Hello everyone... I realize it's been quite a while since I've posted a new chapter, and for that I apologize. However, here's an extra fluffy, slightly longer chapter in recompense! I hope you enjoy it.
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars - we see what would happen to the story if I did.
E: Does everyone understand their duties for tomorrow? It won't be easy to pull this off.
Y: I will be happy to resend my flow chart to our group if there are any questions.
S: There's not THAT much I can do from the medbay, but yes. I'm ready. Halleth is on board, too. It's a bit scary how devious minds run in that family. I'd hate to meet any of their distant cousins.
P: We're all prepared. I will keep her distracted first thing in the morning. The rest will be up to you.
R: I hope this goes well. Don't forget your waterproof makeup.
P: I have informed the other participants. Good luck, everyone.
- Encrypted group message thread titled "Operation Biscuit Eater"
I'd like to think that my paranoia, while absurd at times, comes in handy. For example: in my second year at the Academy, I was convinced I was being watched during my Huttese elective course. I decided to test whether or not someone was actually cheating off of me. My instincts proved to be correct when Bira Knor submitted test answers that matched mine exactly and we were called into Master Vango's office.
If Bira had truly paid attention in class, he would've realized that the Huttese equivalent of "Can I have your tots?" was not the correct answer to Faza the Hutt's declaration of war upon his brother.
This morning feels rather like that instance, though I suspect less tots will be involved this time around.
Or… at the very least, I hope so.
Not only did my datapad alarm fail to go off this morning, causing me to be late, Padmé decided that nothing she and Rabé agreed upon the night prior would be acceptable for today's wardrobe. As I stand in her closet, trying not to stagger underneath the weight of six gowns, two headdresses, and two pairs of shoes, I can't help but wonder what on Naboo is wrong with her.
"Padmé," I splutter as a feather from one of the headdresses tries to wedge its way into my mouth. "You do realize that the Unity Parade and following celebration is over, right? You don't have to wear something quite so ornate."
"I have nothing to choose from!" she moans in reply. I peek around the pile in my hands, brows furrowed. I've never heard her say such a thing. As a matter of fact, I distinctly remember her mentioning plans to repurpose royal wardrobe funds to charities across the area. "Do you think you can visit Madam Sholba? She might have a new outfit that would be appropriate for today's proceedings."
"Madam Sholba… " The incredulity in my voice is somewhat buried beneath multiple layers of fabric. "Madam Sholba, the woman who held me captive for two hours with stories of her five grandchildren and pet monkey-lizard named Cabo? She makes beautiful clothing, but is it worth my sanity?"
Padmé removes the items from my arms and I breathe a sigh of relief. My shoulders were starting to tense up. "I know she's not your favorite designer to speak with but the others are already busy with tasks this morning."
That's another thing I find extremely odd: I know I woke up late this morning, but I'm not that far behind. Somehow, all the Handmaidens were either ready for the day or already gone from our chambers the moment I woke up. Even Yané, who is more difficult to wake up than a victim of a wampa attack, was scarce.
"If I am gone for longer than thirty minutes, please send help… " Padmé shakes her head as I move to exit her chambers.
"Always so dramatic..."
I turn to leave, then swivel back. "Just out of curiosity… is there anything you feel like you might be forgetting?"
Padmé blinks. "No, not that I'm aware of; is there something you need to tell me?"
I ignore the sinking of my stomach. It's ridiculous to be disappointed that she didn't remember. There's too much going on. "Nope! Nothing at all! Wish me luck. Cabo gave me the evil eye the last time I went to Madam Sholba's. I think he has ill intent. If I die, make the monkey-lizard pay."
"That's was unnecessarily morbid… "
"You're welcome for that, Your Most Magnanimous Magnificence!" I grin at the scoff I hear behind me before the doors close. Tugging my hood more firmly over my head, I trudge along in the direction of Madam Sholba's boutique.
I turn left towards the eastern wing and eventually stop at the tapestry of Queen Yram. Behind the artwork is the entrance to one of my favorite secret passages out of the Palace. It leads towards the shopping district, which makes it much easier to avoid traffic, though it isn't the most practical from a defense standpoint.
Whistling lowly, I turn a corner and jump when I spot Eirtaé and Yané. They both scramble to balance the bags in their hands while I move forward to catch a parcel dropping to the ground. If I'm not mistaken, it sounds as if Yané just gulped.
"What are you doing here, Sabé?" Her voice squeaks. I catch Eirtaé's wince before deigning to reply.
"Padmé sent me on an errand, what are you two doing?" I place the parcel on top of one of Eirtaé's bags, noting how her shoulders immediately relax.
"Same thing!" Yané squeaks, once again. "Errands! Lots of errands! Did you know that, statistically, women are capable of completing daily errands at an eighty percent faster rate than men?"
"I think we all knew that, even without the statistical evidence, Yané." Eirtaé summons a bright smile to her face, as if their behavior isn't the slightest bit odd. "Exactly what errand are you in the midst of?"
"Nothing much, I just have to pick up an outfit for Padmé at Madam Sholba's." The flimsiplast bags in Eirtaé's hands make a crinkling noise as her hands tighten around them.
"Oh… is that so?" I blink at the sudden change in the air. Why are they so tense?
"But my flow chart─" Yané whispers, only to jump at Eirtaé's abrupt coughing. I glance back and forth between the two of them.
"Okay then, moving on." I hesitate for a brief moment before asking one of the questions that's been on my mind. "Do you guys happen to know what day it is?"
"Yes! Today is the day that Padmé has the lunch appointment with the Gungan delegation, and we're extremely low on shellfish." Eirtaé nudges Yané forward. "We need to bring these supplies to Cook Nara immediately."
"We don't want the Otolla Gungans to be offended by a meager shellfish serving; even though research does show they also enjoy other seafood such as colo claw ─ colloquially known as goober fish. We'll see you later, Sabé!"
"See you… later?" I wave at them slowly, watching them disappear around the corner. Apparently Eirtaé and Yané forgot as well.
Happy birthday to me…
E: We have a problem. I think she suspects something is up.
Y: I wholeheartedly concur.
S: Great. What did you guys do to tip her off?
E: That's not important. What I want to know is why Padmé sent her to Madam Sholba!? That was not part of the plan.
Y: My flow chart is ruined…
R: Oh dear.
P: Don't worry. I've already spoken with Madam Sholba. We can trust her.
Y: I have a bad feeling about this.
- Encrypted group message thread titled "Operation Biscuit Eater"
Madam Sholba has lost her marbles.
"My dear, you simply must agree that my eldest grandson is looking rather dashing in this photograph of him and Representative Nmari!" I take a step away from the holopic of said grandson ─ who is definitely a supernova, but I worry if he shares his grandmother's love of monkey-lizards ─ standing with said representative. Part of me wonders if he noticed the nose whistle as well. "You know, he is just around your age… I could make arrangements for you to meet him!"
Taking another step back, and eyeing Cabo from his perch on Madam Sholba's shoulder, I fake a smile. "That is very kind of you, Madam Sholba, but I'm afraid a Royal Handmaiden's schedule doesn't allow much time for dating."
She rests her hand over her heart and sighs deeply enough to shake the tower of curls upon her head. Somehow, she's managed to craft a hairstyle even Rabé couldn't replicate. It reminds me of an inverted traffic cone. "I suppose you are right. You are dedicated to your career as I am dedicated to my creations."
Madam Sholba waves a hand and a R3 unit rolls towards us with a garment bag balanced on its cylindrical head. If I hadn't been trained to keep a neutral expression, my jaw would have dropped. "Madam Sholba… is that an encrypted lock?"
"Oh, yes, of course! My newest garment is for the Queen's eyes only. My competition in the area may try to steal my designs─particularly that lout across the square Master Hywin─and I cannot take any risks whatsoever."
"I can assure you that I will treat your… creation with the utmost care and respect." Good grief, it's not only encrypted, it's also equipped with shock plating? What did she lace this outfit with? Beskar steel!? "If you will excuse me, I must bring this to Her Majesty as soon as possible before her next appointment."
Miraculously, mentioning Padmé's rank seems to stave off the impending viewing of Madam Sholba's recent family holo-portraits. Even Cabo, despite his tendency to cackle evilly at inopportune moments, appears calmer than normal. I am unendingly grateful for this, considering the fact he jumped on my head the last time I saw him, which lead to an unfortunate stream of language on my part.
But that's another story.
"Do pass on my regards to Her Highness!" Nodding quickly, I back my way out of the door.
"Have a wonderful day, Madam Sholba." Seeing my chance, I escape into the square and exhale a sigh of relief. A cursory glance at my chrono shows I'd been kept for forty-five minutes. Hmm, Saché will be upset that I broke her record for the shortest time spent there.
Despite the, arguably, shortened duration of this visit, I won't have time to grab a sticky bun before heading back. I suppose the Force can't give a girl a break, even if it's her second sixteenth birthday.
By the time I've reached the secret passage once more, my comlink beeps. I fish around in my pocket with my free hand until I find the device. "Vena here,"
"Sabé!" My eyebrows rise at the desperation in Rabé's voice. "You have to get back to the palace immediately."
I pick up my pace, walking as quickly as possible without dropping the most-secure-garment-bag-known-to-alien-and-mankind. "What's wrong!? I'm following Yram's path now."
"It's your sister and Saché. They've staged a coup at the medbay."
Oh for kark's sake!
"Now, what have we learned?" I glare at the harbingers of rebellion known as my sister and fellow-Handmaiden. They both sink in their cots, eyes downcast in petulance.
"We don't convince the student-nurses to allow a hovercot race in the south wing of the Palace." They speak in unison. Pilot Bran, who has become something of a fixture at Saché's side, shakes his head in wonder.
"How did you two even manage this?"
"Because they're wily and capable of great mischief if left to their own devices," I pinch the bridge of my nose. "I don't know whether to be impressed or concerned that this is what you came up with when you put your brilliant minds together."
"Come on, Sabé, you and I both know that the south wing has little to no traffic." Saché shifts upward, finally meeting my eyes. "We've been stuck in the medbay for days and I can tell you exactly how many cracks are in the ceiling, the amount of breath mints Doctor Leewy consumes per hour, and the sordid details of the collapsing relationship between one of the nurses and her lackluster boyfriend."
"Ooo, I forgot about that last one." Halleth chimes in, having been uncharacteristically quiet throughout the duration of my scolding. Normally it takes her less than a minute to argue back with me. "It's like one of those holo-dramas you made me watch when you were on break from school ─ something about the tragic love story between a bantha herder with a heart of gold and a bounty hunter on the run from his guild."
I have so many questions and not enough answers. "What does that have to do with the nurse and her quote, unquote, 'collapsing relationship?'"
"Wait, I remember Rabé making us watch that at the Academy." Saché crosses her arms and huffs. "It's such a shame that series was cancelled. It didn't even get a full first season."
"Are you kidding? The producers did all of us a favor by ending it early! That's time I'll never get back."
Pilot Bran and I share a look as Saché and Halleth begin discussing the merits of holo-dramas. I'm beginning to wonder if I could beg the Force to allow this day to start over. I've already been reborn, why couldn't I borrow an extra day?
"─I cried when I saw that episode! If that bantha hadn't run away from her owner, the herder would've never come across the bounty hunter!"
I clear my throat, interrupting their discussion for the time being. "As riveting as this conversation is, I need to get back to work. Do either of you have anything else to say?"
Halleth's brow furrows at my imploring look. "Why are you staring at me?"
"Can you think of anything else you'd want to say to me today of all days?" I swear if my only sister has managed to forget my birthday too, I might need a moment.
"… I'm sorry for being involved in a hovercot race while I'm healing up from an injury?"
My shoulders slump in defeat. I give up. "Alright. I'll see you both later. Try to stay out of trouble."
Halleth bites her lip while Saché squirms in her seat. Good, they should both feel guilty for causing such a ruckus.
At least it's almost lunchtime. What else could go wrong?
R: Status report?
E: We have transported the objects to the drop point. Panaka isn't thrilled, but what else is new?
Y: Did you bring along the portable conservator?
E: Yes. Panaka had to lift it - which, in hindsight, does explain his mood…
S: This plan better work. I feel like the backside of a Hutt. You should've seen her face.
O: Was I meant to be included in this conversation? My task was properly relayed this morning via flow chart.
E: Oh… how did that happen?
Y: I might have been a little overzealous in communication.
- Encrypted group message thread titled "Operation Biscuit Eater"
Stab. Stab.
"Kriffing delegates and their delicate palates,"
Stab. Stab.
"Can't eat anything besides shellfish and biscuits, who cares about the rest of us?"
Stab. Stab. Stab. Stab.
"I'd wager the salad has suffered enough abuse, don't you think?"
I look up from my perch in the corner of the library. Obi-Wan and Anakin stare down at me, the latter tilting his head in question.
"I would ask if you guys would like some of this, but," I lift a limp, leafy green. "It has more holes than a Nar Shaddaa tavern after a shooting match."
Obi-Wan chuckles as they join me on the floor. "Your comparison does have some merit."
"Thank you, I try." I rest my head back against the wall. "What brings you two to the library? I assume it's not to take your frustrations out on healthy food?"
"I have to return some datapads I borrowed before we leave tomorrow." My head jerks up and I immediately lose my desire to stab the food on my plate.
"Wait, you're leaving tomorrow? When?"
"Our ship leaves at 0700."
My stomach sinks. I am not about to be upset in front of Obi-Wan and Anakin. I knew this was coming. The Jedi Council wouldn't let them stay here indefinitely… but I've become somewhat fond of the both of them. "Oh, well… I suppose you're excited to get back to Coruscant."
Anakin grumbles when I reach out and ruffle his newly styled hair. "Do you have to keep doing that?"
"I have to get my chances in while I still can, Anakin."
"But you did it twelve times yesterday!"
"Aww, you counted?"
Anakin smacks my hand when I reach out once more, which devolves into the two of us playfully slapping each other's hands, turning our heads away in protest.
Obi-Wan, bless him, merely shakes his head.
"If you two are quite finished," he states dryly, bringing our fight to an abrupt halt, "perhaps, Sabé, you'd care to explain your violence towards an innocent plate of salad?"
"The kitchen is out of biscuits."
"Oh, my, that is concerning." His mouth twitches at my flat look.
"The sarcasm is not appreciated. It's been a rough day." Anakin quickly fixates on a speck of dust on the floor and Obi-Wan's expression goes carefully neutral.
"Is that so?"
I exhale once, figuring that even if I'm being ridiculous, they'll be polite enough to keep from judging me immediately. I relay the events of the day to them, watching as Anakin becomes even more fixated on the previously mentioned speck of dust and seeing Obi-Wan's eyebrows climb towards his hairline.
"And then, after dealing with the insanity at the medbay, Cook Nara told me that the Gungan delegation ate up our supply of biscuits and, today of all days, I can't have my favorite food. That is why I came here and wound up stabbing my salad."
The boys are silent for a moment. I suppose I would be too, after hearing such a long speech about insane friends, hovercot racing, and designers with matchmaking schemes.
"… Her monkey-lizard is named Cabo?" Anakin is the first to break the silence. "What kind of name is that?"
"Believe me, Anakin. You're not the first to ask that."
Obi-Wan coughs, though I suspect he is hiding a smile behind his fist. "It appears you have had an unusually trying day. I wouldn't give up hope just yet that it can't turn around."
"Yeah! Just wait until you see─" Anakin clamps his mouth shut, his eyes darting to Obi-Wan. I narrow my eyes at him.
"See what?"
"I believe what my young Padawan is trying to say is looking at the immediate circumstances can prevent you from seeing a bright future ahead." Anakin nods furiously, his mouth still firmly shut.
I glance at Obi-Wan. "I don't care what people say, Obi-Wan, I don't think you're randomly philosophical."
My comlink beeps in my pocket once again, cutting off his assumingly wry retort. "Vena here,"
"Sabé," A chill runs down my spine at the alarm in Yané's voice. "We need your help in the Hall of Jafan."
I'm already standing, balancing my plate with one hand and waving goodbye to the boys with the other. "What happened?"
"There was an… incident involving a certain Gungan delegate and a vat of Corellian jelly."
"Corellian jelly!? Don't you need a special license to serve that?" I rush towards the banquet hall, envisioning a Gungan spewing fire, as one tended to do after ingesting that condiment in particular.
If the Gungan in question is Jar Jar, I swear…
It was Jar Jar.
I stare out the massive windows encasing the Hall of Jafan, wondering exactly how I'd managed to be stuck here for three kriffing hours. It shouldn't have taken this long for Yané and I to clear the room of delegates and a fire-breathing Gungan, ("Mesa bein' so sorry, Missa Sabé!") but here I am, slowly going emotionally numb after the day's events.
"Sabé?" Padmé's quiet voice comes from behind me, turning my gaze away from setting sun in the horizon. Naboo summers tend to have shorter daylight hours than the ones I experienced on Earth. Thankfully, this means I would only be on the clock for a short while longer and then I can bury myself in my bed. I refuse to move from that spot until tomorrow morning.
"Yes, Padmé?" By some stroke of fate, she and I are the only ones in the room. I can disregard protocol for the moment. "Did you need something?"
"I wanted to make sure you are alright." If I weren't so exhausted, I'd categorize the look on her face as guilt. But that would be crazy… wouldn't it?
"I'm fine. Peachy, even. Why wouldn't I be?"
"The last few hours have been somewhat stressful. It was impressive how you handled the situation with Jar Jar."
Yes, there's nothing more impressive than shoving an industrial-strength antacid down a Gungan's throat while he's belching fire. "All in a day's work, you know." I force a smile on my face. Judging by Padmé's expression, she's not at all convinced. "I just hope Yané is okay. The situation with Jar Jar must have ranked somewhere in her Top Ten Contingency Plans."
I can't help but wonder where the kriff Eirtaé was during all of this. She was grouped with Yané today, according to our schedule.
"Perhaps even Yané's planning skills didn't account for this afternoon." Padmé sighs and takes a seat at the end of the banquet table, tracing the burn mark with her hand. "At least this day couldn't get any stranger."
I glance at my comlink with dread. "I wouldn't be so quick to say that. Next thing you know, someone will come running through that door with another random emergency and I will lose my─"
As if on cue, Rabé and Yané come flying through the entryway. I really need to learn to shut my mouth. "Please don't tell me another crisis came up."
"Feed the birds, tuppence a bag!" Padmé jolts to her feet and my hand reaches for my blaster. Maybe I shouldn't have been allowed to come up with code phrases for emergencies.
We usher Padmé between us and head to the east conference room. The painting of Queen Vasila swings open as Yané types the passcode on her datapad.
Normally, the tuppence code didn't call for an evacuation of the premises, but after the recent events with the Trade Federation we've tightened up on our security protocols. We follow the rough-hewn stone passageway downward and I silently rejoice in the fact I am wearing shoes with much better traction than before.
"Where is Eirtaé?" The question has been burning in my mind for a while now. I haven't seen her much at all today, beyond that strange encounter in Yram's path.
"She's waiting at the docks. She and Captain Panaka were preparing the hovercraft."
I raise an eyebrow. "Were they running at lightspeed? How did they get down there so fast if we just received notice?"
Yané coughs exaggeratedly and Rabé pats her back forcefully as she answers. "They… they were already down there to inspect the hovercraft in the event of suspicious activity… just like this."
My confusion grows. "But I thought Lieutenant Typho did that the day after the invasion was stopped?"
"Captain Panaka insisted on checking it himself. We all know he takes no shortcut when it comes to security."
True, but if he couldn't trust his own nephew to inspect a few hovercrafts, then there is something seriously wrong with the man.
Then again… it is Panaka. I shouldn't be surprised.
We cut to the left and I catch Padmé by the arm before she tumbles down the rest of the sloped passage. "For the Stars' sake, who designed these shoes?"
"Probably Madam Sholba." I murmur. Yané snorts in response before covering her mouth with her hand. She's been acting so odd… "Everything okay, Yané?"
"Okay,' is a relative term, Sabé. In the Laurentian system, the inhabitants of Camon live in temperatures that are uncomfortable to a sensitive, human epidermis; however, they are accustomed to this extreme geothermal environment and would consider it to be 'okay,' in their frame of mind, while we would melt in a burning, agonizing death. If you'd like, I could bring you reference material for your datapad. It's quite fascinating."
I blink, absorbing the information she just dumped on me. "I might take a rain check on that one."
We reach the end of the passage and see Panaka and Eirtaé waiting for us on a hovercraft. They usher us on to the vehicle and make quick work of speeding away from the palace. I take a deep breath and look at Panaka, who is looking none-too-pleased with our recent turn of events.
"Which drop point are we using?" I ask.
"Drop point B."
"I'm sorry… I must have heard you wrong. Did you just say drop point B?" The drop point in question is, arguably, one of the nicer areas to select. To be perfectly honest, it's my favorite due to the privacy that particular inlet allows. But as defensible positions go, we'd be sitting ducks from an overhead attack if suspicious persons have been spotted.
"I'm assuming your hearing isn't going bad, Vena?"
I bite my tongue before an allusion to his age slips out. "That would be correct, sir."
So much for going to bed early…
The hovercraft enters the inlet, scattering the local wildlife as a flock of vaxen soar over us. I cover my head with my arms, as these birds have been known to be cantankerous and freeze when I take in the shoreline ahead.
"Yes, Sabé?" I hear the smile in her voice. My heart quickens. My arms drop to my sides.
"Maybe I wasn't paying attention in Defensive Camouflage 101, but is it standard procedure for party lights to be strung along a drop point?" As we venture closer, I spot two figures in hoverchairs. Two more are off to the side, the smallest of the pair chasing the receding water and then running back as the wave courses in.
The two girls in hoverchairs nod to each other and hold two rods aloft, as they separate a holobanner fills the space between them. My eyes tear up, blurring the word: "Surprise!"
They didn't…
I turn around to find Rabé, Padmé, Eirtaé, and Yané wearing matching grins and holding a small container in their hands. I reach out and take the small cube, knowing my expression is a lovely combination of grinning and holding back an embarrassing amount of blubbering tears.
"Happy Birthday, Sabé!"
"So, every seemingly random event was part of an elaborate scheme to keep me occupied while you set this up?" We all, excluding Panaka, are seated on the shoreline, just shy of the water's reach as the waves spread and recede.
"Yeah, there was a flow chart and everything!" Anakin piped in, a half-eaten biscuit in his hands. Apparently smuggling the last store of my favorite food to this location was part of their devious plan.
I glance at Yané. "Your work, no doubt,"
"A flow chart is nothing to laugh at! Our plans nearly devolved into chaos when Padmé sent you to Madam Sholba."
"Hey!" Padmé interjects, sounding defensive. "I couldn't, in good conscience, keep burying Sabé underneath clothes this morning while you fetched decorations. Especially since someone turned off Sabé's alarm instead of delaying it."
Yané shrinks underneath my hardened stare. "That was an accident. Your datapad needs to be updated."
I'm surrounded by evil geniuses. I round on Padmé once again. "So you thought sending me to Sholba was a better idea?"
"She's harmless. Besides, I did need to have that item picked up, thus making the situation a win-win."
Instead of continuing to argue with a political superior, I turn to Halleth and Saché, both of which look far happier to be outside as opposed to cooped up in the medbay. "Let me guess: it was Halleth's idea to stage a hovercot race?"
"Before you make any baseless accusations," Halleth replies in an imperious tone, "I should ask why you believed we could get away with something like that to begin with?"
I stare at her, feeling rather bamboozled at the moment. "You mean to tell me that was all a lie?"
Saché smirks. "Essentially. It took all of Padmé's authority for the nurses to let us out for the evening."
Once again: I'm surrounded by evil geniuses. "But what about Jar Jar? Isn't it somewhat cruel to put him through the likes of Corellian jelly? Especially since he is considered a Gungan representative?"
"That one was a genuine accident." Padmé admits. Somehow, this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. It is Jar Jar after all. "Rabé was finalizing the transport of Cook Nara's birthday gift, Eirtaé─"
I lift up a hand. "Hold on a moment… did you just say Cook Nara set aside these biscuits as a birthday gift?" Never have I met a more angelic being.
Rabé laughs, the sound filling the air around us. "Oh, Sabé. Just wait until you see this."
She stands up and walks over to the portable conservator perched in the sand. My eyes widen as she opens the door, revealing a glorious bounty that has me scrambling to my feet.
"A-are those sweetcakes? Sweetcakes?"
Emotion hits me like a thunderclap. I look back and forth between my smiling friends (and an amazingly relaxed Panaka) and the conservator. The kindness of their gesture, despite how diabolical their minds truly are, has my eyes watering and my throat closing up.
It's the sweetcakes that have broken me.
"Sabé, don't cry," Rabé wraps her arms around me as my shoulders shake.
"I'm not… kriffing crying, you're all just blurry."
"She always does this when she's overwhelmed with joy," Halleth interjects. "Just feed her a sweetcake and she'll be fine."
Rabé does just that and the first bite I take is heavenly, transcendent beyond space and time. I don't know what I did to deserve such goodness. I pause, feeling everyone's eyes on me. "… You might want to hurry and grab some before I eat them all."
Soon enough, the sweetcakes are disbursed. I shake the container that was given to me and hear a soft chuckle from my left.
"Is something amusing to you, Obi-Wan?"
"You could just open the box. What if you break what's inside?"
"They know me better by now. Whatever is inside is likely near indestructible." I gasp dramatically and place a hand over my heart. "Wait… did you help them acquire a lightsaber for me? You shouldn't have!"
Obi-Wan shakes his head. "As wondrous as it would seem for you, I wouldn't subject the galaxy to the pairing of you and such a dangerous weapon." Anakin plops down on my right, brushing sweetcake crumbs off of his face.
"I would've given you one, Sabé." I grin and stop just short of ruffling his hair.
"Thanks, Anakin. I know who my true friends are."
A throat clears behind me. "Just go ahead and open it!"
Saché does tend to get impatient when it comes to opening gifts.
The lid of the container twists off and I look within. I reach inside and pull out a holocube, like the one Yané has resting on her nightstand. This one, however, displays holovideos of all my friends over the years. I see a glimpse of a late night study session at the Academy with Rabé and Saché. Another video shows Eirtaé in the midst of a protocol lesson with Yané. As I watch the various footage and moments displayed above the cube, my heart swells to the point of near-bursting.
The last video is my favorite of all, with all the Handmaidens, my sister, and Obi-Wan and Anakin smiling and waving at the recording implement used. Once the cube begins the loop once again, I hug it to my chest.
Their capacity for diabolical schemes is far outweighed by their goodness. No matter the strange events that brought me here, and the lingering sorrow of the deaths we witnessed, I will never regret my choice. I would've never come to know these people, these friends the way that I do now.
I don't care what Qui-Gon, or a cruel part of my subconscious, said in that dream. I'm not from this universe, but I certainly have never felt like I belong more than I do right now.
All I need to do is prove it.
"Anakin is down for the count." I look to my right, where Anakin has reclined back in the sand, likely in a sugar come from eating four sweetcakes. He's a boy after my own heart.
"The repercussions of his overindulgence worry me. It won't be an easy flight for him tomorrow." Obi-Wan sighs and looks towards the three moons hovering in the sky.
"It shouldn't be that bad. Especially if you give him blue milk before you go into hyperspeed."
He chuckles. "I will have to take your word for it."
After a moment of comfortable silence, I glance at Obi-Wan. He seems much more relaxed, looking up at the stars as if he didn't have a huge weight of responsibility placed on his shoulders. It was a sight that, in all honesty, I don't think I will ever forget.
"Is something the matter?" My face flushes, having been caught staring at him like an idiot.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Certainly, as you just did." I roll my eyes.
"Semantics, Obi-Wan… has there ever been tale of, say, reincarnation within the Force?"
He turns to me, one eyebrow raised. "I don't care what people say, Sabé, I don't think you're randomly inquisitive."
I suppose I deserve that. "You didn't answer the question."
Another moment of silence follows. Perhaps I shouldn't have asked him about this. "I am unaware of such an event occurring within the Force. There are certain species that believe once they die, they are reborn many generations later if their knowledge and experience is needed."
Well… that's not even remotely helpful. "Oh. Well, what about Force allergies?"
"Force allergies?" Obi-Wan's question ends in a slight laugh. "How in the galaxy did you come up with that one?"
"It's just a question! Do you think it could ever happen? Or that, maybe, the Force plays favorites?" I try to keep my expression light, as if it were all in jest.
"IF such a thing were possible, it would be truly detrimental to the individual on the receiving end of allergic reactions or, as you say, Force-favoritism." He smiles at me, that familiar challenge in his eyes. "Go on then, try to stump me once again."
I press my lips together, finding myself drawn into a game I hadn't realized I'd inadvertently started. "How cute would an infant version of Master Yoda be?"
Stunned silence follows. I think I nailed him with that last one. "Sabé… how… why?"
"Just think about it: Baby Yoda."
"If you would kindly desist with such talk, it would be greatly appreciated."
I burst into laughter, clutching my sides and nearly falling backwards. Obi-Wan offers me a judgmental stare in response. "I'll have you know that such a question was uncalled for. I do not want to picture the Grandmaster of the Jedi as an infant or child of any capacity."
My laughter begins to subside as I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand. "Oh, man… you should see your face right now."
His eyes narrow. "Are you quite finished?" Our eyes meet and I sense a tiny, fluttering sensation in my stomach. One that I should in no way, shape, or form entertain for even one second.
"If I ever say I'm finished, something is very wrong."
Obi-Wan's expression lightens as a boyish smile crosses his face, one that sets those annoying flutters back to full capacity. "Then I hope you will never be in that position, Sabé."
I grin at him and turn my gaze back to the sky, observing the three moons above us. With Obi-Wan on my left, a sleeping Anakin on my right, and the rest of my friends behind me, I cannot say there's any place I'd rather be.
I'll treasure this memory in the days to come.
To Mari: Qui-Gon's involvement will definitely reveal itself over time. You're right about her wanting to 'enjoy' her reincarnation, but the journey ahead of her into adulthood and the uncertain future will be a harrowing one. I like all of your theories about Sabé being non-sensitive. Thank you, as always, for your lovely review!
So... I hope you guys enjoyed the shenanigans and the Mandalorian references. I just couldn't help myself... We've officially reached the end of the Phantom Menace arc and we will be venturing into new territory. Thank you all for supporting this story. It means the world to me. I'll be back with an update soon!