Hello guys. I hope you enjoy the first chapter of A Look into the Multiverse. This will not be a Jaune focus fic but the first chapter will involve him. Please do not request anything in the comments I already have stuff planned out. Major thanks to my main man GrimmBear for writing the reaction, please please go check out his stuff. Thanks again, man. I know doing this chapter was hard not knowing the source material. But enough of this. LET'S ROCK!
"Are you sure this is the right place?" Mercury asked as he, Cinder and Emerald were walking into a theater. In front of them Salem lead the group.
"Yes, it is. The coordinates are correct from Watts machine." She said as they entered and was met with another group. And a rather large one.
"RUBY!" Cinder said as she raised her bow and pulled her arm back and Emerald and Mercury got ready to fight as Salem sighed.
The other group consisted of Ozpin, Oscar, team RWBY and JNR. Who got in front of the two and pulled their weapons out. Then suddenly all their weapons vanished out of thin air.
"What the!?"
"My Weapons!"
"MY BABY!" Ruby yelled looking for Crescent Rose.
"My legs!" Mercury fell and Emerald started to laugh and covered her mouth while Cinder ran at Ruby who then raised her arms up to fight her. Then before they could reach each other, a light barrier comes between them. "What the!?" Cinder yelled as she roared and punched it. It just glowed.
Then the large screen begins to start, and the groups look at it. Both in confusion and curiosity. Salem decided to tell them. "Look, we have been all brought here o watch these…. Images of ourselves, why and how? I do not know, so unless you want to be forced out, you'll sit down and watch." She said as Ozpin said the same thing and they all sat to watch the large screen.
The scene starts start with Cinder Fall in a library, reading a book. A voice speaks out to her, but she doesn't turn to look, continuing to read the book.
"Cinder its you." Emerald said as Cinder merely looked at her other version, momentarily cursing herself as she looked better there than she did now.
Though the other side were more concerned about why Cinder was there, she could possibly be somewhere that can give her more power, and cinder with more power leads to more concerns.
"So, you're looking for the book of ancient Legends. The tale of the Dark knight warrior known as Ozma?"
"Ozma." Ruby said recalling the story that Jinn had told them about, she looked back at Salem who then looked at her their eyes connected, and she gave ruby a seething glare that made her yelp.
'Ozma as a dark knight huh? Rather flattering title.' Salem thought, just imagining her once love becoming an agent of evil, she shivered a little inside before looking at the screen more.
While Ozpin was more than intrigued about his other self, he had to keep a close eye for any key details in the screen that could help him better understand it.
The speaker steps into the light revealing Raven Branwen, her face having odd look marking on the side.
Cinder still does not turn to look at Raven and closes the book.
"Mom…" Yang said as she lightly glared at the woman, still mad about what happened at the camp, and at Haven. But she was wondering what those markings were as she narrowed her eyes.
"Hmmph, so this was the woman who supposedly slew you." Salem said checking if there were any key things on Raven, so far those markings were the only concern.
Cinder seethed looking at the branwen, wanting nothing more than to kill her.
"That's not what I'm looking for" She replied, placing the book back on the self. "Leave me."
'What is she looking for then.' Ozpin wondered as he was a bit curious about why Raven was there, and what Cinder could possibly want.
"Then what are you looking?" Raven asked, paying Cinder request no mind. The older woman frowns a bit.
"A Demon, that impregnates a woman, who then bears twins. A boy and girl. That is the story isn't it?
Cinder pulls her Kanata from its sheath and points it at Raven, still not having turn her gaze at the older woman.
"Ew…" Nora said a little grossed out about a demon actually doing it with a woman. Though in her mind she imagined it to be some sort of freaky Grimm creature.
Seeing her reaction Cinder raised a brow and so did Salem, it brought some suspicion to her character in the screen. They both had the same thought that this Cinder could be the twin daughter.
"Hmm not bad." Ruby said seeing Cinders Katana, She didn't like the woman, and seeing her weapon didn't like her much more, it was basic in her eyes.
"Leave me." She speaks softly. "I won't tell you a third time."
Some of them were getting a bit pumped and excited for a fight, like Nora and Mercury, though the others wondered what would happen between the two, they were both strong and in their last match Raven came out on top, could she do it again though.
There is a bit of silence as Raven look at the blade, seemly not affected by Cinder's actions. She grabs the blade with two of her fingers.
"People inherently fear evil. However," Raven began as she walked toward the young woman, not caring that the blade sliced her finger. Blood began to drip on the floor.
"Occasionally, a Person may become seduced by evil."
After Raven finished speaking, Cinder finally turns and looks at her, the amber eyed woman , her expression unreadable.
"Uhhh That's… Creepy." Nora commented as she saw how Raven was unfazed by cutting her finger on a long blade. Especially when she saw the blood drip down.
"That's… that's not what your moms like, right?" Blake asked a little frightened by the woman on the screen.
"No, but now I kind of glad she's like how she is." Yang replied while Cinder narrowed her eyes a bit, the raven on the screen must've been like her in a way. Wanting more power.
"What are you getting at?" She inquires, placing her blade back in its sheath.
"What!? No fight scene, no slicing or any action!?" Nora yelled as she wanted to see two enemies fight each other and hoped that Cinder on the screen would fall.
"Calm your beast Ozpin, some of us are trying to watch." Salem said smirking as she saw Nora's glare. She was easy to anger in this situation.
"Its alright Nora just ignore her." Ren said as Jaune nodded and calmed Nora down by patting her shoulder. The Valkyrie sighed and pouted as she sat in her chair.
Raven smiles a bit before responding.
"First… You must share with me the story of Ozma."
"Is anyone else confused, or is it just me?" Oscar asked as he had no idea what was happening in the screen, the others thought the same thing and were utterly confused, even Salem, and Ozpin didn't know what was going on, and one of them didn't like it.
The scene cuts and transitions to a shot of the moon. The sound of blade clashing against each other and as the scene continues there are two figures fighting on top of a large roofless building. As they fight Yang's voice is heard.
"You heard of it haven't you? The legend of Spadra. My father used to tell the story to my sister and I when I was young..."
Ruby and her group were surprised to heard Yang's voice come out and apparently it turns out that Ruby herself was also involved in the story as well.
As she speaks, the two figures continue to fight as it rains.
"Long ago in ancient times, a demon rebel against his own kind for the sake of the human race."
One of the figure's attempts to jab the other with their greatsword, the other parry and attack with a downward slice aimed for the shoulder with their blade. They jump out of the way.
"With his sword, he shut the portal to the demonic realm and sealed the evil entities off from our human world. But since he was a demon himself, his power was also trapped on the other side."
Yang's voice chuckles before she continued.
"I never believed it. I thought it was a child's fairy tale."
"Yeah. We thought fairy tales weren't real too." Jaune said as team RWBY and his team agreed. Ever since the Maidens, and other stories were actually real, they didn't know what to believe now.
The two opponents slice and swipe and each other landing the blows. Blood spills to the ground and is washed away by the rain as the two keep going despite this.
"But I discovered that this so-called legend wasn't a myth. Ozma existed."
Yang's voice wavered as she said it, as if she still couldn't believe that it was true.
"How do I know? Well…" She trailed off.
The two were lock in an exchange, sparks flying as the sound of blade clashing once again appeared. The one of their face's where finally shown and one was Jaune Arc.
"Hey look jaune, its you!" Nora said as she looked at her leader who was mostly confused about this,
"I met the children of Ozma… Both of them."
The second figure face was also shown. It was Cinder Fall from earlier.
"Though the blood the same blood of their father flowed through their veins, the two battle each other fiercely like arch enemies.
Cinder and Jaune's clash of blades became faster and fiercer to the point where their blades could not be seen as anymore but blurs. The two of them move fast enough that it seem like the rain had come to a standstill. They smacked their blade into each other and the shockwave from it made a small slash from the water on the ground. They were lock against each other, staring each other dead in the eyes.
Everyone's eyes widened when they saw and heard what Yang was talking about. "No way." Nora said as she realized that Jaune, and Cinder were siblings in this. And true to Yang's words, we see that Jaune and Cinder are enjoying the fight as they both has smirked at each other. But then with a flick of her wrist, Cinder sends Jaune's sword flying away. And in that moment take her chance to impale her brother with her blade, driving into his abdomen a bit before yanking it out. Jaune begins to fall to his back. Jaune lay on the ground of his back and Cinder runs her fingers through her hair, trying to dry it off.
"Your kidding me." Cinder said as she looked at Jaune who just looked more annoyed and confused about the ordeal.
"It seemed as if they derived some sort of twisted pleasure from this sibling rivalry."
"What!?" Ruby said as she saw that Jaune had apparently died. She like her other friends were pissed and gave cinders glares, while the fall maiden was passive about it.
Cinder goes to pick up Jaune's sword and walks away. As her brother tries to get up, she turns around. The scene cuts once again and is on a black screen. The only noise that can be heard is the sound of a telephone ringing. It then shows a room. There a drum set in one corner, a pool table in one, a jukebox in near a door that leads out outside. In the middle of the room was a desk and it had the ringing phone as well as a box of pizza. A shirtless Jaune shows up drying his hair as he walks toward the desk, he kicks the chair up to its legs, and as he sits down place his feet on the desk hard enough for the phone to launch up. He catches answering the call.
"Hey, look guys he's alive! Jaune your alive!" Nora said excitingly as she shook her leader and made him yell out as she and the others were glad their friend hadn't died. Meanwhile Cinder let out a groan seeing that he wasn't dead.
Though as they were relieved one girl among them had her cheeks dusted red when she saw Jaune's toned body on the screen and looked at the original before blushing more and turning to see what else would happen.
"Sorry, not open for business yet." Jaune throw the phone back on the stand, ending the call. He sighs and grabs a slice of pizza
"I haven't even picked a name for this joint and I'm already getting calls."
Raven enter the shop to see Jaune eating his pizza. The blonde stops eating to look at the red eyed woman.
"You a customer too?" He asked, looking annoyed. "Well, if you wanna use the bathroom help yourself. The toilet's in the back."
"I don't think she there for that." Nora pointed out while Yang focused on what she would do.
Raven pay him no mind and walk around the room, almost like she was a vulture waiting to strike.
"Is your name Jaune? Son of Ozma?"
Jaune turns and glare at the woman.
"Where did you hear that?" He questioned.
"Guessing he's still pissed about the stab."
Raven smirks and walk up to the desk with her arms behind her back.
"From your sister." She looks down and see the neckless Jaune was wearing. Raven look at it for a few seconds before continuing.
'Why was she look at the necklace so much.' Salem and Ozpin thought as they focused on her and the item of interest.
"She sent this invitation for you." She said. "Please accept it."
After saying that she flips the desk over, Jaune jumping as soon as she does. He lands on his feet and pulls out a pistol to shoot her, but she had all but disappear. The son of Ozma places his gun away, walking forward and catching the pizza box in his hand.
Yang groaned and crossed her arms annoyed. "She ran away of course."
"This jaune is very acrobatic" Blake noticed and said while Ruby drools over the guns, and more than just one.
"Invitation huh?" He mutters to himself. The demon hybrid goes to take a bite out of a slice of pizza but suddenly, several creature's wielding scythe appear and impaled the young man on them. Blood spilled on the floor.
"GAAAHHHH!/JAUNE!" Nora and Ruby screamed thinking jaune had died while the others on their side looked in shock.
Jaune then thrusted his palm forward, smacking the creature away from him killing it. The creatures look up to see the Son of Ozma twirling the mask that their ally wore on his fingertips. Jaune walks forward, with blades in his arms and legs, dragging along one of the creatures for a ride. Seemly not bothered by the implement. He goes over to the to his jukebox, kicking the demon he dragged along and grabbling a slice of Pizza. The Blonde rip a blade out of his chest and toss it up at one of his celling fans, causing it to fall on top of a few demon.
Everyone was shocked that Jaune is still alive and kicking. While Ozpin and Salem think that Jaune might be immortal like the grimm queen herself.
"This party's getting crazy! Let's rock!" He cheers and goes to turn on his jukebox, but it's doesn't work. He tries a few more time before slamming his fist into the jukebox hard enough to dent it and music starts to play, tapping his foot in tone with the music. Jaune goes on to take down the demon with ease, using the blades on his arms and legs to kill the demons. Using his guns Evory and Ivory to shoot them to bit, using one of the demons as a skateboard as he shoots the others while pass by. Grabbing his sword and flipping his pool table to shoot one pool ball and having it collide with all the other to smack the demons it the face. In no time the demons were defeated. Jaune look over his office with a frown.
They laugh at Jaune's attempts to turn on his jukebox. Jaune slumped a bit while yang smirked and patted his shoulder.
Then everyone Expressed their surprise that that how well he's able to fight while Ruby drools a bit over his gun skills and his sword.
"Damnit. Already wreck the place up and I haven't even named it yet. Cinder better pay up."
He smiles however and grabs his jacket.
"Well Cindy. I can tell this is gonna be one hell of a party!" He shouts kicking down his door.
Then as he moved the screen turned off. "'WHAT!? It can't end there!" Nora said as Ruby let out her own groan at the action being stopped.
The viewers in the theatre do take notice to the screen turns back on and a song plays. It seems like another is going to play.