Caroline's phone rang just as she was leaning over the kitchen sink to wash the remains of a particularly brutal projectile vomit out of her hair.

The screen lit up cheerfully as it vibrated on the countertop and the blonde swore under her breath.

The noise also seemed to interest Flora, who watched eagerly from her position in the middle of the island counter, where she was propped up in her bouncer and looking much happier for having just rid herself of a lovingly prepared lunch.

Caroline wrung out her soaked locks with one hand and grabbed the phone with the other, her irritation evaporating at the huge gummy grin and tiny outstretched hands that greeted her as she approached.

The headmistress narrowed her eyes, "It's a good thing you're cute," she said, stroking the baby's head before hitting the answer button.

"Hello?" she asked as she rummaged for a tea-towel to dry hair.

"Ms Elliott, it's Louise calling from Calderdale Hospital."

Caroline froze, her stomach plummeting as a fear she normally managed to lock away reared up and hit her straight between the eyes.

She's just too sick to get better.

Immediately flinching back from the thought, Caroline forced herself to concentrate on what the nurse was saying.

And even then the blonde had to ask her to repeat herself as she stood, eyes wide in disbelief and a small pool of water accumulating around her.

"Ms McKenzie has regained consciousness."

The phone slid from Caroline's grasp and for a split second the blonde just stood there, an empty hand held to her ear.

The sound of it clattering away across the tiles snapped Caroline out of her reverie, her brain finally registered the words.

Ignoring the confused nurse still chattering into a cracked handset, Caroline sprang into action, grabbing her keys and sprinting from the room.

"Mum?!" she yelled at the top of her voice, wrenching the front door open and simultaneously hitting unlock on her BMW.

Celia stuck her head out of the living room, "Caroline? What on Earth is the matter?!"

Her daughter waved a hand vaguely in Flora's direction, "Watch the baby for me, I have to go and see Kate," she replied, slamming the door behind her.

The older woman rolled her eyes, "Oh, charming!"


Caroline drove like a mad woman to the hospital, screeching to a halt in front of the doors and practically abandoning her car at the entrance.

She barely registered the people telling her to slow down as she ran up three flights of stairs and along a warren of corridors she had long ago learned by heart. It was only when she practically collided with a hospital matron that she stopped for breath.

"Sorry!" she panted, helping the sour faced woman to steady herself.

"Ms Elliott, you do realise that this is a hospital? You can't just run around like a headless chicken and knock the staff flying."

"I'm sorry," Caroline repeated, her sincerity somewhat lessened by the fact that she was still craning to see past the woman blocking her path.

The nurse pursed her lips, "And it would also help if you ended your phone calls rather than leaving me prattling on."

Caroline's eyes snapped back to the matron and she noticed the trace of a tiny smile at the corners of her mouth, "I thought you must have fainted."

The blonde finally looked sheepish, "Sorry, but I had to get here. Is Kate awake? Can I see her?"

The nurse relented, stepping aside to let her through, "You can see her, but she's very tired and weak, so please take things slowly and don't expect too much."

Noticing the worry etched across Caroline's face the woman's expression softened, "Go on in, she's been asking for you."


Caroline felt weighed down by the enormity of the moment as she stepped into Kate's room. It was eerily quiet; the heart monitor no longer beeping and the ventilator no longer measuring even puffs of oxygen into her lungs.

Instead, the lovely brunette was sleeping serenely. For a split second Caroline was reminded of a princess from one of Flora's nursery rhymes.

She immediately pushed away the ridiculous thought and walked into the room. When she reached the bed Caroline perched on the edge of a chair and wondered whether she should say anything.

"Hello Caroline," whispered a small voice from her left, taking the decision out of her hands.

The blonde jumped slightly, eyes flicking to Kate, who looked to all intents and purposes to be asleep.

A relived smile broke across Caroline's face and she felt tears begin to trickle silently down her cheeks, "How did you know it was me?"

Kate cracked open an eye and glanced at her, "I can always tell when it's you," she replied simply.

Caroline laughed and wiped at her tears with her hand, "I've been so worried about you, Kate. The stress of it has put about 50 years on me!"

The younger woman turned her head a fraction and opened the other eye to properly assess the sight before her.

She quickly dismissed the traitorous thought that despite being thinner and paler, with darker circles under her eyes, the blonde still looked perfect.

"You do look like you've been through it," she agreed quietly, "and that's coming from someone just out of a coma."

Kate have a tiny smile at her joke but Caroline just frowned and took her hand, "How are you feeling?"

The brunette blinked slowly as she considered the question, "My head hurts," she finally murmured, closing her eyes before continuing, "I'm tired…but the doctor said that's normal. Apparently I'm doing well," she finished, words trailing off as she fought sleep.

Relief swept through Caroline, "That's wonderful, Kate," she smiled, gently brushing hair away from the brunette's face.

And then, before she knew what she was doing, Caroline found herself leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss against Kate's forehead.

"God, I've missed you," she whispered, not caring about the consequences; needing Kate to know how much she was loved.

But the brunette slowly turned away at the words, tears prickling behind closed eyes. Everything hurt – emotionally and physically – and Kate knew that the one person who could fix it had to remain at arm's length.

Nothing had changed. Caroline had still hurt her too badly; still let her down too many times; still rejected her daughter.

Suddenly Kate's eyes snapped open and she tried to pull herself upright.

"The baby – the doctor said she was ok. Where is she?"

Caroline quickly placed her hands on the brunette's shoulders, terrified that she might do herself real damage.

"Kate, calm down," she soothed, pushing her gently back onto the pillows, "Flora's fine, she's at home with my mother."

The headmistress gently rearranged the bedding that Kate had scrunched up in her attempt to sit.

"Flora?" Kate murmured, a small frown marring perfect skin.

Nerves jumped into Caroline's throat, "Yes, it that not ok? You said it was the name you liked and it just seemed to fit her as soon as I saw her. I know it isn't really my place, but it seemed wrong not to give her a name –"

Kate gently raised a hand to stop Caroline's rambling. Her eyes remained closed, but she gave a small smile, "Flora," she murmured, trying it out, "It's lovely."

The blonde smiled, sitting back down and taking Kate's hand, "She's lovely."

They sat in silence while Caroline wondered how to ask one of the many questions that had been keeping her awake at night.

"Kate?" she finally said, ignoring the slight tremble in her voice.

The younger woman turned slowly towards her, opening her eyes and carefully watching Caroline, who was nervously biting her lip, worry etched across her face.

"I know I fucked up," the blonde began, her gaze falling to their linked hands, "and that I hurt you. Again."

She squeezed Kate's palm before withdrawing her hand and clasping both arms defensively around her waist, "I will regret saying what I did for the rest of my life."

She met Kate's gaze, ignoring the familiar jolt of longing as she met warm brown eyes, "But, I have been so petrified, for weeks."

New tears began to track their way down Caroline's face, but the blonde continued, oblivious, "Now that I know you're okay I can finally think about the future."

She took a deep breath, trying to steady her shaking voice, "I would do absolutely anything to spend the rest of my life with you, Kate. But I know that I hurt you, and if you can't forgive me I can live with that, because now I know that you will be around to live happily with Flora, I can live with anything."

Kate's heart simultaneously soared and broke at Caroline's words. The blonde was letting her go, and Kate was relieved and yet at the same time devastated, because she was still inexplicably drawn to Caroline - she always would be.

She will always be magnificent.

But it doesn't mean that I can forgive her.

Caroline read Kate's thoughts from her serious expression and nodded her understanding.

It was over. She had finally stepped over the line and done something so stupid that even someone as wonderful as Kate could not forgive it.

Although the blonde had already known that deep down, the final confirmation was brutally painful. There was just one question left to ask and Caroline was absolutely dreading the answer. She took a deep breath.

Sensing that the blonde wanted to say more, Kate raised her eyebrows in a silent question.

The headmistress clasped her hands together, "It's Flora," she began, "Whether we get back together…or more likely not," she paused, forcing her heart not to break all over again.

She cleared her throat, "Whether we get back together, or not," the blonde repeated, "I can't bear to lose her, Kate. I've been helping your mother to raise her for weeks and it would devastate me not to see her anymore."

The brunette lay completely still, she looked exhausted and her tired eyes were so serious that Caroline's heart hammered in her chest.

I can't lose you both!

An edge of desperation found its way into her voice, "We all love her; mum, Alan, William, even Lawrence!" she pressed on.

"And me. I adore her, she's perfect."

Caroline took a small breath, "She's you," she finished quietly.

Feeling completely drained, Caroline wiped her eyes as helpless tears began to fall again, "Whatever happens between us, Kate, please, please, don't keep her from me."

Kate closed her eyes, awash with tiredness, head pounding. Through all the hurt, she gave an almost imperceptible nod.

"If you love her Caroline, then she already belongs to us both."