Hello everyone! This is yet another RP I did with my good friend Newmu, which I tweaked and changed into more of a story format! I hope you enjoy this story, and I hope you're looking forward to more in the future!
Helen Parr was observing her butt in the mirror, seeing how big and round it was, sighing because she knew it had only gotten bigger. Meanwhile. Violet was in her room on her phone, her stomach on the bed and her feet in the air, her thick bubble butt having a prominent presence in her black tights. Her hair was down and kind of messy, as it was the summer, so she didn't have to doll herself up for some boy.
Helen and Violet were the only ones in the house because Bob and Dash had gone out for some father-son time. Soon enough, Helen and Violet would be having some mother-daughter time.
Helen turned herself around, bent over, and did several different poses in the mirror while pridefully looking at her butt in the tall mirror.
"These white pants barely fit me anymore, and they're already stretched out, like I am!" Helen giggled to herself. It was true; they were barely keeping themselves together when put against the pressure of her giant cheeks. Suddenly, she felt a rumble in her stomach. Knowing what that means, she bent forward, put her hands on her butt, and squished her plump butt cheeks together.
Her big fart that followed not only made her butt jiggle and vibrate like crazy, but it could be heard (and smelled) throughout the whole house in mere seconds. Helen fanned the rotten fumes as much as possible, even stretching her arms to make sure the stench would leave sooner. The mirror in the room was fogged up from the sheer warmth of it.
Violet could hear the loud butt blast from her room, all the way down the hall. Violet knew what the sound was, but still wanted to compliment her mom on her impressive gas. She hopped out of bed, started down the hall and walked towards her mom's room, before a thick fog of stink hit Violet's nose like a brick wall. "Phew! Dang, mom." Violet said to herself as she walked down the hallway more, fanning her nose.
Violet had been living with her mom's wicked gas all her life. Ever since she was little, Helen had been ripping ass like a second super power. Violet can recount several times of enduring her mom's stink, from long hot-boxed car rides to taking a bath and being unexpectedly visited by her mom's gas. Maybe that's why she doesn't like taking baths? Her mom kept it playful, but man, did it stink, and Violet always forgot how much so, until she was forcefully reminded.
Violet opened her mother's bedroom, a wave of gas pouring out as the source of the stink was opened to rest of the house. "Mom? Was that YOU?" She said with a happy "surprised" expression. She liked to humor her mom; make her feel good about her gas.
"Yes it was!" Helen said in response, shaking her butt at her daughter, before looking up at her over her shoulder with a smile. "Nice, huh?"
"Very nice! I could hear your fart all the way down the hall!" Violet said, pointing down the hall with her thumb. "I wish I could rip em' that big..." Violet said, turning her head and looking at her petite booty, releasing a small fart "BRRRRBT!" Violet sighed in disappointment at her gas, "My farts are always so small compared to yours!"
Helen walked over to Violet, placing a hand on her shoulder in comfort. "Oh, they'll be big someday! Especially when you get a butt like mine. Then you can rip ones like this!" Helen closed one eye, and lifted a thick leg, using Violet as leverage.
Mrs. Incredible's rotund butt shook vigorously, as if it was made of rubber (which it might as well have been, due to her stretchy, flexible body.)
"Woo! That stinks!" Violet said, fanning her button nose. "Here, let me try!" Violet bent over and stuck her ass and tongue out, before straining femininely. "BRRRTBTTTT!" Violet's fart shook her butt just a bit, and permeated the room with a stronger stench than that of her gassy mother's outbursts. "Dang, still not there ye- WOAH." Violet said, her sentence being cut off by getting a whiff of her own brand as a wide smile grew on her face.
"No, THAT stinks! Phew!" Helen giggled, plugging her nose to avoid smelling her daughter's strong gas. "What you lack in bark, you certainly make up for in bite. Damn Violet!" She said, impressed with her daughter's gaseous abilities. "Now check out this bark!" she then stretched her body so she could look directly at her own gassy ass, barely pushing at all. PPBBBBBBBBBBBBBFFFFFFFFFFTT! "Oh my gosh! I didn't notice before that it jiggled that much!" Helen said, a wide grin on her face from surprise.
"It really does! Must be partially because of your toned booty!" Violet laughed, then realizing a question she had. "Hey mom? Do you have a certain technique to make your farts so big and loud?" Violet asked, curious. Her mom thought for a moment. "Well, like I said before, a lot of it comes from having a thicker butt. Besides that, a big part is focusing your attention to the fart itself, like so!" Helen said, bending over, her booty facing a curtain in the room. "PPRRRBBBBBRRPPPBBBTTRTRRTTT!"
A long, bassy, 4 second fart blasted out of her ass, fluttering the window curtain wildly from the force and power of her fart. Helen sighed, and stood herself back up before facing Violet with a smile, fanning her warm gas away from her even-warmer butt. "And then there's also diet changes and all that junk, but honestly Vi, you have the ability to release big farts in you already! You are MY daughter, after all!"
"Really? No way! Okay, I'm gonna try!" Violet said excitedly, squatting a little bit and scrunching up her face in focus. "Okay, now concentrate, and just let it all out. Put all of your energy towards releasing that fart!" Helen said calmly. Violet nodded at her mother, closing her eyes to relax and focus. Suddenly, she felt it. The pressure built up so quick, it caught her by surprise! Causing her to lose her hold on her concentration, thereby releasing the biggest fart of her life.
Violet's eyes rolled back in pleasure as her reeking fart blasted out of her large ass, stretching her poor panties, which were now forever permeated with Violet's natural, putrid stench. Violet sighed in relief. "That felt sooooo good~" she said, throwing her head back in bliss.
Helen fanned Violet's fumes. "Nice work! Practice will only make that better. How do you think I got so good? Not to mention having you, Dash and Jack-Jack! Being a mother will do this to you! Just wait." She retracted her body back to normal and then bent over all the way over to having her upper body between her legs, squeezing and spreading her large "rubber" rump. "Bombs away!" PPPPPPPPBBBRRRRBRBRRRRBRBRRBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPRFTTTPRPRPRRPFRFFFFPFPFFFPFFPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFPFPFFFFFFFPPPPPTTT! POOOT! She farted in Violet's face, blasting her long black hair back, Violet could see her mother's anus stretch through her pants, appearing like a bulge in her butt crack, then like a ring between her farts and when her farts ended.
Violet's hair was fizzled out and blown back as she was coughing from the rotten stink of her mother's gas. "Woah cough cough that was cough strong." Violet fanned her face in a attempt to dissipate her mother's stink, but to no avail. Helen retracted herself back to her normal stance, folding her arms with a proud smirk. "Top that!" She said, shaking her booty at Violet before giving it a light smack. Violet collected herself and turned towards her mother. "Well if you want to play with powers, try this on for size!" Violet turned around and created a force field bubble, trapping her mother inside with her butt sticking into the bubble. "Might wanna hold your breath!" Violet grinned slyly as she bent over, clenching her fists and shutting her eyes tight, doing what her mother taught her before releasing her barrage. "rrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRPPTTBBBBBBBBPPPPPTPPTPTPBBBBPPPPPBBBTBTBTBTBBTBBBTBBRBTBBBBBBBBBB!"
The rotten smog quickly filled the bubble, blowing Mrs incredible back against the bubble, which Violet responded to by making her bubble smaller to get her mom closer to her butt. "Ahhh~ How's it smellin' in there?" Violet said cockily.
Helen coughed on the thick, rotten stench, not able to use her hands to plug her nose or cover her mouth. Her daughter's gas was blasting her directly in her face and nose, as the bubble had gotten so small, she was unable to move from her all-fours position. "Oh my cough cough god! cough You cough let cough me out cough now!" She was unable to speak much, coughing too much on Violet's gas that she was forced to breathe, banging on her forcefield, which proved futile. She was at her own daughter's mercy.
"What was that mom? I couldn't hear you!" Violet said, knowing full-well her mom's inability to speak due to her gas, letting another big one go as she laughed to herself. "PRRRRRRRBBBBBRRRBBBPPPPRRRBBBBPPOTTRTRRRRBBBBPPPPTTRTRRTRTTRTTTTTTTTTTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB!" Violet moaned with relief at her worst-smelling blast yet, shaking her big butt to tease her mom, thereby moving her mom's head back and forth against butt, and getting her face wedged in deeper to her daughter's lethal-smelling behind.
Helen could only let out moans of despair now, now trapped between the sexy butt cheeks of her gassy daughter, she released some tension from her own butt. "PPRPRPRRPRRRRRRRRRRRRRRBRRRBRBRRBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTT!" Her anus beneath her pants stretched even further than before, partially because of her power.
"Awe, are you trying to fill my bubble with your own farts? That's so cute!~" Violet said, shaking her butt back and forth before biting her lip and stopping the shaking, causing her booty to jiggle a little against Helen's face. "BRRRRPPPPPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBRTTTRTTTTBBBBBBBBBPPPPPPPTTRTTTTTTBBBBBBB!" Violet released a 'small' fart against her mom's face, this fart blowing Helen's hair back and fluttering her eyelashes. "Ahhh~ That felt sooooo good! Probably smells pretty good too, huh? Nice and eggy? Tell you what mom. If you admit my farts are better than yours, I'll let you out of that smelly gas bubble. Deal?" Violet said, looking back at her mom with a grin.
"Ok cough Yes! cough cough" She said, coughing hard, not meaning to suffocate herself with her own farts. "Your cough farts cough are cough better!" Helen struggled, but managed to say it.
Violet then smiled to herself. "See, was that so hard?" She said teasingly, before releasing Helen from her smelly prison, allowing her to fall to the floor as the once-contained stink filled the room in seconds.
"Now I know why you and Dash fight all the time..." Helen gasped, taking deep breaths between her words, trying to get some fresh air, even though the room was already filled with their flatulence, then after regaining her normal breathing, she started talking again. "But no, really! I'm actually kinda proud."
"Really? Why is that?" Violet laughed a little, but mostly confused as she looked down at her mom, who was resting on the ground.
"I don't know...I guess, I'm proud because I raised a good farter. Don't get me wrong, that was quite an experience. Something that will definitely come in handy against bad guys!" She pressed her hand to her lungs, which were burning from her daughter's farts. "But don't you ever use your farts to torture teenage boys, ok? It's bad enough you do it to Dash sometimes."
"I won't! Only if they're asking me to do it! And Dash asks for it by annoying me! Hahaha!" Violet started laughing at the thought of Dash taking her morning-thunder farts face first in the mornings before school to wake him up.
"Well, I just don't want to hear you two fighting." She put her hands on her hips. "And why would they ask you to do it?" She pushed out another ripper. "PUURRRRRRRRRRRT!" She tried fanning it away, but it didn't matter due to the smell of the room already.
"I don't know? Some guys like it for some reason! Sometimes I feel like Dash likes it honestly!" Violet said, with a bit of a chuckle towards the end of it, before lifting a leg a little off the ground.
"PBBBBBBBBBRRRBBBBPPPRRRBBT!" Violet's anus stretched out as her fart was released, fluttering her grey and white pajama pants and shaking her tight butt.
Helen chuckled. "You know, maybe your father likes it too, sometimes in bed I can fell his- um, I just know." She said, trying to be discreet.
"No way! I guess boys are just gross like that huh? I mean who could ever find-" Violet squatted down a bit, sticking her thick butt out.
"-THAT attractive? It smells terrible! Especially mine, geez!" Violet said, fanning behind her reeking butt with a laugh at how bad she stunk.
"Oh believe me, I'm well aware of how bad you stink, Violet! And I guess so, I suppose that means they're attracted to gross girls." Helen joked, laughing as she also fanned Violet's smell away. "People find our butts attractive, so it's fitting they find anything they do attractive too, and so they put up with the smell, I guess." Helen turned around and stuck out her large butt.
Her fart blew Violet's hair back, her widely stretched anus could be seen through her pants, which puffed up while her butt jiggled. "Geez, I think all this farting is stretching out my butt! Maybe that's why it looks bigger!"
"I wouldn't doubt it! Your farts are strong! Hopefully Dash can find a girl that can fart as good as I do!" Violet lifted a leg to her chest and grunted.
Violet's fart seemed to wilt the flowers that her mother had next to her window, and peel paint off the walls from the rotten stench. Violet took a deep breath of the stink, before signing in bliss. "Who am I kidding? That's impossible!"
To be continued in chapter two!