Arkham Aslyum - Intensive Treatment

"Let him go, or you'll only end up having more trouble if you continue!" one of the guards shouted out to Zsasz. Batman directly approached Franklin.

"Thank god. It's Zsasz! He's got Mike! He's strapped to the chair. Zsasz has totally lost it!" Franklin exclaimed directly to the vigilante.

"Wait here."

"You can't! He'll kill Mike if he sees anyone trying to get close."

"Then how do we save him?" Sora pondered. "Leave it to Batman. I'd guess he knows how to overpower someone like Zsasz." Riku quickly replied.

"Riku's right. He won't see me."

"If i see anything that looks even a little bit like a bat and this guard dies. Do you hear me?" Zsasz called out, threatning, while shocking Mike, who screamed in horror.

Batman immediatly ran into the staircase, with Sora and Riku following suite. Once they got up, Dr. Gretchen Whistler approached them while typing in a computer.

"This is disgraceful. How did a patient like Victor get free?" she questioned.

"We'll worry about that later, doctor."

"He wants to kill the guard, you know. He needs to kill the guard."

Batman walked to one of the guards.

"Zsasz has got my buddy. He's gonna fry him, do something. Please!"

"Keep him occupied, i need to get behind him." Batman turned his attention to an old gargoyle.

'These old gargoyles should be able to support my weight if i grapple up to them.' Batman thought, then looking at Sora and Riku. The two probably knew he was gonna ask them to stay. They nodded, and Batman grappled up to it, then he grappled around two other gargoyles, then he did a Glide Kick behind Zsasz's back, knocking him on the ground just as the vigilante landed on the ground.

'Zsasz is down, but not for long. Got to get close and take him down.' Batman thought while he ran to the sociopath, and did a Ground Takedown on him, knocking him out permantly for a while. Sora and Riku leaped off from where they were standing and helped unstrap Mike out of the chair.

"Someone put this animal back in his cell." One of the guards said. Sora and Riku finished strapping off Mike, when Batman turned to the TVs and saw someone he probably was expecting to show up.

"Can you hear me? Is thing on?" Batman easily recognized the voice. Joker's crazy girlfriend. Harley Quinn. Sora and Riku walked near him.

"Oh hiya B-man! Harley Quinn here. How do you like my new uniform? Pretty hot, huh? Oh, i got something to show you." Quinn nearly ran off the screen but she took a few steps back and told them.

"One second, B-man." Sora sighed heavily.

"If she got the Warden-" Sora said before he widened his eyes. Harley brought a tied up Quincy Sharp with his mouth tape gagged, with some bruises.

"Ta-da!" Sora facepalmed. He literally just jinxed it. 'Remind me to never jinx myself again.' The brunette made a mental note, while Batman and Riku narrowed their eyes.

"I'm now subbing for the old man. Old Sharpie's never been happier." 'Yeah, right.' were Sora and Riku's reactions.

"In case ya ain't figured it out, tonight is the Joker's big homecoming, and you three are the guests of honor.

"You have one chance to surrender, Quinn." Batman laid out a ultimatum to her.

"Tempting, Bats, but no dice. The inmates are running the Asylum now. Well techincally, they're Joker's goons shipped from Blackgate, but you get the idea. And one more thing for you, traitor," Quinn said while pointing to Riku. "You have one chance to return to us, or else. Bye bye for now!" Quinn took the camera down.

"Like in hell. Make me." Riku quickly shot it down.

"Batman, Sora. You two picking this up?" Oracle's voice rang in Batman and Sora's intercom. Riku leaned close to Sora to hear.

"Oracle, i'm here."

"Me too."

"Arkham Asylum just vanished off the network!" Kairi exclaimed.

"He's in control of the security system now. He's probably isolated it from the grid." Batman assumed.

"That's not all he has done. All police feeds are reporting that Joker has put bombs all over Gotham." Oracle started, "He says he'll detonate them if anyone sets foot on Arkham Island." Kairi finished the explanation.

"It's being suppressed at the moment, but the story will break out any moment now." Oracle said.

"He's lying. It's just a diversion to keep people distracted."

"And how do you know?" Riku asked, but failed to notice that he was close to Sora, and Kairi heard it.

"That voice..." Kairi quietly mumbled. "Riku? Is that you on one of the intercoms?" Riku couldn't help but chuckle, everyone except the redhead did too.

"Yeah, it's me." Kairi sighed in relief.

"Moving back." Sora said, clearing his throat.

"I know him." Batman replied back to Riku. The transmission was over.

"The room's locked down. I can't open the gate. We're trapped in here!" One of the guards shouted.

"Try the radio, Control should be able to shut it down."

"Quinn thinks she trapped us in this chamber. She never was bright." Batman thought out loud.

"Then, how are we gonna get out?" Sora pondered. The vigilante smirked. They eventually approached a vent, but Batman with brute force took off the grid. "I hope you two can crouch."

In the vent, Oracle contacted Batman, but Sora could still hear it. "Batman, i'm patching you into the guard radio feed."

"Steve, more Blackgate prisoners, by the boiler!" One of the guards shouted out to Steve. "Who's that behind them? Oh my god... It's the Joker! How'd he break out!?" The radio was cut off.

"Sorry, feed's down. Comms are going up and down like crazy. It's not good. We'll keep trying."

Arkham Asylum - Decontamination

The three had to watch a guard desperately see his friends forcefully die by the hands of...

"Joker toxin! Listen! The room is full of poison gas, anyone caught in there will be dead!" the vigilante grappled up to rescue any survivors, leaving the two teenagers behind with the guard.

"You two with him?" the guard asked them while Batman saved whoever was in danger, even a Blackgate inmate, but he knocked him out.


"Warning: Air levels at Decontamination is now at normal levels. Unsealing has started."

"The room is secure!" Batman exclaimed, and as soon as the door opened, Sora and Riku immediatly ran towards him.

Then, the three immediatly ran towards more halls, while Batman was beating the hell out of the Blackgate inmates and both Sora and Riku easily dealing with the Heartless. They stumbled upon a door with Joker's face on it. Their destination. They went through it, and...

"What took you three so long?" Joker shouted to them. Batman launched a Batarang towards Joker, but he easily dodged it.

"There's no escape, Joker. We will find you."

"I'm counting on it. Just not yet!" Joker kicked his feet to the ground, opening the cell. Just by then, quite a few Heartless appeared, surrounding only Sora and Riku, while a mutated Blackgate inmate jumped from the cell.

"Oh crap..."


Damn writer's block and school.