The United Nations. That is what they liked to call themselves. To show a united front against all those that may pose against them.

Whether it be terrorists looking to make a name for themselves with sick twisted attacks across the globe or from foreign enemies.

Enemies from a different planet. Beings in which none have ever seen before. Beings that have lived among them for so long.

Unique beings. Unique men and women that they have counted on to ensure justice was served. True justice.

Justice against the likes of those of their own kind. Against the likes of those with unique powers. With unique skill sets. With unique minds.

A certain way of life they have happily lived for so long. A way of life that was now being questioned. Being questioned by so many voices in the large conference room

Questioned with a need of change filling the air. A need to change their ways. A overwhelming need to be able to defend themselves against the likes of these beings.

And the evidence was there for the taking with the latest events. The latest crisis that has sent shockwaves all across the world.

Their hero. The world's greatest savior. One of the three founding members of an organization that had been formed of dozens after dozens of the world's greatest heroes to combat against any threat that would rise up.

To police the world in a sense. A man that had been looked up to. An man that had been a role model for many young boys growing up.

A hero no longer. Instead he had turned into the world's greatest nightmare. Turned into the world's biggest threat to date.

Far bigger than any threat of an invasion from another planet. No this threat was here. This threat was here on their own turf.

Has always been here. Been here growing into a god before their very eyes. A god. That is truly what many have thought of him as.

A true god. A god that could destroy cities within a flash. A god that has shown to only have one goal in mind.

Total domination. Total world domination. A threat that if said by another would have had many inside of the chamber laugh at the notion.

The world was simply too big for one man to rule. But this wasn't a man that they were dealing with. No this was a god.

A god that has bent the will of others. Bent the will of some of the world's mightiest heroes to his will. Unique beings that have slowly but surely provided him with what seemed like an invincible army.

An army that continues to grow every single day. An army even with the combined might of every single nation within this room was giving them trouble.

Was causing chaos throughout the world. Whether it be from sneak attacks coming from wave after wave of atlanteans that would just emerge from the ocean guns blazing.

Whether it was from known criminals that would rise up looking to take advantage of the situation before them.

Whatever the case may be has lead them all here. Lead all the leaders of every single country to meet here.

To meet here inside of these chambers. Meet here to discuss what their next move would be on a united front.

Such an intense meeting that has been taking place for the past couple of days. Intense negotiations between nations looking for the other's aid against a new threat that has risen up against their respected nation.

But the most talked about subject is a scene that they had seen just a brief hour ago. A scene in which a new threat had emerged.

A threat in which none in the chamber had ever seen before. A threat none had ever seen coming. Not in their wildest dreams.

A threat that posed an even bigger problem than this so called man of steel. Especially as they replay the footage over and over again of her carnage.

Of the carnage left in her wake. Their army. A small portion of their army. Men and women of the United States military wiped out within a blink of an eye.

Wiped out with such power. With such power as though the gods themselves had punished them for their sins.

As the skies opened up raining down lighting storms after lighting storms wiping out their forces. Forces that didn't stand a chance against her.

Didn't stand a chance despite their onslaught of bullets and missiles directed her way. Such carnage that would destroy any leaving nothing of them remaining.

But not her. No she had come out without a single scratch on her. Without a single trace of a wound on her as though the gods were truly on her side.

As though she was a god herself once this almost invisible forcefield formed all around her. This forcefield in which nothing could break through.

None of the hundreds of rounds being directed her way. Not one of the countless missiles fire at her. Nothing. Absolute nothing had broken through causing for the first time in history the world to witness the fury of the amazonian princess.

Fury that left everyone in the chamber completely speechless. Fury that has lead to the demise of the entire army stationed on the outskirts of Metropolis.

Such power that had wiped out every single atlantain warcraft within a ten mile radius of the city. Such power that left many in the chamber worried.

Worried that this woman. This goddess would turn against them. Turn to side with the man of steel. A thought that had sent a chill up and down the spines of every single occupant in the room.

A thought that had been thrown out the window when she had ascended up into the skies to stare off against the man of the hour.

To stare off against the world's greatest threat before the feeds had died once these two godly figures collided in a battle for the ages.

A battle in which none were able to capture on film but they were able to capture the aftermath of this mammoth battle. Carnage.

Absolute carnage. The once great city of Metropolis reduced to ashes. Now left reduced to piles of rubble with no buildings left standing.

But there had been one thing captured on film that left everyone speechless. A body. The body of a familaur being.

A body that had been torn apart. Torn completely in half with its right arm completely missing. And most disturbing of all.

His head. The head of the world's greatest enemy torn off from his shoulders and nowhere to be seen.

Not anywhere in the ruins. Not in any of the massive craters inside of the city. No where. A mystery that has lead to the latest debate.

Wonder Woman. Was she friend or was she foe? Such a heated debate. A debate that has lead to many suggesting she be labeled as a terrorist.

Lead to many suggesting the extermination of her people. Of laughing nuclear warheads off towards the island of Themyscira.

Such suggestions that have lead many to come to her aid. Many that have argued that she was no threat.

She hadn't proven she was at this time and if so her actions shouldn't be responsible for wiping out an ancient race of beings.

An argument that is ongoing. An argument that suddenly is put on hold when the chamber doors come flying open slamming into the walls shaking the entire chamber.

Slam into the walls revealing the woman of the hour standing at the open doorway. A woman that stares around the chamber with glowing red eyes.

Eyes that just glance silently at every single member inside before they come to look back forward as slowly she enters inside of the large chamber with a trail of blood trickling behind her.

A trail of blood trickling from the objects in her right hand causing gasps to echo through the chamber.

Gasps as one by one members of the United Nations get a glimpse of what is being firmly held in her right hand.

Heads. The heads of three of the beings that had caused this crisis to begin in the first place. The heads of Superman along with the atlantean king and queen Arthur and Mera being held tightly in her right hand by their hair.

These heads that suddenly go flying towards the front of the room and roll forward until their frightened and terrified faces come to face the large crowd making many look away.

Making many empty their stomach as they can't take looking at the gazes of their fallen enemies. Such reactions that she watches numerous occupants of the room have before she turns and makes her way back towards the chamber's doors.

To head for the chamber doors before she comes to a complete halt with all eyes coming to lay upon her.

" This will be your only warning. Leave my people be. Do not enter our waters. Don't even think about ever sending an peace ambassador to us. Their head will be planted on a spike on our shores as a reminder to all those that dare invade our lands.

Do this and i will leave your world in peace. You will never see the likes of Wonder Woman ever again but be warned now.

If a threat ever rises up again you will not have Themyscira's aid. I will not come to save you. It is time that you learn to save yourselves."

Without waiting for a response slowly Wonder Woman exits out of the chambers and disappears around the corner instantly causing hushed whispers to echo through the chamber.

Home. She was finally home. Her place of comfort. An island that she knows like the back of her hand. An island that she smiles down towards as she slowly flies through the air.

As she slowly glides through the air with only one destination in mind. A destination that she sees coming up making for the first time all day her lips to curl upward into a faint smile.

This smile that suddenly vanishes as she replays the events of the day in her mind. Replays everything that had happened inside of Metropolis.

Replays the carnage that she had caused. Replays the pain that she had caused to so many. Replays the countless deaths that had occurred by her hand.

Such deaths that beneath her tough exterior was having a major toil on her. A major toil on her heart. Her weakness.

Her one true weakness. She cares. Sometimes too much. A trait that she had been told once by her own mother that was her only weakness.

And yet is her greatest strength. A statement that she never truly understood the meaning of her mother's words.

Not until this day. Not until she had met him. Met the man that she finds resting in her chambers as she comes to land down on the stone balcony just outside of her chambers finding him exactly where she had left him.

A man that she stares at happily with a smile that doesn't quite reach her face. A man that she could only pray to the gods that would somehow make his way back to her.

Somehow recover from these such fatal injuries suffered all across his body. This man….no. She couldn't call him that.

Not now and not ever again. It just didn't seem right. No she was her love. Her greatest love. The only man worthy of her love.

Her love that she makes her way over towards to sit down on the side of her bed as her right hand reaches out to gently rest against the bandage across his cheek.

To stroke so gingerly. To stroke so lovingly as she just stares at his bandaged face in complete silence.

A welcomed silence. A moment she wished to share many more times with this man. This man that has captured her heart over the years.

This man that is hers and hers alone. A man that she just wishes would open his eyes. Just wishes for him to be with her right now in her moment of need.

She felt lost. So lost without him. Such a foreign feeling. A feeling in which she has never experienced before.

But it was true. For the first time she felt lost. Felt as though she had no meaning. Felt as though she had no hope.

Such a feeling that makes her eyes get watery as her gaze remains on him before she leans across the bed laying next to his side staring up towards his face as her hand comes down to gently rest on top of his chest.

" Bruce? Bruce if you can hear me, I need you to wake up. Please Bruce. I need you here now. I feel so lost without you."

Not even bothering to wipe away the tears the trickle down her cheeks leaning forward very gently Diana presses her lips to Bruce's own.

Presses to his own for a quick kiss as a lone tear comes down to land on his lips. A tear that sparkles with a gold shine that goes unnoticed as Diana pulls away and gently buries her face into his shoulder allowing the tears to free fall from her face.

A tear that trickles inside of his mouth and down his throat before after a few seconds a bright gold glow forms around him.

Such a bright glow that makes Diana lift up her head to investigate before her gaze snaps to his face when she hears him release a breath.

This sudden sign of life that makes her eyes go wide and her tears to only intensify as she looks towards his face with a hint of hope in her eyes.

" Bruce?"

Feeling the bed starting to shift glancing away from his face suddenly as she sees his left arm raising up into the air and feels the palm of his bandaged hand coming down to rest against her cheek unable to contain it Diana lets out a laugh of joy as the widest of smiles comes across her face.