Summary: Diaspro tours Alfea and has a conversation with her parents after they run into Sky.

Note: I've had this sitting in my docs folder for a while, never really added much of a finish to it or decided a story for it to go in, so I figure what better place than my one-shots story.

Having had private tutors her whole life, Diaspro couldn't figure out for the life of her why her parents would choose now to consider sending her to a public college for her education, especially the one where that red-headed fairy who attacked her at the Day of the Royals at Red Fountain was attending. Yes, it was the best school for fairies in the magical dimension, there was a reason its name was Alfea, but that didn't mean she understood the sudden interest in change. Her whole family had gone through private tutoring for their education, all royalty of Isis had and it had been that way for generations.

They hadn't told her where they were taking a trip to this morning when she was told they would be traveling. She heard whispers as they boarded the ship, but it wasn't until she set her eyes on Alfea that it dawned on her that this was a school tour. Diaspro was smart, she knew better than to complain and voice her confused questions amidst curious ears and prying eyes, interested in providing the next big scoop on the royalty from Isis. Everyone here knew who she was by now, though she usually expected it and didn't mind it this time it unsettled her. After all, it was one of their own who attacked her and landed them both on the front page of all the tabloids in the magical dimension.

Instead of voicing these thoughts, Diaspro silenced them for later and stood straight with her head held high as she followed behind her parents. Headmistress Fairagonda herself was there to greet them and was giving them a tour of the grand school. It was a lovely school, she could admit, but it was also the only one she'd really ever stepped foot in so she really didn't have any other real or tangible experiences to compare it to. As they walked she tried not to flinch every time she caught a glimpse of red hair only to hold in the sigh of relief that it wasn't the fairy from the Day of the Royals.

As her parents made agreements with Headmistress Fairagonda, she wasn't sure what to think or what to feel. She supposed she should be excited to attend a real school for the first time, or maybe nervous because it was the school that fairy attended, or even terrified because she had nothing to compare it to and no friends already here to help her and make the transition easier. As she had been doing all day, she quietly followed her parents as they were escorted back to their ship in the courtyard.

For a second Diaspro froze when she heard Sky's laughter echoing in the open space of the outside courtyard, her heart constricted. She really didn't want to see him right now, mentally she crossed her fingers that he was blissfully unaware of her ship sitting there ostentatiously and of her presence.

"Diaspro?" his shocked voice called and she could picture him blinking at her stupidly in surprise. She mentally cursed her luck as she automatically turned her gaze towards where his voice had come from. Almost immediately her parents continued to usher her forward, not allowing her to stop and greet the Prince of Eraklyon.

"Diaspro I-" he tried but was cut off with venomous looks from the King and Queen of Isis and the royal guard falling into formation around them. The glares her parents sent his way were like nothing she'd ever seen grace their faces before. The guards didn't allow him to come any closer, and he looked desperately at her, something akin to grief and apology in his eyes. She allowed her gaze to linger, eyes locked with his for a few moments even as she was all but pushed forward, gentle hands on her back and arms to encourage her to keep moving. Her throat felt tight and she realized it wasn't until she was behind the safety of the doors to her ship that she realized she had been holding her breath the entire way.

She let her breath out shakily and shuddered as she almost fell into her seat. "I-" she tried to speak, the ability to speak taking a moment to come back to her as she tried to relax and clear her throat, which still felt thick. "Why?" she asked the simple one-worded question, hoping it would encompass all she wanted to know.

"We've come to realize that your time was monopolized in a way that was not fair to you." her mother spoke softly, much softer than she had done in a long time. "Your days are filled with school lessons and the duties of a princess learning to become a queen, and that one of the only people outside of your tutors, maids, and family that you even know is Prince Sky of Eraklyon." she looked concerned and her father thinned his lips before speaking, "We thought that spending time with your fiance would be a good thing, and it was. But we failed to encourage other friendships, and that has led you to be alone when you need the presence of others, especially those your own age." he knelt in front of her. "Diaspro, you are wise beyond your years. You've grown and matured at a faster rate than many of those around you, but you are still just a young girl. You are still just a teenager and you should have the companionship of others your own age." he took her hand and she wanted to cry.

Her mother spoke again. "We chose Alfea because it is the best school for fairies in the Magical Dimension. I realize that girl who attacked you at the Day of the Royals still attends, but I want you to do your best to be the bigger person. She acted like a fool and a child, both of which you are not. Show her what a Princess should act like even when things don't go their way. Show her how to be humble and forgiving. Show her that you aren't scared and that she can't run you off from a place that she doesn't own."

She nodded in acquiescence. Although this seemed nightmarish to her right now, there could still be good to come of it yet, if only she put her best foot forward and braved it.