Authors Note: Okay, this is intended to be my first big story in a while. I powered through writers block and managed to finish this rewrite of an older/unpublished work of mine. This is a Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Marvel crossover, but focused on the MCU. It will have elements from the comics though like mutants. Percy will be extremely powerful, but for a good reason... he will be proactive and hard working and character is being "trained" to fight the big bad's.
You know, if you had asked me when I was twelve. I would have said that my life would be very short and miserable. I was wrong. I also later learned that exceptionally powerful Greek Demigods could become immortal upon gaining 25% Ichor cells in their blood and reaching their prime. I, Percy Jackson, was one such Demigod, as were Heracles and Hippolyta and several others. That doesn't sound that bad though, does it? Immortal, superpowerful god-like beings without any real responsibility. I could have tolerated it, with the right company, but I had already lost Annabeth Chase to her greatest enemy.
Her own hubris! She had finally tired of all the quests, suffering, and mortality, and went behind my back and had requested godhood from her mother. She, of course, got her wish and she became a minor goddess of Architecture, and came to try manipulate me into joining her, but I refused and was strangely pleased that I saw her true colors before marrying her. She then proceeded to throw a tantrum when she was denied what she wanted and tried striking me. I caught her punch, broke her wrist and threw her out of camp. I later found out that she agreed to leave me in exchange for godhood and then tried breaking her agreement with her mother.
How did I know this? My father told me.
POV Change.
Annabeth had just been forcibly removed back to Olympus by Athena and Artemis, Percy found it amusing that they were both much stronger than her and weren't even really trying to hold her... merely using one arm each. Percy sensed his father Poseidon flash in nearby.
"You don't seem very saddened by your forced separation," Poseidon said in observation, he looked very saddened for his son.
"She showed her true colors and chose to leave me behind, and then lie to and try to manipulate me, which she sucks at, by the way, so I hope that she's not the goddess of manipulation or deceit."
"She isn't. Minor Goddess of Architecture, and nothing else. I managed to prevent her from getting a throne and temple, though, so she'll be an immortal servant to Olympus forever. The minor gods and most of the council all agreed with me, you have made yourself a lot of allies, son." Poseidon said, with obvious pride. "You know, you could probably become a god too. I know that the council would support it." Poseidon added, hopefully.
"I might in the future, but right now I have a break-up to win, and I want to discover my full potential before becoming a god. I was actually thinking about hunting down the survivors of the Titan and Giant Armies and destroying them." Percy replied, really not wanting godhood at this time.
"That, you can do. We haven't got around to it yet, but we've all previously agreed that it needs to be done. Just be careful, some of those monsters are immensely powerful and can even fight and defeat the gods." Poseidon said, in fatherly concern.
"I'll be careful and I'll win," Percy said confidently. Percy had been holding back and hadn't exploited all of his talents, and it was past time for him use all he was given. Maybe if Percy had, then less people would have died and the wars could have been more easily won.
End Flashback
And Percy did. Percy hunted down and wiped out the Lycanthropes, Southern Cyclopes, the dark breeds of Centaurs and cyclopes, and the Olympians and he cast their essence directly into the void, destroying them forever. Percy did spare all those who swore allegiance to Olympus though, and they began to live off of evil humans. Percy defeated Phorcys and Keto and drained their immense powers, and Zeus and Poseidon cast Keto into Tartarus. Percy tried to kill Lamia, but Hecate and Poseidon intervened to stop him. That was okay, Percy had defeated Chrysaor and added his powers to his own.
The hellish intensity of Percy's war caused him to burn away more of his mortal life blood and replace it with ichor as he pushed himself far beyond his bodies safe limits... But Percy adapted and he became stronger than most Olympians.
Percy was pleased with his progress and he returned to Olympus to report his success. Percy ended up spending months there, and he got lucky. Literally. He had sex with Tyche, lady luck herself. He pleased her so much due to his practicing with Annabeth and a few other girls afterward that his prowess was common knowledge around Olympus, and Nike, Demeter, and even Lady Aphrodite herself all had sex with Percy; thankfully Hephaestus gave him permission and he actually seemed serious. It was incredibly difficult, but Percy eventually satisfied Aphrodite and both hit their physical limits.
As a reward, Percy became one of the very few mortals to ever be blessed with the powers she gave to her children, and the first Demigod with another parent. That enabled him to satisfy her much easier, so much so, that Hephaestus eventually changed his mind and retracted his permission. For once in Percy's life, he hated his fatal flaw and agreed, though quite sadly. On the plus side, Percy had powers rivaling those of Piper and Drew. Percy continued his relationships with the other goddesses while Hecate taught him magic, having sensed his massive amounts of magical potential and power, which was equal to half of her own.
What he learned from her made him so powerful that he felt almost invincible.
It was 2011 and Percy had begun draining powers from enemy Titan's and gods... Achelous, Oceanus, Aigaios, Koios, Hyperion, Krios, and even Kronos; Percy gained the water and storm powers of Achelous, Oceanus, and Aegaios, the Intellect, Prophecy, Farsight, and Cryokinetic powers of Koios, and the physical might of all of them, as well as Kronos' time manipulation powers.
It was still 2011 and Percy was bored, so Percy asked for permission to create the Olympian Elite Forces to act as special forces and if need be, serve as trainers and generals. Percy had already surpassed Heracles in accomplishments, so everyone quickly agreed; even Zeus seemed to now respect him. Percy spent two years training them to highest levels possible with the aid of Hippolyta, who he began a sexual relationship with, but, eventually, they had two dozen incredibly powerful Demigods and had met our quota and Percy was bored again.
It was when Percy learned of Jason Grace's death that he did something awesome and terrible... Percy laid waste to Caligula's super-yacht fleet after being calmed down by his father. Originally, Percy had intended to torture Caligula until he faded, but his father wouldn't let him risk angering the Fates.
Percy eventually began looting battle-fields, even acquiring the Asgardian Destroyer, Chitauri technology, and destroyed their bodies to prevent testing. Unfortunately, all those objects disappearing wasn't exactly subtle, and Percy had to buy the Asgardians silence with the return of the Destroyer, and an oath on the Styx that he did not study it or knowingly allow it to be studied. Odin approved of Percy's oath, gratefully accepted the offering, and even ordered Thor to remain silent about his activities. This also improved the Asgardian-Olympian alliance and won Percy even more support. Percy was just glad that he altered reality to collect them, and used his spare power to partially restore the worst off areas. That soothed his urge to do good and to help people.
Percy continued this hobby for years in his spare time. Percy acquired massive amounts of skill, did bounty hunting, assassinations, and even emptied the bank accounts of several targets. Percy acquired massive amounts of wealth, used his powers to create an artificial island and had a home built there for himself. He protected people from dangerous objects by storing them in vaults that were cleverly warded. Percy was enjoying his life and had begun to find the idea of immortality bearable. And then HYDRA was revealed to exist.
You wouldn't think that would be an issue or even a minor inconvenience for Percy, but they had abducted a Demigod for 'experimentation'. Percy saved him in time and managed to destroy any information they had, but he declared war on HYDRA anyway. Percy couldn't allow that threat to continue existing and he began his purge. Percy did what he did best, and he made an example out of them...
Percy killed thousands... he tore them apart, ripped the water out of them, dehydrated, cut, stabbed, and tortured them until he had killed over twenty thousand people. Percy slew entire families sometimes, and looted their assets afterward. If they didn't have family, their assets were claimed as spoils of war. Percy raided HYDRA holdings, SHIELD bases and even raided the Fridge before HYDRA could and destroyed several dangerous objects.
In two months, Percy had killed over twenty thousand people, destroyed billions in HYDRA infrastructure and he looted billions more in money and other valuables, including weapons designs and energy sources which were promptly absorbed. He only missed a few HYDRA personnel, such as; Wolfgang von Strucker, a Doctor List, John Garrett, and Grant Ward. He left behind evidence as a warning to not cross Olympus, mangled corpses, crucified agents, agents skinned or burned alive, heads mounted on sticks, and in one location a pool of blood large enough to swim in. Percy truly lived up too his name, Perseus, meaning Destroyer.
Percy did eventually kill Ward and Garrett, Percy offered to heal a SHIELD agent in exchange for their deaths. Agent Coulson quickly agreed, and Percy was glad that he avoided telling him that he destroyed the base where Project TAHITI took place and all the research, Kree byproducts, and anyone who could restart that vile project. That would not have been well received, and it would likely have caused a fight. Percy could have simply killed Coulson and his team, but they were good people and they opposed HYDRA. The saddest part was this wasn't even challenging for Percy.
Percy was at the height of his power. He was more durable than any Olympian or Titan and could probably defeat his uncles or his own father. He was far stronger than most Olympians and he could lift over a million tons. He was faster, smarter, and he could now fly under his own power. Best of all, Percy had gotten his PhD's in Engineering, Electronics, Mathematics, and Physics. His mother was overjoyed and was bragging about how smart her son was... that intellect enhancement from draining Koios had removed the negatives of his ADHD and Dyslexia and had allowed him to learn and retain information at an accelerated rate.
After extensive research into portals and in tracking Infinity Stones, Percy had acquired two of them: the Power and Reality Stones. Taneleer Tivan was locked inside a display case and the Power Stone was just lifted from a vault. Percy's father Poseidon consented to having the Elder Cyclopes secretly forge his son an Infinity Gauntlet to handle the stones' powers.
Between all that, Percy had found the time to help and befriend another child of Athena... Francis 'Frank' Castle. Frank's family was murdered and the District Attorney had placed a DNR form on him. Percy did the natural thing and healed him, introduced himself and explained Frank's true parentage, and when he expressed interest in vengeance supplied him with a lot of weapons and ammo.
That enough back story? Good!
It was April the 29th, 2015, and Percy had been tipped off that Thor Odinson was looking to recruit him. He lowered the wards around his island so that Thor could find him, and when that was too subtle, Percy went to find him. Fortunately, he was easy to find, and so Percy was in front of him, clad in his full Adamantine armor.
"I heard you were looking for me," Percy said in the air.
"Yes, I am. I'd like to recruit you into the Avengers. Your reputation is known to all the gods of Midgard, and you would be a great ally to us." Thor said in reply.
"Then I'll join you. I need the challenge anyway. My fights have been too easily won." Percy said, causing Thor to smirk.
"Then perhaps I should test your might to see if you are worthy of being an Avenger." Thor said, making a show of pulling Mjolnir into his hand.
"Happily," Percy said, drawing his Adamantine sword. "Whenever you're ready, blonde ambition."
Thor's response was to summon a lightning bolt and strike Percy with it. Percy did the natural thing and caught it, absorbing it, and causing Thor to look surprised.
"Let's skip the warm-up and get to the main event..." Percy said, before using his full speed and strength to punch Thor with his full strength, busting Thor's lip open, and knocking his head back due to the force of it. Percy capitalized on his shock and punched him in the nose, before avoiding his counter-attack with Mjolnir.
"Better!" Percy said, before quickly blocking an attempt to bludgeon him with his shield, which took the hit and remained undamaged, and Percy countered with a slash that cut some of his hair off and blasted him down onto the ground with his magic, causing him to land in a newly created crater. Percy quickly teleported near Thor and disarmed him with a kick to his arm before punching him again, dodging his counter-attacks, while delivering his own. He faked to the left and Percy fell for it, and he punched him into a mountain, but Percy easily shrugged it off. Percy leapt/flew into him, and punched him in the face; breaking his nose.
Percy followed it up with a blast of magic that put Thor through a mountain.
Sadly, the fun was interrupted. By the appearance of Percy's Uncle, Lord Zeus and Thor's father King Odin.
"Enough!" Zeus said, angrily.
"We weren't fighting to kill! It was an audition!" Percy complained. He finally had a challenge a fun fight, and Bolt-boy ruined it!
"An audition that shook the nearby city." Zeus said, with a glare.
"So we rocked the worlds of a bunch of women? I wonder if the vibrations gave them any orgasms?" Percy asked, causing Thor to snort in amusement, and Zeus to glare murderously. Odin just looked amused at how easily angered Zeus was. "Sorry," but not really. "We'll stop fighting each other, besides I think that I qualified to be an Avenger."
"And then some," Thor said in agreement. His face was covered in blood and he actually had some soreness.
"Fine, whatever, just don't level any cities." Zeus said, before flashing out.
"Perhaps avoid fighting each other too. Off you go now." Odin said, before teleporting back to Asgard.
"They both have a gift for making grown ass men feel like small children." Percy said in observation. The sky thundered, and Thor laughed.
"Yes, let's go. I'll introduce you to the other Avengers." Thor said, before twirling his hammer and flying away. Percy quickly followed, while concealing his amusement at how dorky his flying method was.
"If anyone asks, our battle was broken up because it would have ended the world. It sounds much cooler than saying that your daddy and my uncle did everything but make us apologize and shake hands." Percy said, causing Thor to laugh.
"Indeed, and our battle probably could have ended the world, Perseus."
Percy followed Thor inside, where they were greeted by the other Avengers.
"Who's your friend?" The sexy and infamous Black Widow asked, before looking at Thor. "And why is your face covered in blood?"
"This is the Demigod that I spoke of recruiting. His name is Perseus, and we fought. He's the one that I mentioned as an excellent Avenger recruit. He broke my nose and put me through a mountain, so that's an excellent accomplishment to his name. Our battle was interrupted by Odin and Zeus when we punched each other so hard that it shook the city."
"That's what that was?" Steven Rogers asked. "Tony and Bruce are in the lab trying to find the source of it."
"Well, look no further than the awesomeness that is me." Percy said, getting a snort from Black Widow and a smirk from Thor. "Thor did okay too, but only one of us bleeding and it isn't me."
"You would have lost eventually, sadly the planet probably wouldn't have survived."
"Maybe in your dreams, Princess," Percy replied. "I beat Oceanus, Hades, Ares, Aigaios, Phorcys, Keto, Serapis, armies of cyclopes, werewolves, and undead." Thor looked shocked.
"There might be a chance you could win..." Thor said eventually.
"A 100% chance," Percy replied with a smirk. "I can just absorb your lightning and counter your storms."
"Boys. I'm sure you could both kill each other very well, but, Thor perhaps you can go tell Tony and Bruce that your fight was the source of the earth tremors." Widow said, and Thor nodded and left to go do that.
"So what kind of training do you have?" Rogers asked.
"I've been trained and I've been fighting since I was twelve. I've received the equivalent of military training given to soldiers, spies, and assassins around the world, and extensive martial arts training. I've killed Marcus Scarlotti and Georges Batroc. You're welcome to look into their deaths if you need an example of what I'm capable of." Percy replied, unnerving Rogers.
"You've been fighting since you were twelve? Why did they need child soldiers anyway?" Percy could tell that Captain America didn't approve of children fighting in wars.
"Prophecy doesn't discriminate based upon age and demigods are much stronger and more durable than human adults. With the Fates general bitchiness and indifference it was either fight or die. Besides, most demigods are born for battle and PTSD and other forms of trauma can be undone in moments. In our last war we lost dozens, but the enemy lost thousands."
"Why couldn't they just fight their own battles?" Black Widow asked skeptically, believing that Percy was brainwashed to believe lies.
"Ancient laws against interference, and they have massive penalties that usually make things much worse."
"How much worse?"
"What you feared happening, such as your entire families death, happening. The Fates allowing things to escalate and the war to worsen; more collateral damage, spies getting information, losing your supplies, or maybe even just falling at the wrong time and making a noise that gets you and your team killed. A lot of people have died believing that they alone were responsible for a causes doom, but were actually puppets for evil bitches who just care about the big picture. Their way works, but most would love to destroy them."
"So your the guy who butched Thor up some?" Tony Stark asked, making an entrance, followed by Bruce Banner, Thor, and Maria Hill. They were all introduced to each other by Thor and shook each others hands.
"Yes. I would have done more, but my uncle Zeus and King Odin ruined the fun." Percy replied, before noticing Thor's nose healed. "Aww, your nose healed. I really should have taken a picture as proof."
"I can get you a video freeze and send it to you." Stark offered, to Thor's annoyance.
"Great! I can show it to all my friends, all of Olympus and every person that I ever meet."
"I'd rather that you didn't." Thor said, beginning to act somewhat sullenly.
"No promises," Percy replied.
"So, Thor wants to recruit you to the Avengers, and he even sang your praises for an entire hour. We were beginning to wonder if he was body swapped with a teenage girl with all the fan-girling that he was doing." Stark said, making several of them snicker.
"The hairstyle does lend credence to that theory, and I think getting a slight trim angered him more than getting his nose broke or lip busted." Percy added, causing them to outright laugh.
"Anyway," Rogers interrupted, getting us back on track.
"HYDRA's pretty much dealt with, but the Avengers still have a couple little threats to deal with. What were you doing during the Battle of New York, anyway? Thor mentioned you had been fighting for years." Stark asked.
"Re-organizing an army and creating an elite combat group that I then had to personally train." Percy deadpanned in reply, not appreciating the implication of cowardice or laziness. "I wasn't going to throw an untrained force at an army, and then have multiple world governments try to control them and piss off the gods of Olympus when they eventually tried ordering them around. That never ends well. Hell, I got in trouble for calling Ares an asshole to his face and insulting him a lot."
"Why did you insult him?" Thor asked, seemingly confused why Percy would risk insulting a god.
"He was mad that I fucked his girlfriend several dozen times and filmed it and sent it to him." Percy said, bragging at this point. Percy was very proud of his ability to satisfy the goddess of love, beauty, lust, sexuality, desire, and pleasure. "He didn't like that his lover of several thousand years wanted an eighteen year old instead of him."
"That would do it," Stark agreed in humor.
"Good memory?" Hill asked looking at Percy's groin in appreciation, and causing him to raise an eyebrow before looking down.
"Yeah, and has some inconvenient side-effects apparently." Percy had a very inconvenient erection. On full display to the entire room, with his size on full display and counting himself as one of the blessed. Percy was pretty sure that all divine and part-divines are. Percy just refused to check for obvious reasons.
"Well, I think he would make a great Avenger," Hill said, with a wink in Percy's direction.
Percy replied with a smirk, he was more than willing to have sex with her. She was a sexy older woman that wanted to see if she could handle his size. Percy loved women like her.
"Okay, welcome to the Avengers, and please keep that away from my girlfriend." Stark said, causing Percy and the others to laugh.
"Thanks, and no worries. I only have sex with girls in a relationship if their guys okay with it."
"What about Ares?" Thor asked in amusement.
"Ares is an asshat and I got Hephaestus' blessing to sleep with his wife, which was more than Ares could ever say. I just wish that he didn't change his mind after a few weeks. I was having the most fun of my entire life!" Percy said, making everyone laugh. "Anyway. Are there any rules I need to obey while an Avenger?"
"Nah. We might temporarily disband soon, Thor just had a feeling that said otherwise and we're humoring him." Stark said, before quickly adding, "but either way, you're an Avenger."
"I kind of agree with Thor. The Maximoffs are major threats and there could be others." Widow said. Rogers and Banner nodded in agreement.
"Anyway, we're having a party in a few days and your invited. By that time Clint should be recovered and you can meet the rest of our buddies too." Tony said.
"Cool, I'll be there."
"So, what all can you do? Hell, I just realized I don't even know your full name. I just know your name is Perseus and that your a Demigod, but that's it."
"You just let a complete stranger on the Avengers without knowing his last name?" Percy asked. "I thought you had already ran a full background check on me." Percy said, causing Tony to look embarrassed and the Avengers to look amused.
"Thor vouched for you. That was good enough." Tony said somewhat sheepishly.
"Sure... Anyway, I'm Perseus Aegaeus, but I pretty much go by Percy. I'm a son of Poseidon and I can control water, summon storms, cause Earthquakes, and I'm also very talented at magic. I will stop aging at my prime, and that's about it." Percy used his magic to ensure they believed that was his last name. Percy refused to use his family name in a potentially public way and give his enemies a target, thankfully, his father agreed and gave him permission to use his.
"How strong are you? Because you broke Thor's nose, and Banner couldn't do that while transformed into the Hulk." Rogers asked.
"Last I checked, I could bench over a million tons." Percy said, not willing to tell them everything.
"Damn!" Stark exclaimed.
"Language!" Rogers said, before suddenly looking like he regretted it.
"Remind me not to use profanity, I can get really creative." Percy commented in amusement. "There isn't a swear jar or anything like that around here, is there? Because I might end up bankrupt." Percy added in humor.
"Why would you mention the existence of swear jars?" Stark asked faux horror.
"I'd get major street cred for bankrupting Tony Stark," Percy replied in a convincing tone. "Because everyone knows that all of those inventions don't actually make you billions and that a swear jar can ruin you. It's a diabolical plot." Percy deadpanned, causing a few Avengers to chuckle.
"It'll take more than a swear jar to break me, kid. By the way, how are you on gear?" Tony asked.
Percy flashed on his custom armor, based on Ancient Greek and modern armor. Composed entirely of Adamantine and ultra durable materials.
"Damn! Is that solid gold?!" Hill asked in shock.
"This is the legendary metal Adamantine. Much stronger than human made Adamantium, and that was before I made my enhancements. So, I'm good on gear. Anything that I do need I can always make for myself." Percy flashed away his armor, back to its case.
"Nice. I still think I can make better gear though."
"I'm sure that the Elder Cyclopes will all be thrilled to hear that a mortal with mere decades of experience thinks that. They would probably laugh about it before crafting another indestructible suit of armor or yet another super-weapon that can kill billions." Percy replied and Thor snickered while Tony looked shocked.
"They make primitive armor designs," Stark pointed out.
"That can teleport onto its owner through dimensional barriers, withstand incredible heat, and is damn near indestructible. Looks can be very deceiving Stark. Mjolnir can probably destroy entire solar systems based entirely upon the fact that it is the weapon of the Crown Prince of Asgard. Would you need repulsors if you could already fly and fire energy blasts? Your armor is actually inferior to some that I've seen by children of Hephaestus..." Stark looked shocked again. "Armor powered by stabilized anti-matter that can enhance the strength of people who can already lift tons over a hundred fold. It simply looks primitive and uses other more magical components because it's what they know best or because they lack greater resources."
"I think you broke him," Widow commented drily.
"So, do you all need my contact information for missions?"
"Yes, we do." Stark said, "Maria will collect that, and then you're free to go if you want."
"Wasn't aware that I was a prisoner."
"Well, with the way Maria was eying your bulge, you just might get locked in a sex dungeon." Stark said, making a couple Avengers snort in amusement, but Maria just gave Stark a look that promised revenge. Roger's looked like he was about to blush at any second.
"You don't need to lock me up. Just use your words, Maria. I can be persuaded with the right incentive." Percy winked at Maria. "And if you want some revenge then we can do it in Stark's bed or office." Maria pretended to think about it, but she wouldn't actually do that and Tony knew it.
"Well you can go give Mistress Maria your contact information."
"Come on," Hill said, in undisguised annoyance, and walking out of the room. Percy followed her out, hoping that he could get her in bed too. "Alright, write down your contact info here," Hill said, handing Percy a piece of paper.
"Kay," Percy said, before beginning to do that. "Sorry about that by the way. Sometimes I get caught up in verbal sparring and make an ass out of myself."
"It's fine. I'll get revenge on Stark later. I'll just let you make it up to me some other time," Hill said, with a suggestive undertone.
"Happily. I'll be sure to be extra generous when I am." Percy replied, with an equally suggestive tone, and was rewarded with a smirk. "What time do you get off, and do you have any plans?"
"At 6:00 PM, and no I don't." Hill replied with a smile. She was eager to try out a demigod, and that was obvious. Percy having pleasured a sex goddess made it irresistible for her. She might not ever have a chance like this again.
"How about I pick you up then and take you to my place? I can make you dinner and we can make some memories..." Percy said, as he handed the paper with his contact information on it back to her.
"I would love that," Maria replied. Percy could sense her sexual frustration due to Aphrodite's blessing and he fully intended to relieve her of that frustration. "Any preferences food wise? I make great Lasagna and garlic bread."
"Sure, I love Italian."
"So Italian for dinner and Greek for dessert?" Percy asked with a smirk and caused Maria to chuckle.
"I wouldn't turn down chocolate either, but yes."
"I'll see you then," Percy said, before capturing her lips in a passionate kiss, causing her eyes to widen in shock, but she didn't fight it. She actually returned it. Percy pulled away, winked at the poor sex deprived and horny assistant, and then left to say goodbye to the Avengers.
Percy was looking forward too tonight!