I don't own Twilight

Emmett POV

I had been walking around down town waiting for the movie I wanted to see to start when I heard the noise and saw the man on top of the girl. I rushed forward and pulled him off of her punching him in the face, when I was sure he was down I rushed to the girls side and called 911. This poor girl. She was battered, she was bruised and she didn't seem to want to open her eyes though I knew she was awake. She cracked her eyes open and looked at her attacker laying knocked on the ground. I wanted to shield her from the pain. I heard the sirens coming and met the police officer.

I explained to him what had happened. I found out the girls name was Isabella and her father must be a police officer but from the sad looks on everyone's face I had a feeling something bad had happened to her family.

"Can I go in the ambulance with her?" I asked the officer. He looked at me a moment before saying


I climbed into the back of the ambulance and instructed them to take me to my father's hospital. When I saw Lauren in the ER I told her I needed my father right then. I stayed with her until my father told me to wait out in the waiting room and then I paced. Back and forth.

"She's a foster kid, or she should be." I looked over and saw Officer Crowly talking to a nurse. "We got a report that she ran away awhile ago but we couldn't find her. "Her parents died and it… she never recovered. We tried to look out for her but she got lost in the system." He shook his head sadly.

My heart stopped, she had ran away, she was on the streets, so vulnerable I knew what I had to do. I walked out of the hospital and walked home. Luckily it wasn't far away. I would have walked forever if I had to though.

"Mom." I shouted as I came into the house slamming the door.

"Emmett, I just got Adam down for his nap." Rosalie hissed.

"Sorry, sorry." I said as my mom came into the room.

"Emmett what's wrong?"

"Do we have room for someone else?" I was jumpy.

"What?" my looked at me like I'd lost my mind "Well I mean we do have that one extra room but why?"

I took a deep breath and explained to my mom and Rose then Alice, Edward and Jasper when they came in what was happening. I heard Rose crying softly and knew this was tough for her with her own recent history.

"I'll talk to your father." She sighed.

I just went to my room and thought about everything. I was the only biological child of Esme and Carlisle Cullen. They were never blessed with more children. So they decided to foster to adopt. Edward had came to us first. I was three and he was two. His parents had both died from bad cases of the flu and Edward had been left all alone in the world. He was officially adopted a year later. Alice came to us when I was 6 Edward was 5 and she was 3. She came from an abusive home and for the first year and a half in the home she would flinch away from anyone. It took a lot to be able to adopt Alice but finally she was officially a Cullen.

The most recent additions to our household were Rosalie Hale and her son Adam. Rose had came to use only a year prior with 8 months pregnant after having been raped by a boy in her neighborhood and kicked out of her house. She didn't want to be adopted, I didn't blame her, she was a mother herself seventeen, oh and their was the little fact that her and Edward were trying to figure out if they matched or not. She had drawn close to Edward ever since she had arrived and he had been her protector every since.

Then there was Jasper Whitlock. He had came Just a few months ago. He had ran away from Foster home after foster home. I really don't know what got him into Foster care, he doesn't talk about it. He also seems really drawn to Alice.

I jumped when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I called out.

"Emmett." My dad said coming into the room.

"Yes." I looked up at him.

"I have talked to your mother." He sighed sitting down and looking at me. "Why do you want this girl to come?"

"I feel like I need to protect her." I said. Looking down at my hands. She deserves a chance, she's lost her parents, and look at what that monster did to her." I spat, thinking of the slim ball I had pulled off of him. "She has obviously had a tough time, I heard the cop saying she ran from her foster home and her parents had died, her dad was a cop." I shook my head sadly. "I think we can help her.

"I agree son. I am going to go talk to our lawyer and try to find out who Bella's case worker is, we'll get her here, we'll give her a chance."

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

Two days later we got the information that my father and mother were approved as Foster parents for one Isabella Swan and I went to see her, I had been keeping away from her. Afraid to get to close just to have her ripped away and disappear into the night. Now I could protect her. Now she was safe and I knew it. I knocked on her door. She looked up and a bright blinding smile came across her face. "My Angel." She said softly.

I had no idea what she was talking about but I blushed. I walked farther into the room and sat down on a chair beside her. My hand itched to takes hers and she seemed to know it because she reached out her hand and grabbed mine.

I felt whole, I felt complete. I would protect her.

A/N next up Bella finding out that she's going to the Cullen's how will she feel about all this. Thank you to everyone who has reviewed, faved and followed.