New Hope

There had been a loud knocking on the doors of the TARDIS, the Doctor had strolled over and with a cheeky snap of his fingers the doors had opened. In poured a distraught Vastra. This was 3 hours ago, the Doctor was glancing at the screen every 3 seconds, it was boring listening to Vastra rant on about how much she loves Jenny and has no idea what to do.

He was adjusting his bow tie for the 47th time when he just stopped the frantic pacing, it was making his floor creak, he grabbed Vastra's arms and just shook her until she stopped talking. Vastra was gobsmacked and didn't say a word, she couldn't.

"I think you should stop ranting at me and go tell her you love her." The Doctor said in annoyance; partly to get Vastra out of his control room and partly because of his soft spot for Jenny, he could see how much happier Vastra had been since they got together and mainly because it kept her distracted from him.

"But I can't, I don't know how to." She started to pace again, her anxious stance could have worried even the bravest man.

"Well, I think I can help with that." The frizzy blonde, walked calmly down the steps into the control room. She had a pair of sunglasses balanced to perfection on the top of her nose and a pair of brown Jodhpurs adorning her hips. "I thought we were supposed to be going to space Florida." The doctor had his apology look in his eyes as River approached Vastra, he had been trying to keep her away from Vastra for some time and was annoyed because he didn't want to miss date night.

"I'm sorry sweetie, she just came in. I think she needs your advice." The Doctor whispered into River's ear before she got too disappointed. River strolled over to Vastra, she was sitting down now and River sat beside her on the bench. The Doctor retreated down the corridor and left the women to talk in private.

"Look, you mustn't ever tell him this, but in his thirteenth regeneration he is a female like us, I had plenty of fun with that i must say." Vastra chuckled, she couldn't imagine the Doctor as a woman but she opened her mind to the idea, before River continued. "Which means i have lots of experience when it comes to relationships. Now why don't you tell be what is troubling you?" Vastra nodded and started to speak.

"I have this partner Jenny, whom I love and adore. She knows this but I want to do something to show her that I want to be with her forever." She sobbed a little in her confusion, and lent onto River's shoulder.

"Dear, then you must ask her to marry you. Assuming she is a human, which I am guessing she is." River paused to let her nod. "Ask her to marry you." She picked up Vastra's chin and looked at her eyes, they were a deeper green and they looked puffy and swollen.

"Is that some human thing I won't understand?" River nodded and explained to her that it is something humans do to unify couples. She understood the idea but was still nervous about asking, she wasn't sure what Jenny wanted. After some thought Vastra got up, said her goodbyes and returned home, unlocking her door she found a note on the side board.

It read, Darling I have just popped out to get some more firewood, we seem to have run out, I don't know how but we have, I'll see you at dinner, I have instructed Strax to cook but who knows what will end up on the table. Xx

It was written in Jenny's beautiful cursive writing, all loopy and wonderful and exactly how she liked it. She could imagine Jenny's voice as she read it with her thick London accent and her pronunciation of darling. Vastra had just enough time to work out what she was going to do, she was going to propose how River had said. She had informed her of all the details in order to make it the perfect moment.

Everything was planned and set out she just had to wait until Jenny arrived home before she could set her plan into motion. She had Strax clean the house - a sontaran butler she had hired when the Doctor had instructed that they do something with him. There was also a potato reference at the time but she couldn't remember why.

When Jenny stumbled through the door with apologies and a story for dinnertime, she was surprised to find Vastra waiting by the door ready to take her coat. She was directed towards the dinner table and they sat down to eat, it was something posh Jenny had never heard of but unusually Vastra ate with her. She thought it was strange but quite nice that they could eat together.

"My love why are we eatin' the same meal together? Is there something I've forgotten."

"No my dear i just thought of something that i want to ask you." Jenny looked very confused but a little curiosity got the better of her and she leaned in further to Vastra. "I was thinking about you and me and our little arrangement." She paused and Jenny winked at her sliding her hand into her own and feeling the warm of her skin against her scales. "Marry me. Please I've heard it's something you humans do and I want it for us. I want to marry you so we can be together and feel normal. What do you say?"

Jenny made a small sound comparable to a yelp and leaped into Vastra's arms, it took her off guard. She looked a little concerned and as Jenny came to look at her. She looked confused and hesitant awaiting Jenny's answer. She saw Vastra's concern and cupped her cheek looking into her eyes she nodded. Vastra understood, she leaned down and kissed her lips, it was soft and tender, filled with love and meaningful.

"Honey of course I'll marry you. I love you. Don't be sad." She wiped away small tears on Vastra's face, they poured from her eyes and fell onto her scales. "Wha' are you cryin' for?" She said, Vastra smiled now she thought of her love and their future together.

"I am happy. They are tears of joy. I love you so much Jenny Flint. I just don't know what I would do without you." Jenny pulled out her hairpins and let her long black hair fall onto her shoulders, she crawled across to sit on Vastra's outstretched knees their bodies balanced as Jenny cupped Vastra's face and kissed her lips again. This time with a heat, a lusting passion. This time with the present in their minds, with the night.

Their bed was crisp and clean, white, the sheets brush and cover their skin. The mix of green and black on the pillows, their voices muffled by kisses, red marks left on Jenny's skin that would fade over time, yet Vastra's scales remain unmarked, yet scarred with their history. Jenny ran her delicate fingers along the lines etched into her skin, making her scales quiver and tingle. She felt alive and important, Jenny made her past denyable and her future bright. Jenny is hers.

"Am I gettin' a ring then? If we're gettin' married." Jenny asked. Hoping and smiling intensly.

Vastra smiled down at her and laughed. "You are very cheeky Miss Flint." She ran her hand under Jenny's chin and kissed her forehead. "One day. You will have all that you deserve in the world. And I will do anything to keep you safe and protected and loved. My Jenny."

Jenny fell alseep in Vastra's arms as she spoke, a soft whisper that floated through the air like a dream. She kissed Jenny's head again and drifted into a sleep. Safe and warm and in love.