*Several months later*

A calming breeze had wafted through the air making Nolee's hair dance along her shoulders. A feeling of content had spread through her body as her brown eyes stared out at the vast green land before her. The tall lush grass pressing against her bare feet was unfamiliar, but welcomed. The sun setting just below the horizon had been nothing less than a breathtaking view.

The sound of birds chirping could faintly be heard in the distance, but up closer the sound of an overly excited Annabelle MacManus cooing had filled the small girl's ears. An exasperated Connor had only leaned against a post taking a sip of his beer, annoyance quickly filling his face as he looked on.

"Look at t'at crazy old woman, actin' like she's never seen a damn baby before." he scoffed as the elder red headed woman happily bounced a smiling Ruby in her arms, speaking to the infant in half english, half gaelic.

"I don't even think Ma was ever t'at nice ta us like t'at." Murphy added insulted while he also looked on at their mother being so unusually affectionate.

"A grandma's love is a whole other type of love, so I've been told." Nolee chimed in with a slight smirk watching the brothers roll their eyes at the unfairness.

"Yeah, well that's bullshit t'en." Connor retorted taking another sip of his beer as the small girl only giggled turning her head back to the sunset. Ireland was obviously a huge contrast to Boston, but the more time Nolee spent gazing at all the luscious open land and farm animals, the beauty had almost made for up the homesickness she felt.

Connor, Murphy, and Noah had ended up infiltrating Pappa Joe's trial. Nolee could still recall the morning the events that had unfolded before her eyes. However this time as she watched the three men grab their black bags and head out the door, there had been no nervousness or worry. As the door closed behind them Nolee had sipped her coffee calmly, the tiniest smile upon her face.

*Morning of Yakavetta's Trial*

A calm and collected Agent Smecker had carefully walked down the hallway of the courthouse approaching the side entrance. Outside the building Detective Greenly dressed in uniform waited patiently next to the police van. When his eyes discovered Smecker by the door Detective Greenly had swiftly knocked on the van signaling it was time. Shortly Agent Smecker had discretely opened the entrance door as Noah, Connor, and Murphy had walked in. Skillfully throwing their black bags over the metal detector, Agent Smecker had ascended up the flight of stairs while the three men made their way further into the courthouse straight ahead.

In the courtroom an anxious crowd watched a charming Yakavetta take the stand and begin to explain his defense. Half of the room were infatuated with the charisma the Italian displayed as others looked on in disgust. The Italian's family had cheered him on with full support while the victims' families had shot him looks of hatred.

"He's the next John Gotti...even with all this evidence, he's going to walk." a reporter had commented to another in fascination. The crowd had been so involved with Pappa Joe, the sound of the courtroom door being slammed open had taken them all by surprise. The sounds of gasps and shouts had filled the air watching the three men bombard their way into the courtroom.

"Everyone to ta back!" the three men had demanded grabbing the unsuspecting citizens near them and pushing them away from the podium.

"Shut ta fucking camera!" Noah had ordered aiming his gun in warning.

"Up top, drop your guns, now!" Connor ordered the two officers that were standing on the platforms above the courtroom. The judge had protested as he was grabbed by Noah who only pushed to him the side before Connor and Murphy forced a Pappa Joe onto his knees in front of the scared crowd; both of their guns quickly positioned at the back of his head.

"You people have been chosen to reveal our existence to the world. You will witness what happens here today and you will tell of it later. All eyes to the front." Noah had instructed to the crowd as their terrified eyes had no choice but to look at the scene in front of them. Pappa Joe had made a sound of protest but was quickly shot down by Connor's foot delivering a swift kick to the Italian's back sending him forward, Murphy quickly recoiling the Italian back onto his knees.

Outside the courtroom a Detective Dolly had swiftly pulled the fire alarm before casually exiting the courthouse unnoticed. Connor and Murphy had jumped onto the tables waving their gun at the crowd demanding their full attention while Noah had kept his gun steady at Pappa Joe's head.

"Now ye will receive us!" Connor spoke addressing the crowd.

"We do not ask for ye poor, or ye hungry." Murphy added.

"We do not want ye tired and sick."

"It is ye corrupt we claim."

"It is your evil that will be sought by us!"

"With every breath, we shall hunt them down."

"Each day we spill their blood until it rains down from the skies."

"Do not kill, do not rape, do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace."

"These are not polite suggestions! These are codes of behavior, and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost!"

"There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the bounds and cross over into true corruption, into our domain."

"For if you do, one day you will look behind you and see us three, and on that day you will reap it!"

"And we will send you to whatever god you wish." Murphy had finished before him and Connor had joined their father as all three guns had positioned at the back of Pappa Joe's head, the Italian begging for help.

"And shepherds we shall be, for Thee my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee and teeming with souls it shall ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et spiritus sancti."

The people in the courtroom had then been bare witness to Pappa Joe's execution. The courtroom killing had sent hysteria through Boston and ultimately it had started the largest manhunt known to date inside of the city. The police had heavily sought out Connor, Noah, and Murphy, wanting them for the crime committed. Citizens of Boston had been in uproar in whether or not the vigilantism was justified. The media had continued to dub Connor, Noah, and Murphy as The Saints.

A final warning had been put out to the city that the evil residing within would no longer be tolerated. Nolee had remembered listening to the news as the crowd of people had poured out from the courtroom, their terror and shock had not affected her in the slightest. There was simply only relief to know Joe Yakavetta was officially no longer amongst the world anymore, giving her the unapologetic sense of peace. Vengeance had been made for Rocco, and that was all that mattered to her in that moment.

Connor, Murphy, and Noah had kept undercover after the courtroom vigilantism and even with Smecker's help, things had ultimately become too difficult to remain in Boston. The only solution the men knew they had in order to keep the attention off of them, was to flee the city. It had been the hardest choice for Nolee to make having to leave the place she had first sought refuge in. Nolee could still recall how painful it had been to say goodbye to Kira, but promises of returning to Boston had been made.

Kira had thankfully understood having been aware that right now it simply wasn't safe for the brothers. Unfortunately Kira and Connor had not stayed together over the course of coming to Ireland, long distance just hadn't seem to work in their favor. The two had promised to remain friends at least, often keeping in touch, for the tall brunette had still given them her support.

Arriving in Ireland had been a scary change at first, Nolee had not known what to expect when she took those steps onto the boat that would carry them away. There had been much fear realizing she would finally be meeting the brothers' mother for the first time. Worrying the woman that birthed the best things in her life would somehow reject her.

'Don't worry lass, she's gonna love ye.' Murphy had assured the small girl who only stared out into the ocean with doubt. But the moment Nolee had stepped inside the small stoned house and to her surprise, the short redheaded woman had greeted her with open arms. Annabelle MacManus was indeed the true definition of an Irish woman. Her bold personality had been somewhat startling to Nolee at first but just like her sons, her power of charm had quickly won Nolee over.

The bittersweet reunion of Annabelle and Noah was also a sight to behold. Nolee had watched the red headed woman's eyes fill with shock at seeing her husband again, Nolee had been amazed that each of them still embraced each other with the love they felt 25 years ago as if nothing had changed at all. Proof that distance and time did not matter when you truly loved someone.

If someone had told Nolee her life would end up like this years ago, Nolee would've ask that person to check themselves into an asylum. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine herself walking through the green marshes of Northern Ireland. At least settling into the new land hadn't been so difficult. The days had seemed more peaceful as she adjusted to her quiet new life. The crisp clean air was surely different from the busy loud Boston streets. Annabelle had been more than thrilled to have two other females in the house for once, it made Nolee's heart full to see the woman take Ruby on as her own grandchild so effortlessly, not one part of her had to seem to care she was not biologically Murphy's. Surely Murphy had gotten his kind heartedness from their mother as well.

"Dada!" Ruby had cried out happily to Murphy while clapping her hands when she spotted him, it was hard to believe how much the infant had grown already. Ruby Hope had of course continued to favor the Irishman smiling wide as he picked her up, unable to contain his happiness when he heard her say that word.

"Me little princess, come here." Murphy smiled embracing her in his arms. "How about I show ye where Da and uncle Connor use ta play as young lads?" he questioned to the infant before walking the two of them further down the marsh by where the small creek had run through. As Murphy pointed out several things, Ruby's big brown eyes looked on in fascination. It never ceased to amaze Nolee the special bond Murphy and Ruby had always seemed to share.

"And right there be ta spot Uncle Connor like ta try and drown me because he's an ass-umm...donkey." Murphy corrected himself to the infant as Nolee had only laughed to herself, unaware of Annabelle standing next to her.

"Ye know I never t'ot I'd see ta day me Murphy would be so happy." she told the brunette softly. "Was almost startin' ta lose hope ta little shit would never make me a grandma." she added in sincerity making the small girl giggle. "It sure does feel good ta have me boys home again tho. Even makes me feel better ta see Murphy come home a different man."

"What do you mean?" Nolee questioned Annabelle gently.

"Murphy's a dreamer like his damn Da, always chasin' ta stars. Never could get ta little bastard ta stay still very long. Was always afraid Murphy would never be satisfied, as ye can see ta apple don't fall from ta tree no?" Annabelle joked. Of course she had been fully aware of what her sons had become involved with. "I shoulda known me boys would take after Noah with wantin' ta change ta world eventually. I admit I kept a lot of things from Connor and Murphy about their Da purposely...but ye know as a mother ye just want different for ye kids." she reasoned with a sigh. Nolee had gave a nod in agreement unable to deny that fact from one mother to another.

"Murphy told me a lot about ye over ta phone. Never seen him so hung up on a lass before, t'ot it was pretty amusin' how frightened he was ta tell me ye were already knocked up by someone else." Annabelle teased causing the girl's face to flush with embarrassment. "Oh, I'm just kiddin' lass it don't make no difference ta me." Annabelle added with a shrug.

"Sounds like ye were dealt a bad card for a while, but pulled through. Murphy needs a tough lass ta keep his arse in line anyways."

"I'm trying my best to...but unfortunately we're both two stubborn people." Nolee teased back.

"Mm, sorry lass Murphy gets ta stubbornness part from me. It's ta Irish blood." Annabelle responded winking at Nolee. "I'm just glad Murphy has finally found his happiness...ta way he looks at ye...is exactly how his Da looked at me when we met."

"Did you know right away you loved Noah?" Nolee questioned to the older woman curiously.

"I did." Annabelle admitted nodding her head slowly. "As crazy as it might seem givin' his history, I didn't care. I knew who he was deep down, I knew his heart. Even when he got sent away...I knew he'd be back one day. Love makes ye do crazy things sometimes."

"You can say that again." Nolee mumbled under her breath feeling the woman's words resonate strongly with her about the woman's son ironically.

"When ye are willin' ta do whatever it takes for someone else and don't give it a second t'ot...that's when ye know ye truly love them." Annabelle added giving the small woman a smile. "I like ye lass, I can tell ye are good for me boy. I don't think ye would be here right now if ye didn't love Murphy." Annabelle reasoned to Nolee whose brown eyes had shifted back to the Irishman and Ruby laughing together by the river, inhaling a deep breath.

"Your son is the best thing that's ever happened to me Mrs. MacManus."

The little house had been quiet when most of the adults had fallen asleep, including Ruby. The crackling of firewood was heard from behind her as Nolee had once again stepped out to the marsh staring up at the many many twinkling stars in adoration. The city lights of Boston had never really gave her the chance to enjoy the night sky in its entirety like she used to do. For a brief second it almost felt like Nolee was back in Phoenix staring up at the desert sky. How freeing it had felt to look up at a dark open space.

"Ireland's even more beautiful than I imagined." she whispered keeping her gaze upwards.

"I knew ye would like it." Murphy smiled wrapping his arms around her from behind. "Do ye have any regrets decidin' ta be with me?" he questioned curiously. Instantaneously his words had seem to cause a mental video to replay every single moment in her mind from start to finish. To think in the beginning Nolee had been a scared girl just wanting to escape the pain of her old life. To meeting a strange Irishman that somehow when standing next to him, she felt she could take on the world.

"None." she answered quietly after a while. "Do you?"

"Walkin' in t'at coffee shop was ta best damn decision I've ever made." Murphy answered simply making her smile at the thought. It was bittersweet leaving Cosmo's behind, for it truly had been the start of it all. A part of her had missed Boston terribly as well Alice, but Nolee knew it hadn't been a forever goodbye, just a see you later. There was no definite answer as to when they would exactly be able to go back, not until the dust had settled. After all, she could never bring herself to say goodbye permanently to the place that saved her life. But for now, Ireland would be the new place they had called home.

Nolee had supposed someone could question to her was all this truly worth it. All the bumps in the road Nolee and Murphy had endured in the start of their relationship: Tristan, the vigilantism, was it really worth it? Maybe it was crazy of her to answer yes to the question, yes it was really worth it. Having someone like Murphy was worth it. Because Annabelle had been right, love does make you do crazy things. Murphy had remained at her side in her darkest moments, Nolee would remain at his side for his. For they had both known each other's heart.

"Ta day after Halloween when I went ta confessional after mass ta figure out what do with ye...ta priest had made me believe t'at maybe you were put into me life because ye needed someone, maybe ye needed me." Murphy confessed as he turned her around so their foreheads had pressed against one another. "But he was wrong...I'm ta one who needed ye more."

Nolee had felt her heart momentarily stop before she pressed her lips against his with no hesitation. Feeling his lips on hers would never stop feeling right. Knowing there wasn't a lot in the world she wouldn't do for the Irishman would never stop feeling right. She didn't care if people thought they were crazy for doing what they did and crazy to still hang on.

This type of happiness had only seemed to exist in her childhood fairytales, except this prince came in the form of a catholic tattooed Irishman. In a twisted way, she felt like she had still gotten that happy ending somewhat, even if they were essentially living in hiding. Maybe their life wasn't exactly what you would define as ideal, but that was okay with Nolee. Because if she had learned anything at all from the entire situation...it was that life could not be lived without taking risks.

And looking into Murphy's eyes there was no question that for him...she'd absolutely risk it all.