Every day for the last three years has been the exact same. The same routine, the same place, and the same faces. Oscar and Qrow have been away for the last three years, they left only a week after Salem was killed and the magic was destroyed. Meanwhile in Vale Ruby has gotten her huntress license and now works to protect the city of Vale from harm! Along with Weiss, Blake, Yang, and everyone else. Everyone has found their path and now Ruby and Oscar must find theirs! Oh and it's almost Ruby's birthday!

(Oscar's POV)

We've been on this darn train for the 6 hours! Sure it's not a small train, it has dining cars, the game car, and the Casino (witch I'm not even allowed to go in there) but it still feels to cramped! Compared to the forest I've been living in for the past few years... it's kinda crazy to think I haven't really seen anyone but Qrow for years. I wonder how much everyone has changed, I wonder if Yang and Blake are still together, and if Ren and Nora are married yet... or if Ruby and Jaune got back together. Before we fought Salem, Ruby and Jaune had an argument and broke up, and what happened after the final fight probably didn't make it any better. It's still crazy to think about it, it was just me and Ru-

"You good pipsqueak? You've been staring out that window for the past two hours." I jump back as Qrow leans closer.

"Yes Qrow I'm fine, just thinking." I say and he pulls back.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks and sinks into his chair.

"What do you think everyone is going to be like? How do you think things has changed? What if their not excited to see us?" I frown and he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"You over think things. If they have changed... it's for the better, we change so we can become the better version of ourselves." He says and I look at him in shock, he's slowly turning into Ozpin.

"Don't look at me like that. I've been writing down things to say so I sound more... mature."

He says as I giggle slightly, he rolls his eyes and goes back to looking at the waitresses, and I go back looking out the window.

Slowly I start to see more and more buildings, as we get closer to the city. The closer we get the bigger buildings I see, out here is where most the people live, then go to Vale for work.

"May I have your attention please! We will be arriving in Vale shortly! Please ready you're bags and have an great day!" The lady over the speakers sounds like she could definitely use a brake. And just minutes later we arrived.

"Come on we don't have all day!" Qrow says impatiently as I grab my bags.

"What was that about sounding mature?" He glares at me then walks away with me close behind. The air in the train station smells of cleaner and dust, probably because this place just opened, and that there's a dust shop... witch now that I think about sounds like a vary, VARY bad idea. As we walked out side we both took a deep breath. It's a bit crowded, I'm not used to have anyone but Qrow so this is pretty overwhelming.

"Come on, let's get to the INN before we do anything." I

nod and we start walking. I follow his lead being that I have never really looked around Vale... last time I was here was to retrieve the relic. Finally we get to the INN, the sound of a broken old fan spinning is the only noise in this place.

"How can I help you? Do you have a room? And if so I'll need to see your confirmation code." The men asked with no real tone in his voice. I just stud there as Qrow gave him the receipt.

"Thank you mister Branwen. Here's your key, enjoy your stay." He waves goodbye as we walk up the old rickety stairs to the rooms. Qrow swings open the door and sets his bag down,as I fall right onto my bed and fall asleep.

"Hay pipsqueak, I'm going to go get a drink, you cool with being here by yourself?" I instantly jumped out of my bed and look at him.

"You said you weren't going to drink anymore... you promised everyone." As I spoke he lowered his head.

"Fine, I won't go out to drink. I'll just go get something to eat, are you coming?" He asked and I nodded. I must have been asleep for a couple of hours, because it's already starting to get dark. The streets are decorated with pumpkins and grim yard ornaments.

"Are you excited to see everyone?" He asks out of nowhere.

"Yes of course! Tomorrow is Ruby's birthday! And also the day we are going to surprise her, after three years we'll finally be able to see her again, and everyone else of course." I say with a smile and he smiles back.

"Yeah, I guess it is pretty exciting. Now let's go eat fast, Weiss and a few of the others live here. So we have to make this quick." I nod and we walk in side the small burger place called 'Danny's dinner'.

"Hello! May I take your orders?" A girl with sort, lime green hair said as she walked up to us. She takes our orders, and her hair bounces as she skips away. It wasn't long before she came back, food in hand. We eat fast, then head to the register to pay, Qrow starts to pull out his wallet but stops abruptly.

"Hey kid, did you bring Lien?" He asks turning to me with a nervous grin.

"Ugh, here." I hand the girl 50Lien and she nods, and gives me back my change. We thank her on the out and she thanked us back.

"Thanks, I'll pay you back... eventually..." He says and I sigh as we start walking back to the INN. By this time it's already dark, the lamp posts are glowing with yellow light making the people walking on the streets shadows. I see a little pastry shop and remember that I never got Ruby a gift.

"Hey, I'm going to get something, you go on ahead." I say and he nods and goes off without me. I step inside the shop and get greeted by the smell of baked goods, I get in line behind several other people, I pier down the line to see roughly, how much longer I would have to wait. My heart stops when I see who I thi- no has to be Nora and Ren. I try to slowly back out of the store but there's to many people behind me, guess I just have to hope and pray that they don't see me.

Finally they get their stuff and leave. I wait awhile tell it's my turn, I get a small tin of chocolate chip cookies. As I start to walk out of the store I see Ren, Nora, Sun, and Blake. I quickly turn to the employee and ask if there's a back exit, they nod and point to the door in the back of the shop. I run out into a ally way. There are not lights, no cameras, lots of trash, but no way out.

"Well I guess there's nowhere to go but up." I use my semblance to help boost me up, slowing myself to grip onto the brick walls. Once I get up I feel the cold breeze as it flows though my brown locks of hair. I look down and see Blake, Nora and them, all talking over hot cocoa and coffee, but I keep going, jumping from roof to roof.

Until I start to feel someone watching me I look to see who was there but nothing, not even the wind made a noise. I keep walking but still have that feeling, how weird. But then the sound of foot steps triggered me to get into a defensive stance. I turned and saw I shadowy figure standing there, they did not say word, they just stud there. Until I grabbed my weapon and they grabbed their's.