---------Disclaimer: I don't own the Charmed characters or anything related to it. The only thing that is mine is Paris. Note: ^^Thoughts^^ ----

Chapter One: Meetings

The door bell woke Wyatt up, as well as the rest of the Halliwell house hold. Leo orbed down to the door, and opened it a bit perturbed that they had a visitor at seven on a Sunday. In front of him stood a young girl about the age of sixteen or seventeen, with brown eyes, pale skin, and dark brown hair. She looked oddly familiar.

"Hello; ahhhh is Phoebe Halliwell here?" she asked him a bit timidly.

"Umm, yeah come on in." He gestured for her to come in, and went upstairs to get Phoebe.

The girl went to the living room and sat down on the couch. She looked around, and saw a picture of the three charmed ones. Picking up the picture as if it was a fragile object that would explode if you held it with to much pressure, looking at the faces she found the one she wanted. She smiled slightly, tracing the woman's face with her pointer finger. "Mom." She said quietly. Suddenly she heard footsteps and put the picture back into its proper place. Three women entered the room as well as the man who opened the door. They looked at her there faces full of kindness.

"Hi, I'm Phoebe." A woman with dark brown hair that reached her shoulders, she was beautiful just as she remembered. The woman walked over to her, and put her hand out "It's nice to meet you."

The girl looked at her, tears streaming down her face, and suddenly she hugged the women.

"Whoa." Phoebe was taken aback.

The girl moved away "I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Paris Turner." She waited if that reminded Phoebe of anyone; her father Cole. "Well; I'm ahhhh your daughter."

"WHAT!" All of the people in the room said in unison.

"Whoa, whoa!" Piper had her hand on her head as if she was trying to make sense of the situation. "How? I thought-"

"I can explain, please." Paris said praying that they would listen. "Phoebe when you were with child and all that stuff happened, and you thought you were rid of me. My dad, Cole had me transferred to another body. When I was born he took me, and trained me. But, of course the Seer saw that I wouldn't turn to the dark side, but dad didn't want to hear it. So, he tried his best but, unfortunately it didn't quiet work. I needed, well I wanted to find you. To meet you, I mean I know you probably think that this is a Cole trick or whatever. But, I promise it's not. You can ask Grams, she knows. Please, please just give me a chance." Paris said without any air. She took a deep breath. She looked at them her eyes pleading. "Leo can even check with the elders. Actually, go now, would you mind checking. I mean just to put you at ease."

Phoebe looked at her in shock, as well did Piper and Paige. Leo decided to orb. Then as quickly as he had left he came back.

"Well?" Piper asked.

Leo smiled at Paris. "Welcome to the family."

"I have a daughter?" Phoebe was in complete and utter shock.

"Yeah." Paris just stared at her feet.

Suddenly, an unwanted person; even to his own daughter; entered the room.

"DAD! What the hell!?" Paris shouted at him and threw a huge energy ball at him. "Don't you ever give up?" Paris had suddenly forgotten that she was in the presence of her mom. And this might not be the best way to prove she was good.

Cole gave the evil eye to his daughter "I told you not to throw energy balls at me."

Piper looked in shock at what the girl just did. ^^She must have some guts throwing a energy ball at her father.^^

Paige noticed the look on her sister's face and told her matter-of-factly "She is half demon."

"That makes sense." Piper nodded.

"Cole what do you want?" Phoebe asked him anger filled her voice.

"I want my daughter back." He roared.

"I told you I don't want to be a demon." Paris yelled at him.

"But, you have so much potential." Cole told her pleadingly.

"I think I can make my own decisions." Paris replied.

Phoebe was so confused. ^^It seems like she wants to be good. But, what if this is some sort of act. But then again she said she had talked to Grams.^^

"I'm the source of all evil!" Cole shouted at Paris "I cannot have my child fighting for good."

"I think she should be able to choose her own side." Phoebe finally joined the conversation. Paris' eyes brightened up when her mom said that. Phoebe noticed the girl's expression and gave her a smile.

"Stay out of this." Cole told her.

"Excuse me!" Phoebe was now pissed "If she is who she says, then I have every right to be in this conversation!" she yelled at him.

Cole didn't like both the women he cared for yelling at him, and it was two against one. What was he suppose to do? Fight against them? He was smarter than that. His daughter was powerful, even more so then him. She was half demon and half charmed one, she could kill him if she set her mind to it. He knew that it was useless to turn her evil, because even the oracle and seer told him she would become a powerful fighter for good. But, Cole was not one to give up so easily. He would let her try this then figure out how to get her back.

"Fine, stay with her" He looked to Paris she looked so much like her mother, then he turned to look at Phoebe her eyes full of hatred. "For now." And with that he left the room in a burst of flames.

"Well," Paris said triumphantly "that went easier than I had expected." She turned to the white lighter and charmed ones. "I hope that you will give me a chance."

Paige didn't know if this was a good idea, but if the elders said she was Phoebe's daughter then she must be. She felt sorry for the girl having to live with Cole. The thought of him made her shiver. Paige could relate to being a half of something and a half of another. After all she was half witch and half white lighter. "So; she is staying with us?" she asked.

"I guess so." Phoebe said and gave a little smile. Paris returned the expression, and gave a smile of her own.

Piper was amazed at how much the girl did look like Phoebe, especially when Phoebe was younger. There were some differences; she definitely did have some of her father in her as well. "You sure do look like Phoebe." Piper stated. The others nodded. They stood silently for a while.

"Well, I'm kinda at a loss for what to do, so how about breakfast. Isn't that what mortals do in the morning?" Paris said; she wasn't sure of the daily activities one does in this part of the world. She was used to the demon dimension, and things worked a bit differently down there. But, she had shimmered up to the mortal realm as much as possible to watch the everyday life.

"Don't you eat breakfast?" Paige was confused.

"Ahh; not exactly." Paris replied with a frown.

"Well then why don't we go to the kitchen and have breakfast." Leo said looking at the charmed ones, trying to convey what they should do. He had spoken with the elders, and they had told them that she was most definitely Phoebe's daughter, and surprisingly they wanted Leo to look out for her. She had a destiny that belonged to good, even though she was part demon.

Paris followed Leo into the kitchen. She noticed the three women stay behind, but she didn't mind they had a lot to talk about. She just prayed that they would accept her.

"Don't worry, they just need to talk." Leo said when he saw the look in her eyes. "You'll be part of the family in no time." He said with a smile, and sat at the table.

"So you don't think I'm evil?" Paris said her face full of hope.

"Nope, I spoke with the elders and apparently you have a destiny of good works to do." He told her.

She smiled happy that someone saw the good in her. "That means a lot." She said, fighting back the tears. "It feels good to see my mother, even if she is a bit scared by me."

"She isn't scared, just a bit surprised." Leo said hoping she would understand. She nodded in agreement.

Leo heard his name being called from the living room. "Excuse me for a second." He said; Paris nodded knowing he was being called, and he orbed out of the room, leaving Paris to herself.

"Yes?" Leo asked as he appeared in front of Piper.

"What do you know?" She asked him wanting the facts.

"Well, she is half demon obviously." He answered "She has the ability to shimmer, throw energy balls; as we saw earlier; and she can levitate like Phoebe."

"Okay those are her powers, but what about-" Phoebe didn't know how to put it.

"She's good." Leo knew that was where the question was heading. "The elder's said she is destined for good deeds. Beside good does always conquer evil."

"I don't know if we should trust her." Paige said still confused, what if this was a trick?

Leo was getting a little agitated; they should be welcoming Paris not standing outside the kitchen. He knew that they didn't want to get hurt but, she was good. He was positive about that. He could sense it from her. "Listen, I know you feel confused but just go in the kitchen and talk to her. She is a nice kid, and I know she's good."

"What makes you so sure? You just met her." Paige arched her eyebrow.

"I can feel it; besides from what the elder's say she's good. I just get a good feeling about her." Leo said rather convincingly. He believed his words with his heart. He didn't think that she was bad at all. She didn't show it, she hasn't made any hint of bad intentions so far, and that was a good check in his book.

"Okay." Phoebe took a deep breath and went to the kitchen. The other's followed her.

-----Please review, so I know if ya'll want some more. Thanks for reading! ~Alana-----