A/N: Holy damn fuck that took a lot longer to write than I thought. I know I said I had two chapters of this story written but I reread them and didnt like it so I rewrote the entire thing. now im working on chapter 10 of trust issues so that will be out soon... if this whole writing process thing dosent kick me in the ass first. anyway heres something new!

It was late, I could hear my mom and stepdad arguing downstairs. They where fighting over some dumb accident that happened earlier in the day and It seems like they where arguing daily at this point. It seemed that soon someone would snap. But I personally didnt care, my stepdad was an asshole and he deserved any shit storm that came his way. Wanting some peace and quiet I grabbed my keys and left the house.

Taking a drive into the mountains I parked at my usual vista overlooking the valley, watching the glistening lights of the city I thought about what I would do now that I was out of school indefinitely since I graduated early.

I snapped out of my thoughts as my phone went off. Picking it up I saw that my mom was texting me.

"Where are you?" she asked.

"Im in the mountains I'll be home in 30-45 minutes" I responded.

"ok be careful! Love you!" she said.

"Love you too." I responded.

Putting my car into reverse I exited the vista and headed for the center of the city. Idly driving around I was keeping an eye out for places I might want to work. I hated may last two jobs at Mcdoodles and Pizza Hat so any change in work would be a relief.

Continueing down the street I saw a building that caught my attention. It was two tone black and grey with a red and white checkered stripe separating the two colors. The sign on the front said in proud red letters "Fazbears Pizza and Games." With another sign next to it saying "Now Hiring!" Taking a mental image of where in town this was I decided I would check it out tomorrow.

After pulling into the driveway I locked my truck up and walked to the front door. Before I could even reach for the handle the door swung open and my stepdad grabbed me by the collar pulling me into the house.

"Where the hell have you been?!" He asked. I could smell the alcohol on him.

"I-i was just looking arround town for new jobs." I responded semi truthfully.

"Why would anyone other than a fast food place wanna hire a disappointment like you?"

His words cut deep I was a straight A student and I'd be dammed if anyone told me I didnt work hard for it.

"I dont know." I responded biting my tongue.

"Damn right! Now go to your room you worthless little shit!"

Taking his advice before I punched him in his stupid fucking face I walked up the stairs fists clenched.

"Fuck you." I muttered under my breath.

Flopping down onto my bed sleep quickly overwhelmed my brain.

Sitting up I was surrounded by darkness but everything felt lucid.

"Hello?" I asked confused and concerned. No response.

"Hello?" I asked louder. Still no response. Suddenly the darkness was filled with a blinding white light and a searing pain shot through my head waking me up from my sleep. Quickly sitting up in my bed I looked around to see i was back in my room. I was covered in sweat and the pain in my head still lingered, somethings presense also felt present.

"Oww. That was one wierd ass nightmare." I thought.

"Is that What you call it?" Another voice responded.

Freaked out I glanced around the room to find this new and unfamiliar voice.

"Calm down im in your head not your room." The voice responded slightly annoyed.

"That really doesn't make me feel anymore comfortable." I thought still freaking out and trying to see where the voice was coming from.

"I see this wasn't the best time to try to talk to you. Im sorry, I'll try later." The voice responded and just like that I could feel its presence leave.

"What the fuck is happening?" I whispered under my breath.

Quickly getting up I stripped from my old clothes that I had passed out with and grabbed some clothes out of my closet bringing them into the bathroom with me making sure to lock the door behind me. Sighing in relief I hopped into the shower and freshened myself up not wanting to think about what the hell just happened.

Stepping out of the shower I quickly dried off and got dressed into my clean clothes. Walking downstairs I could tell noone was home so I decided to go out to the restaurant I saw last night to see what jobs they had. Grabbing my jacket I went to my computer and printed off the resume I had made days earlier and headed out to my truck, only to see it had been covered in silly string. Sighing in frustration I quickly threw away as much of it as I could and hopped in. Remembering amost crystal clearly the restaurant's location I pulled into the parking lot and walked in.

Entering, my senses where invaded and overloaded by the smell of pizza and the sound of music. Looking around for the front desk I was quite confused when I didn't see anyone to greet customers, then I was even more surprised when I was greeted by a chicken animatronic.

"Welcome to fazbears pizza and games how can i help you?" She asked

"Uh hi, I was coming in to see about positions for work?" I asked. She seemed to think about what I had said.

"Alrighty. I'll let Frank know that you're here! Also feel free to wander around!" She said happily.

"Sweet, Thanks!" I responded with a smile.

Deciding I should probably get a lay of the land I walked past the chicken animatronic who was now greeting another customer and into the dining area. Looking around the place I noticed one major thing there was a sign and a metal railing surrounding a big space around the stage at the back of the restaurant. Walking up to it I read the sign. "Noone above the age of 18 beyond this point."

"Huh I wonder why that is" I thought. Almost instantly I felt the same presence from earlier.

"You'll find out soon enough." The voice almost whispered.

Trying my best not to freak out which took a lot, I decided to see what other stuff there was. Seeing a sign that said arcade I smiled and headed towards it. I was disappointed to see that all my favorite games where out of order.

Turning around To head back to the dining area I was met with a man who looked like he was in his thirties.

"Ah there you are. You must be the young man who was asking about the hiring positions." He asked holding out his hand for me to shake.

"Yes sir" I responded shaking his hand.

"Well if you'll follow me to my office I'll see what we can get settled!" Following him to his office he motioned for me to sit down in front of his desk noticing the paper I was holding.

"Is that your resume?" He asked.

"Yes sir." I responded handing the paper to him. He took it and read it carefully.

"Ethan J Draper... 4.0 student impressive!" He chimed "And you took mechanics, robotics and coding?" He asked surprised.

"What do you plan on doing in the future if you dont mind me asking?" He added.

"Im hoping to be an auto mechanic or an engineer sir." I responded.

"Well you seem to be a better candidate than anyone else I've had come in. Ive got three different positions available Ethan. Nightguard, Janitor or Cashier. its your pick."

"Well I hated my last cashier job, so thats out of the question. Janitor and Night guard sound pretty equal fun having wise so maybe nightguard, Because I'd have more time to listen to music." I thought.

"I'll do the night guard position if you'll allow it." I responded.

"Sounds great to me, lets get your paperwork done!"

After about fifteen minutes of filling out employee agreements and other stuff, I was officially a part of the team.

"Alrighty now lets get you acquainted with the building and get you a uniform."

Walking out to the main dining room I followed Frank to a door that said employees only, entering it was clear that this was the break room and employee bathroom's. Walking up to a locker Frank opened it up and pulled out a light blue shirt that had the word security in large print on the back.

"Here you go." He said handing it to me.

Following him out to the dining area he started to give me a tour of the restaurant.

"This is the dining area this is where everybody eats and listens to the animatronics music." It was at this point I had even noticed the animatronics. There were four of them on stage, two bears and two bunnies playing instruments.

"Pretty cool right? All their instruments are real!" Frank said snapping me out of thoughts

"Really?! Wow thats pretty cool actually."I responded

"let me go introduce you to them!" He smiled.

All I could get out was A. "huh?" Before we were standing in front of the stage.

"Hello girls." Frank waved nonchalantly.

"Hey !" they all said in unison.

"Can you guys get TC, chica, foxy and TF over here?" They all nodded while I stood there dumbfounded.

About thirty seconds later the chicken I was greeted by plus another chicken and two foxes arrived.

"What'd ya need us for?" The chicken who greeted me asked.

"I just wanted to introduce you all to Ethan here. He's going to be the new guard for the building." He stated.

They all just stared at me before the blue bunny chimed in.

"So did you have to hire a stoner?" She asked causing almost everyone to laugh except me and the taller bear who seemed to be a little on edge.

"Now now TB be nice!" Mr. Fazbear said with a almost scolding tone.

"Sorry." she responded casting her eyes to the floor.

"Anyway Ethan will be starting tonight, And I do have to say he's impressed me with his general professionalism, so I think he's gonna be a fantastic guard." This seemed to make all of them relax a bit but their stares stll seemed to be pretty defensive.

"Anything you wanna say Ethan?" He asked looking at me.

"No sir." I responded still processing everything that just happened.

"Alrighty then! You can go home now that you are a part of the company! I would probably make sure to be here about fifteen to thirty minutes early and I'll make sure to go through all your tasks for the night with you. Ok?" He asked

"Sounds great I'll see you at 11:30." I responded

"Ok I'll see you then!"

Walking to the door I had a thought

"should I wave goodbye?"

"Yes" the random voice from earlier chimed in. I had been so overloaded with info I had completely forgotten about its presence.

"Ok seriously what the hell?!" I thought.

"What?" It responded.

"Why is there a random voice in my head all of a sudden?!" I yelled in thought.

"I'll explain later but you should probably wave to them before your chance is gone." The voice responded.

Taking its advice I turned around and quickly waved good bye before walking out the door.

"Smooth." The voice said smugly

"Shut up." I responded.