Author's note, I have read so many Jackie/Hyde fanfiction stories over the years, and just recently the thought of this story came to me. It picks up at the beginning of Season 8, yes that hated season, yes she is pregnant and has tried to tell Steven, but she wants to know he is there for her and not just out of obligation. She wants a life different than what she grew up in. I have taken inspiration from several other stories, but hope that this shows some originality. Jackie will leave Point Place, but the person she leans on is someone that hasn't built a close relationship with Jackie before. I have written a lot of the story, and have an idea of where I am taking it, but would love feedback.

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter 1

Jackie had a secret but there was only one person who had to be the first to know, and he had left the week before. Left her alone in a motel room after that stupid misunderstanding with Michael. She had tried before she left to let him know, but he had said to have a nice trip. She was going to tell him the night he came to her in the motel room but Michael Kelso had to ruin it, he took off and none of her begging for him to stop could keep him with her. She didn't want the baby to be the only reason he stayed with her, if he only stayed with her because of the baby then she would have no different marriage than what her parents had, loveless with resentment and a child stuck in the middle. She wouldn't do that to her child, she would love this child and would raise it on her own than parents that was just together for the child. She took and went back to Point Place to talk to Steven, why had he shown up? Was he ready to say he loved her and saw a future with her? These where questions she owed to not just herself but the baby she was carrying.

A month had passed she stayed in her parents' house that still seemed as cold and empty as it did growing up. Pamela had taken off for parts unknown right before Jackie graduate high school. Noone even knew, noone even asked where her mother was. She checked in with the Formans daily for any word on Steven. She came close to sharing her secret with the woman who was like a mother to her, but knew Steven had to be the first to know. She did talk her into cooking lessons, if she was going to be doing this on her own she needed to learn how to cook, and she needed to be eating better than the hub and take out.

Luckily her morning sickness was actually only happening in the mornings. Her afternoons was going through her father's office at the house to see what she could find of any savings that would be in her name, her trust fund in particular. Was it there? What was the terms of her getting the money? Finally she found the safe and the documents of her trust fund, to be given to her on her 20th birthday, just a few months away. It would be enough to be comfortable and take care of her child.

Kitty was loving having someone to dote on, with Eric in Africa, Steven and Laurie both MIA the rest of the basement gang really didn't come around. Michael was working on the Point Place police department and his time off was spent in Chicago with his daughter Betsy. Fez was busy working in the salon and going to beauty school to become a hair stylist and not just a shampoo boy. Donna was still working as a DJ and avoiding the house of her boyfriend and the hurtful memories that was turning into resentment that he was off doing something with his life and traveling while she stayed in the same place she had since she was 5.

Jackie and Kitty was working on dinner in the kitchen when Steven came through the door.

"My baby!" Screamed Kitty, taking him into a tight hug.

"Hi Mrs Forman, missed you too…you can let go now" Steven said as he pried her arms off of him.



"So where have you been?"


"Oh, about what you think you saw…" Jackie started but Steven cut her off.

"It doesn't matter anymore, you left, I shouldn't have tried to follow you."

"But why did you come to Chicago?"

"Like I said it doesn't matter anymore, look you wanted to get married and I am just not ready, not sure if I'll ever be ready"

Jackie could feel her heart breaking, but then Donna, Kelso and Fez all walked in. Having seen Hyde pull in the driveway, Donna had called Fez and Kelso over.

"Hey man great to see you" Donna greeted Hyde, her first smile since Eric left, everything had seemed off and maybe now it would start to get back to normal.

Fez grabbed Hyde like Kitty had earlier, "Hyde never leave me like that again" he cried.

Kelso was unsure what to say after the last time they saw each other, and before he knew it he was met with Hyde's fist to his face. Picking himself off the floor he looked at Jackie and remembered her cries in the hotel room that night and the beating he got from her when she came back a week later. "Dude I guess I deserved that, probably should prepare for more of that"

"No man, said everything I needed to say in just that one punch, we're good" Jackie gasped, she expected Steven to beat the hell out of him, one that would make her beating look like a tickle fest.

"So where have you been?" Donna asked having missed the Vegas announcement earlier

"Vegas, don't go to a Don Rickles show with an afro" Hyde told the group.

"Steven, we really need to talk" Jackie pleaded

"Jackie, look we can talk later" he answered, just then the doorbell rang and Kitty went to answer it and a tall busty blond stepped in.

"I'm looking for Hyde?" she said as she walked in

Hyde looked up, "Sam? What are you doing here?"

"We got married silly, don't you remember? Of course we were pretty drunk"

"WHAT!" screamed Jackie, "you just said you didn't think you could ever get married to me, but you married this stranger?" Not giving him a chance to respond Jackie ran out of the house. While everyone else stood there in stunned silence.

Leave it to Kelso to break the silence, "Wow dude, talk about a burn"

Kitty was next with her signature laugh, "hahaha, Steven how did you two meet?"

"Sam worked at a club I hung out at in Vegas" Steven said still in shock

"Dude you married a stripper! This keeps getting better!" Kelso kept it up.

"Steven, what do you want to do with your wife" Kitty said, almost choking over the word wife. She herself was feeling Jackie's heartbreak, after this past month with the small girl she was thinking of her as a daughter she wished Laurie was, and she had a suspension of her secret that she was keeping, but never shared with her. She knew she would tell when she was ready, and figured she wanted to tell Steven first. Silently she prayed that Steven would tell Sam to leave and get an annulment and work things out with Jackie, for his own sake and the sake of their baby. She also worried what this news could do to Jackie in her condition.

"I guess she stays" Steven said, thinking well if he was married he wasn't going to be like Bud and bail on his marriage, even if it was one that he didn't even remember. "I'll show you to my room" as he picked up Sam's suitcase and showed her to the basement.

Kitty's heart broke even more, as she watched Steven show Sam down the stairs and noticed that none of Jackie's friends bothered to go after her and check on her. Kitty quietly went to the phone in the den to call Red and fill him in on what had just happened.

Red was in his muffler shop holding a weeping Jackie when the phone rang, he was able to get an arm free to answer, "Forman and Son's muffler shop, what can I do for you?"

"Red, Steven just got home from Vegas, apparently he got married to some stripper while drunk…"

Kitty was cut off by Red, "HE DID WHAT! I am going to kick his ass when I get home. I hope he kicked her out"

"No, he just took her down to his room" Kitty was trying to hold back the tears "I am worried about Jackie, she ran out of here right after the girl showed up, not one of those idiots chased after her to check on here"

"Kitty, she's here, but she hasn't been able to stop crying long enough to find out what was wrong"

"Red take care of her, I am worried about her"

"I'll calm her down and get her home"

Meanwhile in the basement, Hyde showed Sam his room, she was less than impressed that it looked like a cross between a storage room and a bedroom with a cot for a bed. The only time it looked like a full bedroom was when Jackie had decorated his room, God he missed that look even if it was a little girly, for once he felt like he had nice comfortable things. And then Jackie took it all away, what little of Jackie's things had been left were moved out the night he went with the guys and got drunk in the beer warehouse. He knew the moment Sam showed up his destiny had come true, whatever he had with Jackie was done and over with. The past 2 years was for nothing.