Ernis groaned in annoyance as he tried to force his suitcase closed. However, the small Japanese stove he had bought to cook actual food during his stay at this hell hole of a school was making it far more difficult to shut. His belongings had already filled this suitcase to the brim when he had first arrived, but now, with his newly acquired stove and other cooking utensils, it was overflowing. Not that he regretted buying these things. The only alternative was eating literal human vomit, which he and his friends had NOT been okay with. However, considering he probably wouldn't need these anymore, he had considered just tossing them. But since he had already paid for them, he figured he would bring them along anyways.

Despite his annoyance, Ernis couldn't help but smile a truly happy smile. He was finally going to a real hero school, not this terrible place with its mentally inept principal, terrifying scorpion nurse, disgusting food, etc. Ernis could honestly go on all day, but it honestly didn't matter anymore. He and his friends were finally getting out of here.

He was pulled from his thoughts by Guy, who was also packing his own things, "Hey, you can toss your extra stuff in my bag if you want. I still got some room." Guy had brought a bag to carry his belongings along with a few spares, since he wasn't sure what he might make during his stay at the school. As the two smartest students in the group finished shoving their stuff into bags, they brought them out into the hall. Gale and Briny were already there waiting for them, bags packed and Briny looking giddy. Though, it was completely understandable. They were trading The Soup Can Jim Academy For Young Heroes Who Quite Frankly Aren't That Talented But Hey Everyone Deserves A Second Chance And Society Sure As Shit Ain't Going To Give It To Them So Sure Why The Fuck Not I'll Open A Taco Stand Huh What Do You Mean These Are The Forms To Open A Hero School (Had to get that in here somewhere) for UA High School, the best hero school in the world!

It was one hell of an upgrade to say the least. Turns out, not surprising anyone, Soup Can Academy wasn't very legal. In fact, there were very few things that could even come close to being considered legal. However, the underground operation they had busted a week back had caught major attention, bringing the most attention to this town than it had ever seen before. Thankfully, their totally legal temporary licenses made sure that they couldn't go to jail for busting the case and using their Quirks in public. However, while they were openly acknowledged and applauded for their work, it brought Soup Can Academy into the spotlight. Needless to say, parents of kids who attended the academy were not happy about what they saw in said academy and several law suits were filed.

The academy was going to be shutdown, there was no doubt, but the Campbell family had to save face. Jim was classified as mentally impaired, so he couldn't be held accountable in a court of law, so his family was held accountable instead since their money was going to fund it, with their complete knowledge. To try and settle most of these law suits, the family offered to send and pay for children to go to far better schools. Hansen, Briny, Guy, Ernis, Tor, and Gale in particular were all going to be sent to the best possible school because of their commendable hero performance. As for the rest of the Soup Can staff, Jim was being sent to a nursing facility to study and hopefully cure his disease, the nurse was going to be arrested for performing 'doctor' practices without a license, Jameson was also going to be arrested for illegal human experimentation (as the students let the authorities know about the worm incident), and the janitor was nowhere to be found. The chef, much to Ernis' ire, was getting off with community service thanks to his license that allowed him to puke in the food. Sherwin was initially going to be locked up as well, but after multiple protests from students, stating he was one of the very few good things about this place, he was also given community service. Honestly, in the eyes of the students, everything had taken its proper course and now they all got to go to much better hero schools.

Ernis and Guy had just finished moving all their bags out of the room when the door to Hansen and Tor's room was kicked open by the former. Hansen[1] had a bag in either hand and his claymore sheathed on his back thanks to a makeshift, fire retardant scabbard Guy had put together for him for easy carrying of said sword[2]. He walked out and Tor followed soon after, a bag slung over his shoulder and his jars of dirt on his waist. The group gathered their stuff and began to make their way out of the former villain lair, leaving this nightmare behind, hopefully forever. "This is so cool! We get to meet All Might and a bunch of other heroes you guys! And they'll be our teachers!" Briny said excitedly as they made their way through the forest towards a transport waiting to take them to the nearest airport to fly to Japan.

"Yeah," Hansen said, a sadistic grin spreading across his face as Hellscape formed around him. "I can't wait to burn it the school to the ground."

"Hansen no!" Briny pleaded.

"Hansen yes!"

"You know, you could probably fight the pros there too," Gale pointed out, which caused Hansen's smile to grow further and Briny to become more concerned. She still remembered how bad Hansen had looked after the last time he took on a Pro, and they didn't have Gemetzel to bring him back from the brink again.

"But we won't get to meet any of the Avengers and we're not going to the best school in the world anymore," Tor said, disappointment evident in his unrecognizable accent. The poor boy still believed what that website, Feddit, had told him.

"Don't worry about it big guy, I'm sure it'll be just as good," Guy tried to console him, giving him a pat on the shoulder.

"Probably better," Ernis commented. Though, as soon as he said that, Tor used his free arm and ridiculous strength to put Ernis in a headlock, or a hug as he called it.

"You're right! It'll be great so long as all of my best friends are there!" Tor said, his mood instantly brightening while Ernis began to struggle for air. The group continued through the woods, talking amongst themselves. Ernis was the lone exception, as he had to continue to fight to try and get out of the 'hug.' By the time they got to the transport, the poor guy had already passed out in Tor's grip and was being dragged along by the taller boy. After confirming their identities (and making sure that Ernis was alright), their chauffeur drove them to airport to get on the next flight to Musutafu, Japan. The group knew they were in for a pretty long trip as they all settled in tried and tried to keep themselves entertained. Of course, this meant they all had to keep a careful eye on Hansen, to make sure he didn't start any fires. Let's just say that it was a good thing that Briny brought a lot of water bottles.


There was 5 minutes before class, and everyone in Class 1-A was off in their own little groups, talking amongst themselves. That was, until one of Kaminari spoke up and got everyone's attention, "I overheard some of the teachers talking about some new transfer students. They're supposed to be coming all the way from Canada."

"Only a week after the USJ accident? Of course, leave it to UA to keep moving forward even in times like these!" Iida declared, gesturing wildly as he spoke.

"From Canada? Then it might have something to do with the Soup Can Academy incident on the news," Izuku offered, though the name alone got a few giggles from some of the class. He was glad that the whole world had agreed to make English the universal language a couple decades back. Now, the whole world was able to understand each other, allowing Midoriya to keep up with any hero related news from around the world. (Not to mention it makes stories like this easier to write.)

"Soup Can Academy? What kind of name is that?" Uraraka asked, giggling a little herself.

"Apparently the school had a long, ridiculous name and the students shortened it to keep it simple. The school was supposed to be a second chance for a lot of people who couldn't get into traditional hero schools, but it got shut down due to illegal operations," Midoriya explained.

"Just sounds like we're getting more extras," Bakugo complained, his feet up on his desk, which had immediately gotten Iida's attention. The class 1-A president began to shout at Bakugo to cease his actions and respect the school's equipment. He probably would've continued had the class' teacher Aizawa stepped into the room at that very moment. The students all quickly rushed to take their seats as Aizwa looked over the class, though his eyes lingered on Kaminari for a moment and his expression hardened, which the students could tell even through the badages that still adorned his face after USJ.

"So, as you already know, we'll be having some new students joining us today," he said, making Kaminari fidget in his seat. He then turned to the door and called, "Get in here and make your introductions. I'll be right here." The door slid open just as Aizawa pulled his sleeping bag over himself and laid down out of sight. 6 people entered the classroom, or rather 5 people and an adorable cat person entered the classroom. They all wore the school's uniforms, except Hansen had the blazer wrapped around his waist and had no tie. Also with Tor, it looked like there had been an attempt at a tie and an attempt to fix the tie, but it looked like they just gave up. He also still had his dirt jars on either side of his waist. The 6 foreigners all looked at the sleeping teacher, but there was a silent agreement that he was still better than most of the staff back at Soup Can Academy.

"Yeah, don't mind him. He does stuff like this all the time. You guys should introduce yourselves like he said," Kirishima told the new kids.

The tallest boy immediately stepped forward, a look of childlike innocence on his face. "Hello! My name is Tor Axloksizlik! I came from the old country to become a hero!" he declared.

"What's with the dirt?" Ashido asked him, everyone reeling from the nightmare that was Tor's last name. Many of them were also trying to figure out where accent was from with little to no success.

"It's my Quirk! I can control dirt from my country, so I brought it with me!" he explained, before popping the lids off the jars and manipulating the dirt out of them. He had it coalesce on his arm like Captain America's shield to prove his point.

"Hi, I'm Briny Drookit. My Quirk is Water Gun, and I can shoot water out of these holes in my hands," Briny said, stepping forward next to Tor and showing off her hands to the class.

"I'm Ernis Zarloc. I can eat things and take on their properties," Ernis explained, though he had no way to show that off like Briny and Tor.

"Hello, I'm Guy Sokovat, and I actually don't have a Quirk," Guy started, started but got cut off by a certain blond in the class.

"Then a Quirkless extra like you shouldn't even be here!" Bakugo shouted at him while many of his classmates shot glares at him. The blond didn't notice it though, since he had to deal with some new Quirkless bastard trying to upstage him. Just like that damn Deku, even if he had a Quirk now.

"...Well, I make up for that with my gadgets that I've built myself. I'm basically support for myself," Guy continued, glaring back at Bakugo before showing off one his gadgets, the Taser Bolo, off to the class. Midoriya was staring at him with wide eyes, since Guy had done what All Might had said was impossible and what Midoriya himself had been planning to do before he had received One for All: Becoming a hero without a Quirk.

However, while he was thinking about this, the new kids continued their introductions with the adorable, pink furred cat man going next. "Gale Tormenta. I can create blasts of air." The majority of the class was surprised that his voice was so deep, though a lot of the girls were still swooning over how cute he was. Upon realizing that, Mineta began to grit his teeth in jealousy, vowing vengeance on the cat.

Finally, the pyromaniac of the group introduced himself, but not before activating his Quirk and letting his fire wings[3] appear behind him, causing the front row to wince slightly at the sudden wave of heat. "Hansen Inventario. My Quirk is Hellscape, which lets me fly and punch things with fire!"

"How dare you wear your uniform like that! You are disgracing this school's reputation by not wearing it the proper way!" Iida shouted at him, infuriated by the boy's lack of respect for the dress code.

"You want me to wear it the right way? Then why don't you come up here and make me?!" Hansen challenged, a battle hungry grin spreading across his face. However, before Iida could respond, Midoriya spoke first.

"Wait, Inventario? Are you related to Captain Inventory?!" Deku asked excitedly as the hero fanboy in him surfaced at the possibility. However, the poor nerd shrank in his seat at the glare that Hansen sent his way.

It reminded him way too much of Bakugo, to the point where even other students were beginning to make the comparison. 'Oh God, there's another one,' was the collective thoughts of the class.

"I don't want to talk about it, got it?" Hansen growled at him, and Midoriya nodded quickly in fear of his new classmate. Satisfied with the answer (for now anyways), Hansen deactivated his Quirk, despite the itch he felt to set something ablaze. However, this wasn't Soup Can Academy anymore, whose weird, scary janitor could make the flames disappear in a second. Not to mention, he actually had friends for once, and he didn't want to ruin this for them.

"Alright, there are some seats set up for you at the back of the class.[4] Sit wherever," Aizawa said, reluctantly getting out of his sleeping bag and standing behind his podium. The Soup Can kids did as they were told and moved to the back of the class. Briny & Tor took the seats behind Uraraka, Ernis was behind Sato, Guy was behind Todoroki, and Gale & Hansen sat behind Momo. Aizawa began to go through what would be considered first day activities for the new students before getting on with today's lesson.

Briny, Guy, Gale, and Ernis had all started off taking good notes. However, halfway through the lesson, Briny and Uraraka began passing notes and beginning to get to know each other. Gale also began to just doodle in his notebook, which also meant his notes began to suffer. Hansen, for his part, didn't even make a show of trying to write notes. He just propped his head up using his arm, fighting down the urge to set the building around him ablaze. Each boring second was like torture for the poor pyromaniac. As for Tor, he was... trying his best.

Eventually, Aizawa called time for the class. He exited the room, telling them All Might would arrive in just a few minutes to take them out to one of the testing fields for their Heroic Studies. While this had become the regular for rest of the class, the new kids had various reactions for various reasons. Briny, Guy, and Tor were excited to meet the No. 1 hero in all the world. Gale and Ernis were both a little apprehensive, mostly because April's 'class' was still fresh in their minds. Hansen was also excited, but because of the possible promise of combat. A part of him was even wondering if he could get All Might to fight him personally.

Suddenly, the door slid open and a booming laugh and voice filled the room, "Hahahaha! I am here... to teach!" The tall, muscular man entered the room, in his silver age outfit again. "I heard we had some new kids starting class today, so I thought we should get back to the basics, but with a new setting! They'll be paired up with one of you to take on a team of villains! So, get changed into your hero costumes and meet me at Grounds E! This time, you'll have an entire block as your playground!" All Might announced, as grins spread across the faces of the Soup Can kids.

Combat, huh? At least it was something they knew.


So, we don't have portraits for Gale, Guy, and Hansen yet, but we can make some assumptions based on the ones that do. Their official art resembles the face claims in certain ways. From the face claims, we can assume Guy is a brunette with a good build for hero work from what Mack said. I refuse to believe Gale is anything other than the pink cat. The problem with Hansen's, however, is that it's just a burning fist. However, based on an offhand comment made by Izzy as Frank when the party was talking to him in episode 6, Hansen is tan. Based on that alone, my idea of what Hansen looks like is just a teenaged Archer from Fate. You're allowed to have your own interpretation, and I'm sure Logan has his own ideas for what Hansen looks like, but that's the basis I'm going to use if I ever need to reference Hansen's appearance.

For those who would say that UA would not allow Hansen to have a sword as a hero, I say look at the thing the support department gave Bakugo with his costume! If it's okay to have something that can blow out the side of a building, I think it's ok to have a sword of all things.

In the actual campaign, Hansen can no longer fly. However, I choose to give him back that ability in this fanfic AU.

I know in the actual 1-A classroom, there isn't any more room in the class for extra desks. But for the purposes of this fanfic, I'm just gonna say the room is just big enough for six more students.