Hey guys! So this idea simply wouldn't leave my head so I wrote it down and thought I would upload it for you guys. :)

All my other stories will be getting updates over the next few days too :)

Mal had decided to stay in her dorm room for the day since Ben was out at meetings and visiting Kingdoms with his mother. But she was now regretting that. He had just left her dorm room and to say she was in pain would be a little bit of an understatement. Currently she was curled into a ball on the floor with tears falling from her eyes. All she wanted was Ben but she knew that wasn't a possibility right now. One hand resting on her incredibly tender stomach while the other was over the cut on her temple.

Her eyes were slightly unfocused as she replayed what had happened in her head. Causing her to sniffle softly as she continued crying. Her purple hair covering her face as she laid on the floor of her and Evie's dorm room. Slowly she shifted slightly and tried to get up but screamed in pain and instantly stopped. Biting her lip softly as she remained laid on the floor.

She tensed every time she heard someone walk past the dorm room door. An action which caused her to whimper in pain. Slowly she closed her eyes and took a mental inventory of how she felt. Her stomach was extremely tender and probably bruised. It was hurting her to breathe right now but she wasn't entirely sure of the injuries there. She knew she had a deep cut on her temple that was bleeding, and a few lumps on her head from when her head had been slammed into the wall repeatedly. Other then that she was just in pain from bruises h had given to her. She was just glad she was part fairy otherwise she could be in a lot more pain then she was currently feeling. Since Mal was currently unaware of the internal bruising that she also had. Again she shifted slightly but it only caused a loud cry of pain to come from her and once again force her to stop moving. Instinctively she flinched when she heard a knock at the door, causing her to scream in pain. Her tears falling even harder as she tried her best not to move anymore.

Adam had been on his way to his son's dorm room to grab a book. Ben had called him and mentioned he'd accidentally left it and he needed his father to send him it. So with a small eye roll he walked down the hall where the dorm rooms where. But he tensed and stopped as he heard a loud cry of pain. Without thinking he immediately began walking towards the room the sound had come from. His eyes widened as she noticed who's room this was. It was Mal and Evie's dorm room. With worried eyes Adam knocked on the door. His worry increasing as he heard a scream come from inside.

Instantly Adam's hand moved to the door handle and he was surprised to find the door opened. He'd heard from Ben the girls always kept the door locked. He quickly walked inside and his eyes widened drastically as he saw Mal on the floor. "Oh my god, Mal!? Are you okay? What happened?" He asked worriedly as he rushed over to her. Biting his lip as he looked at the visibly injuries the purplette had.

Mal opened her mouth to speak but instantly stopped as she remembered what had been said. That she couldn't tell anyone what happened. Whimpering in pain she shook her head and looked away from Adam. Biting her lip softly. Seeing Mal's hesitation Adam frowned slightly before pulling out his phone and calling for an ambulance to take Mal to the hospital. He would have taken her himself but he didn't want to cause her anymore pain then she was already in. But Adam knew one thing for sure. Whoever did this would be in serious trouble when he got his hands on them.

Hope you guys like this chapter. Please let me know what you think :)