I don't own pokemon or No Matter How I Look At It, It's You Guys Fault I'm Not Popular!

Well here another story from me about an awkward girl starting a Pokemon Journey. Well, let's see how much will she mess up. But not in the first chapter let her have some fun. By the way, this region is based on a costume region I made called Jambi.

Hope you enjoyed

Chapter 1: my first pokemon !

Route 1

In the world pokemon when a kid reaches the age of 10. They get their first pokemon and if they are willing to go on a journey to see the world. Which would be illegal and neglectful parenting in our world to send a child on animal cruelty filled vacation but hey that not the point. As it's not like that this world is not saved *cough* many evil teams trying to take over the world*cough* and there are many competent adults watching over them *cough* that let a ten-year-old beat the evil teams on their own *cough* again not the point.

The main point is that at the age of ten all children in this world are all excited to go on their own Pokémon journey filled with friendship and love with their Pokémon . all except one girl named Tomoko Kuroki.

"damn it its so hoot!" the girl complain as she wiped the sweat off her fairly pale forehead in the hot blazing noon sun.

"really mother sending me on this pokemon Journey just because I prefer to play video games. Damn it ! go on a journey she says build character she says.. DAMN IT!" she complains more as her hair becomes even more messy form her scratching.

She continued scratch as she remembers just how her mother drags her from her room all the way to the edge of town the opening to route 1. And told her in a menacing voice not to return before getting 8 gym badges

"all well better go on this journey if not mother will be even more piss. Better see what my mother put in my bag for this Journey." Kuroki looked through the bag that her mother prepared for this Journey and in it was.

Items in bag:

-Pokedex (with ID)

-Tent and sleeping bag plus instruction

- pokeballs

-Cards (to pay for food, lodging, pokemon center, and pokemon necessity)

- potion's

- pokemon food

- pokemon (Wobbuffet holding a note)

"ehh what's this? That not a normal Pokemon to get as a starter. Wait it's holding a letter. Is it from mother?" she than summon Wobbuffet.

"Wobbuffet I chose you," the girl said while throwing the Pokeball. And from it a tall, cyan Pokémon with a soft body. With eyes appear scrunched, and it has a jagged upper lip that has a red marking on its mouth that resembles lipstick. It has flat arms that are wider towards the tip and four stubby legs at the base of its body. There is also a black tail with two eyespots.

"Wobbuffet!" the pokemon screams as it hands over the letter.

Kuroki than began to read the contents :

Dear Kuroki this is your mother writing to tell you why you have a Wobbuffet as a starter.

Its because dear I worry that an average starter would not be enough to protect you.

As you tend to be clumsy and I mean very clumsy and for some reason, bad luck would always follow you around.

Like that time where a swarm of beedrill chase after you to get your ice cream. Or that time you were hit by Thunderbolt from that wild Gothita, all because of your Solosis pajamas. And many more.

That is why I ask from the nice professor to give you a sturdier starter and he he knows the bad luck you have.

Hope you enjoyed the pokemon !

Love mom

"Geez, mother if were so worried about me you shouldn't have forced me in this Journey. *sigh* what a tsundere my mother is. Well let's have a look what kind of pokemon you are " the girl then pulled out the Pokedex and looked up her starter stats

The Pokedex started up and began spitting out information "Wobbuffet the Patient Pokémon Wobbuffet does nothing but endure attacks - it won't attack on its own as it has none. However, it won't endure an attack on its tail. When that happens, the Pokémon will try to take the foe with it using Destiny Bond."

"*blink* wait what this pokemon has no attacking moves than what moves does it have!" Kuroki frantically looks up the pokemon move list and was stupefied on the move set.

Wobbuffet move set :

Counter: A retaliation move that backs double the damage of a physical attack. Very accurate.

Mirror Coat: Gives the user a Mirror Coat status, which reflects the damage from specific types of direct moves back at an enemy.

Safeguard: The user creates a protective field that prevents status conditions

Destiny Bond: When this move is used, if the user faints, the Pokémon that landed the knockout hit also faints.

"ok wow, I didn't know that Wobbuffet was such a masochist pokemon. I guess I should catch some pokemon *sigh* this is not going to be easy" Kuroki than began to look around route 1. Luckily route 1 was a simple dirt paved route filed with many shaking tall grass and two ponds which should tell from the splashing was filled with pokemon.

"*deep breath* ok since I don't have a rod I should focus more on the pokemon in the grass" she than looked at her stater. "are you ready for this Wobbuffet?"

"Wobbuffet!" the pokemon made a salute that conveys its eagerness.

"ok let's do this!" Kuroki than began walking in and around the tall grass to encounter some wild pokemon.

30 minutes later

"WHERE ARE THE POKEMON! I HAVE BEEN WALKING IN THE GRASS FOR AROUND HALF AN HOUR AND YET NO POKEMON HAS SHOWN UP!" at this point the young trainer was just tired and began walking to one of the ponds.

At the edge Tomoko began removing her footwear and dip them in the water "ahhhh that filled good" she said as she began splashing which attracted a pokemon to the surface.

*splash* was the sound that Tomoko heard before being grappled by some green hands and tried to drag the young trainer into the water. Luckily Tomoko use bite and broke free and back away from the water with Wobbuffet acting as a shield for its trainer. Tomoko took a good look at her assailant that was walking out of the water

. What she saw was a bipedal Pokémon that is mostly green with some light blue markings. Its face, ears, arms, and back are light blue. It has stubby, round ears, large eyes with small pupils, and a red bill-like mouth. There is a large lilypad on its head, which has a notch in it and resembles a sombrero.

'What is that Pokemon ?' Tomoko thought as she pulled out her Pokedex.

"Lombre the Jolly Pokémon It lives at the water's edge where it is sunny. It sleeps on a bed of water grass by day and becomes active at night. It has a mischievous spirit. If it spots an angler, it will tug on the fishing line to interfere. "

'did it thought I was fishing is that why it tried to pull me in?' the trainer than ready her self as she saw the wild pokemon was about to attack.

And it did as Lombre puff up its checks blow up a stream of bubbles towards Tomoko. The trainer reacted by ordering her starter to use 'Mirror Coat' which absorb the damage and sent it back to Lombre causing a small explosion dropping to its knees. this enrages Lombre and began to charge Wobbuffet while motioning its arm to make a physical attacked.

Which Tomoko response by ordering Wobbuffet to use 'Counter'. Which again causes the attacked to be reflected back and causing even more damage to Lombre where it began to wobble in place about to faint. the Jolly pokemon tried to run away back into the pond as this battle was clearly not going it's way. But was not able to move away from the battlefield as he was paralyzed from taking another step thanks to Wobbuffet ability 'Shadow tag'. Which prevents a fleeing pokemon from escaping.

Seizing the chance Tomoko quickly pulled out a Pokeball and threw it at Lombre. the pokemon went inside and shook once on when it reaches the ground. Tomoko swallowed her saliva in fear of the pokemon breaking free. Then another shake from the Pokeball, this time the trainer was crossing her fingers praying that the pokemon didn't break free. a third shake appeared on the ball and then finally the sound that the young Trainer was hoping for happened *cheching*. Signaling that she got it, her very first capture as a Pokemon Trainer a Lombre.

"YES YES, I DID IT I GOT MY FIRST POKEMON, LOMBRE!" Tomoko screams in excitement and made a little victory dance at her first milestone as a pokemon trainer. And it was fun for the little girl, the thrill from the sudden attacked, the adrenalin of pokemon battle, and the sense of accomplishment not given by merely playing games. Which made her begin accepting the idea of going on a Pokemon Journey.

After the little dance Tomoko summon Lombre and use her potion to heal up the damage inflicted in the battle. "ok now that the damage was healed up let's go the next town and try to get more pokemon!. You both ready for this Wobbuffet, Lombre!"

"Wobbuffet!, Lombre!" both pokemon response showing off their eagerness, which only lasted 20 seconds.

As from the grass around the lake began to shake violently, clearly, something was attracted from the sounds of the pokemon battle. And what came out surprised Tomoko so much that she fell down backward. As it was a swarm, a group of pink quadruped creatures that has vacant eyes never seem focused, and it has curled ears and a rounded, tan muzzle and a long, tapering tail has a white tip

"W-wh-what are they?". The young trainer said as she pulled out her Pokedex again.

"Slowpoke the Dopey Pokémon incredibly slow and sluggish. that remains in a daze and lazes vacantly near water. If something bites its tail, it won't even notice for a whole day. Awake or asleep, there is little difference. "

'I envy you guys. I want one, I want to learn the way of the slowpoke !' at that moment Tomoko on impulse threw a Pokeball on one of these goofy pink pokemon.

And surprisingly either because of our trainer's luck or because the Slowpoke doesn't care she caught one.

"YAHOO I GOT MY SECOND POKEMON SLOWPOKE!" followed by another victory dance.

At this point, Tomoko was on fire and was currently exited to have another encounter as she began to move to the next town. But this was never fulfilled as in the 4 hours to reach the next town and Tomoko didn't encounter another pokemon in route 1.

"GEZZZ THAT WAS SO BORING ! AND WHEN I WAS STARTING TO ENJOY THIS STUPID JOURNEY !" were the first words that Tomoko said as she reached the next Town.

Well, I hoped you guys enjoyed. And the pokemon I put in the story are all the ones that I hate based on personal reasons *cough*failed shines, *cough*failed Nuzlock*cough*Stupid Crits*cough*.

Trainer Id

Name: Tomoko Kuroki

Id num: 124398493

Num badge: Null

Pokemon own:

- Wobbuffet lvl 3 -6

- Lombre lvl 5

- Slowpoke lvl 1