The Effect of Fox Mulder on Dana Scully: A Journey of Arousal Through the Senses.


She knew him reciting her credentials wasn't just to praise them. He may have been surprised, maybe even impressed, but there was an ulterior motive in his words as he recited her college thesis.

I've done my research on you. I know you.

While he let that message ring clear behind two amused and focused eyes, he was actually telling her something entirely different. She and her new partner may have more in common than she originally anticipated.

She wasn't lying when she said she was familiar with Fox, 'Spooky', Mulder. He'd actually stopped by one of her classes when she was at Quantico. She didn't know why, and it was only for a moment to hand over papers to someone else, but he left an impression.

While she was still focused on the stunning man with wire-rimmed glasses and rolled up sleeves, her classmates whispered in hushed tones about aliens and other topics she didn't understand the relevance of. Well, not until she searched his name in the database later that night after prying it from a fellow student. "You mean you haven't heard?"

Name: Fox Mulder

Age: 29

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 190lbs

Unit: Behavioral Sciences Unit

Previously: Violent Crimes Unit

College: Oxford University (1983-1986, Top of Class)

The more she read, the more impressed she was. He seemed to be brilliant, an excellent profiler, and overall accomplished in his own right despite his apparent fascination with the unknown and fantastical, brought on from a traumatic incident with his sister. However, while she should have been focused on the credentials before her, she kept getting drawn to a little blue FBI ID photo in the upper left hand section of the screen.

As she admired him, she gave him her own resume

Name: Fox Mulder

Eyes: Captivating

Nose: Adorably suiting

Lips: Distracting

Overall: A very good looking man

She'd seen him around a few times after that, looking just as handsome, brooding, and mysterious as he had that very first day. She was...charmed, to say the least. Once of twice even catching herself looking at his shirt trying to imagine what was underneath.

To say he'd gotten more attractive with age would also be an understatement. She watched him get up and mess with a slide show projector much in the same way she'd watched him before: discreetly, admiringly, and with a hint of attraction.

He wasn't the only one who'd done some research.


He didn't know she'd come back. That's the only excuse she could give him as to why he was being so loud right now. He must've thought the sound of her door closing meant she was running an errand, not that she was simply running out to the car to grab her forgotten water bottle.

When she'd come back in, for a second she thought he was in pain. Closing the door behind her delicately, not making a sound, she focused in on the noises coming from the other side of the paper thin wall.


It was a weird mix of a grunt and a cough, involuntary but constrained. She gently set her water bottle down on the bed as she tiptoed closer to the adjoining door where she heard a sharp inhalation of breath. He'd told her maybe ten minutes ago that he was going to head off to bed, and she'd only heard the sounds of him tossing and turning in bed. He couldn't have injured himself. Was he sick?


She felt her jaw drop open as her eyes widened. That was a moan. An honest to god, barely concealed moan. She took a few more steps towards the door and tried to focus her hearing. It was a little hard to hear over the sound of her own rapid heartbeat, but it was there: the slick sound of skin slapping skin.

Scully felt her entire body flush as her own arousal started to build. Mulder was only a few feet away from her, touching himself and getting off while she listened. Part of her screamed she was a pervert and she should ignore it, but the other part of her was already walking towards the door and pressing her ear to the wood.

She'd always assumed, but she'd never heard. He'd sometimes come in after a shower, all the sudden in a better mood. Sometimes she knocked on his door before he was ready to wake up and she caught sight of a prominent bulge and a flushed face. He must've been careful to make sure she wouldn't hear; which is why she was certain he didn't know she was here.

After a few more sounds of pleasure, her body really seemed to have a mind of it's own because she all the sudden was cupping herself under her underwear as she tried to match his rhythm.

Fuck, Scul-ee

He was-he-just-ohmygod. The shock caused her to gasp and she heard him bolt upright in bed, the sound so much louder than the rest that she realized how hard she'd actually been straining to here in the first place.

Then, the same word, but with an altogether different sentiment was uttered. "Sc-Scully?"

She barely heard it though, because she was too busy rushing to the bathroom so she could run the faucett and take care of herself. Unheard.


For years, she'd never once forgotten her shower supplies. This is what she gets when she has to impromptu pack a bag at four a.m. and travel across the country. With a resigned sigh, she stomped over to the bathroom to see what off-brand Dove this shitty motel had to offer. What she found was a bar that looked used and two containers that were just as unappealing.


The thought sprung to mind and all the sudden it became the only thing she could think of. Call it romantic or sentimental, but she couldn't think of anything more comforting and erotic than being engulfed in Mulder's scent. Ever since she'd met him, it was one of her favorite things about his disregard for her personal space. Every time he'd get close to her, she'd get a huge whiff of him. She wasn't sure what it was, but she was about to find out.

She was at the door, hand poised, when she realized she'd almost just knocked on his door in her underwear. Embarrassed at her obvious enthusiasm, she snatched a thick, fluffy robe from a nearby hanger and snuggled into it, tying it loosely around her waist before rapping on his door.

He opened the door a moment later, shirtless and ready for bed, and she watched as his eyes flickered down her body, pausing for a moment where she let the front flaps part to expose a little more cleavage than normal.

"Nice outfit," he teased earnestly.

"Can I borrow your shower stuff?" she asked, trying to keep her own eyes from roaming his body. Especially trying to avoid the way his pyjama bottoms were hanging sensually off his hips.

"Why?" he asked, searching her eyes for something- and she hoped 'hopeless yearning' wasn't what he found.

She bit her lip before answering, "I, um, forgot mine and I didn't want to use the hotel stuff because I know yours smells better." A mix of honesty and simplification.

"Oh is that right?" he teasingly asked as he made his way to his bag. Was he sauntering his hips on purpose?

"I mean, you just- I like your stuff," she shrugged, playing with the wood of the doorway while admiring what she could see since he wasn't wearing underwear underneath his thin pants.

He made his way over to her, arms filled with his hair care and body wash and handed it over to her clumsily. As his hands slid against hers, he bent down and huskily asked, "Agent Scully, are you implying that you like my scent?"

She rolled her eyes to dismiss him, but felt her face reddening at his correct guess. "Shut up, Mulder."

When she fantasized about him later that night, her hand working between her legs as she gnawed her bottom lip, she realized how much easier it was with the lights off and the scent of him around her.


He could've just grabbed it for her. She knew that. He knew that.

She hadn't heard him come in as she was stretching on her toes in an attempt to reach the window sill. It was humid in the office and she just wanted a breeze, usually Mulder would already have it open, but he wasn't in the office yet. She hadn't really noticed how high up it was, Mulder making it seem effortless, so here she was straining even though she was a good foot away from her goal.

Scully was so focused, she hadn't heard Mulder come in until she heard him laugh. She was about to turn around and ask him to stop laughing and help, when he took that initiative himself. She felt arms wrap around her waist before she was hoisted up in the air. "Mulder!" she squealed, her hands coming down to clamp around his biceps.

"You looked like you needed a lift," he laughed, moving one hand to grab her thigh from support. He was holding her like it was effortless and she felt her body reacting from his hands on her with her backside so intimately pressed against him.

She was too stunned to speak, so she leaned forward and opened the window as much as it would - she needed the breeze ten times more than she did a minute ago. As she did this, she felt his thumbs ever so slightly stroking the fabric of her skirt. "G-got it," she stammered.

Instead of putting her down as he picked her up, he gently released his grasp so that she slowly slid down his body inch by inch until she had felt every inch of his front rub against her as she became a flustered mess. As soon as his arms would have rubbed against her breasts, he tightened his grip around her upper ribs and manually set her down. What a gentleman.

She turned around with a chastising smile and saw he was clearly amused...and as aroused as she was from their touching. "Thank you, Mulder," she replied sweetly in a voice an octave lower than usual.

"My pleasure," he cheekily replied.

Oh, she didn't doubt that.


He'd been eating sunflower seeds before he kissed her. She felt that as vividly as she felt his tongue begging for entrance into her mouth. The saltiness sent shivers down her spine as he made sure she'd never taste a sunflower seed without remembering how good his body felt against hers.

It was effective.

The salt of his lips.

The salt of his sweat as she sucked on his skin.

The saltiness of his arousal in her mouth.

The saltiness of their tears of happiness intermingling as they finally did what they should have done years ago.

She'd always be reminded of the bolt of sensations she feels when she's with him.