Maria's Story: Being Me

Disclaimer: The Plot and Characters belong to The Sound of Music & 20th Century Fox, However Maria's Thoughts are mine.

Written by: Maria's Georg

Authors Note* I included the 3 deleted scenes from the film, info I learned and info I made up. Also this is a working story, and a working tittle! Enjoy Reading and Please Review it! Feel free to e-mail me! ~

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Chapter 1: Maria's Flight

The Gate was open. I had to go the hills were calling my name like sirens to Odysseus. I had to go this might have been my last chance to roam among my green welcoming verdant. Upon arriving, I found bliss, running watered streams and enveloping mountains so beautiful I had wished they were mine. And mine alone, a lone secret we had kept just for me. I knew I would have to leave this bliss eventually, and so I began to sing.

Sing for that moment which I wished would stay forever. I completely forgot my duties to the abbey and was so swept in this heaven of sorts. That when the church bells rang, I out broke of my revene and forcing my mind into reality. I ran back, almost forgetting my mantilla. I knew I had missed morning mass and would be penalized for it, and every other rule I had broken that morning.

Running as fast as my feet would take me, running past the early morning masses. Some of them stared with odd expressions. Postulants were not allowed to run, or hurry on their way. But I was in a hurry, I figured I would be in deep trouble if I was missed anymore than I could help it. Mass was over and done with by the time I had reached Nonneburg grounds. I tried the gate, seeing if it was still open. It was. So I pushed through, and forced it shut. I ran not caring about anything only that if anyone had figured out I was missing, I would be in deep trouble.

As I got to the courtyard, I stopped briefly for a slurp of water and to pat my reddened cheeks from their flight down my verdant. As I started running again, I noticed six very important Nuns. Among them was the Reverend Mother herself! I stopped and rolled my eyes. There was no point in running anymore, I had been caught by the Reverend Mother and would be called down to speak to her.

I excaped to duties with Sister Lili. I was extremely late, and before she could open her mouth I bent down and kissed the damp floor before her feet. I arose and adjusted my mantilla and began with my duties where I had ended them yesterday. I was a Mechanic, in Nonneburg you have to learn to do everything. But since I was a Postulant I was allowed to choose where my biggest duties lie.

I hated cooking and couldn't do it since I was a child. I chose something I could actually do. I grew up fixing menial things, clocks, watches, radios, and once or twice a car. I also learned how to sew clothes since we couldn't afford to repair everything that broke and all we could afford was the material for our clothes.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, which slightly startled me. I turned around covered in grease from head to toe. Sister Margaretta, Mistress of Postulants was standing before me. The nicest person I'd ever met, and I enjoyed knowing her. At times it seemed as if she was my only friend. She spoke to me in that soft voice she always possessed, the one I had come to know and love. That sweet kind found in little girl fairy tales, the kind every little girl dreamed of, including myself.

"The Reverend Mother would like to speak with you." I knew it was coming.

"She wants to speak to you in her office." She quickly added forgetting that vital piece of information. I packed my tools away and rose to follow Sister Mistress of Postulants.

She stopped at my room. I could feel the guilt rising in the pit of my stomach, eating away at it. I gave her a confused look, as to her selection of our destination. Not that I wasn't relived that we hadn't gone to the Reverend Mothers Office right away. I really was confused. "Why have we stopped here?" I spoke, utterly confused. Her face gave me a pleasant but short smile. "Your appearance, You wouldn't want to speak to the Reverend Mother dressed like that?"

I looked down and I was covered in grease and wearing my duty habit. "I'll be back in 30 minutes." She said and floated away. I disappeared in my room. It was slightly bigger than the room I had when I was a child. Bare walls and no carpet, It was so cold and the feeling it gave off was not as pleasant as I hoped it would be. Of Course, my room didn't come with a built in bathroom but it did come with a carpet and the walls were at least covered, which of course I missed greatly. I showered and changed into what was known as my 'formal' habit. Which was appropriate for greeting the Reverend Mother, and being me I wore it often. I sat on the chair next to my bed, and I prayed.

Feeling guilty for my sins, I knew something was going to happen. It was that moment I heard a knock on my door. I got up to open it, revealing, Sister Magaretta waiting for me as I expected. Without a word, I walked out of my haven, shut the door behind me and she led me to Reverend Mother's Office.

We walked together in an unshakeable silence, I was doomed. I was the black sheep of the convent, and saw the office quite frequently. Oh, Course I had committed many other sins, in fact it was almost daily I had broke rules. There was this one time, when I first came to Nonneburg I climbed out of my window and on top off the building. Sister Berthe was the one to catch me in the act. Sister Berthe is Mistress of Novices, and since becoming a Novice was next in line for my placement at the Abbey, getting on her bad side was probably not a good idea. The thing was, I was a problem child, It always seemed as if I was attracting trouble.

She also caught me singing, my most wonderful thing to do in the whole entire world. No matter where I was I always had songs to sing to rely on. I discovered my favorite thing when I was just 5 and I heard the nuns themselves singing on their way to vespers. Ever since then I became obsessed with singing, and I just couldn't stop. It helped me get through the ordeal of my parent's death. Now it seems I have to give that up too!

The guilt had risen in my stomach with every step I took. We arrived at Mother Superior's Office. Sister Magaretta knocked upon the great oak door, and a notable "Ave" came from behind the door. With that Sister Magaretta disappeared behind the door which held my future.

I tried to prepare for the worst, and I folded my arms under my habit. Hands where not to be shown, it was considered rude. An odd rule, I've always thought but I seemed to concentrate more on my feet than anything else. The Oak door was finally opened and Sister Margaretta stepped out, raising her arm to touch my shoulder in comfort. She moved, and I stepped inside alone to await my doom.