HI GUYS,Roxas here, welcome to my first try at a fan fiction ever, hope you guys like it, it's not very long since I can only do so much without making inconsistencies, so sorry about that, also since life is kinda in the way I can't promise any consistent updates for quite a while.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to the fate series or the Nasuverse in general nor do I own the picture used.

On with the prologue:

Fate of the unknown

I have seen much in this life of mine, born into a relatively normal family, I grew up to idolize heroism and all its aspects:




they all grew to be a very important and almost inseparable part of me, even as I saw my world plagued by corruption, war, and discrimination,

my admiration for epic heroes and the ideals they represented never ceased to grow, yet one day, I found myself in a world different from mine a world where people can, with hard training and resources, grow strong enough to topple mountains and part the seas,yet with such a terrifying level of power existing, this world grew to be one where the strong rules and the weak are oppressed, regardless of what is right or wrong,I was understandably terrified to find myself in such a situation,so lost and so out of place,but as I continued on with my life,training to be a strong person

who could make this world a better place than when I first came here, I made many friends who helped me develop a sense of belonging and fill the void in my heart that even I had been ignorant to,

I suffered through countless life-threatening battles and lost many precious things,

sometimes I felt so defeated that a part of me simply wanted to give up,

but even so, I strove even more to achieve my ideal, a world where people didn't have to live in fear,

a world that all those who existed in it would be proud of,

and after a long journey, one that pushed my very being to the limits,

a desperate struggle of a fool who sought to save those who couldn't save themselves,

a path where my enemies grew with each step I took towards my goal, but so too did my allies, pushing together for our shared dreams and hopes, we achieved our goal, the overwhelming euphoric feeling of victory threatened to burst from my chest that day,

we cheered in triumph against a cruel and merciless reality that was thought to be unchangeable, even with such a victory, I found myself strangely empty,

with no family to care for, I found myself drawn to an intense desire to continue on with this quest of mine: to save others, to champion the ideals of justice, to speak of ideals, and strive to achieve them, against all odds.

I felt guilty leaving all my friends, my bonds behind, yet they only met my guilt with smiles of encouragement, saying that my path will not be blurred, and so following my heart, I began a never-ending journey, one that showed me many things:

it showed me the greatness of humanity,

the splendor of just rulers and benevolent kings and emperors,

the bravery of champions and heroes,

it granted me the sight of the infinite potential of humans for both good and evil,

I bore witness to many tales of heroes and villains:

-A Kind man, who sought to bear the darkness that ravaged his fellow man, heedless of the pain and misery he would suffer from it, that was acknowledged and loved by his people, yet was betrayed and had his throne usurped by his own brother, his loved one nearly dying in front of his eyes if not for my intervention,I helped the kind soul control the darkness that plagued his body, granting him a power unlike any other, and with it he gained immortality, and once again confronted the betrayer defeating him with utmost ease,

yet even such a power could not cloud the man's judgment,

nor could it lead him astray,

as even after all the usurper did, the gentle man still refused to kill his brother, but rather made him renounce his name and live a tranquil life away from the seat of power he so coveted.

The kind king went on to rule his people to an era of peace along with his beloved, with whom he shared both his power and longevity, watching over their kingdom, the king fashioned many wonders with his magic: weapons, armor, tools of healing and many others, he helped many young talents on their road to greatness, granting his world a prosperity and tranquility one would be amazed by.

-A naive boy, who sought to bring glory to his kingdom and took pride in fighting for its prosperity, who upheld his own ideals of chivalry and honor no matter the cost,

his blade fought only the wicked and those whose hands were stained with the blood of the innocents,

yet such a knight was met with the horrifying sight of the cruelty and almost bestial nature of those he protected, people slaughtered for entertainment, public executions of the helpless and the weak,

mere barbaric, fragile displays of power and tyranny that sought to suck the very concept of happiness from everyone that resided in such a wretched world,

yet, even so, the young man did not even need to think about anything, his steps steady and resolute, carrying a strong will, tempered by countless trials, loss and oaths,

to right the wrong he saw in front of him,

a willpower that refused to give any quarter to the ugliness he witnessed,

even as armies of trained warriors, bearing mystical weapons of terrible might welcomed his pleas for justice and peace, the aspiring knight still did not even flinch, maintaining his hopeful smile, his only weapon being an ordinary sword he forged with his own hands, his companion from the beginning on his endless endeavor, he fought for what he believed in, for a beautiful new world he believed possible against all the odds, refusing to allow even a single tuft of hair of the innocents hiding Behind him to be touched,

for what good was a knight who couldn't even uphold the very first oath he took?

The young boy received my help, banishing the evils that stained his world alongside his allies and his followers, ushering a new era of peace and happiness for all.

-A proud warrior who wondered the world in search of adventures and glory, facing countless dangers and numerous challenges, each time growing faster,


and wiser,

his cheerful attitude always brought a smile to those around him, even in the darkest of times, the man fought where others would have ran,

smiled where others would have been terrified,

hoped when others had embraced despair,

he journeyed throughout the world, meeting kings and emperors, trying his best to live a life he would be proud of,

he did everything he could to make his world a better place, steadily growing in strength as well as reputation, and when the time came when his world was threatened by demons and monsters, he fought without hesitation against such a threat, his every strike carrying the weight of all the lessons I taught him, as well as the hopes of those who believed in him, yet even with all his courage, his strength, even in its abundance,

was found lacking,

such was the might of the divine entity he was defying, but I would not let such a being run rampant, and with my swift intervention, the entity was destroyed, and the man was hailed as a hero who went on to unite the world and achieve his ambition of making the world a better place.

Many other stories still remain as clear as day in my memory, even after all this time,

their voices,

their appearances,

their very lives still remain imprinted in this soul of mine, and they all were irreplaceable to me, after all, as their teacher, their success is my pride, their triumphs, my happiness, but even so, there was one story that stood head and shoulders above them, the story of a boy tempered by a fire so vile, it's essence carried all that was evil,

the boy that was plagued by the terrible guilt of surviving where others had died, one that was unremarkable in any shape, way or form,

he didn't have any talent for fighting like the honorable knight, his experience through countless battles and a repetitive trial and error was the only thing making him a good fighter,

he had no talent for magic or a supernatural power like the kind king, his skills, alignment, and origin deeming him to be a third-rate magus at best,

he was outclassed by almost every enemy he faced, yet that reason was the greatest, and perhaps the only, way for him to have grown into such a strong person

...no, he was not strong, not at all, he fought with everything he had on every battle, looking ugly and miserable,

yet such a sight never caused anyone to laugh at him,

instead, his determination and resolve only made my pride in him grow even more,

I guided him in his search for something to fill the void in his heart, I provided advice and helped him find the true path to achieve the dream he sought,

his overwhelming desire was just a fake one in the beginning,

yet by tempering such a counterfeit through trials and challenges, his desire grew to become a genuine and admirable one, he was so similar to me when I first followed my path, it was like looking at an old mirror, but it was extremely refreshing to see and experience,

that boy will always be someone who I treasure deeply from the bottom of my soul, someone

who gave what I needed, a reminder of the beauty I so admired when I began my long journey,

the boy,

no the hero of justice that faced against a harsh world with an ever-present smile and vanquished his own brand of "invincible" reality, he was none other...

...than Shirou Emiya, and this is his story.