Unopened Doors - A Phic Phight Collection

A collection of Phic Phight drabbles for the event. — Team Human.


A/N: Hello, Phandom!

I am participating in the Phic Phigh organized by Currently-Lurking/Hollyflash and ibelieveinahappilyeverafter.

I am on Team Human!

This fic will contain all drabbles I attempt for the Phic Phight. I may also decide to tackle certain prompts in a full-fledged story of their own - this is just for drabbles relating to the prompts.

It may be a bit ambitious, but I intend to try and do a little writing for each prompt provided. There were 121 prompts provided to Team Human (or, 243 prompts overall) so tackling them all in 30 days is going to be downright impossible, I'm aware. But, inevitable failure does not mean I shouldn't try. Right?

All summaries and warnings will be provided at the top of each chapter. Enjoy!