Day 3 since the return of Team Tenrou

Jet and Droy walked out of their shared apartment as they made their way to the guild. It had been 3 days since all the guild members who went to Tenrou Island, who were thought to have disappeared, returned after losing 7 years of their time. They strutted through the streets happily as they made their way to the dingy guildhall. They were excited to hear Levy had money problems. This would give them endless opportunities to take her with them on jobs. 'Team Shadow Gear is back' they thought.

Jet and Droy raced to the Guildhall to ask out Levy on the job. While Jet was faster than Droy thanks to his weight problems, they reached the Guildhall at the same time and saying 'Levy~' in unison. They stopped in their tracks as they saw her near the job listings, right next to... him. Gajeel Redfox.

Ever since Gajeel joined Fairy Tail, Team Shadow Gear was in a weird relationship with him. The captain became his first real friend while the other 2 hated him, for what he did to them, and for what he was doing with their captain. To their relief, things had not progressed between the 2 despite the obvious attraction which had seemed to have grown in intensity.

Levy looked at them and waved, Gajeel also looking at the direction at which she was looking. His mood turned from happy to utter disgust. Happy cause he had the company of the dear Shrimp he had secretly liked, and disgust that her lapdogs were back. Gajeel quickly skimmed his eyes over the job list and picked the one best for their level. Without giving her a minute to think, Gajeel grabbed her arm gently and said, "Sorry! We're going on a job!" and rushed out the guild with a shit-eating grin on his face. Lily flew after them as Jet and Droy grew pale.

Jet and Droy slumped over the table as Mira served them. She knew that the people involved in Tenrou needed money desperately due to the sudden financial situation they were under that was almost non-existent until last week. But they had all lost 7 years. While the Twilight Ogre dispute had been settled, their money problems hadn't. Explaining this to Jet and Droy seemed wiser as both Gajeel and Levy were one of the many people desperate for money.

Oh well, maybe next time?

Day 5

"Levy~! Let's go on a job!" Jet and Droy chimed happily as she waved at them and walked out the guild with Lily in her arms and a smirking Gajeel. They turned around slowly and saw her turn back at them with an apologetic look on her face, "Sorry guys. I really need money and Gajeel seems like the best option for now." Gajeel's smirk widened as she referred to him and they walked away. Jet and Droy slumped over the table as Mira served them alcohol. Maybe next time. Right?

Day 8

"Levy~! Let's go on a jo-" Jet and Droy chimed before Levy abruptly and promptly cut them off, seeming she was terribly late, something that happened quite often. "Sorry Guys! I'm going on a job with Gajeel and I'm really late. Bye!" Jet and Droy sighed defeatedly. Hopefully next time?

Day 12

"Mira! Do you know where Levy is?" Jet asked Mira as Droy slumped on the bar stool, gasping for air from all the running. It was 11 AM and as her childhood friends, they knew that Levy was usually in the guild by now despite waking up at 10. Mira looked around the guild and her face lit up as she remembered something. "Ah yes! She went on a job with Gajeel." "OH, COME ON!" They said in unison as Mira served them strong booze. Help them process the pain. Next time?

Day 17

Jet and Droy had gone on their own to a job since they got tired of waiting for Levy. Levy walked into the guild hall beside Gajeel, both blushing strongly as they entered, his blush being 10 times darker than hers. Apparently, Gajeel had fallen ill on their last job and Levy was determined to nurse him back to health. The situation was known to most people and despite Jet and Droy's concerns, she was the only person close to him besides Lily and Juvia and they were gone on a job.

Levy sat sheepishly next to Lucy who asked her what was wrong. Her blush intensified and Gajeel just left the Guildhall because he was too embarrassed. Levy looked at Lucy. "Something happened yesterday."

Levy woke up at 10 AM recognising her surroundings as Gajeel's couch. Despite being 103, Gajeel insisted Levy take the bed and he will sleep on the couch, yet she knocked him out and tucked him in his bed. She woke up today and went to buy groceries to make him soup. She wasn't the best cook out there, but Gajeel had made her capable enough to make a fried egg. She left a note saying she will be back later and has gone to the grocery store.

She came back and saw Gajeel was still asleep but the fever had gone down significantly. She went to have a bath and turned on the shower. She was surprised by how good Gajeel's home was and how much he had invested in his kitchen and bathroom. She stripped as she turned on the shower, ensuring her entire body was dowsing. But being in his home, in his shower, having a bath, caused her to feel dirty. After she had been cleaned, she wondered if she could pleasure herself.

Meanwhile, Gajeel woke up feeling quite fresh. His fever was practically gone. He saw the note next to his bed and saw that Levy had gone out. He soon realised that his stench was unbearable and he should shower. He stripped as he took his towel and headed to the bathroom. He was drowsy so none of his super senses was in check. He went into the bathroom when suddenly his eyes met Levy's and his jaw hit the fucking floor.

The hand shower was near her folds as one hand held it while the other pleasured herself. She screamed and realised that she had been caught in her actions and worse was that she realised that he was buck naked. He stood there unable to react, sweating cold, lips quivering, face red until he saw that one part of his anatomy ached horribly.

He gasped as he saw that his member was fully erect and hogging the spotlight. He knew he was large, but now, so did she. Her blush intensified at seeing his cock as she orgasmed unbeknownst to him. He caught the scent of the air and realised what had happened and he quickly excused himself before it could get worse as he could have sworn he had never been harder and more erect.

"Lucy... I-I'm so embarrassed. I don't know what to do. I... can't even face him." Levy said and Gajeel ran away from the Guildhall without her knowing. Lucy burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation when she saw a book slamming her face.

Her laughter ceased and she returned back to Levy, a lot more serious thanks to the book slap. "Okay, look. I have never been in a similar situation, but... You and Gajeel will hopefully find a way to forget that moment." Levy gave her an annoyed glance which translated to 'Give better advice, dumbass'. Lucy's eyebrows narrowed as she huffed and continued.

"Levy! Gajeel attacked you and you are his first real friend." Levy's gaze softened. "If you can find a way to look past that night, and still be close friends, I think you guys can look past something so natural," Lucy said as Levy broke eye contact and sighed defeatedly before her face felt relaxed, all the tension slipping away.

She suddenly felt a lot better about the situation and her face suddenly held a look of determination. Lucy will be the first to know her true feelings. She took Lucy's face in her hands, Her hands squeezing her cheeks causing her to look like a sunfish, and Levy leaned in, her face inches apart from hers as Levy said, "I like Gajeel."

Levy's hold released from Lucy's face as she took in what she heard, processed it, and then gasped out, "WHAT?!" They all said in unison. Lucy got startled and turned her head 90 degrees with Levy to look in the same direction that those 2 men sat, clear exasperrasion on one's face and tears streaming down the other's.

Levy blushed instantly. "JET! DROY!"