MHA: Draigon

Hey howdy hello (in case you couldn't guess, I'm running out of introductions)! Welcome to the next chapter of MHA: Draigon! Twelve days to go, and everyone's becoming stronger, what will happen next? Well, keep reading and find out. Anywho, on with the fic…

It was now day seven of training, six days gone, seven more to go after this one, then the Sports Festival would be here. Nemo was sitting under the tree that they'd been meeting at every day to train. He smiled when he saw everyone arrive. "Howdy gang, glad you could all make it." He said. He stood up and twisted his head to the side until it made a satisfying pop. "Let's get to work, today's training is gonna be special."

"How so mon amie?" Asked Yuuga.

"You're all gonna be and Mashirao." Said Nemo. This seemed to surprise them a little. "We have one week after today, and that week will be focused on Quirk improvement. This will be our final day of hand to hand. Now let's partner up and decide who'll spar who,two of you will partner with Mashirao and the other three will go with me. Mashirao, you pick who you want."

"Ok… I guess I'll take…" Said Mashirao with a hand on his chin. He examined the group before them. "I guess I'll take... Hagakure, and… Tokoyami." He decided.

"Alrighty then, we'll do this in turns, meaning I'll fight, then Mashirao, then me again, and etc." Explained Nemo.

"Why not use your clones to speed this up?" Asked Hagakure.

"Well for starters, shadow clones aren't that tough, all it takes one solid hit and poof, they're gone. That aside, part of this is watching each other fight, to see if you could possibly pick something up or learn something about your classmates." Explained Nemo. "With that in mind, c'mon Yuuga, we're up first."

"Oui mon amie." Said Aoyama. The two then took a couple of steps away from the group. Then they turned and faced each other.

"Ready?" Asked Nemo as he got into a fighting stance.

"Oui." Said Yuuga. The two then began their match. Yuuga started by throwing a jab at Nemo, who deflected with his hand and then used it to throw a palm strike into Yuuga's chest. Yuuga staggered, then through a kick at Nemo, who quickly dodged to the side and threw another punch. Yuuga caught his arm, then turned and threw Nemo over his shoulder. Nemo let out a grunt as he hit the ground, then he grabbed Yuuga's arm and threw him to the ground as well. Nemo then moved and put him in a chokehold. Yuuga tried to break free, but to no avail. After a moment he tapped on Nemo's arm, signifying that he gave up. Nemo then released him and got to his feet.

Nemo extended a hand down to Yuuga. "Nice match, you've got good skill for someone who's only had a week of training, and informal training at that."
"Merci." Said Aoyama as he took his hand and stood up. Nemo looked over to Ojiro and Hagakure.

"You two are up next." He said. The pair nodded and went to where Nemo and Aoyama had fought. To avoid the mutations from their Quirks getting in the way, Ojiro had wrapped his tail around his waist, and Hagakure was wearing long sleeved clothes as well as gloves and socks. "Begin." At his words, the two started to spar. Hagakure began to throw punches at her opponent who blocked before throwing a kick at her. She moved back to dodge, then she threw a kick of her own, but Ojiro actually caught her foot, then pulled her towards him. She threw her arm out to try and stop him, but he simply moved his head to dodge her hit and knocked her down. Hagakure groaned as she hit the ground. "Enough, Mashirao won."

Mashirao knelt down and offered his hand. "That was a good match Hagakure." He said.

"Aww come on Mashi, you beat me almost right away." Said Tooru with a slightly sad huff.

"'Mashi'?" Asked Ojiro in confusion.

"Yeah, what? You let Nemo call you by your first name, and we're friends aren't we? Why can't I give you a nickname?" Huffed Hagakure.

"N-no it's not that! I was just surprised is all." Said Mashirao as he waved his hands defensively.

Tooru giggled. "I'm just messing with you." She said.

"Alright, alright, enough screwing around, we're up next Koji." Said Nemo.

Everyone was sitting on the ground, tired from their matches. "Good job everyone, you've all gotten good at your fighting styles. Starting tomorrow it'll be Quirk improvement training until the Sports Fest, so head home and rest, and I'll see you guys tomorrow." Said Nemo. Everyone said their goodbyes and then went home.

It was the next day and they were all working with their Quirks. Nemo was off to the side, standing on one hand and doing something like push ups. "What're you doing Nemo?" Asked Ojiro.

"Strength training, there's no real way to improve my Quirk, since the powers I use are only as strong as the ones I copy them from. So I'm improving my own physical strength instead." He explained.

"Ok, but why don't you try to figure out creative ways to use your Quirk? As well as the limits to it?" Suggested Yaoyorozu.

"Alright." Said Nemo as he jumped to his feet. "I suppose I could do that. Though I'm gonna need a better spot, so I'm gonna leave a clone behind. If you guys need something, by clone will vanish and relay the info to me, and I'll teleport back ASAP." Nemo did a hand sign and from a cloud of smoke, an identical copy of himself appeared.

"Don't worry, I'll watch over them." Said the clone with a thumbs up. Nemo nodded and teleported away.

Nemo continued to bounce from location to location in an attempt to find a better location to train. Before he knew it, he found himself all the way over in Hosu. "Ok… maybe that was too far?" He thought. Suddenly he overheard a strange sound. Nemo did a running jump before flying closer to the source of the sound. He found himself hovering above an alleyway. Inside he saw two people, one was a man in a bizarre (and ugly) outfit covered in metal and weapons, and had a long mask and scarf that flowed behind him. The other one was lying on the ground and looked like, "Tenya? What's he doing here?" Wondered Nemo. Suddenly the other person raised their hand, which held a sword, and brought it down.

Tensei Iida was mentally berating himself for how careless he'd been. Not only had he been foolish enough to wander into a dark alley which lead to his confrontation with the hero killer known as Stain, he'd managed to get cut by one of his blades and was now unable to move. "Heroes like you are the scum of this world, but I will be the one to remove said scum." Said the Hero Killer as he raised his sword and brought it down.

Ingenium closed his eyes and awaited the inevitable. "Tenya, I'm sorry, looks like I won't be coming home anytime soon." He thought. Suddenly there was a sound like something being hit. He opened his eyes and saw that Stain was no longer there, but in his place was a boy about Tenya's age in the air with his leg raised, then he landed on the ground.

The boy turned and looked at Tensei. "Tenya! Are you alright?" He asked as he crouched down.

"Tenya? How do you know my brother?" Asked Ingenium.

"Wait, you aren't him." He said. Then he gently put the bottom of his fist in his open hand. "Oh I get it, you must be his older brother, Ingenium, am I right?"

"That's right, I'm Ingenium, but who are you? And what happened to the Hero Killer?" Asked Tensei.

"Well for the first question, I'm your brother's classmate, Nemo, it's a pleasure to meet you mister pro hero." Said Nemo.

"Ah, the class president, my brother has told me about you, you're one of the people he admires from what I've heard, and that you're incredibly powerful." Said Tensei.

"Aw shucks, you're gonna make me blush." Said Nemo with a chuckle as he scratched the back of his head. "Oh, to answer your other question, mister freaky is over… uh oh." Said Nemo as he pointed off in a direction before making a face. Tensei followed his finger and saw a garbage can with a dent in it, but no Stain in sight. Suddenly Nemo grabbed him. "Time to move!" He shouted before jumping while carrying Tensei. Just as they were clear Stain came down with a sword. The duo landed not far away.

"Look Nemo, I'm willing to take Tenya's word and acknowledge that you're strong, but I can't condone fighting a villain, it's against the law to use your Quirk on other people." Said Tensei. "What's more is that his Quirk has paralyzed me, somehow it's activated by cutting, I can't move at all."

"Wonderful, guess that means you'll have to take a seat and let me deal with this." Said Nemo as he set Tensei down against a wall.

"Didn't you just hear me!? I told you not to fight him!" Shouted Tensei.

"And I ignored you, now shut up and let someone else save you for once." Said Nemo as he stood up and faced Stain.

"No one will be saving anyone, I plan to kill that false hero over there, and for interfering, you will join him boy." Said Stain.

"'False hero'? What're you going on about?" Asked Nemo.

"The Hero society of this world is full of nothing but fakers who are in it for money and incompetent fools who should never have become heroes in the first place. And I am the one who will remove them." Said Stain.

"Huh? That's an interesting philosophy you got there. You got a name there ugly?" Asked Nemo.

"He's known as the Hero Killer, Stain. He's killed over a dozen pro heroes already, and he's only going to kill you if you try to fight him!" Said Ingenium.

"For the last time, put a sock in it!" Shouted Nemo as he turned to shout at Tensei over his shoulder.

"Look out!" Shouted Ingenium. Nemo's eyes widened as he moved to his right as a sword came through the air and nearly took his head off.

"Sorry Ingenium, looks like Mr. No-nose is giving me nose options." Joked Nemo as he stood up straight. He then took a breath and closed his eyes, suddenly three sheathed swords appeared and were tied to his waist with a red fabric. Nemo drew two of the swords. "What do you say Stain? How about a battle of blades?"

Stain looked at him for a moment before giving him a manic grin. "I'm intrigued, let's see if you have potential to be a hero like All Might." He said.

The villain charged at the hero in training and swung his sword. Nemo brought one of his own up and blocked, then swung with the other. Stain moved his own sword to block, the pair went back and forth like this for a few moments before Stain brought his foot up and kicked Nemo in the stomach, sending him backwards. The villain then threw a knife at him, which Nemo blocked, suddenly Stain was directly above him, bringing his sword down towards the hero in training. Nemo blocked with his left sword, then swung his right into Stain's side, sending the villain into a wall, he staggered to his feet, holding his side as some blood seeped from the wound.

"Oh stop whining, I barely broke skin, you'll live." Said Nemo. Then Stain fired a glare at Nemo, and the boy froze in place. "W-What the?! I can't move! But he didn't cut me." He thought.

"You're starting to annoy me boy." Growled Stain as he charged at Nemo. Fortunately Nemo regained movement just in time to block again. The three swords pressed against each other for a brief moment before the two swordsmen pushed back and moved a few feet away.

"Alright, time to get a little more serious." Said Nemo as he pulled the third sword from its sheath and put it in his mouth.

"Three swords?" Asked Stain in surprise.

"Let's do this." Said Nemo. The sound of metal clashing against metal filled the alleyway as the duo clashed. Ingenium could only watch in amazement as they clashed. Nemo jumped away from Stain as he clutched all three swords tightly. Stain charged at Nemo. "One hundred and eight caliber," Stain was about to strike. "Phoenix!" Nemo then spun in a circle while swinging his swords and as he did so, three blades of wind were fired from his blades and struck Stain, who barely blocked the with his blade, but was sent backwards by the attack.

"Impressive technique." Said Stain.

"Thanks, first time using it, I could use a little practice though." Muttered Nemo through the sword in his mouth.

"I must know, why are you protecting this man? Why go out of your way to protect him and risk your life?" Asked Stain.

"Uh, duh?" Asked Nemo as he put the sword in his mouth back in his sheath. His response threw Stain off a little. "I made a promise to them, one of us is going to be the number one hero one day, and a hero doesn't just leave someone in danger to fend for themselves, so what if I have to bend a few rules?" For a brief moment, Stain felt a little conflicted by that reasoning. On one hand, Nemo had admitted that helping Ingenium was the right thing to do, one the other…

"So you admit that you're only doing this for the recognition?" Growled Stain.

"Huh?" Asked Nemo. Suddenly Stain was right in front of him and unleashed a flurry of slashes as Nemo. The hero in training quickly brought his arms up and blocked the strikes. Suddenly a slash from Stain sent both swords from Nemo's hands and into the wall. Nemo barely had time to cast a glance at them before Stain jabbed the sword at his face. Fortunately Nemo jumped back before getting stabbed. Nemo took a breath as he watched Stain from a distance. Suddenly a few strands of hair fell from his head and a small stinging sensation was felt on the side of his face. Nemo brought his hand up to his cheek and when he pulled away there was blood on his fingers. Suddenly Nemo couldn't move most of his body. His eyes slowly moved upwards and looked at Stain, who was moving his tongue away from the blade. "What… did you… do?" Asked Nemo slowly.

"It's his Quirk! The same thing happened to me! Once he cuts you you're paralyzed!" Shouted Ingenium.

Stain appeared in front of Nemo. He raised his foot and kicked Nemo in the stomach, sending him to the ground. "False heroes like you." Said the Hero Killer as he raised his blade. "Can not be allowed to live."

He brought the blade down on Nemo. His last thoughts were, "Cr*p, not again."

I apologize for the lack of updates (dodges a knife). Anyway, I'm sure most of you weren't expecting Nemo to meet the Hero Killer so soon huh? What do you think will happen from here? Leave your guesses in the comment section would ya? Anywho, I'll try to update soon, but for now I need to hit the road. So until next time fic fans, Nemon0416 is outta here! (Go Beyond! Plus Ultra!)