So, despite how many stories I have posted on here over the years, I still don't know how to use this website at all...
I'm mostly, if always, over at Archive Of Our Own (wasabiandi) if you prefer there.

So I'm adding these important ending notes!

So if you couldn't tell, this is a PURELY indulgent one shot exploring my head-canons for the Rito tribe.
Following Wind Waker designs, I have decided to adopt small Native American attributes for this story, which was totally not me using my own family traditions. If you can't tell what's going on, let me explain some things!
The "Flute" Link uses and plays is indeed influenced by the courting songs played by Native Americans. I chose instruments based off the environments of the different races - the singing bowl my choice for the Zora because could you imagine that echoing around the Zora Domain? Shit would be pretty tbh.
Noticing how 'ill' Link is, Saki makes and gives him a bag with small figures within them - this is based off a Cherokee Medicine Bag - which is blessed and holds small totems to grant different well wishes. I've made it sound as if the strings are woven in a particular way, to somewhat individualise the bag, just to carry the whole braiding Rito aesthetic thing.
White Sage is burnt, or 'smudged,' to rid of negative energy or spirits. The Rito here have decided to smudge Vah Medoh habitually out of respect for Revali, but to also prevent their divine beast from negativity shall it ever be cursed with such again.
Following everyone's favorite post-calamity fanon, Teba isn't necessarily a new "champion" as of yet, but he is the sole carer for the Rito in the same sense.
And at the end, Zelda is picking fun at Link for bleeding and being reckless, but she's also alluding to the fact that these champions' spirits are gone - but their corpses weren't. ;*
Also you bet your ass I had to hide my man Linebeck in there somewhere.

Whilst I also have you, I have no idea how to reply to reviews... So if you leave a review with questions, I might answer them here? I do apologise!

Firstly - The concept of the blue is indeed Revali, and it's meant to be conveyed in a way that mentions how warm and inviting it is. The green, however, is the colour of their spiritual form! Hence the idea that he's being "haunted by green."

In response to FCL, thank you so, so much for the comment! It's the first time I've seen the actual story being challenged and I am so happy to see, explain myself, but also learn how to convey better. With Zelda, her discussing his past familial relationships was a poor attempt to bring Link closure, thinking that "his expressions are sad so maybe it'll lighten him up." That kinda thing! She's not (meant to be) inherently mean, but I'm glad someone noticed that she's not coming across very sympathetic - albeit trying, she's stumbling like a child through all of this! Also - what a brilliant thing to bring up! With a whole 'failed timeline,' Wild is certainly not the only to "fail." I, myself, haven't figured out how I want to piece the timeline in my fiction - I feel the story is missing a key Link between the other games and BOTW, but that was far too much to explore in this short piece about Rito culture. I'd be glad to explore it later although :) Thank you again!