This story has been edited down and chapters have been removed. It is now considered complete.
They had returned. All was right in the world. The sun set into the horizon of the endless sea, and now everyone would need to disperse for the night. Kairi has already returned to her home long before Sora and Riku thought to even move from the play islands. Soon the darkness of the night set in and Sora knew they would need to go soon, but he didn't want to leave Riku's side after only just finding him again.
"Riku, do you wanna sleep over at my place with me tonight?" Sora asked, hopeful.
Riku blinked before feeling his heart speed up. Spend the night with Sora, well there wasn't really a choice was there.
"Sure Sora, let me at least go to my place to try and find some sleep clothes that will fit me now," Riku said after realizing he hadn't been in his real body for quite sometime and would need to fix his attire.
Riku started to walk away to the docks before Sora could reply and Sora felt an ache in his heart watching him go. "Can I come with you?" He blurted out, his hand automatically reaching out, not wanting to be apart from Riku even for a second.
Riku paused mid step, before smiling. "Of course," he looked back and held his hand out for Sora, who grinned and leapt forward to reach him.
They took the small boat back to the main islands and eventually made it to Riku's house where he found some clothing of his fathers that would fit. A simple black sweat pant and a white tank top. It would have to do. Sora smiled when Riku was ready to depart and once again took his hand in his, leading the way to Sora's home.
When they arrived, Sora let out a sigh as they stepped into his old bedroom. It really had been a long time it seemed. Sora ran a hand through his hair and noted how greasy it was getting. He spun around to Riku and smiled.
"Showers? Do you wanna go first Riku?" He asked.
"You can go first Sora, I'll wait." And with that Riku settled in Sora's desk chair and tried to look interested in the knick knacks on Sora's shelves.
"Alright Riku, I'll try not to be too long," He reached into his dresser drawers to find a shirt and pants and some clean boxer briefs, and then headed to the bathroom.
Once clean Sora existed the shower and moved to towel himself off. He put on his underwear and noted they was a little smaller then he remembered and moved to put the pants on.
Oh. They didn't fit, just like Riku's clothing. It seems they both had grown a lot since they had last been on the islands. Sora then grabbed the shirt off the sink, figuring it must be too small as well and then gathered his dirty clothing, and exited the restroom.
When he walked through his bedroom door, Riku instantly turned to face him. "Sora- uh..." Riku realized Sora was in just his underwear and his mind went blank for a moment as he stared at him.
Sora didn't think it was weird that he was half naked, and instead just smiled sheepishly and scratched at his hair.
"It seems my clothes don't fit either," he then threw his dirty clothes into the hamper before turning and bending to sit on his heels to go through his dresser drawers once more.
"I'm positive I have a shirt that might fit me somewhere..." he rummaged through the drawers some more, searching.
Riku on the other head, was practically brain dead at this point. Still staring at Sora, he couldn't even think beyond 'wow.' He was beautiful. With Sora bent over like he was, Riku could see all the muscles in Sora's back move as his arms went through the drawers. He tried to keep his eyes up though, the bright blue of Sora's seemly tight boxer briefs tantalizing Riku to bring his eyes downward to that perky backside.
"Ah-hah!" Sora yelled triumphant when he found the shirt in question. It was a simple long sleeve shirt, but it was really big on him, so hopefully it would work out. Sora stood and put it over his head, letting the fabric fall along his body. It reached mid thigh there abouts, so it covered his important bits, but Sora still felt a little silly with no pants.
He turned to look at Riku finally. "It's like I'm wearing a dress," he chuckled and held his arms out to look at himself, the sleeves barely showing his finger tips as they were so long.
Riku clenched his fist tightly on Sora's desktop, and took a deep breath in before standing. "Im going to take my shower now, I'll be back Sora." He spoke quietly before he stalked off to the bathrooms, clothing in hand.
Sora watched his retreating form and once he heard the water start up through the pipes inside the house, Sora then laid on his bed and let out a long sigh. He lay there like that, just listening to the water run. He started to think of Riku, and how much he missed him. But now he was back and that made Sora grin. He was back home, with Sora. Back were they belonged. Sora almost couldn't believe it.
Before he knew it Riku had returned from his shower, opening Sora's door swiftly. "Riku," Sora sat up in the bed as he entered the room but was star struck at the sight. Riku had walked in wearing only the black sweatpants, his long silver hair still damp from the shower, and his chest.. Sora felt his cheeks warm and his heart pounded in his own chest. Riku looked good. Really good. And when had he gained all these muscles? Sora continued to stare openly checking him out.
Riku brushed out his long silver hair with a comb and smirked feeling the eyes on him. It felt good to have Sora look at him, and finally see him, and not Ansem. To no longer be ashamed of his own appearance. Plus Sora being pleased by his new looks was just a added bonus that made it all the more sweeter.
Riku finished combing his hair out and slipped on the tank top, turning to Sora finally. "Want to get some food now?"
Sora snapped out of his daze and grinned, his tummy rumbling right on queue. "Yes! I'm starving!"
Riku laughed as Sora scrambled off the bed to rush to the doorway. They made their way to the kitchen to see what food was even on the shelves to make.
Riku peered into the top shelves that he couldn't reach the last time he had been there. It was almost surreal. "Boxed macaroni?" He suggested after seeing two packages the shelf, and Sora nodded getting a pot ready to boil the water for the noodles. They worked together to make the food and finally sat down on the couch to relax when it was finished.
Sora let out another relaxed sigh, sinking into the couch cushions next to Riku. They turned on the television to have something going on in the background, even if both of them were stuck in their own thoughts.
Sora took a bite of his macaroni, a staple food in most peoples households, and was once a simple pleasure of life that he had not had since him and Riku were still kids racing eachother on the play islands, and he started to get choked up. He felt tears fall from his eyes and he sniffled. Riku noticed and was instantly at his side.
"Sora? What's wrong?" His concern radiating of him in waves. What in the world could have caused Sora to start crying?
"It's just... we did it Riku. The realm of light... We're finally home... Xemnas... Ansem... it's all over... and you're really here with me last. I'm just so ... overwhelmed with happiness." He continued to cry into his bowl of noodles. It seems a simple taste of a time that had once passed has brought all his emotions crashing down at once.
Riku smiled softly, rubbing Sora's back as he cried his final tears, and Riku leaned in to wipe them away.
"Yes Sora, I'm right here ," he murmured into Sora's ear, soothing him with hushed tones, "and Now, I'll never leave your side again. I promise you that." Riku tried not to get choked up himself, as he almost couldn't believe it either. He was Ansem for so long, Riku didn't ever think he would get his original form back, but here he was.
And now he could be with Sora again. He smiled into Sora's hair as they hugged each-other tightly. "Let's finish our food okay Sora? And then head to bed, it's been a long day."
Sora nodded and restarted his meal happily, humming in satisfaction once he was done. They both cleaned up together, and Riku had to keep his wandering eyes from following Sora in his nightgown-like shirt that was ever so distracting. He then realized he was focused on washing the same dish for ten minutes while thinking of Sora in said night dress. He shook his head and moved to another dish, scowling when he saw his fingers were pruning. When they had finally finished cleaning they both moved into Sora's room, and Riku stood awkwardly at the foot of Sora's bed.
It was big enough for both of them to fit and still have personal space, but Riku didn't think he would actually end up sleeping if he was going to be laying so close to Sora all night. With him that close , yet still ... so far away..
Sora, unaware of Riku's internal struggle, climbed into the bed and under the covers. He moved to the side nearest the wall and opened his curtains wide, letting the bright moon shine its light into darkness of his bedroom. Sora admired the moon for a moment before turning to Riku.
'He looks beautiful in the moonlight' Riku allowed himself to think before Sora spoke to him.
"You gunna get in?" Sora held the edge of the blanket open for Riku, inviting him in.
Riku finally moved and sat on the bed putting his legs under the covers. The bed was definitely small now that he was in it. But Sora didn't seem to mind.
He bumped shoulders with Riku and smiled at him, truly happy. Riku looked back at him, and Sora watched as Riku's eyes sparkled in the moonlight that was pouring in from the window. Sora couldn't imagine a more beautiful sight, and wanted to remember this for a lifetime.
Sora then hugged Riku around the middle, his head leaning on his firm chest, and Sora could hear Riku's heart pounding loudly in his ribcage. Sora thought the simple sound was also beautiful. Sora thought that everything about Riku was, simply, beautiful.
Riku hugged Sora back with all his might, pouring every ounce of love he had to offer into it. He had read somewhere that hugging someone actually was good for you, and boy did it sure feel like all his anxiety and stress was gone now that he had Sora in his arms.
They moved to lay down on their sides facing each other with small smiles, and hands clasped together between them. They listened to the waves crashing against the rocks on the beach, the soothing roar of the ocean lulling the boys to a blissful sleep..