I died starved.
Yes you read it right, I died starved.
No I'm not get abused or something. It's not accident and I'm not trying kill myself too. No one tried to torture me either.
Curiosity killed the cat, and I'm apparently was the cat.
I got curious about how human apparently can live for 3 week without food, so I tried it when the holiday came and when my mother is away from house for one month.
Before I knew it, I already died.
Yes yes, I know how stupid I'm. You guys don't need to remind me. Even the god lectured me how I waste my life for a simple and yet stupid curiosity. The god keep tellling me how he kept sending me a bunch recommendation food in my phone so I give up and eat something.
"The fridge is only 5 step away from your room!" The god shouted.
I admit, the fact that the god tried prevent me from dying it's actually really nice for him.
But he is already too late, my stupidity get me first and now I'm already died.
"Well, so what now?" I asked. Will I get send to hell because my stupidity? Now I think about it, does what I'm doing considered as suicide?
"Supposedly, I should have sent you to hell" The god sighed. "But I considered that you never actually intend to die, and now I give you a second chance"
A second chance? Huh, I almost sure that the god will send me to hell. I'm not a really good individual back home. I mean, I'm not murdering people left and right, but rather I always cheated in every test except math, never actually study and sometime didn't help what my mother asked me to do.
"By second chance you mean..."
"You will get reincarnated into Highschool DxD!" The god said with a hint of pride in his voice.
I froze.
"Because my child!" The god said dramatically.
"The other deities doing it! And I want to try it too!" He said with a big smile on his face. I swear I can also see sparkle in his eyes.
"Is there a reason I needed in there?" This is really ridiculous. What is this? Fanfiction? Maybe something happened in there, maybe there's a thre-
"Nope, I just want to see my chosen person reincarnated in there and watch them grow."
"It's okay if you don't want to change the plot! I'm not picky like the others, the feeling that I reincarnated someone into another reality is enough for me!"
"But-" I tried to protest. "But Highschool DxD is a harem anime!"
The god only look at me strangely. "So?"
"It's full of woman!"
"I'm not lesbian!"
"Your point?"
I took a deep breath.
"Usually," I started to explain. "In fanfiction in a harem anime, the original character or OC is a male because the writer sometime self insert themselves into the storyline. They usually ended up as a harem with their favorite girls."
The god nodded, signaling that he listening and want me to continue.
"It also apply with other shows. If there's a lot handsome man, the fanfic will full of female OC ended up romance with them. Highschool DxD is a harem anime, the fanfic is full of male OC. If there's female OC sometime it will become yuri"
"I see" He sighed. "That's why you said you're not lesbian"
"Yeah, I mean sure it would be funny to see bunch of girls trying to get attention to a straight girl. But it would stop being funny the moment the straight girl have to told them that she didn't like them back."
And she prefer that she never see their heartbreak realization. It might be funny for a comedy story but in real life, it can be heartbreaking.
"Even a reverse harem?"
"No just no.."
Because it's already hard enough to just talk with one man. If a lot of male talking and standing close to her, she would probably faint. Honestly, she really need to stop scared of real life man. Geez, this is karma because she kept avoiding irl male and only watch and read 2D person.
"So... I'm not going into Highschool DxD right?!" I asked with hope. "It's full of female and lack of male character!"
I never actually read the novel itself! Nor watch the anime! I only got the information from fanfiction and wikipedia!
Also no one of the male characters is also my type. I mean, sure maybe I can get with Issei, but I'm not the type that like to share with others. Vali is also a big no-no because I can't tame his battle maniac tendency. Cao cao is pretty much the antagonist...
"Nah, you still going"
"This is stupid, you're stupid, everything is stupid" The nameless girl mumbled. She is right now standing at a drawing circle on the ground.
"Say the one who died starved because they really curious how starving feels like." The god answer back, indicating that he can listen what the girl mumbling.
"It's for science?"
"Do you want me to look up your scores at that subject?"
"Ughh, alright. I'm sorry for being stupid" The girl apologized. Hearing this the god laughed.
"It's okay, among the deities they called me one of the stupid gods. Who knows, maybe we can perform 'The stupid god and his stupid chosen one' drama?" The god joked.
Both of them then laugh together. For the girl, she didn't expect to get along with this God. She thought the God will be an egoist God she sometime read. Or maybe a cruel God that wanted only entertainment. She glad she got a nice God that picking her up.
Suddenly the circle in the ground starting to glow along with the girl body.
"You know," She started. "The God in Highschool DxD is dead, what do you feel about that?"
"Well, do you really think The God can died that easily?" The girl widened her eyes while he smile at her.
"Wait! What do-"
Before she finished her speech, her whole body already vanished from the air. The circle in the ground also stop it's glowing.
"Do you nulled her emotions and her relationship with her mother?"
"Yes, it was necessary"
"If I don't do that, she will lash out demanding to make her alive again. Besides, it's much better if she didn't remember much about her mother, the situation already sad itself"
She was once fall in love with a man.
He was everything to her. Like every love story, they ended up married. And then they become the happiest couple in the world. The man become the husband and she become the wife.
It didn't last long.
They tried to have kid, but failed twice. Tired of his wife, the husband search for another woman, leaving the wife behind. But the wife is fine, because she was sure her husband will back for her. Even the husband abused her, she knew the husband still love her.
Finally, the wife is pregnant again. This is the third time she pregnant and she was sure she could keep the child alive. Like someone said "third time's a charm"
The husband, oh the man she loves so much didn't agree.
"It will probably just died like before, just abort it"
The wife didn't give up.
After a long time, the husband never come back, never called and never support her again.
And that when the wife realized, she is not longer living in her own fairy tale anymore.
The husband become the man and the wife become the woman.
In the end, she come back where her parent is. Asking help for her child that hasn't been born yet.
"I will make them, the happiest child in the whole world" The woman said.
Her baby is born.
Her baby is born as a healty baby girl. There's no trace that she will died for a few hours. After 2 times she tried and failed, she finally has her own child. She cried with tears of joy.
The woman finally become the mother she always want to be.
Later, she buy a lot of doll for her baby girl.
But it's not a happy ending either.
Like someone said again, "The abused become the abuser"
Before she know it, their relationship is almost broken. Its started innocent enough, then the years came by and the mother become aggressive.
When finally she realized it, she managed to stop what she was doing. And then she try to change herself.
The child only stared confused why her mother suddenly changed.
Years went by, their relationship stop being broken. But of course, the scar already been done. The child still scared of loud command, the child still flinch eveytime the mother raised her hand.
But the mother didn't give up, she keep try mend their relationship. She will make her child to be happy as much as possible.
The child starting to grow up
"I love you mom!"
"I love you too"
"I'm proud of you!"
"Hehe, thanks mom"
The more her child grow up, the more money she need. She need to get a job with high pay, she need money for her child. She needsheneedsheneed-
"Hello miss, I'm sorry but you daughter is-"
She cried.
She cried and begged to the god to wake her up from this nightmare.
'This is your fault' her mind whisper.
'You're a horrible mother'
'No wonder no any man want to marry you'
'You can't even keep one child alive'
The mother is no longer a mother, she is the woman now.
In her grief, she buy every child toy, every teddy bear she can buy with her own money.
She brought them into her room and then-
The police found the mother of a teenager that died starved in their very own house hanged herself in her hotel room. The mother hanged herself one week after found out that her child is dead.
The hotel room that the mother stayed at, is found full of child toy and teddy bear across the room. The only thing she left is a note that said "I'm sorry for become a horrible mother"
In another dimension, on 4th April. A parents blessed with a pair twin of baby.
The boy is called Issei Hyoudou
The girl is called Yui Hyoudou
In another place and another time. On 6th June, a mother is blessed with a pair twin of baby too. But rather a human baby, both of them are half human and half devil.
The boy is called Vali
And the girl is called-
-- Prologue End --
This idea suddenly sprung into my mind in the middle of the night. I'm really sleepy right now. I'm sorry if you found any grammar, english is not my first language. While writing this I keep crying when I wrote the story about the mother. Also I think we need more fem oc in this fandom. I'm sorry but there will be no harem for the OC.
thanks for reading this, I need to sleep now.