Mr. Stark jolted awake hearing Peter's voice. Although the room was dark Peter could see the expression on his face, a mixture of relief and concern. His hair was disgruntled and it looked like he hadn't slept in days.

"Hey kiddo, I'm glad you're finally awake. Tell me, how are you feeling?"

"Hot..." He rasped out, Peter hadn't realized how sore his throat was.

The older man reached across the bed and gently placed his hand onto his forehead. Mr. Stark's hand was refreshingly cold against his burning skin, Peter let out a small whimper and felt his cheeks grow warm, he leaned into his touch hoping he wouldn't notice. Am I here because I am sick?

"Shit. You're burning up. FRIDAY tell me his current temperature"

"Mr. Peter Parker's temperature is currently 102.2 F"

"Damn, I should have realized this would happen. Give me a moment kid"

What does he mean he "should have realized this was going to happen?" He watched as Mr. Stark went into the dimly lit en-suite bathroom and rummaged around in the cabinets. A few minutes later he came back with a wet cloth, a glass of water and some NyQuil. He must have noticed that Peter was too weak to move, as he set everything down onto the nearby nightstand and helped him to sit up. Mr. Stark carefully measured out 2 spoonfuls of NyQuil and held the spoon to Peter's lips, he blushed at the gesture. why is he being so kind to me? After he was happy that Peter had taken all the medicine he held the glass of water to his lips, it hurt to swallow but it turned out he was super thirsty. Once he had finished the glass of water he helped Peter to lay down again and laid the wet cloth onto his forehead.

"I know your super metabolism will burn through that medicine in no time, but hopefully it will give you some relief for now. Now answer me honestly... Do you remember anything that happened Peter?"

"I think I remember being cold and wet...? but that's it Mr. Stark... Did something happen?" He was confused as hell about what was going on.

"Don't worry about it right now, I'll explain everything when you are feeling better, just try to get some rest okay kiddo? I'll be right here if you need anything."

Peter was too tired to argue and decided sleep didn't sound like a bad idea. As he closed his eyes he heard the older man sit in the armchair next to his bed.

"Mr. Stark... can you sleep next to me?" What am I saying! this is so embarrassing... But he hated the idea of his mentor being forced to sleep in an armchair, plus he looked like he hadn't slept well in days.

"Sure kid, just let me know if you want me to leave" He climbed into the bed next to Peter, letting out a satisfying sigh as his head hit the pillow.

Huh? he had expected him to say no, but it was surprisingly easy?

"Oh, uhm, Thanks. Good Night Mr. Stark" ugh he probably thinks I'm a weirdo now, I'll blame it on my fever.

"Night Kid, now get some rest"