(Saturday, Hikigaya Residence)

An alarm clock beeps.

I groggily grabbed it to check the reason for disturbing my saturday rest. Glancing at the clock, I saw that it's 8AM. Then, a look at the date made my sleepy self ascend to full function as sleep left confines of my body.

It's March 25.

It's our wedding day.

I hurriedly raced towards the bathroom as the clock kept winding down. I didn't want to be late for my own wedding. Brushing my teeth as I rinsed the soap off my body, I praised myself for conservation of resources, as the world's fresh water supply is dwindling down even further every moment. As I rinsed myself, my thoughts went towards our first anniversary.

"Oi." I said to Miura as we walked. She looks at me then glares like she wants to gouge my eyes out. Have I done something wrong? Why is she ignoring me today?

We continued to walk for a few minutes, before she got irritated and shouted. "ARGH! WHY CAN'T YOU GET THE HINT? ARE YOU THAT DENSE!?"

"What did I do now?" She is seething with anger, hearing what I said only made it worse, bad move Hachiman!

"Aren't you forgetting something!?" Thank heavens she calmed down. "What day is today!?"

"Ugh, Tuesday?"

"What day is today?"

"The 25th." I answered her. I wanted to sound as nonchalant as possible to not ruin the surprise.

Oh yes, she didn't know that I'm planning to surprise her on our anniversary, since I ignored her for almost the whole day. That's why she is angry, she thinks I forgot our anniversary.

"Don't you know what is the occasion today?!" She then grabbed my collar and glared at me harder. "It's. Our. Anniversary." I know Miura, no need to be violent.

"I know." My reply made her freeze. "That's why we're here." I pointed my finger towards the establishment beside us.

Café La'mour.

I have to thank the romcom gods for making sure we reached this place before she raged at me. If we didn't, it would've lost its effect, and I would be single.

So while Miura is looking at the café, I grabbed the bouquet of flowers I strategically placed near the doors.

"Happy Anniversary, Yumi." I gave her the flowers. Traces of anger is leaving her face, but she still looked annoyed. "I'm sorry for ignoring you, it's to not ruin the surprise."

"Jerk! You didn't have to do it like that you know! You could've at least not ignored me!" She lightly punched my arm. After punching me for 15 times, she stopped. "But thanks! At least I know you remember our anniversary." She latched onto my left arm.

"I wouldn't forget it. So, let's celebrate?" I asked. She just dragged me towards Café La'mour.

As I finished reminiscing our first anniversary, I saw myself in front of the mirror, wearing a black suit and currently fixing my neck tie.

Thank you Miura for teaching me how to tie a tie. As I finished tying, my phone rang. I picked it up and Komachi's voice blared.

"Onii-chan, where are you!? Are you going to be late on your wedding day!? Don't be like Taishi-kun!" Now that she talked about it, Taishi's late to his wedding. That brought a lot of headaches to all involved.

Such misfortune befell my little sister.

"I'm coming, I just got to lock up our house." I answered.

"Be quick Onii-chan! See you soon!" She hung up. I grabbed the keys to my car before locking up our house.

Now riding my trusty Mercedes, bought with the money I made from the books I wrote, gave me another memory to reminisce.

The first time I picked her up with this car.

After getting surprised and embarrassed slightly, we went to a nice restaurant near the city hall, eating Indonesian food because why not?

This trusty Mercedes Benz 300E, Made in 1993, looks and feels like a car those DOMs in a certain drift anime would drive(1). But in reality, this trusty car served me well for the past 4 years I've used it. I'm very surprised it hadn't even broke down one bit when I was driving it, because I bought it second hand with quite high mileage. Surely, the previous owner of this vehicle loved this car a lot. I haven't experienced any inconveniences with regards to its performance. Granted that I bring it to a mechanic every two weeks for check up but still, this inline 6, 5 speed manual transmission car served me well.

Marriages. There would be 3 answers I would give depending on the time you asked me about it. The first answer, would be that I'll marry my mom, courtesy of a 6 year old me.

The second answer is that I am too ugly and rotten to be with someone who will tolerate me, from my freshly rejected, tear stricken 13 year old self.

And lastly, my 22 year old self would tell you that it's only a matter of time before I get married, since Yumi wanted to tie the knot a year after we got together.

I use to have a twisted thought about what marriage symbolises. I use to think that marriages were just a show of financial prowess, an event to flex on other people how much money you have spent on everything related to it. Families of the couple used this event to judge how they would treat their in-laws, and an event as grandiose as this is way too much work to be as smooth as possible.

So what does it symbolize? Other than the fact that the church recognize it as a symbol of love, I guess marriage symbolises your complete trust to your partner, and the full support from the invited loved ones.

So if you'll ask me, what I think about this kind of events, I will truthfully say that I want no part grandiose events like this. Attention is the enemy of loners and places like this means that attention is inescapable, especially if you are the one who will be married.

But today, I'll do my best to withstand it, because it will make Yumi happy.

Look at me, composing an essay in the middle of the road because I'm stuck in traffic. Luckily, it was just a minor inconvenience and since the jam cleared up, I can now drive peacefully.

"And done! Your hair looks a lot better than before!" I heard Yui say as she carefully braided my hair and meticulously doing my makeup.

"Thanks Yui."

"No problem Yumiko! Anything for you especially on your wedding day!" Right, it's my wedding today. Honestly, I still can't believe that I'm getting married! This scenario always run through my head when I was a teenager, and now that it's coming true, I couldn't be anymore happier.

"Yui, have you seen my necklace?" I asked. Yui frantically looked at her surroundings before answering.

"I haven't seen it, maybe you left it at home?" After few more minutes of searching, we still came up empty handed. I guess I won't be wearing it for my special day.

"Here." Another voice spoke. This made us look towards the source of the said voice.

It's Yukinoshita, holding the necklace we can't seem to find. She then proceeded to wear the necklace on me.

"Thanks, Yukinoshita." I uttered, making her look at me and smile.

"You're nervous." Of course I am! What if I screw it up? What if I trip on the aisle? What if I say the wrong words? What if I-

"Relax Yumiko, you'll be fine. No one will judge you on your wedding day." Yui assured me.

"And if you screw it up, we'll just laugh at it when we watch the recording."

"Thanks for that, Yukino. Now I'll be more pressured to not screw up." This made us chuckle.

It's funny that I used to hate Yukinoshita for being the perfect girl back when we're high school. Now, she is one of the closest people to me. We talk about our problems, about our daily lives, and we always hang out when we get the chance.

"Now go and be Mrs. Hikigaya!" Yui and Yukino both said. Hikigaya Yumiko, I like the sound of that.

Hushed whispers. Murmurs of people kept to themselves littered the giant cathedral we are currently in. Chiba Cathedral, a very beautiful and grandiose church, it's really a surprise that we got to use this place. But then again, being the daughter of a member of Chiba's dietary council has its perks. I still have to thank the Yukinoshita sisters for making sure we get married here.

("Beautiful in White - Shane Filan" starts playing)

The music then suddenly sounded, signaling all of us that the ceremony have started. The hushed whispers, and dusky murmurs have stopped, all paying attention to the door waiting for the bride to come in.

The procession started, with the bridesmaids and groomsmen walking, then Yui's daughter, Yume, came in and started spreading the flowers from her basket to the aisle. I still can't believe that out of all of us, it was Yui who got married and had a family first.

The ring bearer, Yumi's cute nephew, marched down the aisle cutely and made the guests' hearts swell with cuteness.

Yuigahama Yui, the nice girl I've met in Sobu. A fellow member of the service club, and one of the members of the most famous clique back in highschool, is the maid of honor. Maybe it's because she's the one closest to Yumi. That's how they choose maids of honor and best men in the wedding right?

Then in came Miura Yumiko. The resident fire queen of Sobu. A fiery blonde haired emerald eyes woman who might have a bitchy attitude on the outside, actually has a very caring personality for people she knows. Wearing a long, white gown that really seems familiar to me. Is it the one she wore when we were high school(2)? It was, and it's really beautiful. Yumi really looks so beautiful in white.

Accompanying her was Saito-san, their father, and Yuna, who is also looking beautiful on her dress. Speaking of little sisters, where is Komachi again? A quick scan of the area reveals that my sister is seated on the bridesmaids row, chatting with Yukino and Saki.

"Hachiman-kun." Saito-san said when they reached where I am standing. "Always take care of Yumiko, she might be a bi-" "Dad!" A quick intervention from Yuna silenced Saito-san's ramblings. "Best wishes 823(3)!" To which I smiled. Both of them leaving Yumi to me, we then both of us walked towards the altar, where the priest awaits.

"We are all gathered here to witness the union of Miura Yumiko and Hikigaya Hachiman. Anyone who oppose of this may now voice out their thoughts." Total silence. I imagined that because of seeing another marriage, Hiratsuka-sensei will snap. But looking at her, she just teared up watching us. Is she that happy for us, or is she sad that another student of hers is getting married? Probably both. Don't worry Sensei, you still have a chance!

With the priest continuing the ceremony, my mind wandered and reminisced about another turning point of our lives.

(Wednesday, June 27, 3 years after their first anniversary)

The weather is perfect today. Sunny, clear skies, tinted with orange hue, signifying the time for twilight to begin. As children and parents alike hastily walked to go home, I am here at a bench of Chiba Park, waiting.

Few more minutes passed, the one I'm waiting for finally came. "Yumi."

"Hikio! My boss let me go home early. Can you believe it!?" Of course your boss did. I did tell him to specifically let you go earlier than usual today.

And like most bosses, he followed the instructions without question. Very nice of him.

"Yeah yeah, let's go." My reply made Miura somewhat annoyed. Pouting a bit before latching to my right arm.

"So... Where are we going Hikio?" She curiously asked.

"Let's continue walking."

After a few minutes of walking, we stumbled upon the Chiba Park's lakeside. A waiting shed near the waters was decorated with lights, as Komachi wanted it to be like that.

"What is this Hikio? We've walked here a few times but I haven't seen this before! Should we go there?" Miura asked, hoping that we go to where she wanted.

"Sure." I offered my hand then guided her to the shed. Reaching the shed, she was astonished to see a table neatly set. Complete with tableware and various utensils.

"Hikio..." Yumi turned to me. "Did you do this?" To which I nodded. Muttering a thank you, we both took a seat.

After eating the food made by Saki, we then walked on the lakeside shore. "Yumi..." I called out to her. However, she seemed to be busy thinking about certain things.

"Hikio!" Her voice demanded undivided attention. "Why are you doing this?"

"Haven't you connected the dots yet?" Then, like a mind blowing trick performed in front of her, her face brightened up in confusion. But surely, the next thing I'll do will make it clear.

"Miura Yumiko..." Kneeling to the floor as I said her name. Pulling a box out of my pocket, then opening it as I asked. "Will you marry me?"

"Took you long enough!" She said as she pulled me up to hug me. "Of course I will! If you haven't proposed this year, I might be the one who will on the next!"

With that, Miura Yumiko and Hikigaya Hachiman got engaged.

And now we're getting married.

"And with that, I now pronounce you husband and wife." Did I reminisce throughout the whole ordeal? AUTOPILOT will definitely get a raise next time.

Lifting her veil, I decided not to wait further. I kissed her and everybody clapped. With the whole ceremony done, guess it's time for a vacation.

"Ne Hikio..." Yumi pulled my sleeve as she spoke. "Are you happy?"

"Of course, Hikigaya Yumiko." I said and her face turned red.

"I like the sound of it."

"You better." The wedding car continued to take us to our new future.


(1) It's from Initial D. The DOM I'm talking about here is Natsuki's "Papa", who drives a Mercedes. I feel that Hikigaya loves vintage vehicles, since I think he's an "old soul".

(2) Chapter 4, Yumiko wears a wedding dress to impress Hachiman.

(3) Chapter 2, Hachiman jokes to Yuna about being called "Hachi-nii-san". Guess Yuna knew Hachiman's joke now.

A/N: Hello! Sorry this took so long to make. I've been busy with life and I didn't have the time to write. But hey, here's the epilogue. Thank you for the support! I appreciate your favs, follows and reviews!

Post-publish A/N: My dumbass forgot to add the footnotes. Anyway, enjoy reading!

Next Story: Probably a HachimanxYukino in celebration of Yukino winning the race.

I hope you liked it! Keep an eye on the next stories!

-Jasserru, Signing off.