A/N: And here is the next chapter… So, this chapter didn't go at all the way I wanted it too… I had it planned out and then my muse Phoenix had a different idea… lol… Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Numb3rs, NCIS, Criminal Minds, NCIS Las Angels, CM Suspect Behavior, CM Beyond Borders, or Stargate SG-1!

Word Count: 1,438 Words


Hotch watched Spencer watch Ziva and Tim. He scowled when he saw the look on both of their faces. He walked over to where Gibbs was and tapped him on the shoulder. "I think that we're about to have a problem, Gibbs. Your two looks like they are about to throw a massive fit at actually having to work."

Gibbs looked up and snorted. "I think they are finally seeing just how much of the work DiNozzo does. It doesn't surprise me that they aren't liking the fact that they have to do work on their own without DiNozzo pointing them in the right direction. They're going to learn just how much they rely on him when it comes to working on a case."

Hotch nodded. "Don Eppes texted me earlier letting me know that Tony was working on the case from his office, but that he was also helping out some F.B.I. agents with their cases. Does he do that often?"

Gibbs groaned. "DiNozzo tends to help other people when he knows something but can't think of what it is that he knows. He gets stuck every once in a while and looking at something else helps to jog his memory or get him unstuck on whatever it is that stuck him. His mind works at a fast pace and doesn't like slowing down. Your genius looks like he is about to lose his temper on McGee and David."

Hotch sighed. "I'm pretty sure the only thing keeping him going off on them is that they haven't really said anything about DiNozzo just yet. If they do open their mouths and spout off it about DiNozzo I won't be able to stop Reid from letting loose on them, Gibbs."

Gibbs nodded. "I wouldn't expect you to stop him from going off on them, Hotch. They will deserve whatever Reid says to them. I'll be happy once O'Neill deals with them because they have stopped listening to what I tell them. I'm tired of them bitching about things they don't know or understand. You'd think they were in elementary school instead of an Agent with NCIS or an Officer with Mossad."

Dave who had been listening snorted. "Gibbs, from what I have heard about Ziva McGee she has always acted like a child. There is a reason why she was a handler instead of a field operative with Mossad. There wasn't anyone in Mossad who wanted to work with her because she was all the time acting like she was better and knew better than anyone else."

Emily Prentiss laughed. "Officer David isn't that good at her job and that includes being a handler. I managed to get my hands on the profiles she wrote on your team for Ari, Gibbs, and they were so far off the mark that it isn't funny. She doesn't understand how you can be close to those that you work with. She seems to think that feelings of any kind are a weakness. She doesn't have what it takes to work in our line of work because she lacks compassion unless she is trying to manipulate someone to her way of thinking and doing things."

Gibbs shook his head. "DiNozzo could profile us and everyone else a thousand times better that David did. If I find out the reason that Kate Todd was targeted because of Ziva David, she'll wish that she never came back to the United States and that is before I get a hold of her myself. DiNozzo was very close to Kate even though she sometimes thought he was an idiot. It didn't take her long to figure out what McGee and David have yet to figure out. DiNozzo likes using masks because he loves it when people underestimate him. I have to admit that it is quite effective and he's really good at throwing people through a loop because of the masks he wears."

Dave nodded. "I've known about DiNozzo for years but met him for the first time last year when he was loaned to the FBI to help with a case. I haven't seen someone who switch masks as quickly as he can in a long time. I'm pretty sure that the way he grew up helped him perfect the masks that he constantly switches between. The masks that he wears constantly is what helps him be a damn good undercover operative."

Gibbs smirked. "He's one of the best if not the best when it comes to working undercover. It is one of the reasons that Morrow fought so hard on making sure he signed with NCIS when he left Baltimore. It's actually written in his contract with NCIS and all the consultant cases he takes on that any undercover assignment he is on I'm automatically read into because he wants to make sure someone, he trusts has his back. He's been burned one too many times for him to work with just anyone having his back. He won't take on an assignment if I can't be there to watch his back in one way or another."

Emily sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "From what I know about DiNozzo that doesn't really surprise me. I don't blame him for not wanting to be undercover without someone he knows having his back. I would be more surprised if he wasn't cautious about who he trusts to have his back out in the field. I've noticed he doesn't have a problem with Spencer, Morgan, Dave, Hotch, Callen, Hannah, you, or me partnering with him out in the field, but he won't go on his own with Agent McGee or Officer David. Is that something new or has he been doing it a while, Gibbs?"

Gibbs frowned as he thought about the several weeks. "It isn't new. He refused to go out in the field without me when we were at Headquarters. I'm not sure what set him off, but now that I think about it, I need to figure it out. If they did something that caused him to think that they wouldn't have his back out in the field I need to know so that it doesn't happen again."

Hotch nodded. "Something went down between DiNozzo, McGee, and David that has DiNozzo on edge and it isn't just about them not listening to him while we are all here. I also think that General O'Neill is going to make sure that they learn a lesson that they won't soon forget." He stopped talking when he heard his phone go off and quickly pulled it out. He read the text message he had and then looked at Gibbs with a raised eyebrow. "Eli David has just landed at Dulles International airport and is scheduled to arrive at LAX in about six and a half hours. It looks like we may get some answers later on today."

Gibbs smirked. "I have some questions for Eli David that I want to ask in front of Ziva. I want to see how Ziva reacts to the questions and answers. I'm hoping that I'll finally get a straight answer to some of the things I have been wondering about lately. I'm tired of the way Ziva keeps throwing up her training in everyone's faces so I want to know just how well she did at her training because it couldn't have been that good with how she acts here."

Dave laughed. "My money is on her barely passing in a lot of areas. She probably only passed because of who her father is, and I truly believe that. There are a lot of unanswered questions when it comes to Officer David. I'm just glad that she is being supervised as closely as she is because we don't need this case thrown out on a technicality. I mean has she not listened to you or DiNozzo at all when it comes to how to investigate a case?"

Gibbs huffed. "She picks and chooses or tries to on what she wants to remember. I've been getting stricter with what she can do when she works on a case."

Dave nodded in satisfaction and straightened up. "I'm going over to talk to Reid before he loses his temper. He may not lose his temper often, but when he does it isn't a pretty sight at all."

Hotch smiled slightly and watched as Dave walked over to Spencer. He may have wanted to be the one to go over to Spencer but knew that he couldn't right then. He'd talk to him at lunch and make sure that he was doing okay.

A/N 2: *snorts* Like I said this chapter didn't go at all like I wanted it too... However, I decided to end it where I did because I wanted to show more of some of the BAU's point of views to an extent... I hope that you all liked this chapter... Click the comment and/or Kudos button and let me know what you think... Next up: Spencer loses his temper with Ziva and Tim... A look at what is happening at NCIS HQ... And finally, the lunch meeting!