
Asta looses almost all his energy when he's sick. He becomes the human equivalent to a disinterested slug. He sleeps a lot and eats a very little. For the most part, he just trudges around the house in the most un-Asta like way possible. So un-Asta like, in fact, that Luck concluded that he was an evil doppelganger and tried to attack him. It took the combined might of Noelle, Magna, and the Captain himself to pry Luck off of poor Asta and a desperate mirror call to Yuno to explain that Asta is just like that when he's sick.

Asta will normally spend his sick days curled up in a blanket burrito. He'll sleep anywhere and everywhere. In his room, on the table, in a chair, hanging from the roof (long story), anywhere. He's still well-meaning, but he seems to be a better listener when he's sick, since he doesn't have the energy to shout. Most of what the Bulls know about Asta came from quiet conversations when he wasn't feeling well.

Asta can still move around when he's sick, and still carries his "I can do it" attitude. The squad doesn't mind, as Asta can actually do it himself and they've never seen him so sick to where he can't. He doesn't get hit very hard with viruses and normally has the mildest symptoms of whatever illness is going around. He's still Asta, just drained.

Next chapter soon!