Review Responses:

Padfoot67: Okay, good.

victorsan12345: Yeah, I like it too and it's an excellent status symbol.

Puffgirl1952 the 2nd: I'm happy that I could help distract you. I hope you get well soon.

Guest 1: I anticipated that. Let's just say that Percy's assessment of Thanos and the Infinity Stones isn't at perfect as he believes. Percy will suffer because of his Fatal Flaw. By the way, Infinity Gauntlets can be made, both Thanos and Percy have one. Percy's was made by the Elder Cyclopes and Thanos was made by Eitri the dwarf.

NinjaFang1331: Thanks.

Edit: Feb 15th, 2020.

Afters years of writing without asking for any money, I've finally hit my lowest point. I'm currently unemployed, can't find a new job, savings exhausted, and my mother was injured working as a nurse and was let go and I'm having to help her financially. I figured a small income from "Tippers" of 1$ or patrons would help while I continue selling off my old yugioh cards and looking for a job. This isn't solely to stir your sympathies, but to also explain that this is a last resort for me.

Please go to: p atre on. com (slash) Zane T69 (without the spaces, of course), if you're interested in contributing, even if its just the tipping option.

Life was great for Percy Jackson. Natasha was pregnant with their second child. Percy acquired the Space Stone from a Hela run Asgard, but couldn't sense Thor, Odin, or even Loki. Percy had vowed to deal with Hela after Thanos was defeated unless she attacked Earth.

Alliances had been formed, Earth had been fortified, and Earth was now more united than ever; mutants, inhumans, normal humans, and even the divine pantheons had all vowed to fight by their side.

The Avengers had been pardoned for their 'crimes' and Thaddeus Ross was stripped of his rank, position, and was imprisoned. All Percy had to do was build Trump a wall that amounted to nothing for the drug cartels or people with a passport that were willing to fly to Canada and then enter America from that border. It would keep out most would-be illegal immigrants though so it was worth it.

Bruce, Thor, and Loki had all returned with other refugees and had agreed to fight by their side too, but Thor was angered that Percy stole the Tesseract.

"I needed to capture it to deny Hela access to it and had I not then another could have given it to Thanos and I also thought that you were dead. I will restore Asgard, without Hela or Surtur, for you to rule and after our pre-agreed objectives are achieved then I will return the Space Stone to its casing and return it to you."

"Yeah, what are these pre-agreed objectives that I wasn't around for?" Stark asked and Rhodes was curious too.

"Restoration of all damage, mass resurrection of innocents, and after gaining intel of Kree actions we've agreed to kill all soldiers in their army and fleets. They seek Inhumans as slave soldiers to conquer more. They're assholes who don't respect Earth or anyone they deem lesser; in short they're xenophobic pricks. This temporary nigh-omnipotence will be used to purge Thanos' power-base too. We need a real morale boosting victory, to deal with a known threat, and to bring the threat of Thanos to a clean and permanent end."

"What of the other Infinity Stones?" Thor asked.

"Doctor Strange has the Time Stone, but the Soul Stone demands a price to acquire it... the sacrifice of a loved one. The goal is to either let Thanos make a vain sacrifice or to defeat him without it being brought into play and exposed. Hiding the stones after this will take a little effort, but they need to be protected. Anyway, Thor, I've arranged for you to travel to Nidavellir with Rocket Raccoon and Groot. You need a new weapon to fight at your full potential."

Thor looked like he might object, but Percy cut him off. "This will be the first attack, Thanos sends servants first and then launches a second attack himself if needed. We need you at full strength to reduce casualties in the intended second and final battle and wipe out his power-base as much as possible."

Thor nodded and the three and Loki left.

The attack on Greenwich Village didn't take very long for Earth's forces to win. Percy slew both Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian with little effort on his part.

"Yes, you clearly need omnipotence," Strange commented drily.

"I already have it on a lower tier, but the Infinity Stones are a crutch and would prevent me from working my way to the same level... they are just the means to an end for me and temporary." Percy replied.

"Why do you need more power?" Strange asked, needing to further assess if Percy was a threat or not. He had the power to be, but he hadn't shown any desire of harming Earth.

"Enemies keep getting more powerful and I like having back up plans, and I need to match future enemies without drawing upon artifacts to enhance my power or ability. Artifacts can be taken or lost."

Stephen nodded, but he didn't have a lot of options where artifacts were concerned.

With the first attack out of the way and Percy having four Infinity Stones as bait, it was only a matter of time until Thanos came for his final battle, but with five Infinity Stones working against Thanos, Percy was very confident of their victory and Thanos was too close to give up now. Thanos was closer than ever to his long sought victory but would have to take a risk to complete it. Thanos being arrogant should dismiss Percy and Strange as inexperienced in wielding the Infinity Stones, and he wouldn't be wrong, but Percy had prepared extensively for this. It was the best plan that Percy could come up with.

A complication had arisen... Gamora, who apparently had been adopted and raised by Thanos had been abducted by him or his servants. Now Star Lord, Drax, and Mantis had flown away in pursuit of them despite Thanos having a lead of an hour or more and vastly superior ships. Percy was just glad that none of them were heavy hitters and were intended to help thin out the no doubt massive army of Thanos. They weren't important, but Gamora may be a sacrifice for the Soul Stone. Percy was unfortunately needed on Earth the most and couldn't intervene to halt it without leaving Earth and the Infinity Gauntlet under defended.

They were in Wakanda now where King T'Challa had agreed to provide the battlefield for them. Percy, with the support of his alliance, had promised to resurrect any of those slain in the battle and willing to return to life after the battle in return.

It was just a matter of waiting for the attack.

"Something's entered the atmosphere." Okoye warned.

"Looks like the parties about to get started," Percy said. "We'll pick up after ourselves, Your Majesty." Percy said, amusing T'Challa.

"That would be much appreciated," T'Challa replied.

The Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, mutants, inhumans, Olympians, and people of Wakanda all began assembling to battle Thanos and his forces.

The forces of both sides gathered and the leaders of both sides met with T'Challa, Steve Rogers, Magneto, Black Bolt, Medusa, and Scott Summers and Jean Grey at Percy's back and Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive at Thanos' back.

"I see you acquired the Soul Stone on Vormir," Percy acknowledged.

"And I shall soon have all six," Thanos returned coldly.

Percy made a hmm sound. "And Gamora and the other Guardians?"

"Dead," Thanos replied. "Give me the Infinity Stones and I will allow you to choose who dies on Earth."

"Standing offer? No time limit or conditions upon when or how?" Percy asked, with a hint of mockery. It was a good offer, but one that Percy would only accept if they had literally just lost.

"I feel that was a refusal," Thanos said.

"Yeah, it was. You see, Thanos, I died before. Had a city fall on me and I was pulverized into human goo. I was brought back by Death for one reason only... to kill you and gather the Infinity Stones. I'll take the Soul Stone from your mangled corpse and then I'll make an example of you... we'll see if anyone attacks Earth after that."

Thanos gave him a bloodthirsty grin. "I look forward to it, boy."

"Don't get too excited. We don't want you to finish too quickly." Percy mocked, causing some smiles and Thanos to glare.

Percy and his faction returned to their people as the Outriders were deployed from the drop ships, but Percy was advising T'Challa.

"I suspect that Thanos might be able to rip your force-field apart... I would suggest creating a small opening where attacks could be concentrated and rip the enemy apart as they charge the opening. I'll attack Thanos and keep him occupied until I can kill him and take the sixth Infinity Stone. My immortal family should be more than enough to destroy Thanos' forces in massive numbers." T'Challa nodded, agreeing with Percy.

"Percy what was that reply of yours?" Steve asked.

"It was because I was hoping Thanos would be stupid enough to say yes. If he did and we somehow lost even with our considerable advantage then I could have unrepentant murderers, rapists, pedophiles, corrupt politicians, genocide and mass-murder supporters all killed to protect the good people. It's unsavory and unlikely to happen, but I was open to a final layer of protection for Earth if Thanos agreed that the stones could be surrendered at any time. Thanos wasn't stupid enough to agree, but I was hoping that he would be. He is known to keep his word."

Steve nodded in understanding. He didn't like it but he was aware of Percy's habit of taking precautions, thinking in advance, and covering as many variables as possible. It was a good habit, but making a deal with the enemy wasn't something that Steve approved of even if he understood the reasoning behind it.

The enemy attacked, burning, dying, and being bisected upon the force-field, and T'Challa ordered that a section be opened... as planned the Outriders began charging the opening and were ruthlessly cut down.

Thanos began moving to crush the force-field, but Percy intercepted him in a blur and drew first blood in the process by taking his hand. Thanos was quickly blasted backwards with an energy blast that shook the entire planet, both damaging Thanos' armor and shocking greatly him in the process. Thanos gestured with the Infinity Gauntlet and Percy felt extreme pain as Thanos tried ripping his soul out, before using his Infinity Stones to counter the Soul Stone, but not before getting punched in the face by Thanos and then blasted with energy for good measure.

Percy was pissed!

Percy restrained Thanos with the power of his five Infinity Stones, cut off the arm with Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet on it, and then took the final Infinity Stone and added it to his own... the influx of power was amazing and almost orgasmic.

Percy felt like he had almost blown his wad! It was that intense!

"Not bad at all. I had the raw power necessary to kill you, but not the experience and I under estimated the power of the lone Soul Stone. I still expected better, but I see that my expectations were far too high," Percy stated indifferently. "All that fun training paid off though." Percy amputated Thanos' legs, causing him to bellow in agony. Next, Percy used the now complete Infinity Gauntlet to kill every single one of Thanos' followers and all those who would emulate his actions. Percy levitated the crippled Thanos and walked back to the alliances forces.

"You beat him quickly," Steve said in surprise.

"Yeah. I hit him hard and fast. It helped that I had the Infinity Gauntlet, greater power, speed, strength, and was severely under estimated. I killed off all of his followers though to halt the attack." Percy said, to the forces happiness. "How are the casualties?"

"Very light. Ten." Steve replied.

They were quickly resurrected and Thor arrived via the Bifrost, looking around for Thanos and his army, but looking annoyed.

"Is he not-. Oh there Thanos is." Thor said. "Did you guys win already?"

"Yeah, but you can execute him if you want. I plan to restore Asgard after resurrecting any casualties of the battles, undoing any damage, and killing the Kree navy and army." Percy said.

Thor nodded and then crushed Thanos' skull with a single swing of Stormbreaker, avenging his friend Heimdall in the process. Percy made sure that Thanos could never return by dispersing his atoms across the various realms and made sure that they had to be reunited to resurrect him.

All the damage Thanos had done to Earth during his insane crusade was quickly undone and all members of the Kree armed forces were killed... Percy would frame Thanos for their murder.

Percy would restore Asgard and all of its people who were slain by Thanos and Hela and bestow Hela's power upon Thor, which included him finally gaining the Odin-force. Hela was forever reduced as a threat and the Odin-force was finally allowed to pass onto Thor as Odin always hoped. Hela couldn't access it, but her placing in the line of succession prevented Thor from gaining or accessing it. After restoring Nidavellir, the dwarves, and Eitri's hands, Percy left the Space Stone, now restored to its container, in Asgard and returned the Time Stone to Stephen Strange.

Having done that, Percy restored the so-called Guardians of the Galaxy and their ship and sent them off with his thanks and their individual weights in gold. Percy wasn't very impressed with Peter, Drax, or Mantis though.

The threat of Thanos had ended with a whimper and Earth was protected by the new strongest being in the universe... Perseus Aegaeus.

The threat of Thanos had ended and Earth began advancing quickly... under Percy's manipulation. North Korea was defeated and absorbed by South Korea. Canada, America, and Mexico merged after dealing with the drug cartels and corrupt people in positions of power. Most of the continent ended up joining this alliance and Earth was growing more united and strong... Earth's defense force was growing stronger and was taking parts of the Kree fleet to cut costs.

Percy and Natasha would end up having four children together and Natasha would eventually agree with Wanda becoming Percy's second wife and would bear Percy another four children.

The now united Earth and its heroes would defend the world from alien invasions, attacks, and even an attack by the Celestial's... Percy would wear the Infinity Gauntlet once more and destroy an entire host with a force assembled specifically for killing them.

Earth was safe, strong, secure, and would eventually be the capital of a massive Republic of free planets.

Authors Note: Okay, so the Thanos threat was easily resolved. Some of you are probably angered, annoyed, or maybe you even realize that it was primarily a narrow strategic victory that was so successful due to an advanced warning and Percy's strategic abilities. The overwhelming victory served to further validate the worlds new direction and changes and boost the public support of the various superhuman teams. Was it quick? Yes, but it was believable. Percy stressed, obsessed, and trained to fight Thanos never believing that he would acquire most of the Infinity Stones. Enough to equalize them? Sure, but not enough to overwhelm him. The Soul Stone was hyped as the most powerful if I remember correctly and with good reason. Percy won only because he had the other Infinity Stones and Death's blessing on him like Thanos did.

Edit: Feb 15th, 2020.

Afters years of writing without asking for any money, I've finally hit my lowest point. I'm currently unemployed, can't find a new job, savings exhausted, and my mother was injured working as a nurse and was let go and I'm having to help her financially. I figured a small income from "Tippers" of 1$ or patrons would help while I continue selling off my old yugioh cards and looking for a job. This isn't solely to stir your sympathies, but to also explain that this is a last resort for me.

Please go to: p atre on. com (slash) Zane T69 (without the spaces, of course), if you're interested in contributing, even if its just the tipping option.