Author's Note: Hello, and welcome one and all to this story that I'm sharing with you all today. This came to me after playing Portal for another time, and reliving every awesome moment of it. After that, the idea for this silly little story came to mind.
Now if you've played the Portal games before, I ask that you not expect any sort of seriousness or scientific information from them to be in this story. This is NOT (I repeat, NOT) meant to be a serious story in any way. Instead, this is intentionally written to be silly. :)
Anyway, hope you enjoy this. As always, please let me know what your thoughts are on this. Feedback, good and bad, is gladly appreciated.
Enjoy! :D
It was total silence and nothing more that was reverberating against the square, see-through space. But this wasn't just an average, everyday silence. No, this silence was eeriness at its finest.
A source of fluorescent light in the small area strobed above it, presumably in good need of a replacement bulb. No movement was detectable within the space, nothing entering it and nothing exit at that point in time.
Waking up with a deep breath, the doe covered from her shoulders down in bright orange attire squinted her eyes and pulled herself out of the chamber she had previously been laying down in.
Looking over to the small table to her left, she turned on a small radio beside her and observed her surroundings. With nothing except gray and white walls surrounding her on all sides, nothing seemed to catch the rabbit's attention at the current moment.
Pretty plain around here, if you ask me, she thought for a moment. A little splash of color wouldn't kill anybody. Now then, how in the heck do I get out of here and out to there?
The bunny's attention dotted over to a spot in the square where some sort of timer was rapidly counting down. The screen was illuminated with a blue light, and the digital numbers were reading that there was thirty seconds and counting. The doe paused a moment, questioning of the nature of the digital countdown clock. Wait a minute, what is this counting down exactly?
A bloop sound came from above her, presumably from over a loud speaker somewhere nearby.
"Hello, and, again, welcome to the Aperture Science Mammal Enrichment Center."
The rabbit's ears perked at the robotic voice that greeted her. She looked back over at the countdown clock, noticing that it was reaching zero faster than she had expected.
"A portal will open shortly. In five… four… three…"
When the automated voice stopped counting down and the clock above reached zero, a beaming orange circle appeared on the side of the space that the doe was occupying. Guessin' this is the portal, she thought.
Out of curiosity, the bunny stuck a paw through the orange portal. She then peeked her head through it, and then completely stepped through it. Afterwards, she made her way over to a circular door that automatically opened upon her getting closer.
As she stepped through the doorway, the rabbit entered another hall. A sign to her right lit up, the words "Test Chamber 00" on it next to a few different pictograms.
She surveyed the room. All that was in there was a large, red button and a circular doorway that resembled the one that she had just walked through. A tube seemed to hang down from the ceiling like a stalactite. Opening up, the tube dispensed a large, gray cube onto the floor.
The rabbit walked onto to the red button. When she did, a beep sounded and the doorway unlocked and opened up. Upon stepping off of it, the exit to the chamber closed back up again. Looking over at the cube in the middle of the floor and back over at the button, she shook her head and laughed under her breath.
"Do they think I was born yesterday?" she said out loud. "This test is almost too easy."
She picked up the cube, which ended up being a lot heavier than she expected, and placed on top of the button. After the test was complete, she walked through the unlocked doorway, went over to what looked like an elevator and stepped inside of it.
The doe smiled and tapped her foot as the elevator started to ascend. If all of the tests are as easy as this one, then this should be a snap!
Several Easy Test Chambers Later…
Alright, she told herself, this is definitely not gonna be a snap.
After breezing through a few chambers consisting of very easy tests and tasks, the doe ended up getting stuck and confused on one that had a little more intricacy to it.
Instead of staying idly on one wall, portals within the room seemed to open and close after short periods of time. With this small obstacle, the rabbit only had a few seconds to do whatever she needed to do and cross through the portal again before it closed up again.
As much as she didn't want to admit to herself, this one was pretty harder. Officially stumped, the doe grunted, leaned up against the wall and tapped her foot out of confusion.
"Gosh," she started to mutter. "This test chamber's really kickin' my-"
"You're stumped, too?" a voice called out from another side of the room. "Good thing I'm not the only one."
The rabbit looked around, confused as to who said that. Up until now, she thought she was the only one here. Cocking her head the other direction, she caught sight of a tall fox cloaked in an orange outfit similar to what she was wearing. The vulpine shrugged his shoulders as he stood there, a cocky grin on his muzzle.
"What the-" the doe said loudly, unsure of what to think at the moment. "Who the heck are you?"
"The name's Wilde. Nick Wilde. And you are?"
"J-Judy," the rabbit managed to say, telling the fox her name. "How long have you been in here? I didn't even see you until you said somethin'."
"That tells me how observant you are. As for how long I've been in here, I've completely lost track of time. That tells you enough about how long I've been stuck on this chamber."
"So you just gave up and decided to sit here and do nothing?"
"Yeah, pretty much."
"Well that's the way to get things solved," the bunny remarked out of complete sarcasm. "It's not like their gonna just come in here and assist us if we ever get confused."
The vulpine huffed. "I get it, Carrots. I don't need you to remind me about what I already know."
The rabbit was taken aback for moment at the fox's words. "Did you just call me Car-"
"So tell me," Nick interrupted. "What brought you to Aperture?"
"I signed up to come here after I heard that they needed some test subjects. Sure, I knew that I wasn't really going to get paid for taking part in this experiment here, but I just wanted to do it for-"
"Wait a minute," the fox interrupted a second time. "They said they weren't paying you?"
"Yeah, why?"
The vulpine's ears drooped in disappointment. "Well that's not what they told me when I signed up. If they're not paying you, then that means that they sure as heck ain't payin' me."
"What are you talking about?"
"They told me I was gonna make sixty dollars, Fluff. Sixty dollars, cash!" Nick grunted and one to hit a spot in the wall behind him. However, an orange portal opened up in the particular spot his paw was aimed at, and the fox ended up losing his balance and falling in.
The portal closed, opening again after a few second delay. The fox got up from the ground, brushed off his fur and walked over to the doe
"This is not what they told me when I filled out that application form!" he grunted, repeating himself. Nick stretched his neck and looked around. "Alright, me sitting here and complaining about things isn't gonna help us solve this chamber."
"So what do you insist on us doing?" Judy replied.
After an awkwardly long pause, an idea suddenly popped into Nick's brain. "I just got an idea that might work, Carrots."
"Can you please stop calling me that?"
"No promises." The fox paused a short moment. "Guessing the two of us are partners in this thing, huh?"
"Yay," the rabbit replied, sarcastically. "What an excellent surprise."
Judy listened in on the plan that the fox was devising, mentally sighing at the fact that she was now stuck with the vulpine. What else could possibly go wrong from here?