(A/N: Well, here is the sequel to Return of the Wind. And those who are eager to find out Blake's Elemental Power, stay online as best as you can)

The morning after they got the Sword of Sanctuary, everyone was back at Steep Wisdom. While Blake, Cirrus, Dragon, Misako and Tania study the last clue, the other Ninja, except for Nya, who is still practising on reversing the flow, were placing water based traps around the shop as Zane was placing a sign up at the entrance. "There." He said. "This should keep customers away. 'Closed for Renovations'."

"More like fortifications." Kai replied as he was placing a bucket of water over the open door into the shop before jumping off the chair he was using. "If Morro and his ghouls show up here looking to steal the Sword of Sanctuary, they won't know what hit 'em."

The door soon opened as the bucket soon came down, causing Kai to turn and see it was Cole. Cole quickly jumps back into the shop as the bucket lands in front of him before hiding behind the other door. "Careful!" He yelled. "You know not all of us are immune to water." He soon opened the other door further to jump over the bucket. "And I for one would like to stick around long enough for Misako, Dragon, Blake, Tania and Cirrus to figure out the last clue." He soon jumps over a dug up trench filled with water as Jay and Gewuji were placing bamboo sticks over it.

"We got Cyclondo, we got the sword." Jay replied. "Now they just have to figure out where the Tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master is."

"Let's hope they figure it out soon." Geoff said as he and Maggie were placing water balloons onto some catapults. "I don't know how long we can hold out."

Inside the shop, a few parchments of the clues were placed onto some drawers with the Airjitzu and Sword of Sanctuary symbols crossed off as Dragon took off the skull symbol. "We know the skull represents his tomb." He said as he came up to Blake, Cirrus, Misako and Tania.

"But from everything that was ever written about it, there's nothing in Ninjago that matches it's description." Blake replied as he and Misako look at some books.

"Where is it?" Misako asked.

"The clues are all right here, but what are we missing?" Cirrus asked as she had her hood down, revealing cream coloured hair that only lead down to the bottom of her ears, covering them.

Dragon sighed as he came up to them. "We mustn't give up." He replied. "If Morro finds it first and takes the Realm Crystal, I'd hate to think what would happen next."

"Same here." Tania said.

Outside, someone steps onto a wire as they move on.

Inside the shop, a bell goes off. "The early detection warning system." Blake said.

Outside, the Ninja spring into action. "Intruder!" Maggie yelled.

"Let him have it!" Gewuji yelled. "Pull!"

Zane, Cole, Jay, Kai, Geoff, Maggie and Gewuji fire the water balloons from the catapults. They hit the back of the sign, allowing the water to spray all over the intruder, only to find out that it is the same mailman that Zane passed by in the Mountain of a Million Steps and delivered the package for Jay's tuxedo. The mailman sighed as the water rained down on him. "No wonder you're going out of business." He said, holding out the letter he was holding as Geoff took it and leaves, angered.

"No, you're the one going out of business!" Jay yelled as Geoff started reading the letter. "Who sends letters anymore?"

"I'm afraid he's right, Jay." Geoff replied. "It says they're gonna shut us down unless we drum up some business."

"Well, don't tell Ronin." Cole said. "If this place is worthless, he won't want to stick around, and we need all the help we can get." They soon go back to working on the fortifications. "Come on. We're gonna need more water balloons."

By the stream, Ronin was cleaning R.E.X. while smoking a cigarette before he turns to Nya as she was practising her water flow reversal at the fountain she tried before. She had her hands on her head. "Come on, Nya, become the water." She said as a water drop dripped by slowly. "Reverse the flow." The drop soon lands into the fountain, causing her to sigh before groaning.

"Giving up already?" Ronin asked.

"Course not. Dragon thinks if I get over my fear of failure I'll be able to control the water. Sure, I made it rain when I wasn't even paying attention, but here I can't seem to stop a single damn drop." She tries again, but fails.

Ronin chuckles. "Want to know about failure, should've asked me. Hell. I made a career out of it. Word of advice, don't try so hard." He soon heads up to the stream. "You can't fail if you don't care."

"Don't try? What sort of backwards advice is that?" Ronin fills his bucket with water. "Of course I'm gonna try hard. That's how one excels. And-"

"Speaking of backwards..." He points to the fountain as he heads back to R.E.X. and Nya looks at the fountain to see water drops coming up the fountain.

"Oh, my gosh! I'm doing it! I'm really doing it!"

Ronin chuckles. "Like I said, don't care so much. Usually when someone wants something too badly, they'll trip over their own feet." He goes back to cleaning R.E.X. as he takes a puff from his cigarette.


As Ronin was scrubbing R.E.X. he suddenly feels something. "Huh?" He dropped his brush into the bucket, which falls over and his cigarette falls out of his mouth.

In a building, Bansha is doing something as Morro came up to her. "Can he hear you?" He asked.

"Oh, he can hear me." Bansha replied, referring to telepathically speaking to Ronin.

"Tell him it's time to pay off his debt. Tell him to bring me the sword."

Several minutes later, in the shop, Ronin was looking underneath a shelf as he soon heard voices. "Thanks for gathering on short notice." Misako's voice was heard, causing him to look and quickly got up.

"Looking for something?" Kai asked as he, Jay, Zane, Cole, Geoff, Gewuji and Maggie come in.

"Just making sure the tea blends are in alphabetical order." Ronin replied, lying, as he moved a box of tea further. "Ah, yep, there we go. A to Z. Ha."

"So, you figure out where the tomb is?" Gewuji asked.

"Not yet, but we think we know how to locate it." Cirrus replied as Ronin crept by.

Before he could open the door, it suddenly opened by itself, revealing Dragon and Tania. "Oh, hey!" He said, nervously laughing as he backed away to let them pass.

"Zane?" Misako asked.

Zane has his falcon project an image of the skull as Blake clapped his hands, shutting the lights off. "To bring you up to date, the skull symbol refers to the tomb's entrance." He said as Ronin starts heading for the door again.

"We also know my father's resting site, where the Realm Crystal resides, is protected by three deadly tests designed to keep anyone unworthy away, and only the Sword of Sanctuary can see past its riddles." The falcon soon showed the image of the Sword of Sanctuary and the Scroll of Airjitzu.

"Yeah, but where is it?" Cole asked.

"We started to wonder if the scroll and sword coming held a secret." Misako replied. "That's when Kai reminded us there was a map on the back of the scroll."

"And if you use the sword on the map, the blade's reflection will reveal the tomb's location." Kai said.

"Exactly." Ronin grabs his hat that was hanging nearby as Blake notices him leaving.

"Which means, we'll have to get our hands on that map." Geoff said.

Ronin soon opens the door and heads out.

Outside, Ronin puts his hat on before coming up to a small storage room.

He heads inside it to see a box. "Ah!" He quietly said as he came up to it and opened it, only to find it empty.

"Something about what you said stuck with me." Nya's voice was heard as Ronin turned to see her, sitting on a furnace, holding the Sword of Sanctuary in her hands. She soon held the sword out to him.

"Oh, yeah? And...what's that?"

"That you don't care." She soon jumps off the furnace. "If you don't, why are you here? Sure, this tea shop could potentially help pay off your debt in time, or you could speed things up by just giving them the sword in return for your cursed soul."

"So, where does that leave us?"

"I don't need the sword to tell me where this is going."

Ronin soon throws his hat (A/N: Oddjob style*) at Nya, who moves aside before he grabs a hoe and uses it to block her strike before swinging the hoe around, which Nya blocks before she is forced back before Ronin held the hoe high before they soon clash their weapons and Nya forces them down on one side. "I need that sword. I don't want to have to hurt you."

"You know, I was thinking the same thing." Nya briefly looks at the sword to see Ronin's next move was to kiss her cheek. She squealed in disgust before kicking his left leg, causing him to groan.

"What did I do to deserve that?"

"You know what you were about to do, you cancer stick inhaler!" Ronin soon moved the hoe around Nya's feet before pulling it back, making her fall into the box as he quickly grabbed the sword.

"Like I said, try too hard and you'll trip over yourself." He uses the hoe's handle to hit the brim of his hat and it lands on his head before throwing the hoe aside and runs out.

"He's getting away with the sword!"

(*A/N: Harold Sakata just called, Ronin. He wants his fighting move back)