I don't own Metropolis or its characters.

The choppy dialogue is actually exact subtitle translation form the Metropolis motion picture.


Chapter One: The Steps of Metropolis

In the not too distant future there is a city that will rise over all other cities. Its technology alone will conquer the world; for it is the first city to accurately create independent artificial intelligence that is made in the human image. The citizens of this civilization think of themselves as gods for such a discovery; for the creation of life that was said to only belong to God.

For this ignorance, God works in mysteries ways. In this case, He allowed mankind's own creation turn on them. This rise in machines caused a chain reaction involving low income families that live underground. The families decided to rise up and reclaim what the robots took; what was originally theirs. Sadly, two adolescents were caught in the crossfire.

Tima and Kenichi were wandering in the snowy streets of Metropolis in which a battle took place hours before. Snow fell from the dark clouded sky at an even pace, covering the torn up concrete in a shower of white. What a unique sight, something as ugly as war and as beautiful as a winter snowfall in the same picture.

Previously that day a riot broke out; the humans demanded freedom and wanted work. Since the robots creation, they gradually began to take over people's jobs because robots didn't need materialistic items; they only needed oil and repairs every once in awhile. This saved the government time and money. Instead of accommodating for their citizen's needs, the government shut them up with bullets and missiles. It didn't take long for the crowd to scatter and retreat or be slaughtered.

Kenichi is a boy with dark hair, brown eyes, and a big heart full of courage and feeling for what has happened to the people of Metropolis. He came to this city with his uncle who is a private investigator, or so he seems.

-From Past to Present-

His uncles' job in Metropolis was to find and arrest Dr. Loughton; a mad scientist that was known for making robots with human organs. Kenichi found Tima at Dr. Loughton's laboratory in Zone 1 as it was burning to the ground; they fell into a sewer line which led to Zone 2 and worked as a team to get back to the city. As the duo gradually made it back to the surface, a boy slightly older than themselves named Rock tried to kill Tima.

In their escape they met a young man named Atlas who gave them shelter and started the Up Rise or "The Revolution". He was one of the reasons the people of Zone 1 decided to take their place on the surface by force; he was also the one who killed Perro. Perro was an investigative robot unit that helped Kenichi's uncle find Dr. Loughton.

Now the military is involved. They have assassinated the president and killed most of the people of Zone 1 that were on the surface retaliating.

-Present Time-

Something is broadcast from a helicopter speaker as Kenichi and Tima continued to look about the ruin. The announcement says, "The revolution has failed. Metropolis is under martial law in the name of Duke Red. Disarm yourselves and surrender immediately. I repeat. The revolution has failed. Metropolis is under martial law in the name of Duke Red. Disarm yourselves and surrender immediately."

As the two young teens hear this they walk wearily among the burning cars and lifeless bodies around them. Tima grabs Kenichi's arm and follows him closely, looking forward to avoid the unpleasant sight. The objects are getting covered by the falling snow.

Kenichi searched the city for one reason; to find his uncle. The two had been searching for hours and the poor boy was beginning to loss hope, when, suddenly, Kenichi heard his name being called and knew right away it was his guardian. He looked from were he stood to the steps of one of the main buildings of Metropolis and was suddenly filled with joy. "Uncle!" Kenichi exclaimed as he ran up the snow-covered steps to meet him. Tima walked up after him, her blonde curls bouncing and turquoise eyes looking about at the snow.

Kenichi and his Uncle stopped in front of one another; smiles spread across their faces. "So, you're safe! I'm glad. I'm glad." his Uncle said as he patted Kenichi on the back. He looked for Kenichi for a few days now and was glad to see that his nephew survived the turmoil.

Kenichi's Uncle was a round man with brown hair, tiny eyes, and a thick mustache hanging below his small round nose. His hand was bandaged. "Are you okay too Uncle?" Kenichi asked, looking with concern at his bandaged hand.

He assumed his uncle got involved in the riot somehow, and that was probably the reason for his injury. He saw where his nephew looked and glanced at his own bandaged hand, "Oh, this is nothing." He answered, both of them still happy to see one another.

Uncle finally noticed the blonde headed girl a few feet away from them. He looked over at her and blinked a few times; just to make sure she wasn't a mirage. "Who's that?" he asked, as he took off his hat, smiling and slightly bowing a silent welcome. He was happy that his nephew wasn't all alone during their separation and that he had company.

"What?" Kenichi asked, turning around slightly to see Tima standing behind him. "Her name is Tima." Kenichi answered, smiling at her. "She's from the lab and we've been on the run together." He explained, looking back at his uncle as he did so, then back at Tima. "Tima let me introduce you. This is my uncle." Kenichi said in a polite manner.

"Uncle" she repeated and smiled at the chubby man. She hadn't received all of her memories back yet, and a few words were still strange to her. She said it to get a feel of the word.

Uncle became suspicious about this young girl. In Metropolis it wasn't often one found a young girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. He wondered for an instant if she was a German or Spanish spy. He discarded the thought knowing Kenichi knew his own friends better than he did.

Atlas crawled around the corner of a statue that was by the entrance of the building. He started the riot but had no idea that he'd have to fight the military.

While grunting he moved, fell over, and then sat in front of the block. Atlas leaned against it for support and held his hand over a bullet wound in his chest. Kenichi noticed Atlas right away and ran over to him, hoping that he could save him in some way. "Atlas!" Kenichi exclaimed, reaching him.

Only having a few breaths left of life he gasped, "We…were…set up."

Uncle and Tima walked over to them as Atlas spoke. This is when Kenichi noticed Rock farther down the steps. Tima noticed him too, and took a few steps back so that she stood behind Uncle.

Rock was young but stronger than one would think. This youth had a past; and all who were involved with him knew this. He tried to kill Tima to prevent the "End of the World" and to protect his stepfather. Being very close to achieving his wish, he walked up the steps, his face expressionless and hands in his pockets.

He wore his trademark sunglasses, with his gun in its holster on his side. What stood out about him was his dark brown hair and deep, navy blue eyes. The Leader Marduke armband stood out on his upper right arm. The Mardukes is an underground political party that terminates robots out of their jurisdiction.

"So, we meet at last," he said as he casually walked up the stairs towards them. Atlas fell over, probably dead. Kenichi moved to grab him when Rock pulled his gun out of its receptacle and quickly aimed at him.

"Don't move!" He ordered, stopping for a moment then continuing the rest of the way up the steps. Tima took another step back as Rock moved closer; it was obvious she feared him.

"Don't resist." He said to Kenichi, nodding towards Tima but never taking his eyes off of Kenichi. "If you hand her over, you might be able to go home alive."

"Shut up, Rock, you wont keep your word!" Uncle shouted at the boy.

Rock looked at the old man and smiled. There was no warmth in that smile, just a coldness that would send a chill down any spine.

"I know what you're up to-" Kenichi's uncle continued, but wasn't able to finish due to Rock quickly aiming and shooting him in the shoulder.

As he shot a look of satisfaction formed on his lips. For a moment the firing of the gun boomed, then silence prevailed. Kenichi's uncle fell over from the force of the bullet lodging into his shoulder. That left Tima standing there looking at him, eyes wide. Everything took place very quickly, yet in slow motion all at the same time.

As Uncle fell, Kenichi dove at Rock and tackled him in a fury. As they fell together the gun flew out of Rock's hand. The gun landed on the steps where killer had been standing moments before, now he and Kenichi were tumbling down the snow covered concrete stairs as Tima watched them.

"Why you little-" Rock began angrily the moment they stopped tumbling. The older gritted his teeth and stood, holding Kenichi by the collar of his shirt. His sunglasses were now a few steps way from were they plummeted. Rock's eyes burnt bright blue as he glared at Kenichi. Rock was already on his feet and younger was at his mercy.

"Ti- Tima, get the gun!" Kenichi shouted just before Rock kneed him in the stomach. While Rock did this Tima picked up the gun and stood as Kenichi slowly fell to the ground, unconscious. Rock walked up the steps as Tima completely stood. He picked up his sunglasses. As the Marduke walked towards girl, uncle stood up, using a wall for support, and stumbled in Tima's direction.

"Damn, this will ruin everything!" Uncle's mind screamed. Rock stopped a couple of paces away from her, put his sunglasses back on and reached out his hand.

"Now, let's have it back." he said, meaning the gun. He flexed his fingers, as if signaling for a little dog to come to him. Rock then continued to walk towards her slowly.

"Don't…give it to him…!" The old man gasped, holding a hand over his wounded shoulder as he fell, going unconscious. With her left hand Tima lifted the gun in an aiming position at Rock, or attempted to. As she did he stopped two stair steps away from her. She wasn't used to the weight of the gun, so it wasn't completely steady.

The snow continued to fall as he smiled, raised his arms up and said, "You sure you can shoot me?" He pointed to himself "I am a human you know!"

Tima held her ground, gun swaying slightly in the air as she continued to aim at Rock. She glanced over to where Kenichi lay unconscious in the snow, and then looked back at Rock. The poor girl didn't understand what was happening; she had never experienced a friend being injured before, and her face showed nothing.

She rested her finger on the trigger of the gun, but didn't put pressure on it. They stayed like that for a few moments in silence, the only noise being a woman crying in the distance, possibly over a lost loved one.

Tima did care about Kenichi and what happened to him, but she still didn't completely have her memory back and couldn't remember how to express feelings such as anger and pain. She had a small taste of fear before, but not terrifying fear.

Rock took a sudden step forward, which caused Tima to put some pressure on the trigger. The trigger was very sensitive, and the gun went off. The deafening sound of the bullet shot filled the air as the object flew out of the barrel of the gun. Tima was knocked over by the force of the firearm, landing on her side on the snow-covered stairs. Rock also fell over.


Tima sat up slowly, steadying herself. Rock also sat up, a trickle of blood slowly flowing down the side of his face and where the bullet barely crazed his cheek. When Tima fell the gun went flying from her hand and landed between the two.

Rock leaned over quickly and grabbed the gun and shot at Tima. Once again the sound was deafening, leaving Rock's ears ringing. Tima had fallen over again, and Rock was now in a kneeling position. He put his gun back in its proper place with one hand, wiping the blood off the side of his face with the thumb of the other. He stood and looked over Tima.

At first glance one would think she was dead, but Rock could see that the bullet grazed her ear. She had hit her head on the step during the fall, knocking her out. A small red puddle began to form, sinking into the snow and staining strands of her blonde locks to a strawberry pink.

"Blood…?" Rock mumbled, almost amazed. He pushed his sunglasses up so that they were sitting on his head and dipped a gloved finger in the small mush that was forming. He lifted the liquid-covered finger to his face, and sniffed lightly. He knew right away his hypothesis was true. "How can that be?" Rock thought to himself in wonder. "If she is a robot, she's the most humanlike I've ever seen…" he spoke quietly.

"Of course she is, that's because she is human." said a familiar voice.

Rock looked down the stairs where the voice came from, and in its place stood Duke Red. He stood next to his black car wearing a dark trench coat. His driver stood next to him in his dim uniform. The driver held a black umbrella over Duke Red's head, following his every move so that he wouldn't get any snow on the his lord. The flakes fell at a slow, steady pace around them.

Duke Red was the highest and most respected person in Metropolis. He adopted Rock when he was young and all alone; after an incident happened with the boy's family. Now Duke Red was very hateful to him. Because of what he did for Rock, the young man has tried to show is appreciation by doing everything his step father ever asked of him. Rock respected Duke Red for taking him in as a child, even though he hadn't heard a kind word from his step father's lips in years.

The older man had the same hair type and eye color as Tima, it was clear that they were father and daughter.

"What are you saying father?" Rock started and pointed at the unconscious Tima that lay next to him. "Are you implying that this is the real Tima that supposedly died seven years ago?"

Duke Red gritted his teeth and said with an established tone "I am not your father! I pitied you and took you in when you were orphaned, and I will not discuss the well-being of Tima to the likes of you!" The last word echoed into the distance, then silence. After a few moments Duke Red continued. "Now, bring Tima to me and I just might pity you enough to let you go, either way you can say goodbye to your leadership of the Mardukes. I've had enough of your shenanigans Rock." Duke Red began to walk towards him.

The youth looked down at the ground. At that moment he was deciding whether to disobey a direct order from his stepfather or find out who this girl really was. He had to choose quickly. Rock pushed his sunglasses back into place over his eyes, pulled his gun out of its holster and aimed it at Tima. "Take another step forward, and I will kill her without hesitation." Rock meant it; he didn't lie when it came to another's well-being.

Duke Red stopped for a moment. Rock could feel Duke Red's eyes burning into him even without looking at him. "You wouldn't, she's an innocent child." Duke Red said, as he was about to take another step.

"Do you really want to chance it father?" Rock questioned, finally looking up and staring at Duke Red in the face. His blue eyes were intense and at that moment were visible through his sunglasses. His finger moved onto the trigger. Duke Red took his step, still doubting him. Rock pulled the trigger and the gun fired. A moment later Duke Red's eyes slowly began to widen and he little by little fell to his knees, the sound vanished and all was quiet.

"How…how could you? How could you do this to her you ignorant little bas-…" Duke Red stopped in mid sentence. He finally noticed the bullet hole in the ground that was centimeters away from Tima's head.

"That was a warning shot father…I never miss twice." Rock warned. Duke Red stood slowly, the driver next to him with the umbrella.

"You will pay dearly for this Rock." he said coldly.

"I know…" Rock answered as he picked up the girl slowly with his free hand and pulled her over his shoulder. He shot and blew out two of the four tires on the Duke's car. The young man gave one last glance at the one he called father and then ran. He wasn't sure where he was going, but he knew that the authorities would be there at any minute.