Author's Note: Well we're here. Like most episodes this season, this finale is a bit shorter than you're used to, but I really think it'll be enjoyable. Well I hope so, anyway. Not much to say so let's get to it. Honestly, this one gave me a lot of trouble. Some serious writer's block , but I conquered it and gave you one of my favorite episodes.

Disclaimer: I don't own Total Drama, the shuffled concept or the (most of) the characters.

And to answer some reviews:

Tempokeep: The original challenge was a rehash of the Tri-Armed Triathlon. But yeah, letting the losers confront these baddies was just too good an idea for me to pass up. Rebecca was clearly a worse person, but Olivia screwed more people over and that's what sealed her fate.

TheChrisanthemum: Sorry, but I try to keep my main antagonists out of finales. That and the Terrance/Rebecca rivalry was really cool to me. Come on, main antagonists or not, all my villains get what's coming to them.

Derick Lindsey: In truth, the fact that Olivia was behind so many eliminations is why Mitch voted for her. I probably should've mentioned that during the episode now that I think about it. Glad you liked Olivia dressing Scott down, I was worried that be one of those really annoying rants that are obviously the author venting even if it's totally out of place in the script. Like I just did there... Anyway I hope you enjoy the finale!

Gucci Mane LaFlare: I hope so, this one gave me some trouble.

The Aspiring Fanfic Fanatic: Well It was kinda obvious considering how little plot they had. Well considering I was trying to make a villain that you liked and hated at the same time, it's not weird at all you were rooting for Olivia... yeah, she's not gonna have a good time when she gets home... Glad you liked Dakota's growth, because I was kinda worried the whole thing seemed rushed. Jasmine had a good reason for her passiveness that I cannot mention right now but you'll get your answer soon enough. Yeah I noticed people tend to leave out Owen's more hostile side. But canon left it out too so I guess there's a reason for it. Well to better explain Topher's vote, Rebecca's the type of person you tune in to see if they're gonna be gone yet. That kinda of hated cast member isn't the kind of person you actually want to win. I'll be honest, I wasn't thinking about canon World Tour at all with the finale. But I see the parallels now.

OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated: You have a fair point, but they all see Terrance's honesty as a poor excuse for his bullying. And while Rebecca hid her true nature, she also didn't send home almost half the cast, so she gets a pass and Olivia goes home.

Irrelevant User: Well Olivia was the main villain, it just makes sense she gets the boot. As I should've mentioned before, Mitch voted for Olivia because she sent more people home then Rebecca. You, along with a lot of people, are rooting for Terrance. Why no one like Rebecca? lol.

Guest: Thanks I guess Rebecca/Terrance was a little obvious once the rivalry set in. I can't comment on Olivia's sudden ability to be nice to people.

EndeavorT: I got busted for using my phone at work because of this review. It made me laugh really really loud. But you're right.

OptimusK: Ah, remember Terrance himself his a jerk who just happens to be honest and there's no relation between the qualities. But your support of the bully is noted.

LazloVader9943: Considering Mal is one of the two people Matthew wants to kill, I doubt he'd put aside their differences. Either one might work with Rebecca, but all three together is rather impossible.

That British Guy: Feeling sad for Olivia is admittedly, one of the things I was going for with her.

Tom: Thanks for the info.

This was either completely expected or way out of left field, but that doesn't change that this season's finale is between Terrance and Rebecca. May the best camper win.

Episode 13: Iron Camper

"This season, on Total Drama Danger Island!" Chris began along with the capstone theme over a long-distance shot of the island. The recap montage opened with a shot of the original two teams in the main lodge before the first challenge, followed quickly by a shot of Owen's, Carly's, Scott's, and Jasmine's initial introduction by way of parachuting onto the island. "We introduced sixteen brand new campers to the newly resurfaced Wawanakwa for the latest million dollar competition," Chris said over a shot of the iconic briefcase in front of a radiant yellow background.

"Fittinlgy, our most intense cast yet," Jasmine, Scott, and Topher forced a blood taco into Olivia's mouth; Mitch vomited after eating the plague-els in the same challenge; and the Ruby Warriors aside from Jasmine had trouble with the outback soup, "competed in our most intense challenges yet." Terrance shot a tranq ball at Owen; Leonard and Lindsay were chased by Larry; and Mitch rode a bull through the camp.

"But they still found time to scheme and betray," Chris said over a clip of Rebecca shooting Contessa with a tranq-ball. "Scott sabotaged his own team," the schemer was shown convincing Olivia and Dakota to not jump in the first challenge. "Olivia stole Scott's immunity idol and sent him packing," the schemer gaped in shock as his Chris Head was revealed as a forgery to the amusement of Olivia. "And Rebecca never loved Contessa!" The hopeless romantic was shown reacting with shock to her elimination, and the rebel revealed her duplicity. "And Olivia was the mastermind of like 70 percent of it." A few quick shots showed Olivia smirking evilly, hugging Rodney as the Dragons discussed eliminations, and being confronted by Lindsay. "That girl played the campers like suckers!" the host finished over shots of the actress talking with Rebecca, guilt-tripping Owen, gloating to Dakota.

"In the end, though, Olivia got what was coming to her," the final three were shown being confronted by the losers, then Olivia's headshot was shown up-close, followed by her breakdown, with her departure right after ending the montage.

"After twelve insane challenges," Chris said, standing on the dock in his baby blue tuxedo, "we're down to our Final Two players. Who will take home the million dollar prize?" he asked, motioning to the right. The camera pulled back and panned over to show Chef Hatchet standing by with the suitcase of prize money in his hands and a smirk on his face.

The host cleared his throat and adjusted his bow tie with a sheepish look on his face. "Will it be Terrance, the misanthropic jerkhole jock with a penchant for getting under people's skin?" he asked as a clip of the basketballer making a rude comment slid into the entire right half of the screen. "Or Rebecca, the budding sociopath that managed to slip past our psych screening?" The rebel's smirking portrait took over the left side of the screen.

"Find out right here," Chris continued as the scene returned to him, "right now, on the season finale of! Total! Drama! Daaaaaaanger Island!"


[The sequence begins much as it did during the first season, with an open into letterbox format as the camera focuses on the tops of a few distant barren pine trees. A barnacle-covered stage light rotates up and turns on; then the shot changes to a seaweed-covered spotlight swinging down and turning on as well; then a small security camera popping out of a small water-filled hole; then another camera bursting out of a tree hollow, a small deluge of water flowing out with it; then a pair of fair-skinned arms clapping a film slate in front of the camera which switches to a shot of the island, then flying forward down the dock and past the run-down buildings, passing the host as he handed a roll of duct tape to the fat intern and pointed off to the left.]

Dear Mom and Dad, I'm doin' fine;

[The camera flies through the trees and up to the largest cliff, peeking over to see two rings of buoys laid out in the water.]

You guys are on my mind!

[The camera dives off the cliff and into an underwater shot; Owen is swimming through the water with a large grin as a fish swims by. He farts, and the gas bubbles kill the fish.]

Ya asked me what I wanted to be,

And now I think the answer is plain to see!

[A cut to the surface, where Olivia is in her swimsuit sunbathing on a pink inflatable raft. The fish surfaces, and she sits up with a look of pure disgust. A bird swoops down and picks up the fish, and the camera follows the bird as it flies away.]

I wanna be...famous!

[The scene lingers on the bird in front of the sun for a moment before it drops the fish. The camera pans down to Topher sitting on a stump and admiring his reflection in a mirror; the fish lands in his hair and he runs away screaming and wiping away his hair. The camera zooms out to show Scott watching the scene and laughing, and then again to show Terrance also laughing, the two boys slapping five as Scott wipes a tear from his eye.]

I wanna live close to the sun!

[The camera zooms to another part of camp, showing Leonard and Lindsay sitting in canoe and about to go over a waterfall. As he was too busy casting spells and she was too busy being impressed, they notice too late and scream as they go over the edge.]

Well pack your bags, 'cause I've already won!

[The shot pans down to the bottom of the waterfall, showing Rodney standing on a broken log suspended between two rocks with a blank look on his face. Though he does not see Leonard or the canoe falling behind him, he does see Lindsay and catches her. She smiles wide and hugs him, and he drops her with a lovestruck expression.]

Everythin' to prove, nothin' in my way;

[The camera rapidly pans to the right to the outhouse confessional, where Rebecca is spray painting something to the side. The camera pans out to show Jasmine leaving the confessional unaware as to what Rebecca is doing, then pans over to the Main Lodge – Chef's silhouette is visible in the window.]

I'll get there one day.

[The camera moves in past the window to show an irritated Chef, arm deep in a large pot of something sickly green. He looks behind him to where Max and Carly are sitting; the former with his arms raised and in the middle of an evil laugh, the latter trembling in fear next to him.]

'Cause I wanna be...famous!

[The camera pans left to Mitch sitting with his feet on the counter. He tips his hat to the camera, and it zooms out past another window to show the edge of the docks. Contessa notices the camera and gives a short and shy wave.]

(Na-na nanananaa, nanana-nanaa, na-nananananaa)

[Dakota moves the camera onto herself, and kisses the lens. She waves as the female intern quickly wipes away the smudge, then types something into her cellphone. Moments later, five other men appear on the docks with cameras, snapping pictures of a rapidly-posing Dakota.

I wanna be! I wanna be! I wanna be famous! (Na-na nanananaa, nanana-nanaa, na-nananananaa)

[The camera pans down the docks to show Beth giving a wide toothy grin and wave to the camera.]

I wanna be! I wanna be! I wanna be famous! (Na-na nanananaa, nanana-nanaa, na-nananananaa)

[Beth steps back and twirls a flaming baton while passing it back and forth between her hands, then tosses it in the air. The camera follows the baton as day becomes night. The camera lingers as the baton falls out of frame - a few embers still flying up - and pans down across the stars and dead trees and full moon to Mitch and Jasmine, sitting at a campfire together. They lean in for a kiss but are interrupted by Owen's sudden appearance between then, an arm around both of them and an oblivious smile. The shot zooms out to show the other campers also sitting around the fire and whistling the last few notes of the theme song - Max, Carly, Olivia, Rodney, Contessa, Rebecca, and Lindsay on Mitch's side; Beth, Scott, Leonard, Dakota, Terrance and Topher on Jasmine's side as Chris watches on Jasmine's side and Chef watches on Mitch's. The shot continued to zoom out until a signboard was shown marking the presumed entrance to the fire pit; it read 'TOTAL DRAMA DANGER ISLAND' in block letters, the third word being the largest and the last word relegated to a board tacked on at the end]


A tense trilling theme played as the episode opened to a shot of the main lodge, the ground more and more marshlike, before zooming inside. Terrance and Rebecca sat on opposite sides of the same table, eating what looked like breakfast scramble bowls and glaring at each other.


"After a month of competition," Terrance smiled. "I'm finally in the last challenge."


"Yeah," Rebecca smirked. "I knew I'd get to the finale."


"Sure there were some close calls," the basketballer admitted, "but I was always able to come out on top."


"I'd hardly call it a final challenge though," Rebecca continued. "I'm up against Terrance, the guy wouldn't have even made to the merge if it wasn't for me."


"Yeah," Terrance scowled. "I know Rebecca's a big part of why I'm here." He smirked. "That just means she'll underestimate me."


"Underestimate him?" Rebecca asked as if responding to either a question or the previous confessional. "Not likely. His ability to read people's pretty useless right now and without that? He's useless."


"No I'm not happy Rebecca's made it this far," Terrance scowled. "Let's just for a brief moment ignore the fact that she backstabbed me and set me up to be her scapegoat. That girl's a frickin' sociopath! I don't know why Chris even let her on the show."


"Am I happy that that smart-mouthed traitor might wind up winning my million?" Rebecca asked with a hint of sarcasm and irritation. "Of course I'm not! But I am a little glad that this is where I get to pound him into the dirt."


"Rebecca's strengths?" Terrance asked. "Not really sure, she spent so long hiding behind that mask of indifference, I can't really get a read on her. But that gives me and advantage," he said. "Since I don't know what to expect, I have to be on guard for pretty much anything. And since I don't hide who I am, I can change things up and throw her off."

"She better watch out because she-"


"Terrance has one strength," Rebecca said. "He's just a guy that's good at basketball. So unless the final challenge's a sprint down a waxed floor, I'd say I'm clear to win. He'd be better off quitting because he-


"has no idea what I'm capable of," both finalists said in side-by-side confessionals; Terrance on the left said his line with fierce determination, but Rebecca's on the right was said in a way that would bring a chill down your spine.


"So," Terrance said in a stilted manner just before the camera cut back to the Final Two.

"Yep," Rebecca said, adjusting her beanie with a slightly mocking smile on her face.

Terrance frowned. "Don't think I'm gonna go easy on you just because you lucked into the finale with me," he told his opponent.

"Glad to hear it," the rebel replied. "Crushing you wouldn't be as much fun if you decided to give up."

The baskeballer pursed his lips. "You're up to something, aren't you?" he asked with a suspicious tone. "Probably got some scheme because you know you can't beat anyone in a straight fight."

"Wow," Rebecca said with the barest hint of sarcasm, "you've already seen right through my cunning plan. Of course, since you're so good at reading others, I shoulda seen it coming."

"Yeah, I'm not fallin' for it so don't bother," Terrance told her. "I know you're too slippery to let my guard down. Like I said, I'm not gonna go easy on you."

The rebel smirked. "Does that mean that you also have some scheme up your sleve? You did manage to impress me with your plan after the fear challenge."

Terrance scowled at her, then scoffed. "Like I need to. There's nothing any of us can do to mess with the competition now. No more voting, nobody to manipulate, no backdoor deals, just the two of us going head to head until one of us is a million bucks richer."

Rebecca chuckled lowly. "It certainly seems that way doesn't it?" She shrugged, then ate some of her food. "One of us will win sooner or later, so there's no point in bickering about it. I don't know about you, but I'm gonna go back to eating my breakfast."

"...yeah...," Terrance said, slowly and with visible skepticism as he went back to eating his breakfast.

A second later and accompanied by a dramatic twist in the background music, the camera cut to the large hole in the roof as a canister was dropped inside the room. Already spraying some kind of purple gas when it hit the floor, it immediately caught the two campers' attention.

"What the-?!" Rebecca exclaimed, trying to cover her nose and mouth with a look of irritation on her face.

"Seriously?!" Terrance said irately just before the gas sent the two asleep.


The scene faded to black, then faded back in to the two sleeping contestants lying rather close to each other on the ground surrounded by familiar and strange foliage. It was Terrance who awoke first.

"Huh?" he grunted in confusion as he looked around, his drowsiness rapidly fading away as he stood up and jumped back in disgust. "The heck?! Yo," he shouted at the girl, "wake up! We ain't at camp anymore!"

With a dramatic note, the scene rapidly zoomed out showing that they were once again in the Fun Zone.

Rebecca finally awoke with a groan, then quickly looked around with a hint of panic in her eyes that faded into irritation. "What's going on? Where are we?" she asked.

"If I had to guess," the basketballer said dryly, "the Fun Zone."

Rebecca stretched, then stood up and cracked her back. "Looks like we've started the last challenge."

"We better have," Terrance said as he looked around, "because I'm gonna have a few words for McLean if we haven't."

"I'd bet the first thing we have to do is get out of here," Rebecca mused aloud.

"And whoever gets out first," the basketballer replied, "gets a head start on the rest of the challenge."


"I can't believe I'm saying this," Terrance griped, "but I'm really tired of getting kidnapped."


Rebecca chuckled darkly. "And it begins."


The scene abruptly cut to a shot of some dead pine trees before zooming out and showing Chris and Chef standing in a clearing and facing the camera. Behind them was a long white line, and behind that was a set of bleachers filled with the fourteen eliminated campers– on the top was Max, Rodney, Beth, Carly, Owen, Contessa and Olivia and Jasmine, Mitch, Dakota, Lindsay, Leonard, Topher, and Scott sat on the bottom- and to the left, a monitor showing the Final Two in the Fun Zone.

"The final challenge is about to begin!" Chris announced, "And here to cheer for our finalists, it's all those who didn't make it this far!" As he spoke, he motioned to the bleachers behind him, but no one cheered.

"Well," Chris shrugged as he looked over the fourteen scowling faces, "I guess I wouldn't cheer for these guys either."

"I know I wouldn't," Chef added in an gruff tone.


"He honestly expects us to cheer for those two?" Jasmine asked incredulously.


"I'd rather be eaten by sharks," Scott deadpanned.


"Terrance! Rebecca!" Chris said into a radio, the camera zooming cutting to the two in the Fun Zone, his voice reverberating over the loudspeakers. "Welcome to your thirteenth and last day of competition! In order to claim victory you must beat..." A clip was shown of Chef Hatchet in a red track suit running along, "the Iron Camper Quintathalon," the host said as his assistant hopped in a canoe and paddled along, "That's right, you'll have to make it through Five intense challenges. Each, with a dangerous and deadly twist." A shark suddenly jumped over the canoe, causing the large man to gasp and paddle out of sight.

"First," Chris said as the shot cut back to the two finalists, "you have to find your way out of the Fun Zone."

The basketballer shrugged and crossed his arms. "Done and done."

"Then what?" Rebecca asked with a suspicious glance around.

"If you make it out," Chris continued without acknowledging the campers, "run to the first beach," the camera panned over to a pair of canoes on a beach, red on the left and green on the right, "and canoe to the dock on the main island. Also," he said as the camera to several naval mines in the water, "ya might wanna watch out for the mines!"

"You just had to ask," Terrance scowled at his opponent.

"Next," the host continued as the shot moved across the dead forest, "you'll have to run to the top of the diving cliff while being as silent as possible. Otherwise our interns will blast ya with Chef's spicy meatball mix. Scuba Bear is still in the woods somewhere, and is pretty hungry." The camera quickly cut to the top of the aforementioned cliff, "Once you're at the top of the cliff, just jump off"

Terrance and Rebecca looked slightly wary. "This is gonna sap the stamina," the lavender-haired young woman said faintly.

"How can a robotic bear get hungry?" Terrance asked.

"And that's only three legs!" Chris replied quickly. "Next," the camera panned down to the water where several shark fins could be seen, "you'll have to swim through shark infested water to a marked beach!" the camera cut to a section of beach with two flags set up, one green and the other grey.

"Then what?" Terrance asked with a mixture of annoyance and fear.

"The final leg of the race," the host continued, "is another long-distance run. Just grab your flag and bring it to me. First camper to hand me their flag wins! And ya can't hide the other person's flag."

"Good luck," Terrance smirked. "You're gonna need it."

"Try not to get blown up or eaten," Rebecca mocked. "Or do, I don't care."

"On your marks," Chris announced as the screen split into two - the finalists on the left and Chris on the right. "Get set," the two campers got into a running position as the host raised an airhorn, "GO!" He blew on the airhorn, and the two campers were off.

A tense and fast-paced tune began as Terrance and Rebecca raced towards the exit. Rebecca suddenly slowed up and let Terrance take the lead, and the basketballer sent a mocking smirk her way.

"Giving up already?" Terrance asked.

"Nope!" Rebecca replied with a smirk of her own.


"I let him take the lead for two reasons," the rebel explained. "First, he'll probably run out of stamina before I do if he keeps that pace. Second, He's been here more recently than I have, and that means he knows where he's going. I'll just follow him."


The static ended and cut the footage cut ahead to a trail in the woods. Rebecca ran into view and skidded to a stop, then looked around in confusion. "Where'd he go?" she asked in frustration.

Something croaked above her and the shot cut to a small frog, seemingly normal aside from an eye stalk on the top of its head, sitting on a branch. The frog jumped down and landed on the rebel's head. With a noise and flash of light it disappeared, bringing Rebecca with it, and they blinked back into existence in mid-air a few yards away. Rebecca screamed as she started to fall, and the mutant frog teleported away to presumed safety before the rebel landed with a crash on the forest floor.


In another part of the forest, Terrance was smirking to himself while approaching what appeared to be a gigantic turtle shell, a short and spiky tail poking out of one end. "I think I gave her the slip," he said to himself, but gasped and shouted when the tail suddenly wrapped around his leg and pulled him inside the shell. The beast inside growled and stood up, its stout legs and turtle head popping out of the shell's holes...along with Terrance. With another growl the mutant punched him away, and he landed in a heap with a pained groan.


The camera cut to the Peanut Gallery, or more specifically, Topher and Scott. The schemer was watching the live feed with a scowl on his face and the fan was idly drumming on his legs. "Kinda boring to watch from this angle huh?" Topher said.

"What do you want?" Scott sniffed. "Bummed you didn't make the finale?"

"I think we all are," Topher replied. "Especially considering who did."

"You're the one who helped her get here," Scott pointed out. "Maybe if you were less focused on drama and more focused on winning, it'd be you in the race for the million."

"Says the guy who sabotaged his own team," Topher scoffed. "Next time try a better strategy."

Neither boy said anything else, but both looked rather pensive at the other's criticism.


Another flash moved the focus to the entrance to the Fun Zone. While the doors remained closed, two ropes descended from the top of the wall to the ground. Terrance reached the wall first and smirked, then started climbing.

"No!" Rebecca shouted in anger, dashing to the wall and climbing the other rope.

The focus changed to the outside of the wall as Terrance landed on his feet from a jump. He hissed in pain, then took off down the path, Rebecca made a perfect three-point landing and stayed there for a moment. She looked directly at the camera and growled, the music taking on an ominous tone as she did so.


The scene cut abruptly to the beach with the two canoes set up. Terrance was already there, but was struggling to get his canoe in the water. "Come on..." he groaned as he continued to push to no avail. "I don't have time for this."

It was then Rebecca showed up and effortlessly pushed the other canoe into the water and jumped inside. "See you at the finish line!" she mocked as she started paddling away.

"Stupid sunk cost fallacy," the basketballer grumbled in irritation. "Okay," he sighed. "Let's try this." With a hefty grunt, he lifted the back end of the canoe up and then pushed. The boat easily slid through the sand and landed in the water, and the boy grinned as he jumped into the canoe and took off after his rival.

A whine signaled the loudspeaker turning on once again, and soon enough Chris's announcement rang through the air. "Both finalists are finished with the first leg and are starting on the canoe race!"

"Rebecca has taken the lead for the first time in the challenge thanks to some trouble with Terrance's canoe," the host continued, as the rebel was shown slowly trying to paddle her way the the mass of naval mines. "But! Navigating the mines has slowed her down, allowing her rival to catch up!" The camera briefly cut to the basketballer reaching the start of the minefield then back to the rebel.

"Perfect," Rebecca growled in irritation.


The camera cut back to the Peanut Gallery, this time to Contessa scooting closer to Olivia. "Hey Olivia?" she said nervously.

"What?" the actress spat.

"I just wanted to thank you for standing up for me last challenge," the hopeless romantic said, briefly losing her confidence and quickly regaining it. "But I just wanted to know. Why were you so nice to me then?"

Olivia huffed and looked at the other girl. "Because you're a good person," she said seriously, "and you didn't deserve what happened to you."

"I don't know," Contessa said nervously. "Sometimes I think maybe Rebecca had a-" her thought died upon seeing the glare Olivia was giving her.

"That psycho did not have a point," the actress growled. "You didn't deserve that and I don't want you changing who you are because of this."

"But-" Contessa tried to say.

"No buts," Olivia interrupted. "Maybe if there were more people like you," she looked down sadly. "There'd be less people like me..." Her eyes widened as she realized she'd said that last part out loud. "And that's all you're getting out of me." She huffed again and turned away, leaving Contessa looking rather confused.


"That was kinda weird," Contessa told the outhouse.


The scene cut back to the second leg of the challenge, where Rebecca had almost made it out of the minefield. "You're never gonna catch up now!" the rebel shouted back at her opponent, "So you might as well give up!"

Terrance scowled as the camera cut to him, struggling to keep his canoe away from the naval mines. "Enjoy your lead while you can!" he shouted back. "I'm going to win this stupid game!"

"And Rebecca makes it out of the naval mines," Chris announced as the rebel was shown paddling across open water, "which means it's smooth sailing for her the rest of the second leg." The rebel stopped long enough to send a mocking smirk and wave Terrance's way before canoeing to the dock.

The background music became tense as the basketballer growled to himself before perking up and looking at one of the mines. "It's worth a shot," Terrance said to himself. He maneuvered his canoe directly in front of the mine then took a deep breath...

... then backed into it.

The explosion was instant and the camera cut to Rebecca as she looked back in surprise. She shrugged and said "There goes the competition," with a smile. Her face fell into shock once again however, as Terrance's screams were heard.

The camera cut to the basketballer - with slight tatters in his clothes - flying through the air, then to the dock as he painfully slammed into it face first. He groaned, then stood up and looked around. "It worked!" he cried in triumph before looking back with alarm. "Whoa!" he shouted, quickly ducking out of the way of his flaming canoe. Once the danger had cleared, he smirked, and took off down another path.


The camera flashed to a shocked and stationary Rebecca still quite a ways from the dock. "And thanks to some quick thinking from Terrance," Chris's voice announced, "Rebecca's blown out of first place and he starts on the third leg!"

Rebecca growled in anger and quickly paddled her canoe. "But Rebecca's not givin' up yet so it's still anyone's game!"

The shot cut to Chris with the Peanut Gallery behind him and Chef with an odd smirk on his face next to him. "We're halfway through the final challenge," he told the camera as the capstone theme began to play. "Who will win the big prize? And why's Chef look like the cat that ate the canary?" he gestured to his assistant with his thumb with a brief and conspiratorial look. "Find out when we return on Total! Drama! Daaaaaanger Island!"


(Commercial Break)


Terrance smirked and cracked his neck. "Alright, wish me luck," he said to himself. A tense challenge tune rose up as he ran forward a bit and released a deep breath . "Okay, looks like I'm safe for now," he sighed before starting to run once again.

Moments later, he took a step and something honked; it startled him enough that he let out a wordless shout.

"Did you honestly think I wouldn't fill this section with booby traps?" Chris asked over the loudspeaker, Terrance looking down at his feet and the camera cutting to him lifting his foot off a bike horn. "That's on you!" the host finished as the long banged intern was shown firing his bazooka with a grin.

Terrance screamed as he was hit with a large ball of meat, and the camera cut to show him slam into a tree with enough force to knock it over, leaving him stunned and groaning on the ground. "Uh-oh," Chris taunted mischievously earning a nervous look from Terrance, "here comes Scuba Bear!" The camera pulled back just enough to show the left forepaw and hip of Chris's favorite robotic bear standing up.

The music turned tense as the viewpoint shifted back to the basketballer scrambling to stand up and dashing off down the path. "What is wrong with you?!" he shouted out to the sky.

"What can I say?" Chris's voice answered via loudspeaker. "It makes for good TV!"

"What it makes is you insane!" Terrance replied, still running down the path and not looking where he was going.

"Says the guy arguing with a loudspeaker," Chris pointed out. "By the way, you might wanna try looking in front of you for a change."

Terrance's eyes widened as he skidded to a stop. Scuba Bear had somehow managed to get in front of him during the argument.

The shot cut to a patch of woods, Terrance running the opposite way down the path with Scuba Bear hot on his heels. "I hate this frickin' show!" he yelled.


"So who do you think is gonna win?" Lindsay asked Leonard as the scene flashed back to them at the Peanut Gallery, the ditz cuddled up to the wizard. She laid her head down in his lap and he started idly running his fingers through her hair, both with content smiles on their faces.

"It's hard to say," Leonard said after a moment's thought. "Terrance currently has the lead, but you must admit Rebecca's having much better luck with the whole endeavor. Plus she's the only one running in the right direction."

Lindsay groaned. "I was thinking the same thing," she complained. "She's probably gonna win the whole thing at this rate."


"It's not that I like Terrance," Lindsay told the outhouse. "It's just that if I had to choose to give one of them the money, it'd be him. He's the lesser of two evils."


A groan took the attention of the couple and the camera, both of which turned to see Scott glaring. "Do ya have to do that where people can see you?" he complained.

"Don't you have some wood to whittle?" Lindsay asked, visibly annoyed.

"Come on man," the schemer said to Leonard. "Do you really think this thing is gonna last? The second you leave this island, you two are done for."

"I'm not breaking up with Leonard anytime soon!" Lindsay told Scott.

The wizard blinked in shock. "You got my name right!"

Lindsay blushed. "I've been practicing."

Scott scoffed again. "Sure let's ignore the fact that your girlfriend had to practice getting your name right."

He ignored the two glares he got.


"So I have problems with my memory," Lindsay told the outhouse. "That doesn't mean I don't love Leonard!" Her eyes widened as she relized what she said and she blushed.


The camera cut to Rebecca as she reached the dock and got out, then ran down the path accompanied by a deep, ominous note. "Remember me?" Rebecca asked after suddenly stopping, the camera pulling back to show Scuba bear visibly cowering from her. "Why don't you help me out for a bit?"

With a yelp of glee, the shot cut to Rebecca riding Scuba Bear down the path.

"And Rebecca makes it to Leg Three!" Chris announced over the loudspeaker as the rebel rode her mount. "But does she have what it takes to catch up to Terrance?" he asked the camera as it cut to him.


The scene moved back to the basketballer, looking battered and bruised with more tears and rips in his clothes, stumbling down the path. "Considering how fast she's going and how slow he is," Chris continued via the loudspeaker once more, "I'd say yes."

The camera rotated to the left and zoomed out to show that he was climbing up the cliff to the usual tense challenge theme, and the announcement seemed to give him a second wind as he started heading up at a faster pace.

He reached the top of the ciff and flopped to the ground in exhaustion. "Gotta keep going..." he muttered as he tried to get up. A whistle caught his attention, and he turned to see Rebecca casually strolling towards him. He took a deep breath and managed to stand up.

The music was deep and dramatic as the scene moved to the two finalists heading towards the cliff edge with Rebecca moving noticeably faster. "Not so fast!" Rebecca declared as she tackled Terrance to the ground.

As she stood up to run towards her goal, the shot panned down to Terrance as he sat back up and grabbed the rebel's leg. "Same to you!" he replied as he pulled, the camera cutting to Rebecca slamming down on the ground then panning up as Terrance scrambled over her.

The shot cut to her running towards the cliff edge, only for Rebecca to tackle him from behind sending both back to the the ground. An aerial shot showed the rebel straddling him and repeatedly trying to punch his face, only for the basketballer to shield himself with his arms. "What is your problem?!" he demanded.

"You're in my way!" Rebecca answered.

"You can't win like this!" Terrance shouted.

"You're right," the rebel replied, stopping her wailing long enough to smirk and scratch at his arms. He hissed in pain and held the arm, and she just hopped off of him. Terrance took the opportunity to run to the edge of the cliff but was promptly shoved off by Rebecca before he could get into diving position.

"Thing is," she said, the camera moving directly in front of her as she smirked at his screams and the sound of him landing in the water, "I wasn't trying to."

The shot cut to Terrance as he surfaced with a dazed look, spat some water out of his mouth, and looked around. The camera pulled back to show he was in a small patch of red water that was only getting bigger and that several shark fins were slowly advancing upon him.

Terrance came to his senses and noticed the water, then looked at the arm Rebecca had scratched, then to the shark fins that were now too close to swim away from, and screamed in terror.

The camera cut to the shocked faces of the Peanut Gallery as they watched the scene unfold.


"I told you that girl was a psycho!" Olivia told the outhouse.


The scene cut to the top of the cliff as Rebecca made her jump, then followed her down the cliff and into the water. The scene cut underwater to show her look around, the smirk. Terrance was currently trapped by four sharks, each with its mouth around one of his limbs and keeping him stretched out, with a fifth swimming towards him.

Rebecca let out a laugh, the sound catching her opponent's attention long enough to see her send him a mocking smile and wink before swimming away. The shot then cut to the marked beach as Rebecca swam ashore and grabbed the grey flag with a smirk, then ran down the final path.

The camera cut to a close-up of Terrance's angry face, his growling blending into the tense and ominous background tune. With a sharp spike in the music, he headbutted the shark that was trying to ram into him in the nose then did the same to one of the ones holding his arms with another spike. He then punched the other arm-holding shark to another spike, and kicked his legs together, knocking together the heads of the sharks holding them. He quickly swam away while the sharks were distracted.


"So that's it then," Contessa lamented as the music turned somber. "Rebecca's gonna win. Take everything."

Mitch sighed. "I knew the girl was trouble, but this is just too much. I shoulda voted for her when I had the chance."

"I don't even know why I came to this stupid island," Dakota added.

"No," Owen said sternly, standing up to address the others. "That's not how this works. The bad guy never wins Total Drama!" Carly opened her mouth to say something, but Owen continued as the music turned slightly heroic. "I know Terrance is a horrible person, but right now, he's the good guy! He can't win without our support! So let's get over ourselves and cheer for him!"


"I don't know what came over me," Owen admitted with a chuckle. "I guess I just couldn't stand to see everybody so upset."


The camera cut to Chef as he checked his watch and chuckled darkly to himself. Chris gave him a suspicious glance, but shrugged it off and tapped his foot impatiently.


"Let's see, Terrance should be getting chummy with the sharks right about now." Rebecca said to herself, a smug grin on her face as she walked through the woods at a rather casual pace. "He's basically out of the game at this point so I'm gonna win."

"Don't give me that look," she told the camera, "I told him repeatedly to stay outta my way. It's not my fault he didn't listen," She let out another condescending laugh.

Her laughter trailed off again as she continued a few more seconds in silence.


The camera cut to Terrance as he washed ashore with a groan, now covered in scrapes and cuts and bruises and his clothes in tatters, and slowly stood up. "Almost... there..." he slurred as he grabbed the green flag and hobbled down the final path.


The scene flashed to Chef chuckling. Chris rolled his eyes and huffed. "Okay dude," he told his assistant, "What's got you in such a giggly mood?"

"That girl she played told me to deliver a muffin basket," the cook explained with an angry expression that soon turned to dark glee. "But the muffins had a few extra ingredients in 'em," he trailed off with a chuckle. "Should be kickin' in any moment now."

"Chef!" Chris scolded. "We can't mess with challenges anymore. The lawyers were very clear about that."

"I didn't," Chef defended, "she did," he pointed to Contessa. Chris looked at the girl then to his assistant, then shrugged.

"Good enough for me," he said simply.


Another flash took the scene back to Rebecca as she stopped in her tracks suddenly, and the perspective moved behind her to show a the finish line with a checkered flag above it and the host and Peanut Gallery behind it.

"Well what do you know?" she smirked to herself. "The finish line." She started running and the camera cut to a close-up of her face. "Now all I have to do is-oh..."

She suddenly doubled over in pain as her stomach grumbled. "What the? What was in that breakfast bowl?"

She dropped to her knees and groaned in pain. "Unless..." her brow shot up in realization. "The..." she belched loudly, "the muffins!"

"Chef's gonna regret that!" she yelled as she stood up. Her stomach rumbled again as she desperately looked around. She smiled, and the camera cut to the outhouse confessional and back to her as she sped off, dropping her flag in the process.

"Rebecca no!" Chris yelled to the rebel as she passed him by with several wet farts audible. "Not the confession cam!"

The camera cut to the outside of the confessional as more wet farts and even the sound of vomiting could be heard from within.

Chris cringed at what he was hearing and shrugged once more. "No fury like a woman scorned eh Chef?"

"I'll say," Chef agreed before the two men engaged in raucous laughter.

The camera cut to the stands, where all the former campers waited in expectant silence while Chris and Chef stood a few steps past the center of the finish line and finishing up their laughter. Owen squinted his eye toward the path and gasped.

"Hey look," the optimist said, standing up and pointing into the distance, "here he comes now! Terrance! Terrance! Terrance!" The others looked at him, then each other, and joined in chanting the basketballer's name.

The background music picked up the pace as Terrance was shown hobbling towards the finish. "And with Rebecca out of commission," Chris announced as the camera briefly cut back to him and Chef before moving back to the basketballer, "Terrance refuses to let anything stop him, grievous injury included, and if I may say, showing us all what true determination is."

Terrance's new supporters began to cheer loudly as he was shown getting closer, and the camera panned across the gallery to show Rebecca slumped over and exiting the confessional. She gaped in shock at seeing her rival then reached for her flag, only to panic when she couldn't find it. "Where is?" she asked before realizing "the path!"


The camera quick-panned back to Terrance, his face perking up when he heard the Peanut Gallery.

"What the?" he asked, pausing to slump over and catch his breath. "Are they cheering? For me?" Something caught his attention and he looked down to see the grey flag on the ground.

"If that's here then..." he smiled and let out a brief laugh. "I'm still in this!"

"No you're not!" a truly enraged Rebecca shouted, both he and the camera looking her way to show her barreling towards him.

"Oh crap," Terrance said, hobbling at a faster rate past the flag. To his shock, Rebecca tackled him to the ground once again.

"How many times do I have to tell you?!" Rebecca barked at him angrily as she straddled him once again. "Stay! Outta! My! Way!"

Each word was punctuated with a punch and the camera cut to the shocked Peanut Gallery as the beating continued off-screen for several more seconds.

The camera cut back to the finalists as Rebecca stood up with a smirk on her face. She walked back to her flag calmly as Terrance crawled to the finish. The rebel chuckled as she walked past again, making sure to stomp on his arm in the process. The basketballer let out a cry of pain and finally stopped his progress as the music turned dark and ominous.

The former contestants save for Scott and Max could be seen glaring as Rebecca strolled across the finish line and handed her flag to Chris. "I believe this is yours," she told the shocked host, "and that is mine," she grabbed the case from Chef, then frowned. "Why's it so light?"

Chris quickly returned to his usual demeanor. "Congratulations Rebecca!" he told the Rebel as triumphant music began to play. "You have won Total Drama Danger Island and with it," he gestured to the case in her hands, "the ultimate prize."

Rebecca shrugged off her suspicion and opened her case with a grin, only for her face to fall into shock and anger as the music cut out. "What the (BLEEP) is this?!"

"Your prize money!" Chris told her with a grin.

"Wh-?" she started to say. "Where's the rest of it?!"

"Oh yeah," the host shrugged uncaringly. "We went a little over budget this season and had to skim some cash from the prize money. But you get to keep what's left."

"THERE'S ONLY ONE DOLLAR IN HERE!" Rebecca exclaimed as the camera cut to the Peanut Gallery trying and failing to hide their delight at the situation.

"What can I say?" Chris told her defensively. "Resurfacing an island is expensive. And we ran out of other places in the budget to cut. My salary had to be reduced by one percent," he told her with great distress.

Rebecca's eye twitched, then the camera cut to a long-distance shot of the island and shook as she let out a scream of rage.

Terrance could be heard laughing, and the shot cut to him just at the finish line, holding his injured arm. "As much as I hate that I lost," he told the enraged rebel, "I'm so glad you won."

"YOU CAN'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!" Rebecca told Chris.

"Hey," the host shrugged. "You signed a contract. This was covered."

"I'LL GET THE BEST LAWYERS IN THE COUNTRY!" she continued to rage. "I'LL SUE YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT!" Her stomach grumbled once again and she doubled over. "Not again!" she cried as she ran off to the outhouse, the others laughing at her misfortune.

"Well, that settles that," Chris told the camera as the series's capstone theme began to play. "That's the end of this rather unconventional season," he added with a thoughtful look around and chuckle. " But we'll be back for more! Until next time, I'm Chris McLean, and this has been Total!" The shot cut to the Peanut Gallery, Terrance now slumped down on the bleachers. "Drama!" Another cut to the docks, the Trebu-Shame standing in all its glory. "Daaaaaaaaanger Island!" The final cut showed the outhouse...

To an ominous tone, the building began to shake and was suddenly shot up high into the air and out of frame by a giant geyser with her screams heard from within.

The camera quickly cut away to show Chris gaping in shock, then looking down in fear as the ground began to shake. "Uh-oh..." he said as Chef was shown looking around in panic himself.

"RUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!" the host shouted.

The final shot of the season was of the host, cook, and teens running around and screaming before the feed suddenly cut to static.









The camera quick-panned back to Terrance, his face perking up when he heard the Peanut Gallery.

"What the?" he asked, pausing to slump over and catch his breath. "Are they cheering? For me?" Something caught his attention and he looked down to see the grey flag on the ground.

"If that's here then..." he smiled and let out a brief laugh. "I'm still in this!"

"No you're not!" a truly enraged Rebecca shouted, both he and the camera looking her way to show her barreling towards him.

"Oh crap," Terrance said, hobbling at a faster rate past the flag. To his shock, Rebecca tackled him to the ground once again.

"How many times do I have to tell you?!" Rebecca barked at him angrily as she straddled him once again. "Stay! Outta! My! Way!"

Each word was punctuated with a punch and the camera cut to the shocked Peanut Gallery as the beating continued off-screen for several more seconds.

The camera cut back to the finalists as Rebecca stood up with a smirk on her face. She walked back to her flag calmly as Terrance crawled to the finish. The rebel chuckled as she walked past again, making sure to stomp on his arm in the process. The basketballer grabbed her foot and pulled hard, causing her to slam hard against the ground. He took her momentary daze as the opportunity to head to Chris as fast as he possibly could given his injuries as the music turned slightly victorious

The former contestants save for Scott and Max could be heard cheering as Terrance hobbled across the finish line and handed his flag to Chris. "Here ya go," he told the grinning host, "and I take it that's for me," he grabbed the case from Chef, then frowned. "Why's it so light?"

Chris slapped his hand against the boy's back. "Congratulations Terrance!" he told The Jerk as triumphant music began to play. "You have won Total Drama Danger Island and with it," he gestured to the case in her hands, "the ultimate prize."

Terrance shrugged off his suspicion and opened his case with a grin, only for his face to fall into shock and anger as the music cut out. "Is this some kind of joke?!"

"Nope!" Chris told him with a grin. "It's your prize money!"

"Okay..." he said slowly. "Where's the rest of it?"

"Oh yeah," the host shrugged uncaringly. "We went a little over budget and had to skim some cash from the prize money. But you get to keep what's left."

"You only left me with a buck!" Terrance exclaimed as the camera cut to the Peanut Gallery whispering among themselves at the revelation.

"What can I say?" Chris told her defensively. "Resurfacing an island is expensive. And we ran out of other places in the budget to cut. My salary had to be reduced by one percent," he told him with great distress.

"You have got to be kidding me!" the basketballer yelled

Rebecca could be heard laughing, and the shot cut to her just at the finish line, with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face. "How is it that when I lose," she asked her enraged rival, "I still manage to win?"

"You owe me the rest of my million!" Terrance told Chris.

"Hey," the host shrugged. "You signed a contract. This was covered."

"My mother's the best lawyer in the country," Terrance threatened. "She'll take you for everything you-"

He was interrupted by a loud grumbling noise and the camera cut to Rebecca to show her doubled over in pain. "Not again!" she cried as she ran off to the outhouse, the others laughing at her misfortune.

"Well, that settles that," Chris told the camera as the series's capstone theme began to play. "That's the end of this rather unconventional season," he added with a thoughtful look around and chuckle. " But we'll be back for more! Until next time, I'm Chris McLean, and this has been Total!" The shot cut to the Peanut Gallery, Terrance now slumped down on the bleachers. "Drama!" Another cut to the docks, the Trebu-Shame standing in all its glory. "Daaaaaaaaanger Island!" The final cut showed the outhouse...

To an ominous tone, the building began to shake and was suddenly shot up high into the air and out of frame by a giant geyser.

The camera quickly cut away to show Chris gaping in shock, then looking down in fear as the ground began to shake. "Uh-oh..." he said as Chef was shown looking around in panic himself.

"RUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!" the host shouted.

The final shot of the season was of the host, cook, and teens running around and screaming before the feed suddenly cut to static.

(Roll the Credits)

After the credits, the scene opened to several bits of debris floating in the water. The outhouse fell from the sky and landed in the water with a large splash and resurfaced on its side. Rebecca climbed out of the building groaning and covered in bits of puke and brown stains easily identified but best not discussed.

"What did I do to deserve this?" she complained.

Author's Note Post Script: And that's the end of that! Rebecca is officially the winner of Random Drama Danger Island. I am quite aware of how unpopular a decision this is, but I really do need to have some unlikable people as winners of the game to help smooth out the writing of Random Drama: the Finale. Plus considering how much money she actually takes home and what happened to her afterward, I'm hoping that soothes the blow a little bit.

So, let's go back through the episode and look at a few of the decisions I made. First, the lack of helpers: I don't know. I didn't have them in canon, and I thought about it here, but couldn't find a place to put them. Plus I had no idea how I was going to get anyone to work with these guys so... it was best to leave them.

About Terrance's bad luck: Honestly, I needed to make him look like an underdog to help sell the idea that he'd win, so the shock of Rebecca's ending being the canon one would be greater. In short, I'm a horrible man who enjoys tricking and deceiving his readers. I'd apologize, but cruel twists like that have kinda become my specialty at this point.

Regarding the money: Well, it's all part of karma. Both finalists were villains and needed comeuppance. No I don't consider the brutal beatings Terrance received part of them, that's more establishing Rebecca's sociopathy even more than I already have. But why did they only get a buck instead of just losing the money? Well I told myself that no one would ever lose their money unless they were a main antagonist. I kinda really hated that part of the canon series and left it out unless it was karma. Since neither of these two were main antagonists I couldn't do that, heck I wouldn't even know how to set up them losing the money. However, letting either of them keep their money left a bad taste in my mouth, the solution, give them an incredibly minuscule amount of money and set it to where they couldn't legally do anything about it. And the whole thing fit in with Chris's personality so I think it works.

More about Rebecca's win: Making her ending canon, aside from making the last season a bit easier, also makes that awesome karma ...well canon. After allthe stuff she pulled, she only gets one dollar and a really disgusting fate for her troubles. I'm surprisingly bummed Terrance doesn't get anything but let's be honest, you know he'd enjoy watching what happened to Rebecca more than having it happen to him.

That's all for this season, folks! It was interesting to write, and even with its flaws I'm pretty happy with the story I've told these past couple of months. I wanna thank every last reviewer I've had throughout this journey; without your support, and the support of the other readers, I'd never have the courage or confidence to finish even the first season. Thank you all so, so much.

And that's the last introduction of campers. Three more seasons left, and all have some form of these wacky group of sixty-seven. I'm looking forward to finishing their stories.

And as always I'm sure I'm forgetting to mention something.

I hope you all enjoyed the episode, or some part of it.

With that I'm signing off



16th Place: Max

15th Place: Dakota

14th Place: Rodney

13th Place: Beth

12th Place: Leonard

11th Place: Lindsay/Carly

10th Place: Carly/Lindsay

9th Place: Scott

8th Place: Jasmine

7th Place: Owen

6th Place: Contessa

5th Place: Topher

4th Place: Mitch

3rd Place: Olivia

2nd Place: Terrance (ALTERNATE WINNER)

1st Place: Rebecca (ALTERNATE RUNNER-UP)