the one to do so," Reborn revealed, "So...Tsukuyomi-san, can you tell us why you are in the past to alter your timeline?"

"Eh? Alter?" Sougo pondered...before hugging the tablet, "It won't get rid of this, will it? It'll help getting a present for Kaa-san on her birthday."

"At this point...I doubt you're even the person I think you are..." Tsukuyomi sighed.

"Hm?" both residents of the present blinked.

"In my time Fifty years from your present, the world is ruled by an evil twisted group...called the Vongola Empire," she explained, "They are lead by a powerful Mao: Ohma Zi-O." she went on, "His true name is...Tokiwa Sougo."

"..." Sougo blinked a few times.

"Give it a second," Reborn stressed.

"...THAT'S ME!" he panicked.

"There it is," Reborn nodded, sipping his tea and eating his mochi.

"But you see my point," Tsukuyomi spoke, "I've just met Sougo today...and I can't see him as an evil tyrant who threw the world into a dystopia. He's too...too…"

"Stupid? Silly? Comical? Weak? Slightly lovable but mostly tolerable?" Reborn listed.

"Slightly loveable?!" Sougo gawked.

"You see my point, Reborn...Sougo, even with your training, couldn't possibly be Ohma Zi-O," Tsukuyomi pointed at Sougo, "That is not the face of the demon King who slays armies with the sweep of his hand. It's the face of someone who probably couldn't even hurt a fly."

"I'll have you know I've swatted many flies in my life time," Sougo huffed.

"Several of which earned you the corner due to breaking something," Reborn noted, earning a look of shock from Sougo, "Your mother keeps a journal of who gets put into a corner and the reason."

"Kaa-san…" Sougo complained, tears streaming from his eyes.

"...Corner?" Tsukuyomi tilted her head in confusion.

"His mother's preferred punishment method," Reborn smirked.

"Mothers punishing their children…?" she asked, "What is wrong with the past?"

"More like what's wrong with the future…" Sougo muttered, "Ohma Zi-O...Vongola Empire...that sounds right...but not like me…" he muttered, "Reborn, I got it! Help me instead of becoming the world's most despised and worst Mao...the worlds most beloved and greatest Mao!" he cheered to his tutor.

"I'm a tutor, Sougo, not a miracle worker." Reborn replied.

"Cold!" Sougo cried, falling out of his seat.

"But I see your point. On the one hand, Sougo is clearly too kind to become such a horrible thing."

"Thank you."

"Now that is..."

Reborn cut her off, "Time is ever changing. It's possible the evil version you the result of something tragic happening to Sougo. It's even possible pain and loss drove him to evil...but given this is the Mafia, such morality is relative in the end."

"How can you be so calm about this, Reborn?" she asked.

"Ultimately, being the Boss of the Mafia and being a Demon king carry the same perks and responsibilities," Reborn explained, "So I don't see an issue with Sougo using such a title as 'Mao,' but I'd rather not have such a bleak future for the Vongola. So to compromise, I'll need to train him to be as he desires: a Mao for the good of the Vongola."

"Fight! There's a fight!"

"What's going on?!"

The trio looked up in time to see a cart break apart when a man was tossed into it.

"Don't screw with Edo artisans, you jerk!" another man snapped.

"Seems like they are fighting over something," Sougo noted as Reborn hopped on his shoulder to get a better look.

"Apparently, it's over whose art is better," Reborn noted before smirking, "Tsukuyomi."

"Hai?" the girl asked before Reborn hopped onto her shoulder and whispered into her ear, "...Got it." she walked up and grabbed Sougo's shoulders, "Sorry, but I need to try something out."

"Huh?" Sougo asked, getting a bad feeling...that grew stronger when Leon covered Reborn's head and made it look like his.

"ALRIGHT YOU PUNKS, GIVE IT A REST!" Reborn shouted in Sougo's voice before Leon got off him and Tsukuyomi pushed Sougo through the crowd to the fighting men.

"Eh?" Sougo blinked at this development, "Ehehe...Domo…" he waved awkwardly as he internally was wracking his brain at how to get out of this mess.

"What you say, you western loving brat?" one of them asked, walking over towards him.

"It's just that I'm not one for violence. Can't we talk it out?" Sougo asked.

"..." the arguing men shared looks.

"Ah! Wait, wait, wait! Let's all calm down, alright?!" Sougo pleaded as the men carried Sougo to a bridge before screaming when they tossed him off into the river to cheers of the crowd...with Tsukuyomi and Reborn watching with identical expressionless looks.

"As I figured…" Tsukuyomi sighed.

"It seems that they get along now," Reborn noted, seeing the arguing men were now laughing and walking off together with arms over shoulders.

"Thank goodness," Sougo sighed, climbing out and seeing the same thing.

"Ha! They tossed him in the river, but he's still concerned with them fighting!" a woman laughed, causing the people around them to start laughing as well...until the men from earlier were heard screaming.

"Bakemono! Run, run! Bakemono!"

"Nani?" Sougo asked as Geiz in his armored form walked out into the street, "Ah! The robot shrunk!"

"Geiz!" Tsukuyomi panicked.

"Is that what he looks like?!" Sougo panicked.

"Pretty sure it's just a suit, Sougo," Reborn spoke.

"I knew that…"

" do you become Ohma?" Tsukuyomi complained before grabbing him and running off, "Come on!"

"Onore, Ohma Zi-O! You're not getting away!" Geiz roared.

"He's so persistent!" Sougo complained.

"You have no idea…" Tsukuyomi groaned.

"Back to the future," Reborn ordered on Sougo's shoulder.

"We are not letting the past Ohma meet his self from my time!"

"...She hasn't seen the American movies?" Sougo pondered, "...Future evil me sucks!"

"On that, everyone who's a time traveler here agrees." Reborn nodded.

"Everyone knows you watch those movies to know what to and not to do in time travel shenanigans!" Sougo shouted.


At that, the two machines flew across the sky before diving into the time portal. Geiz's red Time Mazine crashed and began bumping and ramming Tsukuyomi's. Geiz clearly didn't want to destroy it or he'd use the onboard weapon systems for flight mode, but he still wanted to stop them. He bumped them closer and closer to the edge of the tunnel until they began scraping it, the data like walls giving way almost like water. Everyone groaned from within the black Time Mazine before it was pushed out of the time stream and into a random time period.

The Time Mazine spun out in the air before slamming into a Giant red stone wall. The impact was so strong, the doors were forced open and Sougo was ejected due to the chaotic movements. The Time Mazine, however, flew off and over the wall, crashing into an abandoned quarry on the other side.

"Hmm...for some reason, I get an odd feeling I should get use to these types of places…" Reborn muttered, seeing the surroundings.

Leon took one look at the giant wall before hiding under Reborn's fedora.

"What is that?" Tsukuyomi gasped, seeing the wall.

"I don't know…" Reborn mused, "Sougo, I hope your okay." he added.

"I AM NOT OKAY!-!-!" Sougo panicked as he was chased by a somewhat mechanical monster which looked like a giant blue fist clutching a rock with two long gorilla like arms, "Reborn! Tsukuyomi!" he shouted.

"Ha!" two voices shouted as two armored figures jumped in and kicked the monster, sending it skidding away.

The two stood up, revealing a one clad in red and blue armor that was all diagonally mismatched. His eyes had the images of a Rabbit and a Tank as he stood tall and confidently. Next to him was a figure clad in all blue armor with orange fire patterns, his mask had an eastern dragon themed head crest and pure blue spiked eyes that looked like jaws. Both wore the same kind of belt which had a crank lever; a large circular piece that resembled a gear and the rest was colored in mostly black and red, only the Mix-matched one had two bottles inserted in the belt, while the Dragon one only had a single large device inside.

"Another heavy type…" the Mix-Matched one sighed, "Cross-Z, you have this one." he said, pushing his partner forward.

"Eh? Nande?" Cross-Z asked.

"You're the muscle head, go have fun boxing it to death," he swished his hand to shoo him off and fight the monster for him.

"That's cruel Se-AH! My baby toe!" he cried as his foot was stomped.

"Armor names only, baka!"

"Who are these guys?" Sougo asked, watching them.

"Build and Cross-Z."

"Huh?" Sougo turned before yelping as his face lit up, "W-What's with that outfit?!"

"Hmm? Wh...oh this?" a girl with squirrel ears and a tail motioned to the black and orange tube top and mini-mini skirt she wore, the top showing off the lower half of her impressive bust and skirt showing the black thong she wore and the black stockings on her shapely legs, "It's my battle outfit."

"Battle outfit…" Sougo repeated, his blush never leaving his face.

"Ha!" Cross-Z shouted, pulling out a broadsword as he slashed the Monster across the chest several times.

"Hup!" Build cheered, jumping and landing a roundhouse with his blue leg as a shockwave knocked the monster back and skidding away towards Cross-Z.

"There's no way I can lose!" Cross-Z shouted out a catchphrase as he began cranking his belt.


Cross-Z held his arm back as blue flames focused around his fist before taking the form of an eastern dragon head. He shouted, punching and shooting a full formed blue dragon of fire as it struck the monster and carried it off towards Build, who finished cranking his own belt.

"Sa... Let's wrap this up with the winning formula," Build cheered.


Build jumped as a bell graph closed over the monster, trapping it in place. Build slid down the curve of the graph as he slammed his blue leg into the monster. The Tank tread on his shoes began spinning before he tore through the beast, making it explode into green flames.

"Sugoi…" Sougo awed watching that display as both stood there in victory.

"Hmhm…!" Build laughed, "As you can see, Cross-Z, our spectator found my finishing move most impressive compared to yours."

"Oi, what are you talkin' 'bout? Mine was more awesome than yours!"

"...Is this normal?" Sougo asked, trying to focus on the girl's face and not her outfit...or her tail...or her squirrel ears...her real squirrel ears.

"Meh. Pretty much," the squirrel girl shrugged, "BTW, name's Makoto. And you are…?"

"Sougo." he introduced, "Tokiwa Sougo...ano...I'm sorry...but are those...real real?" he asked motioning to her ears and tail.

"Hmm?" Makoto blinked at that, "...Have you been living under a rock, or is this your first time seeing a Beastkin?"

"Beast...kin?" he blinked before slapping his face, "Oh no! I must be trapped in the future!" he panicked,"That must be it! This is the future where such things are normal now!"

"...SENTO!" Makoto barked as she grabbed Build by his rabbit optic and dragged him over, "Did you mess with time travel again?! I thought we got those Back to the Future movies so you wouldn't do that again!"

"I didn't...not that you know of…" he whispered the last part, "Why...what happened...and why did you spill my secret identity...AGAIN?!" he shouted, making her fall over.

"Because he is from the past and the only guy I know that has done time travel before is you!" Makoto replied as she shot back up, "And don't think I didn't hear you're still doing it! These aren't for show, ya know!" she pointed at her ears.

" wasn't him," Sougo stated, "I'm being chased by an assassin from the future who wants to prevent me from growing up to become the Mao, and he pushed me and my Home Tutor and this nice girl from the future" Sougo explained quickly.

"I'll go get Ragna…" Cross-Z spoke, hearing most of that.

"...wait. So this assassin guy believes you're gonna become some demon Lord or King?" Makoto asked.

"That's right..and he has a giant mech suit!" he exclaimed, motioning up, "It's real eight to nine meters…"

"Is it red and gold with a watch for the face?" Cross-Z asked.

"Yes, exactly!" Sougo replied, "...Wait. How'd you know?"

"Oh, it's coming this way," Cross-Z replied.

"Onore, Ohma Zi-O!"

"Oh shoot! He followed me again!" Sougo yelped.

"...I got him," Makoto offered as she stepped forward.

"Matte! H-" Sougo began before Makoto held a hand out, catching the giant just as it was coming towards Sougo, "?!"

"No one can save you this time, for the sake of the future...die!" Geiz voice shouted as the robot reared its fist back and threw it, only for Makoto to catch it with her free hand, "Okay...what and more importantly Why?!"

"You're the one trying to kill him without proof he's really this Mao guy," Makoto countered.

"Shut it, freak!"


"Ooh...he should NOT have done that," Build whispered as he slowly stepped back.

"He hit the wrong button, didn't he?" Sougo asked, "This is the same feeling of utter terror I get from my mom when she's angry."

"Eh? Your mom has the potential to break the moon from the surface by punching something at it?" Cross-Z asked.

"You know the world 'potential?' And how to properly use it?" Build asked.

"Oh, shut up," Cross-Z grumbled.

"Boy, I sure hope my Mom doesn't…" Sougo admitted before they all ran for cover.

"Don't punch!" Cross-Z and Build shouted before they moved Sougo behind a wall protectively, "Now Punch!"

"Oh, no punching involved…" Makoto an unsettling even tone.

"Wait...what do you mean by n-" Geiz began before Makoto repeatedly slammed his machine into the ground like a rag doll. From inside Geiz was tossed around like a mad pinball as he slammed from wall to wall and surface to surface, "Nani kore?!"

"And...GET OUT!" Makoto snapped as she threw him hard into the distance, a faint glimmer being seen, "Phew...that was a stress reliever."

"Uh hey, Makoto...can you not terrify the kid next time?!" Cross-Z shouted, poking out from behind the corner of the wall.

"Or us?" Build asked, poking out from above Cross-Z.

"Is it safe?" Sougo whispered, poking out from under Cross-Z.

"First off: Not my fault he hit the racist button," Makoto argued, "Second off: yeah. It's perfectly safe, Sougo-kun."

"So if this is the future…" he muttered, walking out, "What year is it?"

"2117," Build replied.

"EH!? That's way past when I become the demon king according to future people!" Sougo gawked, falling over in shock.

"Oh, he's out," Cross-Z noted before pulling Sougo up...followed by them hearing a clatter, "Huh?"

"What's this?" Makoto pondered as she knelt down and picked up the watch-like device, "Some sorta watch?"

"Hmm…" Build pondered before taking it, "For now, let's take him to our place to rest...since he's not from here, it's no worry if he knows where we live. It's not like he'll be alive to tell anyone."

"That's cold, Sento," Cross-Z muttered.

"Not it." Build said, walking off.

"Not it!" Makoto added.

"N-Ahh man…." Cross-Z complained, picking up Sougo, "You're lucky, you're light kid."

" more robots…" Sougo groaned, resting on a couch in a cafe.

"Poor kid…" Ryuga sighed, "Must be hell to have robots chasing you to kill you." he nodded in understanding before grabbing a can of spray cheese and shooting its contents directly into his mouth for a snack.

"You should know," Makoto noted, showing Ryuga's face on a wanted poster.

"Ah man...This is from that time that creepy kid with a robo sister kicked me in the nuggets!" Ryuga complained, "How do they keep getting these pictures?! ...Well, least it's not as bad as Ragna's."

"I heard that, you ass!" a voice snapped.

"Bwa!" Sougo snapped awake, "Oh was real." he groaned, spotting Makoto and Ryuga.

"That's fair," they nodded in understanding.

"Where am I?" Sougo asked, getting up.

"This is our secret hideout." Ryuga declared.

"It looks like just an empty Cafe." Sougo pointed out.

"Which is why it's so perfect...we never have customers." Ryuga agreed, "Wait...Makoto, how do we pay for this place if we never have customers again? Sento alone has to drive the electric bill through the roof..."

"...Ryuga, if your question just cost us the place, I'm throwing you to the moon," Makoto replied.

"I blame Sento!" he declared, earning a laugh in response from her.

"Wow, you guys sound like great friends." Sougo mused, walking over to them.

"Since getting involved in this mess, yup. Pretty much," Makoto nodded, "Especially when you're on the run from the world government."

"Come again?"

"Oh yeah. See…"

"We got involved in something heavy at the NOL base here…" Ryuga began.

"The NOL being said world government," Makoto added.

"And we're now more or less wanted criminals because of the Imperator, the leader of said government," Ryuga finished, "..which is bullshit to hide all the underhanded and sneaky stuff they've been doing!"

"Soka…" Sougo noted as he let that all sink in.

"Ryuga that might have been too much at once." Makoto whispered.

"Sorry…" he cringed.

"That's what Reborn meant…" Sougo muttered to himself earning their attention, "..." he smiled as a thought came to him, "Nevermind, something personal." he waved it off, "I hope for the best for you guys."

"...You're a pretty chill guy, you know that?" Makoto commented.

"Well after getting chased by assassins from the future, time traveling, getting chased by dinosaurs, and learning your the descendant of the founder of the worlds greatest Mafia Family learn to go with the flow." Sougo explained.

"What?" Ryuga asked, this time the one being overwhelmed.

"Oh yeah. Turns out I'm the next head of the world's greatest mafia." Sougo smiled, "I guess you could say I'll become the King of the criminal underworld."

Ryuga grabbed a frying pan and put it over his chest like a shield, " ain't gonna whack me if I upset you, are ya?"

"Oh stop...look at him, he's harmless...borderline adorable." Makoto argued.

"Why do I keep getting kinda compliments like that?" Sougo muttered, tossing his arms up.

"Because you're borderline adorable and look harmless. Kinda like a puppy," Makoto compared.

"Mou…" Sougo complained.

"Amazing!" Sento beamed, rushing up to the cafe via the mini fridge, "Absolutely amazing...this's far beyond anything I've ever seen by our standards...this is OverTechnolgy!"

"Did he just come in through the mini-fridge?" Sougo pointed out, "And why's his hair all nuts?"

"Ah! His Science boner!" Ryuga panicked.

"His what?" Sougo asked with wide eyes.

"Imma call Kajun!"

"Ack! No, don't!"

"Imma do it anyway!"

"Sento, no!"

"Sento yes!"

"Ah mou~!" Ryuga and Makoto complained.


"Think a female version of him more or less," Makoto simplified for Sougo.

"So...his soulmate," Sougo muttered, "Also what is that?" he pointed at the watch.

"Oh, this is the device you dropped earlier." Sento explained, "Wait...if you're from the past, how can you have a piece of technology easily years ahead of what we have now?"

"I blame time travel," Sougo replied.

"Accepted! Now Imma callin' Kajun!" Sougo declared, phone already out and speed dialed pulled up.

"Wait...why did I have that…?" Sougo asked, swiping the watch back, "This looks like that thing that was in that Geiz guy's belt… and on his arms...and his robot..."

=...Time travel...I will be right over=

"Oh no…" Ryuga and Makoto complained.

"If this was what he used to put on that suit...could this be some kind of transformation device?" he pondered, looking it over.

"By now, that seems highly possible." Reborn spoke appearing on Sougo's shoulder.

"Dayone...Re-...REBORN!" he shouted, turning to him.

"Ciaossu! It took me a bit to track you down, but then I just heard the sound of you groaning in annoyance and the voice of people shouting stupidly." he explained, jumping off his shoulder to land on the counter before Ryuga and Makoto.

"EH!?" Ryuga shouted, "Akachan ga shaberu!"

"?!" Makoto's tail shot straight up as she hid behind Ryuga, "What's up with this guy?! Everything's screaming in me to flee and not be alone with this guy!"

"This is Reborn...he looks like a baby, but apparently he's an adult. Evidence A...he finished off all of my uncle's beer in one night...didn't even get a buzz." Sougo explained, "He's also a powerful Hitman...and my tutor who will mold me into the next boss of the Vongola Mafia family."

"Hmm…" Reborn looked over Ryuga, "You look like you'd fit in with the Mafia...want to join Sougo's family? Violent, brash, an aptitude for dangerous combat, and best of all...dumb."

"Hah?!" Ryuga gawked at that as Reborn looked at Makoto next, who tensed as she backed away.

"Your animal instincts are quite strong in terms of fight or flight," Reborn noted.

"Oi oi! What's going on out…" a white haired man in a red coat began as he poked his head in and took notice of Reborn, "..."

"Hmmm...You could also be good for the Mafia if I make you look more dignified." Reborn spoke.

"Are you just recruiting who looks strong?" Sougo complained.

Reborn merely smirked.

"I knew it…" he groaned.

"But you do need to begin building a Family." Reborn explained, "As the Boss, you will need Sub-Bosses, and Capo's to lead your many men. Naturally, your immediate family will be your direct guardians and enforcers. Picking strong people who can defend the Vongola from threats is a good start. We pride ourselves on being unbeatable and the most advanced Mafia," he went on, "We also have some of the biggest minds working for us so this oddly excited gentlemen could be good as well." he motioned to Sento.

"Heeheeheehee…" Sento giddily giggled as he was drawing on marker boards on calculations all around Sougo's watch.

"But they are from the future…" Sougo pointed out.

"Wrong," Reborn cut him off.

"Eh? But…"

"This is a parallel world." Reborn cut him off, "Tsukuyomi did the research and found crashing the ship like we did broke a dimensional barrier in the time time system does imply as such." he went on, "This world has its own time axis but still exists parallel to our own dimension."

"My head hurts…" Sougo muttered.

"Ditto…" the inhabitants of this dimension nodded.

"I understood everything!" Sento smiled.

"So...wait...this is another world?" Sougo finally summed up.

"Yes. And technically we are one year ahead of them actually. So we are the ones from the future." Reborn added.

"Future alien!" Ryuga freaked.

"That's why this watch is so advanced..." Sento muttered.

"I doubt one year makes that much of a difference," Sougo argued before freaking when an explosion went off in te mini-fridge.

"Oh! The new bottle finished!" Sento beamed as he dashed into the mini-fridge.

"New bottle?" Sougo asked.

"He's making a new upgrade form," Makoto explained, "He suddenly had an idea for a sparkling new heroic power." she quoted, "Or something."

" he makes weapons?" Reborn asked.

"No." they all argued, "Tools to help people. Because…" they all sighed, "He's the world's smartest egotistical hero of justice."

"It must be a constant thing they repeat," Sougo noted before a girl with long blond hair in a nightgown crawled out of the mini fridge.

"Tired...sleepy...too noisy downstairs…" she mumbled as she walked to the kitchen which had a bed in it, "Wake me up and suffer…"

"She's gotten maybe too strong willed." they muttered.

"She might also be good for the mafia." Reborn began before Sougo groaned.

"This is gonna be a recurring bit with you, isn't it?" he complained.

"We all have something like that," the white-haired man snorted.

"So we're dimensional neighbors." Sougo noted, "How could we travel back to our dimension, Reborn?"

"Tsukuyomi said something is linking this world to ours so we can freely come back and forth." Reborn explained.

"So...we can meet again," Sougo smiled, "That's nice. Though…" he tried to not look at Makoto, "I think if you do come, you need more clothes. Kaa-san would have you in the corner the moment she spotted you, Makoto-san."

"Huh? Corner?" Makoto repeated.

"Where is Tsukuyomi, anyway?" Sougo asked.

"Making sure the time machine is working so we don't end up having to make a dozen stops in different time lines." Reborn explained, "She told me to drag you back via an amnesia gun, but I figured you need to remember this, for posterity."

"...For a moment, I was afraid she was gonna pull a MiB on me," Sougo nervously admitted.

"Well it can't be that effective." Reborn muttered pulling out a tiny gun and shooting Ryuga in the face making him fall over.

"Where am I...what day is it...who are these new guys?" Ryuga asked getting back up.

"It works…." everyone else gawked.

"It's Ryuga," Sento called from the mini-fridge.

"That's fair…" those who knew him shrugged.

"OI!" Ryuga snapped.

"We should go now Sougo." Reborn ordered, "Your mom is sure to be worried."

"Ah! You're right!" he panicked, "...Shoot! By the time we get back, school will be over and they'll have called Kaa-chan, and then uncle will do something and we'll all be in the corners!"

"We have a time machine," Reborn stated.

"To the past!" Sougo shouted, running out...before running back in and jumping behind the counter, "He's back but didn't see me!"

"That is one persistent Assassin..." Ragna muttered.

"If he wasn't our enemy, I might recruit him...I still might." Reborn smiled, "Oi Baka Dragon, go scare him away!"

"Baka Dragon?!" Ryuga snapped, "You listen here, you weird baby, I…"

"Will you do it for a banana?"

"Saru janai!"

"Protein powder," Reborn included.

"BRING IT ON!" Cross-Z roared, charging out.

"Oh he is good…" everyone awed.

"I know he's here somewhere," Geiz growled before hearing a roar, "Nani?" he cried out as sparks raced off his armor from Cross-Z's slash with his blade, "GWAH!"

"I feel unbeatable at this moment!" Cross-Z roared, swinging his sword down at Geiz.

"Kamen Rider Cross-Z...crap…" Geiz groaned, dodging, "What he lacks in intelligence, he makes up for in hard to match combat power."

"Gh...I'm not an idiot!" Cross-Z roared, charging at him.

"Strength is his best spot, so…" Geiz pulled out a red watch and rotated the face of it before clicking the top, "Speed it is."


" what?" Cross-Z asked.

"He has more of those watches…" Sento awed as the others all snuck around the fighting armored ones.

"He's got stars in his eyes now!" Makoto whispered in shock.

"Is Science Mode evolving?!" Ragna panicked.

"I'm getting another disturbing case of Deja Vu..." Reborn muttered, clinging to Sougo's shoulder.

Geiz slid the new watch onto the opposite side of his belt's buckle before bopping the top of it, causing it to tilt. He grabbed it with both his hands and spun the buckle around. It clicked into place and the faceplate lit up.


"Doesn't that last bit seem redundant…" most of them blinked at that sound cue from his belt.

Beside Geiz, a suit of armor formed. The armor consisted of mostly black armor plates which formed armor casting for arms and legs, the gauntlets had two bracers of sorts set over the tops with large red toy sized cars slotted within, the shoulders had giant tires as armor additions, which connected to red shoulder armor with white race striping. The thigh armor had a plate that was colored with red and white racing stripes Grey and black lower torso armor appeared with a red pectoral plate. A new mask finished this floating set of armor as it has a silver mouthplate, and red plate to go over the forehead of the armor with spoilers that went over the top of the helmet. Large yellow letters spelled 'DRIVE' in hiragana before the armor floated and snapped together over Geiz's suit.

"...Those tires looks dumb," Cross-Z snickered before Geiz turned into a blur and smacked him repeatedly, "Gwah!"

"And you need to stay out of my way!" Geiz snapped as he kicked Cross-Z away, "I have a future Maoh to kill!"

"Don't underestimate me, Gaki!" Cross-Z shouted, getting up and charging as he punched at Geiz who kept backing up to avoid each swing.

"That Geiz guy is good…" Sougo muttered.

"No...he's cocky." Reborn added.

"Eh?" Geiz blinked as he backed into a wall, "Wha?"

"Ora!" Cross-Z shouted, punching him and making him cough in pain, "You might be fast, kid...but you fell for some pretty old Rope a dope stuff." he muttered as he began cranking his belt, "Come back when you learn how to really fight!" he roared as his fist was covered in another dragon of blue fire before he punched Geiz through the wall.

"Like I said, Cocky. That Geiz character assumed he won due to gaining the speed advantage," Reborn explained, "While your Ryuga friend knows how to properly fight and used his advantage and confidence against him with the oldest boxing strategy: Rope a Dope, pushing a fast enemy against the ropes to trap them against a barrier and punish them."

"True. He was a former championship fighter after all," Makoto nodded.

"Still am!" Cross-Z shouted before Geiz tackled him from behind, "...oh, you are just asking for it, punk!"

"Gh!" Geiz cried as he was punched away. He got up to attack, only to be slashed by Cross-Z's sword, "Okay...speed isn't working...let's see if he can hit what can't be hit," he whispered as he pulled out another watch and slotted it into his belt.


"...did...did that belt of his say g...ghost?" Ragna slowly and nervously asked as a new set of armor appeared, forcing Cross-Z to step back.

The armor had all the same features but with notable changes. The armor had no extra parts, the shoulders were large rounded and shaped like large eye shaped devices known as Eyecons. The chest armor plate had two pieces resembling an open orange jacket lapel, and a black center with orange and white lines making an eye symbol in the center. The mask was orange with a horn extending from the forehead, and the Hiragana for Ghost floated around.

Geiz ran forward as the armor locked into place on him. He grunted, punching at Cross-Z, who ducked back and let it miss before kicking Geiz across the back, sending him stumbling through a literally through it. He phased right through the wall.

"He vanished!" Cross-Z shouted.

"NO…" Geiz's voice began as he floated up from the ground behind him, "I'm right here."

"Wh-" Cross-Z began as he turned, only to be struck hard in the face by Geiz.

"Hey, that's cheap!" Makoto snapped

"Nani?" Geiz turned to where her voice came from, but he was blindsided by Cross-Z slashing and sending a wave of fire which knocked him out of the air, "Nande...why isn't the power working like it should?" he grunted.

"Could it be...he doesn't know how that armor works?" Sento mused.

"Of course not, he stole those from the evil future Demon King." Reborn stated, "They don't belong to him; in fact, this might be the first time he's used them in an actual fight."

"?!" Geiz tensed at that.

"...So he can't go invisible and that shit?" Ragna asked...hiding behind the group.


"...then…" Ragna began with a grin.

"Mmm...keep it down. I was sleeping," Noel muttered as she walked up to them, rubbing one of her eyes while holding a rabbit plushie, "What's going on?"

"Oh now wh-" Geiz began to complain, blocking a punch from Cross-Z as he looked to see Noel, "...another guy?"


"Get the kid out of here." Sento ordered.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Reborn said, dragging Sougo away by the collar of his shirt.

"That is one strong baby." Makoto and Sento nodded, they then turned to Ragna who was still petrified.

"...shit," was all Ragna said as he and Cross-Z bolted inside.

"Hey! HEY! Where…?!" Geiz began before yelping, narrowly dodging a shot that was aimed right at him "?!"

"Yaro…." Noel frowned, now holding a pair of large guns in her hands, "You're under arrest for disturbing the peace!"

"Under arrest?! I was trying to k-" Geiz began.

"Noel's a girl, idiot," Makoto stated, poking her head out for a moment before going back inside.

"...that's a girl?...I dont' s-" Geiz began before tensing, "...THAT'S A ROCKET LAUNCHER!"

"He's like really stupid." Cross-Z noted, poking out from a window.

"AH!" Geiz shouted as he was shot through the air and hit a wall, "What is wrong with these damn ghost powers…." he groaned, sliding down the wall as he reverted to his base form, "...scratch that. What is wrong with the woman of this time in general?!" he yelped when another rocket was shot at him.

"Stop in the name of the law!" Noel snapped.

"...I'll get you next time, Maoh!" Geiz snapped as he ran out of there.

"I said st-"

"Noellie, you can hug my tail!" Makoto shouted before Noel zoomed back in and hugged her tail.


"Well...Noel, you scared off an assassin from the future and a Mafia Hitman are indeed the scariest person in our circle." Sento laughed before the watch in his hands vanished, "USO!" he shouted in panic.

"Sorry I am late. I had to help Mai w-" a woman with long periwinkle hair with butterfly clippings in it began as she rushed over.

"It's gone...our new project...gone…"

"Gone...USO?!" the woman gasped, "But...research...notes….everything…"

"Boy, I hope Sougo-kun fixes his time travel shenanigans..." Makoto sighed.

"...what...what just happened?" Sougo blinked.

"An important lesson for later, Sougo...tell me, when you met that girl, what did you think of her?"

"She was a sleepy girl whom should not be woken up from her much needed nap," Sougo explained.

"And your intuition is good." Reborn mused, "His was not."

"Soka…" Sougo nodded in agreement.

"Now let's get out of here." Reborn added as the black Time Mazine landed before them.

"Hai," Sougo agreed as they entered, "Yo!"

"...Why isn't he out cold from the amnesia shot?" Tsukuyomi asked.

"Better question would be why haven't I shot you," Reborn countered, "Pretty sure I've seen enough of your driving to make Sougo drive. Besides, I need to teach him; this is how I teach."

"This is one cruel Hitman…" Sougo sighed.

"Let's go home now." Reborn said simply.

The Time Mazine flew out of the portal in the sky before swooping down over the school roof. Its hatch opened as Sougo was kicked out by Reborn, who jumped out and landed on his back.

"Ow…" Sougo groaned.

"So what have we learned today, Sougo?" Reborn asked.

"That evil me sucks, you're a compact person, and alternate dimensions exist…" Sougo groaned.

"Eh, good enough." Reborn nodded while jumping off, "Hmm, we arrived just a minute after we left. Time travel is quite convenient, isn't it?"

"Wow...we did," Sougo noted as he walked in and looked at a wall mounted clock, "This could probably be exploitable."

"Hmm..." Reborn noted, picking up the watch again, "It's back once more. This thing must really be bonded to Sougo." he looked back at Tsukuyomi who jumped down as well, "Oi, what is this?"

"The RideWatch." she explained, "They house power within them, be they that your own, or someone else's."

"Such as Geiz using two back in the other timeline that equipped him with new armor," Reborn noted.

"Ohma Zi-O uses the 19 Ride Watches to gain the powers of various Kamen Riders through our history to become the strongest being in the world." Tsukuyomi added.

"19?" Reborn blinked.

"All I know is that on this day, in history, is the day Sougo unlocked his power: the power of Zi-O." she added.

"This day seems to be rather special. For a number of reasons…"

"Reborn, I'm heading for class!" Sougo called out before running back, "Oh, and you may want to get off the roof. Hibari-sempai likes to sleep up here."

"Hibari…?" Reborn muttered.

"Got to go!" he shouted, running before he tempted fate.

Sougo walked down the hall in a slight hurry before taking a moment to breathe near the bathroom. He wanted to mostly let a lot of what happened finally sink in. One part of it sounded great! He became a King...but he was an evil king whom he hated the sound of. that what self loathing feels like? Feels like it should...but also shouldn't.

"Waga Mao," a voice spoke, making Sougo scream in panic and turn to see the hooded man from before, "I see you've returned from your first adventure through time and space." he smiled, moving his hood back to reveal his long black hair which was swept to one side.

"You're the prediction guy from before...wait," Sougo paused, "Are you from the future, too?"

"As perceptive as always, my Mao," he smiled, "Yes, I am your humble servant from the future here to serve you faithfully." he replied while he bowed down on one knee.

"Get up, please," Sougo motioned, hoping no one was around at the moment.

"But of course," he smiled as he pulled out a book, "Today is an important day for you, my Mao...your day of ascension. Your first step towards becoming the Leader of the Vongola...and the Demon King of Time and Space."

"Ascension?" Sougo asked.

"Why yes! Today is the day you unlock the hidden potential deep within, the Dying Will Bullet has sparked a flame within your very being. One which will blaze a trail towards your glory!" he declared loudly, "I was sent to ensure that certain events do not change. But whatever else...who cares? It won't stop you from becoming King!"

"..." Sougo blinked several times.

" something wrong, my king?"

"Uhm...wait. What's your name?" Sougo asked.

"I am Woz," he bowed once more.

"Woz...can you not shout? You are liable to…"

"What is going on here?" a cold voice made Sougo freeze.

"...H...Hibari…" Sougo muttered turning to see said senior, hearing a menacing piano motif in his head upon seeing the sharp-eyed senior student.

"Crowding together in the halls now?" he asked as he somehow pulled his tonfa out of nowhere once more.

"See? If I could have finished my sentence...this...this is what you were going to cause," Sougo spoke to Woz.

"Hibari Kyoya…" Woz smiled, "Yes I do know of him. Easily the strongest person in all of Namimori...that is...until today."

"...What?" HIbari frowned at that.

"Oh yes," Woz smiled, "I proclaim...that starting today, stronger and stronger people shall arrive here. Truly a gathering of the strong shall occur here. And I am here to witness it and support the one who shall surely come out on top."

"Woz, what are you doing?" Sougo asked.

"Surely you'd love to sink your fangs into those much more worthy of your time, no?"

"Woz stop...stop it right now." Sougo begged.

"Omoshiroi…" Hibari spoke, lowering his arm, "So then...who is this person that shall stand at the top?"

"Why of course none other then the King I support." he smiled, " King?" he blinked, looking around as Sougo vanished.

"All of the nope…" Sougo whispered as he hid in the schools shoe locker area, "I already know how this is gonna go and I have a bad feeling it'll be like something Reborn would do!"

Sougo sighed as he leaned against a wall and let his head bang against it. Even when he tried to just absorb what was happening, something else comes along and pushes him into a new...misadventure. Now he had Reborn, people from the future like Tsukiyomi and Geiz, and now Woz...Whom he was half sure had the same dangerous plans to make him toughen up as Reborn did. And now something fell on Sougo's head.

"Ow!" Sougo groaned as the watch returned to him once more, "That's not annoying…" he groaned, looking at it, "So….this is mine?" he asked, looking it over, "With this, I become the Mao everyone hates in the future. Maybe without this thing, I become a good king?" he pondered.

"That's a good guess." Reborn's voice spoke.

"Reborn…" he looked around, "Where are you...oh my god...can you become invisible with your pet chameleon!?" he panicked.

"Your guess is too outrageous," his voice added before the wall beside Sougo opened up a little door just right for Reborn's height, "Ciaossu!"

"How did you...when did...and you call me outrageous?" Sougo sighed. He then leaned down and looked inside to see an entire well designed and furnished little living room area. It even had a coffee maker in the center of the room.

"So?" Reborn asked as he closed the door and sat next to Sougo, "Will you become the Demon King? You can always reject the watch and focus on just becoming the Vongola 10th. Or you can accept it and become the Demon King Ohma Zi-O." he offered as his fedora tipped down, "No matter what you choose, enemies will come for you. Mafia who don't want some punk kid to lead them, people like Geiz who seek to change the future..."

"Everyone seems to have some stake in my destiny, don't they?" Sougo mused, "I never imagined at first how much my dream would affect others. But now I feel the weight of wanting to become the leader of people…"

"Is it too much?" Reborn asked.

"Hai…" he nodded, gripping the watch.

"Will you reject it?"

"...Iie." Sougo shook his head.


"...Now I get it, Reborn...I waited so long for a chance to prove my dream...but what good is a chance given to me? Everyone seems to hate me in the future because I'm a bad leader. I think that me...didn't try hard enough." he explained, earning Reborn's attention, " said you will make me into a good boss for the Vongola, right? Then let's start there. I will become the 10th...and from there I shall grow the Vongola as my kingdom...and become the Most beloved and benevolent Mao."

"...A third option then…" Reborn smirked, tipping his fedora, "It'll be hard and harsh training and tutoring. I won't let a deadbeat become our Boss."

"I'm sure I'll complain...but...I will see it through, Reborn," Sougo smiled.

"Excellent. Then…" Reborn began before a beetle landed on his hand, "...Tch. Seems we'll be having a lesson earlier than I hoped."


"A hitman from another famiglia is heading towards your home," Reborn informed.

"Eh?" Sougo asked in panic.

"A real nasty one, too. His Famiglia is famous in the community for their friendship with a group called Foundation X." Reborn explained, "He has the worst toys imaginable because of this."

"Kaa-san...Ojisan…" Sougo whispered in worry as he gripped the clock even tighter. He then looked up as his eyes became sharper and serious, "I don't care if people come after me...but I won't let my family or innocents get involved." he spoke, standing up as the gears within the RideWatch began spinning like mad.

An orange spark could be seen from within the center before it shone bright white and a face formed over it. The white ring formed a new faceplate depicting a mask resembling a Rolex watch face with pink letters forming the word Rider in Katakana, the two watch hands at 10:10 and forming antenna.

'There it goes,' Reborn thought.

"Hmmm…." Woz mused, watching from the stairs as he read his book, he smiled while closing it as he watched Sougo and Reborn leave, "And so...the day of History has come. The birth...of the king."

"Okay, so this should be...Sasagawa?" a man in a beige formal suit read a family's sign on a fence, "...Ugh...Did I go right instead of left? Ugh...All these blasted roads look the same!"

"That's him." Tsukuyomi spoke, spotting the man, "Maybe if Sougo never fights him today...history will change." she figured, moving to confront the man only to stop as Woz appeared in front of her.

"Sorry," he spoke as he snapped his fingers and suddenly a car alarm drew the man's attention down the street towards the direction of Sougo's home.

"What's that noise?!" a man shouted from the home.

"He's not suppose to be home today!" Woz panicked, looking at his book, "Oh, this is bad...bad, bad, bad...Ohhh...The King is gonna be mad at me…"

"Woz, you idiot!" Tsukuyomi snapped.

"Kyoko, I'm gonna go see what happened! I'll be back in an extreme minute!"

"Oniichan, that's not a thing…" a girl muttered as the door opened and Ryohei walked out.

"Oi, you in the suit!" Ryohei called out to the man, "Can I extremely help you!?"

"Yeah...where can I find a Sougo?"

"Soug-...oh! Tokiwa Sougo!" he realized, "I think he lives in the Duplex a ways that way!" he pointed, "Ah, this is perfect! I'll show you the way!" he laughed, "Kyoko, Oniisan is going out for a bit!"

"Oh, I am really, really, really in deep trouble with the King…" Woz sobbed, "It's too soon for him!" he paused and slowly turned his head to Tsukuyomi.

"You're not taking my gun," Tsukuyomi deadpanned, making Woz slump.

"I am in deep trouble…" Woz slumped.

"What is wrong with you? I thought you had all the master plans!" she complained.

"I have to follow the is too soon for Ryohei to be involved with the King...who knows how this will alter his development!" he sobbed.

"Woz...focus on the fact a hitman with dangerous Foundation X heading to Sougo's house...where his family lives…" she stressed.

"..." Woz froze up as he seemed to become stone. He even began to crack at the utter terror and realization.

"Baka!" she snapped, spooking him back to normal.

"Hi Woz, Hi Tsukuyomi!" Sougo shouted, running past them, "Bye Woz, Bye Tsukuyomi!"

"Ciaossu!" Reborn waved.

"MY KING!" Woz exclaimed.

"No time! Gotta save my Mom and Uncle!"

"Waga Mao!" Woz shouted, running after him.

"Are all men idiots…?" Tsukuyomi asked as she chased after them as well.

"So...what did you want to talk to Sougo about?" Ryohei asked the man once they were near Sougo's place.

"Believe's very personal," the man mused as he began entering the combination to open his briefcase.

"Ah...So it's like my uncle and aunt when they got divorced," Ryohei noted.

"Hah?" the man gawked.

"I mean, man that was a thing...A guy like you was there all the time, right down to the beady eyes and the creepy hard and super big book bag." he tapped the briefcase, making it flip open and drop various items, "I got it!" he smiled leaning down, " got a lot of these flash drive things...oh this one's got a T-Rex on it!"

"Shite!" the man cursed before grabbing it, "Sorry, kid, but you shouldn't have seen it."

"Huh?" Ryohei pondered before the man tapped a button on a USB device resembling a rib-cage made of a purple plastic with a 'T' emblem resembling a Tyrannosaurus Rex in the middle.


"It talked!" he panicked, "You got any more of them? Kyoko would like that."

"Were you dropped on your head or something?" the man asked.

"...Dad does clam up whenever Mom makes that same joke…" he muttered to himself.

"It's starting to piece together... Well I wish I could say I'd regret this...but...I don't." he mused before slamming it into a tattoo resembling a data port on his neck.

It absorbed into his skin before a glowing ooze covered his body and morphed it, making him bulk up as his torso turned into a Tyrannosaurus Rex skull with muscular arms and a lower torso supporting it. The head opened, letting out a roar that knocked Ryohei over; who was still in shocked surprise from the transformation.

"Oh kami! Did Geiz bring the mama here?!" Sougo yelped, running around a corner in time to see the transformed man and the downed Ryohei, "AH! Giant T-Rex head!"

"Dopant," Reborn corrected.

"...Dopant?" Sougo repeated.

"Mafioso who use devices known as Gaia Memories utilize knowledge on something related to the world, such as animals, plants, or concepts like fear or sweets, can transform into creatures based off those things. Stronger mafioso consider those that use them 'doping' on the planet and call them 'Dopants,'" Reborn explained.

"Nani? Such things exist?" Sougo asked.

"Haven't you heard of Fuuto?" Reborn pointed out.

"Sougo!?" Ryohei turned to him.

"Senpai!" Sougo ran over to him and helping him up.

"This is a very extreme situation! Kaiju kita!" he shouted.

"This is more a Kaijin…" Sougo shrugged.

"I'mma punch him with my Kyokogen spirit!" he declared.

"Senpai, wait!" Sougo panicked as Ryohei charged.

"So you're Tokiwa Sougo, the new Vongola Decimo Candidate." the Dopant spoke, looking at him before swinging his snout and slapping Ryohei's punch away before kicking him, sending him skidding back near Sougo, "Hahaha...just some random Giappone kid, haha! That's a laugh!"

"Gondola Decimal?" Ryohei pondered, "Oi, he's not a wooden animal on a pole, baka!"

"I'm going to eat him…"

"Yeah...he's a bit stupid," Sougo agreed with Ryohei as he helped him stand, "His mistake was attacking my home."

"That's right, this is the peaceful home of the next boss of the Vongola." Reborn agreed.

"Legendary Hitman...Reborn!" he finally noticed him as he jumped closer towards him.

"You seem a might bit nearsighted in that form...that or you actually follow the see motion cliche," Reborn noted, "Sougo, this will be your first step: beat him and you'll have no stepping down, you'll fully enter my world."

"Ore wa...Vongola Juudaime...Naru!" Sougo smiled, "No one will get in the way of my dream to become a King." he spoke, holding up his watch as he twisted the face to complete its image, " do I use this?" he blinked.

*Bang! Thud*

"Eh? Sempai?" Sougo pondered as he noticed Ryohei fall over, snoring.

"For you, my king," Woz informed as he was at Sougo's other side with a red velvet pillow with gold trim in his hands being offered to him.

Resting atop the pillow was a device. It was the same buckle Geiz had. It was a large white oval-shaped device. It had a clock-like display in the center with a button at the very top of it. Two slots slid open as it presented itself in its true form to Sougo. Sougo grabbed it and held it up as he felt something from it...almost like...power.

"Put it on, my King," Woz explained, "and embrace your destiny."

"Sougo, wait!" Tsukuyomi shouted.

"My mine to decide." Sougo said, "And from here on out I swear...I'll become the 10th boss of the Vongola, and become a Mao who is the most kind and loved in history!" he exclaimed proudly.

"What?" the Dopant blinked.


With that, a silver watch strap like belt formed around Sougo's waist. He clicked the top of his watch as a hologram image formed over its face. He moved it and slotted it on the right hand side slot of his Driver.


Sougo moved his hand and pushed the button at the top of his Ziku-Driver, making it tilt downward. Sougo moved his legs apart as a large clock-like ring formed behind him, pink words spelled out 'Rider' in Katakana behind him as the clock hands ticked down to 10:10. Sougo swung his left hand across his chest as he held his thumb and index finger out.

"Henshin!" Sougo declared as, with that, he swung his hand and flipped the belt around in a full 360 degree spin.


With that, the letters behind Sougo shot out and hit the Dopant, making him stumble back. Armor formed all around Sougo's body as it solidified. The suit forming over him was black in color while pink armor formed over his gloves and pink accents formed along the sides of his hips and legs. The same pectoral chest armor covered his torso as silver stripes connected to two rounded shoulder pads. Each shoulder pad had watch grey crowns pointing outward; pink stripes formed from the top of his shoulders and curved down to his chest armor. Grey knee-pads with the same watch crown motif formed, silver anklets formed on his legs as his boots ended in grey toe armor. The same twin watch holder covered each forearm. His black helmet had a silver ring which framed his white mask. Just like his watch, his mask looked like the face of an analog watch with two bladed antennas shaped like watch arms pointing at 10:10, a tiny silver mark on his forehead red Kamen in Katakana, and black optical visors displayed pink optics shaped into Rider in Katakana as well with the last character stretching along the left side of his helmet to a watch crown dial on the side of the helmet.

"Iwae!" Woz shouted, appearing on a fence with Reborn on his shoulder who held out a microphone that use to be Leon, "Zen Rider no chikara o uketsugi jikū o koe kako to mirai o shiroshimesu toki no ōja sono na mo Kamen Rider Zi-O!"

"What the...!?" the Dopant panicked upon hearing did half of the neighborhood.

'Am I going to have to erase everyone's mind?!' Tsukuyomi thought, eye twitching as she paused in dragging the snoring Ryohei to the side.

"Kamen Rider…" Zi-O repeated as he looked at his reflection in a window and read the letters on his mask mentally, "That sounds pretty heroic…" he chuckled, scratching the back of his helmet bashfully, "Alright, let's do this! It feels like I can do this!"

"Kyokugen...spirit…" Ryohei snored out as if reacting to Zi-O's optimism.

"Foundation X warned me about you guys...Kamen Riders…" T-Rex Dopant growled.

"Iku!" Zi-O shouted as he skipped forward and cleared the distance with super human leg power. He punched releasing a pink shockwave that sent the Dopant skidding back, "Whoa…" he awed, his visor sparkling as he looked at his hand, "I'm so strong…" he pumped a fist, "I could beat Hibari-sempai with this." a moment passed before he slumped, "No, I think I'd still get bitten to death…"

"What the heck is wrong with you!? Haven't you been in a fight before?!"

"This is my first fight!" Zi-O realized, slapping the sides of his helmet, "How do I do you punch?!"

"We have much to teach him," Reborn sighed as he pulled out another gun before pulling out several bullets, "Sougo hold up your right arm in a punching wind up."

"Ah...oh hai!" he nodded moving his right arm back before he felt three bullets hit his hand, forearm and elbow, "Nani?" he blinked as his arm began glowing with an orange fire like aura.

"Hit three points in the arm with the same arm bullets, and you gain the Megaton Punch," Reborn explained.

"Kigasuru!" Zi-O cheered as he rushed and punched the Dopant as a powerful shockwave went off from the impact and the monster was sent flying and skipping across the street before landing near the river. Zi-O shook his hand in surprise as he used his left to adjust the crown on his helmet and increase his vision range, "Sugei! That has to be like 15 meters away!"

"Considering it's the head of a T-Rex, I'm not surprised it didn't go further," Reborn noted.

"...Wait...if he's just a head...where's the rest of the body?!" Zi-O asked.

"Probably best to finish him before we find out." Reborn offered.

"Right! I'm going after him!"

"Use this," Reborn said shooting Zi-O in both legs. Zi-O moved to jump...and he shot into the air like a rocket, "Hmm...might have overestimated that bullet should have been enough."

"He flies!" Woz cheered.

"Mmm...More like 'Jump good'...and now falling...with style."

"Ugh...Darn Vongola and their cheap bul-what's that screaming?" the T-Rex Dopant asked before looking up in time to see Zi-O's feet slam into his face, knocking him back down, "GUH!"

"Whoa...I could have died…" Zi-O awed, getting back up.

"You have got to be kidding me! Ugh...Let's try these new things...What are they...Cell Medals…" he groaned before tossing a large silver coin into his jaw. After what sounded like coins clattering, the Dopant spit out another monster. The Monster groaned before glowing and changing into a humanoid Mantis like monster.

"Deta! He makes monsters, too!" Zi-O shouted in awe.

"That would be a Yummy, monsters of desire born from mythical alchemical coins called Cell Medals." Woz explained as he appeared sitting on a street light arm Rebon once more on his shoulders, "Foundation X has begun dabbling in Alchemy, the Yummy are perfect monsters to send in with little risk to one's self. Though their work at recreating actual Greeed is...shotty at best."


"No, Greeed. Three 'e's' in it," Woz replied before Zi-O screamed as the mantis took a surprise attack, "Oh! Summon your noble weapon, my liege!"

"Noble weapon?" Zi-O asked confused as his Ziku-Driver flashed. A clock face of pink light formed in front of him before the hour hand began to grow solid until it formed a sword.


It had a long double edged pointed blade that grew narrower towards the point like an arrowhead. A white arrow actually forming along the side of the blade before it came to the crossguard part which had rounded connection to an interesting handle. It once more had this little watch part as per Zi-O's prevailing gimmick, and a black handle with a green trigger. Pink katakana characters formed on the sword and read…


"Ken...for sword…" Zi-O muttered, "Works for me!" he said as he rushed and used the sword to block a swing from the Yummy before he grunted and kicked it away. Zi-O swung upward as he hit the Yummy making it stumble back once more, the Rider grunted as coins rained all over him to which he stopped to pick one up, "It bleeds coins...well...that's creative." he muttered, flipping it up and catching it before slashing the Yummy again as he left a pink streak in the air with his swing.

The Yummy jumped to swing its hand mounted scythes down on Zi-O. But the Rider thrust his blade upward and effectively caught the monster before swinging and tossing it right back at the Dopant who spawned it. Zi-O reached up and tapped on the watch crown on the back of the weapon.

=TIME CHARGE: 5...4...3...2...1...Zero Time!=

Zi-O lifted the sword up as he charged at them, the blade glowing with pink energy along the blade.


Zi-O swung his sword three times as he slashed the Yummy. The Yummy cried in pain as the three slash marks formed a 'Z' on its body. The Yummy fell forward before exploding brightly. Zi-O then winced when the coins began raining all over him, making him duck down and use his sword for cover.

"For such little things...they sting...even through all this armor," Zi-O muttered.

"Cell medals are very dense...Desire is a heavy thing." Woz mused, using an umbrella to protect himself and Reborn.

"Aw come on!" T-Rex Dopant snapped, stomping a foot in anger.

"This thing is handy!" Zi-O laughed happily as he looked it over, "It looks like this...moves." he muttered, flipping the blade back as it shrank in length and folded around.


"It's also a Gun!?" Zi-O exclaimed, holding it up.

"Gun training then," Reborn noted, "That will be enjoyable."

"Hora hora! Hora!" Zi-O shouted, shooting energy bullets at the Dopant, making him stumble back with each shot.

"Oh come on...uhm what else did those X whacks pack me…" he looked over his briefcase, "Ah The space switch!" he muttered, taking out a black and white switch that looked like an observatory with a red button at the top.

"What's that?" Zi-O asked.

"Zodiarts Switch," Reborn explained, "Utilizing a strange energy known as Cosmic Energy, it creates a body based upon a constellation."

" Horoscopes?" Zi-O asked, "Kaa-san likes checking those." he explained to Reborn.

The Dopant clicked it as his memory was ejected and a mass of dark cosmic energy changed him into a hulking red armored monster. He was tall with thick armor and glowing orbs all over his torso. He had a flat head and two underbite fangs.

"What constellation is that?" Zi-O asked messing with his helmets crown again.

"Orion," Reborn and Woz stated.

"The guy who got shot by his girlfriend?" Zi-O asked.

"Possibly a sign of failed romance," Reborn and Woz added.

"Shut up!" the Orion Zodiarts snapped at them as he formed a segmented bladed club.

"Whoa-oh!" Zi-O panicked ducking under a swing as he aimed and show the monster while within point blank range.

"Hmm...compensating for lack of distance aiming with CQC Gunplay," Reborn noted as Zi-O jumped over a low swing and shot the monster in the face.

"Go, go, my King!" Woz cheered.

Zi-O rolled across the ground as he avoided another swing. The Zodiarts roared as the orbs on his body began glowing. Zi-O fiddled with his helmet again as his vision changed to see all the amount of energy being poured into those orbs.

"Those look important," he spoke, hitting the button on his weapon again.

=TIME CHARGE: 5...4...3...2...1...Zero Time! ZURE ZURE UCHI!=

Zi-O aimed as he began unleashing a machine gun barrage of energy bullets which all took the form for the characters for Gun. Each blast hit the Zodiarts across its body making him stumble back as several shots hit and detonated the energy collecting in the points across its body. The Zodiart stumbled back as Zi-O flipped his gun around via the trigger section. Zi-O then fumbled his weapon, making it shoot accidentally and hit him in the forehead.

"That smarts…" Zi-O groaned, "That's what I get for trying to be Leon Kennedy…"

"Gun safety," Reborn added to his mental notebook.

"This is just unfair...the Vongola have a Kamen Rider is that fair for us little guys?!" the Hitman complained.

"That's rich coming from the guy who works with evil scientist wacko's!" Zi-O argued.

"Personal reminder, make sure Verde isn't working with Foundation X...again." Reborn once again noted to himself.

"Ugh...screw it. Go with these grunts on the go." he spoke holding up several items, he tossed a couple of rocks which turned into imp like golems, he dropped a bunch of opened locks with fruit images on them as zippers opened and bulbous shouldered white insect like monsters fell, he threw three cars which transformed mid-air into androids which resembled a Bat, Spider and Cobra, a creepy looking broken eye which made these faceless grunts wearing hooded jackets, and a small bomb which exploded to reveal a bunch of grunts with orange...chicken like heads, " invention ever."

"That's unfair!" Zi-O complained, "I don't have I?"

"No," Reborn stated.

"Ah...I assumed as much." Zi-O sighed reverting to sword mode for his weapon.

Zi-O charged as he slashed at all the grunts making them back away and give him room. He spun around in a circle, slashing all of them. He twisted his arm and slashed at several making them all back off and be sent flying. Zi-O jumped back as the three androids tried to attack him. He twisted his sword around before he looked at the circular slot in the device.

"What even are these things?!" Zi-O asked swinging around and keeping the grunts a bay.

"Ghouls, Elementary Inves, Mecha Roidmudes, Ganma commando's, and Bugster Viruses." Woz listed.

Zi-O grunted as he blocked slashes from the spears of the Ghouls and Bugsters before the Roidmudes began shooting at him. Zi-O jumped and rolled back accidentally. He stumbled up before swinging his sword and blocking swings from the Ganma Commando's. He pushed them back before side stepping a swing from the Inves. He stopped one by tapping its head, he thought it seemed kind of harmless...only to cry as its face split open to reveal mandibles filled with many many fangs. He jumped back as it tried to claw at him. As he did he swung his sword and slashed the Inves before swinging up and blocking the Ganma, he shoved them back before jumping and spinning to slash the Ghouls.

"Maybe…." he muttered as he pulled his RideWatch off his belt and connected it to the port before pressing the button again.


Zi-O swung his sword as he rushed at the three Mecha-Roidmude. Zi-O roared, swinging his arm out as he unleashed a ring of white energy in the shape of a clock. The three monsters exploded from being slashed in half as Zi-O kept charging. He swung again in an X pattern, releasing two more rings as he cut down the Ghouls and Ganma Commandos. The Zodiarts Hitman panicked seeing them taken down so quickly as Zi-O changed to gun mode again. Said hitman quickly moved his oddest looking grunts as shields as he ducked down behind them.


"Ha!" Zi-O shouted as he aimed and formed a giant pink clock face from the muzzle.

The hands began spinning like mad as he pulled the trigger and fired a large orb of energy with the Inves and Busgsters. The explosion evaporated them as the Zodiarts stumbled back.

"Tha...that's just not fair," he spoke as Zi-O slotted his RideWatch back on his Driver.

"Pretty sure the Mafia doesn't believe in that word." Zi-O spoke as he reached his hand and tapped the button on his RideWatch.


With that, Zi-O hit the button atop the Ziku-Driver, making it tilt again. As he did he tesneed his legs to prepare to jump again. The Hitman tried to move but stopped as he was surrounded by floating letters all spelling Kick in Katakana. They floated around in time with the ticking from the ZikuDriver.

"Soka…" Zi-O and Reborn noted, reading the words. Reborn aimed and shot at Zi-O's leg in three points, his foot, shin and knee cap. A glow began to form around Zi-O's right leg as he finally spun his belt.


Zi-O jumped into the air as he aimed his leg forward. The letters surrounding the hitman began merging back into one single version before flying and slamming to the sole of Zi-O's boot. Layering over letters already etched into it. Zi-O roared as he shot forward as orange and pink fire like energy formed around his leg as he slammed into the Monster form of the would be assassin. He cried in shock as the resulting impact was so powerful, it created a huge explosion. Zi-O skid across the ground as the man from before was sent flying into the air, his suit torn to shreds as he landed in the river.

"So that was...a Megaton kick?" Zi-O asked Reborn.

"I improvised," he smiled, "Not many people use such a flashy specific finishing move after all."

"Amazing, my King!" Woz applauded.

"Ah Woz…" Zi-O jumped, turing to see him appear behind him, "Stop spooking me like that...that's Reborn's job."

"Yes...yes it is." Reborn smiled.

"Ah he left his briefcase of dangerous items…" Zi-O muttered, picking it up.

"We can send it back to Vongola HQ in Italy and have them use it to track down his friends to take care of the rest." Reborn offered.

"Allow me, my King," Woz smiled, holding out his hands, "You must focus on your studies and building up your own Famiglia."

"...Ah! That's right! Ryohei-sempai!" Zi-O panicked.

"He should be fine," Reborn spoke.

Ryohei snored as he was laying face first on the welcome mat to his house. After a few moments, the door was opened as his sister looked at the sight of him passed out on the steps to their home. Her face wasn't really shock as much as it was the face of someone who has had to deal with this exact specific set up multiple times. How and why are probably best not explored, but suffice to say; yes, this was a recurring thing within the Sasagawa household.

"Ah...Oniichan..." she sighed, dragging him by his leg inside.

"Zzzz...Kyokugen….ow…" he groaned, his head bumping against the door as he was dragged inside.

"Why was she not concerned?" Tsukuyomi asked, peeking over the fence, "Better not question a gift horse in the mouth."

"It must happen a lot," Zi-O noted appearing next to her, "...Um...How do I get out of this armor?"

"Out?" she blinked, confused.

"Why are you asking that?" he muttered.

"I've never seen Ohma take his armor off...we think he lives in it all the time," she explained.

"Uso…!" Zi-O panicked, grabbing his antennas, "...Wait...If evil future me lives in his armor all the time…" he shivered, "Gah! I thought bad! I thought bad!"

" does this become Ohma?" Tsukuyomi asked.

"How does Geiz take his off then?" Reborn asked, "Or is he stuck in his as well?"

"Sometimes he just takes the RideWatch out."

"But I did that for my finisher…" Zi-O pointed out.

"I was going to finish with, 'I think the armor reacts to mental commands like get off me,'" she sighed.

"..." Reborn kicked Zi-O upside the head.

"Ita...for such tiny legs, those really hurt...even with bullet proof headgear…" Zi-O groaned.

"Should I tell your mother you've made fun of my height?" Reborn asked, causing Zi-O to freeze.

"It was an accident!" he panicked, shooting up as his armor vanished, "I'm back to normal...or it that I took it off…" he muttered.

'...Could it be that his mother dying makes him the Ohma? It does sound like she's the only one who can keep him in check...' Tsukuyomi pondered.

"Hm...effective." Reborn nodded, appearing on Tsukuyomi's shoulder, "Also not a bad theory." he added making her blink.

"D-did you just re-?" she pondered at how Reborn seemed to reply to her thoughts.

"Not important," Reborn cut her off.


"Oh man...that was kinda cool." Sougo muttered, looking at his RideWatch, "Maybe I should learn how that suit works first before I go doing something like be a superhero though...nah, might be too much work."

"At least he has his priorities," Reborn noted.

"I mean I can focus on helping people as the Vongola boss." Sougo argued, "Right?"

"You still plan to…?" Tsukuyomi began.

"I said it, I won't become this evil me. I'll be a good Mao." Sougo smiled.

"You realize that's a paradox." she argued.

"Pair of box?" he repeated confused.

"No. Paradox."

"Pair of ducks?"


"Pair of Docks?"

"..." Leon turned into a mallet and Reborn whacked Sougo upside the head, "It seems we'll be covering the Dictionary tonight."


"This is why Reborn is the best." Woz smiled, spooking Tsukuyomi, "Reborn, as we have the same goal I shall entrust the development of my King to you. Surely you shall make him powerful and imposing to lead the Vongola."

"Hmph. I've already been paid to do that," Reborn replied.

"Of course we must also concern ourselves with other facets of his development." he smiled, opening his book, "If you would...I have two choices for certain roles." he turned his book to Reborn who picked it up to read. Tsukuyomi and Sougo tried to peak, only for Woz's scarf to come to life and whip itself at them to keep them from peeking, "Ah ah ah. Spoilers, my king."

"'re just like uncle and his chanbara films…" Sougo mumbled, he then cried in pain as Reborn smacked him with a wooden practice sword.

"You can complain later. For now, it's time to study. First literature, then English, then Italian." he listed, "Then after that target practice. For every question wrong and shot'll see." he smirked.

"...hoo boy," Sougo gulped.

" happened…" a young voice giggled.

"Ugh...Zi-O got his powers..." a female voice groaned.

"Yes...history moves on," a much older male voice sighed before he smiled, "Now we begin our own little war against Ohma...and find a new Demon King."

"So who goes first?" the female voice asked.

"Let us allow our youngest to prove himself." their leader smiled.

"Oh I have a fun pick."

Sougo groaned as he sat in the living room doing his new set of homework from Reborn. The home tutor smacked him with a green cane that was made from Leon. Sougo rubbed his head before the two looked up as his mother put some drinks out for them. Sougo happily took his drink as Reborn sighed and allowed him this slight break.

From outside, Woz watched them all while flipping through his book. He smiled, tracing words in it as he watched, "So all moves as it should, distractions aside. Soon my King shall take power and rise." he mused, before closing his book, "Oto...spoilers." he chastised himself, "Best to watch it happen yourself."

Z0: And chapter 1.

GT: Hoo boy...This is gonna suck for Sougo since he's got Reborn as a tutor. ...Boy, I can't wait for when Reborn ends up in the corner. *gun cocks before pressing against the side of my head* ...I retract my statement. *gun turns back into Leon* Phew…

Z0: We need to remember he's here all the time now. *sees Reborn barge into everyone's room and chase them out*

GT: ...Why did we do this again?

Z0: Cause strangely when we thought this idea out things fit together better than DNA strands.

GT: Oh yeah...So...preview?

Z0: On it! *steals someone's dynamite and tossed it at the ceiling* Next time!

Zi-O Reborn~

Sougo: Eh? You mean if I lose to someone, they take my spot!?

Reborn: It's simple, if you are weak enough to lose to any random Mafioso, then you're not fit to be the Decimo.

Tsukuyomi: I need to keep an eye on you.

Woz: And so the right hand of the Mao appears today.

?: Shinei, Reborn!

Sougo: Eh!? D-Do you have hits out for you, Reborn?! HE'S ASLEEP?!

2nd Target: Explosive First Meetings!

?: You're unfit to be the Decimo!

GT: Hoo boy...Here come the headaches…

Z0: Thank god none of us are drawing it out, otherwise we'd have a lot of explosion clouds to make! *4th floor bathroom falls from the hole in the ceiling*

GT: ...Yeah, I'm not sorry for what I had Rabbid Kong do to wreck the stage this time.

Z0: I still haven't found most of our friends...I'm sure they'll turn up...alive hopefully.

SZ: *offscreen* So read and review folks!

Z0: We got a survivor!

GT: MEDIC! *FNaF 1 Bonnie in a female nurse's uniform runs in, picks up SZ, and runs off to the medical bay* Good Bonnie!

Z0: Now...if only we can find the rest...and our neighbors…

GT: Eh, I'm sure they're fine. So hope you all enjoyed this first chapter!

Z0: We'll start adding the .5 bits starting next chapter. But for now enjoy folks we're getting lunch. I say italian.

GT: Breakfast for lunch!