Hello everybody I would just like to say before you start reading that this is my first Fanfiction I have ever written. I have been a lurker on this website for a long time but I've finally decided to write my own story. Please give reasonable feedback. I'm very new to this so I would love all the help I can get. If I make any spelling mistakes or want to throw any ideas at me please feel free to do so.

I don't own One Piece or Bleach, both belong to their respective owners.


The infinite blue sky seemed to stretch forever as puffy clouds floated high in the sky.

Warm wind brushed past a certain orange haired teen whose eyes slowly opened to the world around him.

What… happened?

Past events unclear Ichigo tried to sit up but it was in vain as he couldn't move any of his muscles in his body, having felt like he was sucked dry of all his Reiatsu.

His eye's groggily scanned the sky, his face turning towards the sun blinding him momentarily. Trying and failing to raise his arms to protect his eyes from the sun, he shut his eyes again trying to stop the light trying to pierce his retinas.

He felt disoriented, the ground unstable beneath him as he opened his eyes with more success this time, making sure to face away from the sun.

He noticed his current location wasn't what he was expecting. He was in a wooden boat of some kind. That would explain the disorienting feeling as he noticed the boat rise up and down.

It wasn't that big of a boat either. It felt more like a raft or a small lifeboat.

He couldn't see any water from where he was lying down but he assumed he was definitely on water of some sorts. The strong distinct smell of the ocean helped confirm his current whereabouts. But that didn't help narrow down exactly where he was.

His head was fuzzy and trying to piece together how he ended up in this situation seemed to cause his pounding head to pound even harder.

He groaned as he was able to shift his body slightly. His hand grazed something cold and hard to the touch as Ichigo gazed at his right hand.

His eyes widened as he noticed it was the longer version of Zangetsu next to him. He twisted his head to the other side of his body noticing it's shorter version lying lazily next to his other hand.

Was I fighting someone?

He gazed hard at Zangetsu as if waiting to hear the comforting voice of his Zanpakuto spirit one more time.

But no voice came to him. No voice came to soothe his current fears that were threatening to burst forth.

A moment passed before Ichigo's eyes threatened to shoot out of his skull as he remembered what had happened.

"YHWACH" He yelled as he mustered all of his strength to sit up looking for the bastard he had been fighting.

His heart was pounding hard in his chest as he grabbed both of his swords in his hands ready to strike anything at a moment's notice. Both swords glimmered dangerously ready to cut down anything.

It was all for naught as Ichigo took a look at his surroundings.

His jaw slightly dropped as he noticed he was in the middle of the ocean. The sea was unnaturally calm and the ocean seemed to go Infinitely in every direction no matter where he looked.

The soft chirping of seagulls could be heard flying high above him In the sky.

His two swords loosened from his grip as the quick adrenaline rush seemed to weaken him further. His vision swam as he had sat up too quickly. He clutched his head with his free hand.

He slouched over in confusion and exhaustion. He was fighting the Quincy king he was sure. But what exactly happened?

His eyes were restless scanning the horizon as if waiting for something to happen, anything at all.

Was he sent here by the Quincy King?

Was this a trap? A ruse for him to drop his guard to be struck down at a moment's notice.

He couldn't feel any of the Reiatsu signatures anyone he knew. Hell he couldn't feel the Reiatsu of a single thing around him.

Just how far in the ocean am I!?

He dropped both his hands to his side slightly gripping his two swords, waiting again for anything to happen.

I can't afford to let me guard down, anything could happen.

His body shifted slightly as he felt something fall out of his Haori. He gazed down at the boat noticing a piece of paper.

Ichigo tilted his head slightly in confusion.

He let him grip falter as both swords once again left his grip.

His scowl etched itself deeper onto his face as he reached down and slowly opened the mysterious letter.

Dear my beloved student Ichigo-kun, if you are reading this than the worst case scenario has occurred.

Ichigo nearly tore the paper in half as he felt his pounding heart pound even further. This was a letter from Urahara that much he could tell. But why a letter? This was out of character for even Urahara.

Ichigo wanting to satisfy his curiosity continued to read.

This letter was written by your favorite teacher if the soul king was ever killed. You see my student, the whole of Soul Society, The World of The Living, and Hueco Mundo are held together by the Soul Kings power. If someone were to say, kill the soul king, all our realities would collapse on each other and cease to exist.

Ichigo narrowed his eyes at the text. The world would end?

I had created a special device to activate if this ever occurred. You see Ichigo-kun before I sent you up to the Royal Palace with your friends I had snuck this letter and a small device into your Haori while you weren't looking.

Now don't be mad at me it was your father's idea not mine.

Your father and I decided that if the worst possible case of the world ending did occur, we would want at least one of us to keep living, and that my dear student is you.

You had the highest chance of survival.

Ichigo felt himself hyperventilating. This had to be a bad dream, someone from the 11th Division must of been playing a prank on him. Maybe that bastard scientist Mayuri was using him as a test subject of some sort of twisted practical joke.

But it didn't feel like that far of a stretch from the truth. He had heard in passing from Aizen and Urahara that the Soul King kept the order of the 3 realms. Aizen had wanted to kill the soul king and take the power for himself.

Ichigo's memory was still fuzzy but he remembered Yhwach wanting to do the same thing.

Ichigo shook his head and continued reading.

In my years of researching the Dangai I came to an astounding discovery of the vast mysterious nature that bridged the realms together. And during that study I found a dilemma.

Now you know me being the genius I am my faithful student that there's few things I don't understand. And this is something I have no idea about. I know what you are thinking 'Even such a genius as yourself doesn't understand something you must be joking Urahara-san'. It flatters me but that's besides the point.

Ichigo felt his eyebrow twitch in irritation. Damn that Hat n' Clogs. Ichigo felt his teeth grind slightly.

I discovered another world disconnected from our own, an alternate reality of sorts. What kind of world it is I have no idea myself due to the impossible nature of traveling to such a place.

I had created a device specifically to travel to the new world, a device to open a portal to the world.

You see my lovely student, the insane amount of Reiatsu to hold together such a portal and keep it from not collapsing on itself is so ridiculous that the late Head Captain and yourself possess enough Reiatsu to make such a thing possible. Not many people have this much Reiatsu, even such a genius as myself would be incapable of keeping the portal open to get even a fifth of the way.

So that would explain why I feel completely sucked dry of my Reiatsu.

Now Ichigo had heard it all. A portal to a new universe? And he just so happened to be the only one who could travel in this portal Hat n' Clogs was talking about. How convenient.

Ichigo felt like he was doubting himself, this wasn't a joking matter than Urahara would just do on a whim. His father and Urahara must have had this planned for a long time. Ichigo didn't know how to feel about that, they had been planning his survival long before he even knew that the world could end.

Ichigo suddenly felt a pressure weigh on his mind as the insane reality of the situation seemed to feel far more real.

To keep a long story short you are the perfect candidate for this little expedition into the unknown.

Your father and I wanted you to keep living Ichigo. We hope that you aren't reading this letter from another reality, but reading it after you were victorious in battle, and we are all laughing about it together.

Ichigo felt his his scowl etch itself harder on his face.

But If that's not the case than I can only offer you some last words of advice from your former teacher.


Ichigo's eyes widened.

Live your life Ichigo. Your father and I have known you will never falter no matter what obstacle stands in your way.

But this is the greatest obstacle of all Ichigo. You must move on.

-From yours truly, Kisuke Urahara.

Ichigo stared long and hard at the paper. Alternate reality? The world ended? The world of the living gone?

His hand holding the paper dropped to his side as his gaze became blank.

"Everyone's gone?" He muttered to himself.

Everyone? Yuzu? Karin? Goat-chin? Inoue? Chad? Uryu? Everyone from soul society was gone? Just like that?

He felt his eyes water as tears started to fall freely down his face.

He had failed everyone. Everyone had died. Yhwach had killed the soul king and the world he knew was gone. And he was the only one survivor.

Why me?

He didn't consider himself special, he had always tried his hardest to protect everyone he could, but this time it wasn't enough.

He had failed.

The tears never stopped coming, he felt himself sob quietly as the sun beat down on his back.

He had failed.

He didn't know how much time had passed. He didn't care. He felt so empty he was surprised that he didn't just collapse already.

In his despair he tried to keep recalling the events that lead up to his unexpected departure from his universe. He came up blank. He couldn't remember what had happened.

The last thing he remembered was storming into the palace with his friends, but after that….

His gaze felt lifeless and he looked one more time at the letter. His eyes slightly widened as he noticed there was something written on the back as well.

Reaching for the paper one more time he read it again, noticing the distinct writing of his father.

Ichigo, it's your father. I want you to know if you are reading this that you can not despair.

Ichigo for the 100th time today felt his eyes widen.

If I saw you now you'd probably be giving up just like before I beat it into your head that you can't give up on yourself. Why do you think your loving father keeps you on your toes every morning? Its for your sake!

This couldn't be avoided even with the help of everybody. There was nothing you could have done to stop this from happening. Even after everything you have overcome.

This isn't an enemy that could have been simply defeated like others. This wasn't an enemy that you could simply learn the Final Gestuga Tenshou and defeat him in a single attack, no Yhwach is much worse.

He was trying to kill god for Christ sake Ichigo you know how crazy that is!

Ichigo felt himself deadpan at the absurdity of his father's words.

Anyway, I'll never forget the look of despair on your face before I told you about the Final Gestuga Tenshou technique. Seeing you in such a sorry state made me want to beat it into your head that you can't despair.

If I saw that look on your face right now I'd pound your head until I make you remember who you truly are.

The number one protector.

Ichigo felt a small smile tug his lips at the words.

You may of failed us now, but even from beyond the grave if I catch you with that look of despair on your face again I will personally come back from the dead again and smack you until you understand! You good for nothing son of mine!

Ignore that I was technically dead before (being a Shinigami and all) but enough of that.

We love you Ichigo, your mother would be proud. You know Yuzu and Karin well enough that they would accept this. Knowing you gave it your all.

Don't worry about us.

I heard from Kisuke that this Alternate Universe might have some cool stuff, maybe some pretty girls.

Don't forget to make me some grandchildren!

-All the fatherly love in the world, Isshin Kurosaki.

He sniffed as he felt warm tears run down his face slightly soaking the paper in his hand.

It felt unreal. It was too much to take in at once. He knew he had failed them, but why didn't he feel as much despair as he thought he would?

Was it the words of stupid goat-chin? Such a simple mindless letter had managed to lift his spirits if only by a tiny fraction.

This was ridiculous. He honestly could see his old man smiling at him right now.

He folded the letter putting it back in his Haori as he laid back down on the boat. He felt exhausted, from crying, from fighting, from failing everybody, from Urahara's and his Father's last words to him.

But most of all, he felt exhausted that he wouldn't see his friends and family again.

Again he didn't know how much time had passed, but the sun slowly but surely lowered itself in the sky as long shadows draped the sky in wonderful colors.

It felt unreal again, being alone like this. In the past he always had his friends to help lean on in times of trouble. His fights with Chad before he got his Shinigami powers. The time everyone stormed into Soul Society to save Rukia, and even when they stormed into Hueco Mundo to save Inoue.

Ichigo felt himself blink at that. Before he got here he was storming into the Royal Palace with his friends this time. Ichigo couldn't help but a small smile bloom on his face as his scowl lessened. He was always charging straight into situations with his friends beside him.

Now they were gone, erased from existence with only the memories he had of them remaining. He had no pictures on him of his family or his friends. Only his memories of them. Ichigo frowned at that thought.

Taking in the beautiful sky one last time, he closed his eyes, as his mental exhaustion took a hold of him, he drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

But one last thought took a hold of him before he passed out.

Just how exactly did I end up in this boat?

Author's Notes

I'm trying my best to think of a proper way of getting Ichigo with his unlocked powers integrated into the One Piece world. If you have any ideas please feel free to message me or leave a review.

This is going to be a hard undertaking, a reason why I'm thinking very hard about how to accomplish this.

I've been inspired by many other works of Bleach and One Piece, mainly the ones that have Ichigo using his Fullbring powers. But in the grand scheme of things, Fullbring Ichigo isn't that powerful compared to a lot of the One Piece cast. I hope to continue writing this story, and if I receive more motivation I will try to update whenever I can and hope to get a schedule in place.

But for now this is an experiment. Thanks for reading!