A/N: This chapter contains about 11,000 words. You have been warned.

Alright, I have found a way to put back in the separtion between sections. I hope it is a bit easier to read.

As always, thank you to starangel2106, Kateri1, HermioneGreen, athenakitty, karlin88, HecateDeMort, insanechildfanfic, Anarane Anwamane, Mikalani Astral, SheWolf7, LisaLiz, samna, Jen, barbarataku, Potter Reader, MikkiBaby, Padawan Jan-Q, SlythCat19, Lady Angelique of mystique, and ncblake for taking the time to review and for encouraging me to continue the story. I love hearing from everyone.

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Chapter 12


Remus walked quickly toward the Hogwarts entrance gate, he pulled his hat lower to keep the autumn rain out of his eyes and kept his shoulder towards the chilly breeze. It wasn't long before he reached the relative shelter provided by the shops lining the main street of Hogsmede. At the end of town he could see the shack he had spent so many nights in, but he turned before he reached it, that was not where he was visiting today. He walked through a section of Hogsmede many Hogwarts students never saw. He wasn't interested in the unique houses he was passing, or their orderly gardens. A young witch looking out her window, taking a break while her baby napped, briefly wondered how he avoided tripping; he didn't seem to be watching where he was going. It must be a spell, she decided before returning to her knitting.

He had, of course, visited the Hogsmede cemetery before, paying his respects to one of his best friends, James, and his wife Lily, as well as other friends who had lost their lives before the first fall of Voldemort. The first fall, he realized that Voldemort had not fallen a second time yet, nor was there any guarantee that he would. Even if Voldemort were to finally be defeated, there was every possibility it would not be before he had joined his friends in their final resting place.

His feet left the well worn stones of the Hogsmede streets and turned up a dirt path. Stopping at a gate, he slowly rested his hand on the wet metal and lifted the latch. He pushed gently and listened as the gate swung open on its rusty hinges. Taking a deep breath he willed his feet to take him forward, through the grass covered graves toward the corner he had come to visit. He stopped in several places, to run his hand across a wet stone and murmur a word or two.

Remus pondered his talk with Hagred. The half-giant could usually be counted on to let spill a word or two, but he had learned nothing. Albus Dumbledore and his games, couldn't he just say something outright for once? Instead he had Remus walking through the rain in search of whatever clue the Headmaster thought he would find, in a graveyard no less.

He was here. Remus looked up at the large statue of a wizard that stood, seemingly in guard, over the graves of the two most-famous of his friends. James and Lily wouldn't have wanted something so outrageous he knew. Well, maybe James might. The ministry of magic had taken responsibility for their burial, and there had been no family member of age to stand up for their wishes. He pushed a few bouquets aside to read the inscription.

James and Lily Potter

October 31, 1981




That Peace May Reign

He pulled back his hand letting the bouquets fall into place, and sighed. This wasn't even the plot they had wished to be buried in. The one they had purchased and prepared was hidden away slightly by the ever-blooming rosebushes surrounding it. After saying a goodbye he stood up and looked around for the plot he had visited with his friends early in their marriage. The passing years had not changed it, he noted as he pushed his way through the waist high rosebushes. Except for that, on the far side, he was fairly sure that hadn't been there before. Was that what Albus wanted him to find? The small statue in the shape of a griffin roared, but then cocked his head slightly and sat down, it seemed to recognize him. Slowly he walked toward the stone griffin and bent low to read the lettering.

Damien James Potter

July 30, 1980

Beloved son

Lost, but always loved

"Damien James... July 1980... it can't be, they would have told me. Someone made a mistake... buried this child in the wrong place. But the name, Damien, that was the one they had talked about. They would have told me..." Remus fell down beside the stone griffin. "They would have told us!" he shouted ignoring the tears running down his face.

Remus jumped as he felt something hit him in the shoulder. He grabbed his wand and looked quickly about, only to be startled again when he felt the same thing hitting his leg. He looked down to find the griffin looking up at him with his paw raised ready to punch him again. It was no mistake he realized as he reached down to give the stone griffin a pat on the head. The griffin, it was what they had wanted. Harry was not in fact Harry Potter, and Lily and James knew it. He whispered goodbye to the boy he never knew and turned toward Hogsmede. Albus had been right, he conceded on his walk back, he needed to see that for himself, he wouldn't have believed it any other way.

- - - - - - - -

Harry turned to glare at Hermione for the elbow she had just dug into his side. She didn't notice, instead she demonstrated the proper wand movement for transfiguring a brick into a puppy. He gave the movement a few practice tries before attempting the transfiguration again; his last effort had left his brick with ears and a tail. Ron had almost laughed, but a sharp look from Professor McGonagall had squelched that urge.

Lessons had gotten hectic; with their Professors setting high standards for the spells they were learning and loading them up with homework. Any complaints were met with a reminder of the OWL exams they would be taking at the end of the year. No one wanted to fail their exams, so every night in each of the four common rooms, the same ritual took place. The fifth and seventh years kicked the rest of the students out of a quarter of the room to make a somewhat quiet space for their revision. Harry, Ron and Hermione were no different from the rest of their classmates, so Harry took Hermione's assistance in stride and made a mental note to thank her later.

"That will be all for today," Professor McGonagall told her class. "Place your bricks in a pile by the door as you leave, and don't forget the essay due tomorrow."

"Finally free," Ron stretched as they walked down the hall toward the Great Hall.

"I don't suppose you have finished that essay," Hermione crossly replied.

"Actually yes, I have." Ron snidely quipped. "So you can get off my back about it!"

"That's great Ron! I am done as well. Now we can concentrate on Quidditch practice this evening. This is our last practice before the game against Slytherin on Saturday, and I want to be ready for them." Harry attempted to head off the brewing argument.


"Professor Lupin! Good to see you." The three friends greeted their favorite Defense Professor.

"Hello Ron, Hermione. Harry, I was wondering if we could talk."

"I wish I had time right now but I need to get a quick supper and run to Quidditch practice. Perhaps lunch tomorrow, before the game? We can meet in the third floor sitting room."

"Oh, yes. That would be fine."

Harry watched as his former Professor walked slowly through the castle towards the Headmaster's office.

"Hurry, we have a practice to get to!" Ron grabbed his arm and started dragging him toward the Great Hall, leaving Hermione to chase after them.

- - - - - - - -

Remus Lupin sat down heavily in one of the comfy armchairs before the headmaster's desk. Albus had let him in on his way to supper promising to return as soon as the meal was over. For now he was alone, except for Fawks perched in the corner.

"Why didn't they tell me?" he asked himself. "Why didn't they tell us? It wouldn't have made a difference; he would still have been our Harry. Damien James, they didn't change their mind about the name. We never knew, we could have helped them! How could they just forget about their boy and take on another?"

Standing, Remus began to pace the room, slowly building up his anger about a boy he hadn't known existed until a few short hours ago.

"Harry... Harry James Potter, just a replacement. Damien deserved better! To replace him so quickly, I doubt they had even buried him yet. They didn't tell us, just brought home another boy and passed him off as their son, and we believed it. How could we be so stupid? How could we not notice? His scent was wrong, a little like James but nothing like Lily, and I ignored it. I should have known!

"Where did they even find the boy? Nobody just adopts a child, not in the wizarding world anyway. Lily was from a muggle family, which would explain that part, they might have gotten the child from an orphanage. But how would they get a magical child of just the right age from a muggle orphanage? It is actually quite rare for a magical child to be born to muggle parents, only a very small percentage of total births."

"Sorry to keep you waiting. You missed an excellent meal." Albus Dumbledore said as he took his seat. "Lemon Drop?"

"Who is he?" Remus demanded slamming his hands down on the desk.

"Who is who?"

"You know who I am talking about! I found Damien Potter's grave. Who is Harry?"

"Harry Potter? I thought you knew him?"

"He is not a Potter and you know it! Who is he?"

"Harry was adopted by Lily and James Potter and is therefore, Harry Potter. They were perfectly legal adoptions I assure you."

"Adopted son... Not their natural son. Do you even know who he is?"

"Yes, I do. As I told you, he is Harry James Potter. Would you care to sit down?"

"No, I don't care to sit down! How could you let them do it? You must have known."

"Actually I didn't know at the time. I did not find out until after their deaths. I have, however, read their instructions for Harry's care as well as their reasons for adopting him. I don't think I have ever met two people with kinder more loving hearts. They didn't even know he was a wizard, they had every reason to believe he was a muggle."

"Kinder, more loving... Is that what you call turning your back and forgetting your son while you pass another boy off as your child?"

"Calm down, have a seat and let's talk about this..."

"If you won't tell me what I want to know I will find out for myself!" Remus shouted before walking out of the headmaster's office, slamming the door behind him.

- - - - - - - -

"You should be studying, Harry." Hermione said with a disapproving glance at the box he had just finished and stacked on the pile beside him.

"I already completed my homework."

"Study ahead then, we do have exams soon."

"We will be taking our OWL exams in eight months. I have finished my homework and read the material for the next classes, but right now I need to do my share of the work at the business I am part owner of."

Harry thought he heard a quiet 'hrumpf' as she turned her back on him.

"So, you are helping with the business?" Ginny asked turning away from a game of chess. "Can I help too?"

"What?" Hermione called out. "Ginny, I thought better of you!"

"Hermione, my homework is completed, it's my brothers business, and I want to help them succeed. Is there anything wrong with that?"

Hermione's face showed exactly what she thought of the idea. She grabbed the book she had been reading and stomped to a chair on the other side of the room.

"So, can I?"

"We can't afford to pay you Ginny. The business is just getting started. Maybe after we get things moving a bit better." George explained. "Thank you though."

Ginny gave the nearest one she could reach a sharp slap. "You think the only reason I want to help you is to get paid!" she fumed. "You are my brothers. I want to see your business succeed. That is why I want to help you. Although, when you do reach a point that you can hire on employees I hope you will consider me."

"That hurt!" Harry glared at the youngest Weasley.

"By now you should know better than to sit between me and my brothers. Now, what can I do?"

"Would you mind assembling the orders and packing them for shipment?" Fred asked her. "Thank you so much, you are our favorite sister."

"I am your only sister, and you'd better not forget it."

With Ginny's help they were making a noticeable dent in the backlog of orders by the time they went to sleep.

Fred and George were once again hard at work before everyone else started getting up for breakfast.

"Come on," Harry smiled at his two partners. "Breakfast first, and then we get back to work. You did complete your homework, right? I would rather not receive any complaints from your mother for distracting you from your studies."

"No, we're done. It was one of the rules Mum set."

As the students were filling their plates Professor Dumbledore stood.

"Attention, attention!

"Yes, now. I have two announcements this evening. First Professor Books will be returning to his retirement and Professor Lupin will be teaching your Defense Against the Dark Arts classes."

His announcement was met with cheers. Apparently the replacement of Professor Books with Professor Lupin was a popular exchange. Harry smiled in congratulations at his friend and was puzzled when Professor Lupin averted his gaze. He looked over at his father who, while far from happy, didn't seem completely disgusted with the choice of Defense Professor's. It seemed having a werewolf teaching his son was better than nothing.

"It is good to have Professor Lupin with us again. Calm down now... Second, you will be pleased to hear that there is a Hogsmede visit scheduled, for third through seventh years, in two weeks. Please make sure your signed permission slips have been turned in to your head of house."

Turning back to his breakfast Harry wondered about Remus's behavior.

"Maybe that's what he wanted to tell you yesterday." Hermione said before taking a dainty bite of her eggs.

"Maybe," he replied but he wasn't so sure. "I guess I'll find out at lunch."

- - - - - - - -

Fred, George, Harry, and Ginny were once again hard at work packaging Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. They were attempting to get the backlog reduced, and making slow progress. Idle chitchat was tossed back and forth between the twins jokes and their fellow students occasionally stopped by to sample the merchandise.

Across the room Ron slammed the textbook in front of him closed and stretched.

"Finally done!" he exclaimed as he rose from his seat. "Ginny, what are you doing?"

"What does it look like?"

"So, how much are they paying you?"

"We're not paying her Ron. Ginny offered to help us as we built up the business. We are behind on filling orders." George answered for her.

"You're doing all this for free?" Ron asked incredulously.

"Not everyone puts a price-tag on everything Ron. Besides, I have already turned in my application for when they start hiring."

"So you're going to hire Ginny later on?"

"Yep, that's the plan, just as soon as we can. If we can just get these orders filled fast enough, we will lose customers if we don't."

"Our brothers, you know family, have started a business. I want to see them succeed. Wouldn't it be amazing if they had a shop in Diagon Alley someday?"

"You guys are behind?"

"Yes, but with Harry and Ginny helping it is getting better."

"Let me get a chair, what can I do to help, and can I have an application?"

"Thank you Ron. Application accepted, could you help Harry make boxes?"

Several hours later the twins were dragged away from the table. One advantage to having Ron helping out was that they would never forget a mealtime.

"I am meeting Professor Lupin for lunch so I'll meet you at the pitch, OK?" Harry said goodbye to his friends and hurried off to the third floor lounge.

"Hello Professor Lupin it's great to see you. I am happy that you are back to teach Defense, you are the best Defense Professor we have ever had!"

"Who are you?" Lupin hoarsely asked.

"It's me Professor, Harry. Are you alright?"

"Harry who?"

"Harry Potter..."

"Don't you dare use that name!" Lupin shouted. "You are not a Potter, I saw Damien's grave. Who are you?"

"James and Lily Potter adopted me, I thought you knew."

"The Headmaster told me that they adopted you, that does not make you a real Potter!" He pushed a chair aside, getting close enough to look Harry's eyes. "I don't know how we ever mistook you for their son; you don't even look like them. Who are you? Who are your real parents? You must know."

"Elizabeth and Severus Snape."

- - - - - - - -

Professor Severus Snape hated (well, hated might be a bit strong) strongly disliked, weekends. He was presently engaged in one of the worst of the weekend chores the faculty at Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry engaged in, mealtime rounds. For some unknown reason every weekend, at every mealtime, a varying number of students chose not to partake of the bounty provided. These same students could be found 'studying' in places ranging from the library to various empty classrooms scattered throughout the castle. He had just finished chasing two 'studying' students from a storeroom, quite pleased with the removal of 10 points each from Hufflepuff and Revenclaw...

"Let go, you're hurting me!"

"James would never have taken in Snape's son! How did you fool him into thinking you were a muggle?"

Just as he reached the door Severus heard a sharp, crack!

"What is this?" he demanded throwing open the door. "Harry? Professor Lupin let go of him! Believe me, the Headmaster will hear of this!" he sneered as he separated his colleague from his son and shoved him out of the room.

"Harry, Harry your arm. Dobby, Winky!" he called urgently.


"Dobby, tell Professor Dumbledore that he is needed in the infirmary immediately. Winky, tell Madame Pomfry to expect us." Severus did not wait for an answer before rushing off.

Madame Pomfry met them at the door and Dumbledore entered not a minute behind.

"What has happened Professor Snape?" the Headmaster asked.

"Professor, I think you should take a look at this." Madame Pomfry called them over. "Look at Harry's arm. Do you know how this happened Professor Snape?"

"That blasted Werewolf is how it happened!"

"Remus broke Harry's arm? You can't be serious, he wouldn't!" exclaimed Madame Pomfry.

"I was not aware that I had a reputation for humor. Just judging by those bruises I would say that someone snapped his arm with their bare hands, perhaps I am mistaken. Headmaster, I told you the last time, he is too dangerous to have on the staff. Now he has hurt a student."

"Perhaps we should ask Mr. Potter this occurred before we jump to conclusions. Mr. Potter, can you tell us how you injured your arm?"

"Is he OK? Professor Lupin he was acting so strange, like he didn't know me."

"There, I told you."

"I don't think he meant to hurt me. Something's wrong with him, I know it!"

"Mr. Potter, what were you and Professor Lupin doing?"

"He told me yesterday that he wanted to talk. We arranged to meet for lunch today. When I arrived he kept asking me who I was. Professor, what's wrong with him?"

"Thank you Mr. Potter, I understand now. This is a very grave matter indeed. Madame Pomfry please photograph Mr. Potter's injury and bring two copies..."

"I want a copy as well."

"As you wish. Please bring three copies to my office Poppy. I will speak to Professor Lupin now."

"We'll just get these photos taken and fix that arm right up. It will be good as new in time for the game."

"Thank you Madame Pomfry." Harry watched as she bustled about in her usual efficient manner.

"Wait for me after the game and I will follow you back. I want you to go straight to our quarters, and you will stay there until after I have talked to the Headmaster and found out what will be done about Lupin."

"Yes, Sir. But he couldn't have meant it..."

"We can talk about it now, if you would like to forfeit the game. Or we can talk later."

"Later, you're not getting off that easy."

"And you are all set Mr. Potter. Better hurry."

"Thanks again!" Harry shouted as he ran out the door.

Harry dashed through the halls to the Gryffindor common room. Seeing that it was empty he hurried up the stairs to the fifth year boy's dorm and pulled on his Quidditch robes. He hesitated just a moment before grabbing the firebolt that his godfather, Sirius, had given him and running out to the Quidditch pitch.

"Harry, the game is about to start, where have you been!" shouted Ron.

"I broke my arm, but it's alright now." He took a few deep breaths before continuing. "This is my first pre-game pep-talk but as captain, I am not worried. We have all practiced hard, we have improved our old skills and learned some new ones, and we couldn't be more ready for this game. Ginny, Colin, Ron, this is your first game. I don't know if you are as nervous as I was at my first game, just remember, you earned your places on this team, you are prepared, and as a team we are going to send the Slytherins back to the dungeons where they belong!"

And it was time to go. They flew out when they heard 'Gryffindor' shouted by the announcer and circled the pitch before settling down in the center. Harry supposed that Malfoy's father had been spending his gold again and smirked as he shook his hand.

The whistle blew and the game began. Harry rose quickly to a spot where he had a good view of the game below. As seeker his involvement was somewhat limited, almost two different games, but catching the snitch was important and often the difference between winning and losing. Malfoy appeared to be following the game instead of annoying him, for once. That left only two things for Harry to worry about; keeping an eye on the scoreboard and catching... the... snitch. He wanted to win the game as soon as possible. Not only did an extended game against Slytherin was typically close and often resulted in injuries, but he had other things to attend to.

Harry started slowly circling the pitch and saw Malfoy doing the same. A quick look at the scoreboard showed Slytherin in the lead 30-20. He went back to his search as the game continued below. The lead changed several times and Harry was getting irritated, he still hadn't seen the snitch! He dodged a bludger and checked the score again, 70-60 Gryffindor. Wait, there it was. Harry went into a sharp dive; Malfoy saw him and was closing in from the side. Malfoy was closer, Harry pushed every ounce of speed he could from his broom. He was almost there, the snitch just millimeters from his grasp, when he felt Malfoy run into him from the side knocking him off his broom. He lost his grip and fell, like a limp doll, onto the grass below, losing consciousness as his head hit the hard ground.

"He's got it! Harry Potter has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!" the announcer shouted to a cheering crowd.

Severus watched as Professor Sinastra conjured a stretcher beneath his son and rushed him up the hill toward the castle; a group of Gryffindor's trailing behind.

- - - - - - - -

Professor McGonagall," he called as she was leaving the stands, "there is a matter concerning one of your students that requires your attention, if you would accompany me to the Headmasters office."

Already in a foul mood, he ignored her prattle about the Headmaster missing the game as they walked. Her knock announced their presence and they entered when called.

"Headmaster, I took the liberty of inviting Professor McGonagall. As Mr. Potters head of house she should be made aware of all issued concerning him." Severus informed the room. "I see you have found it prudent to invite guests yourself." He continued, with a nod toward the retired auror holding Lupin at wand-point.

"What is the meaning of this?" exclaimed Professor McGonagall. "Headmaster?"

"I am sad to say that a student has been injured," Dumbledore sighed, "by a member of the faculty."

"Injured? Professor Lupin? He wouldn't!"

"He has." Severus sneered. "He broke Mr. Potters arm with his bare hands. Headmaster, I have said it before and I will say it again. A werewolf is too dangerous to have in a school."

"He is not a Potter, don't call him that! You did something, Snape, I know you did. How did you trick them? They died protecting..."

"Remus, I have explained this to you. Mr. and Mrs. Potters adoption of Harry made him a part of their family. He is therefore Harry Potter." Dumbledore informed him sharply.

"He is not a real Potter. How did you trick them, Snape?"

"I did not trick them. I was completely unaware of which family had adopted my son. I did not want him adopted by a family of wizards. I placed him at a muggle orphanage in an effort to prevent that from happening."


"Remus, do you understand what will happen if information concerning this incident were to be turned over to the ministry?" asked Dumbledore.

"If it were to be turned over?" asked Severus sharply.

"I didn't intend to hurt him. I didn't know that I had broken his arm," whispered lupin.

"I suppose the bruises were an accident as well." Severus sarcastically retorted.


"Because of my 'condition' I would be put to death. Otherwise it would be a sentence to Azkaban," he whispered again.

"Headmaster, he has committed a crime!" Severus shouted.

"As I recall, so have you." Dumbledore answered with a pointed look. "Professor Lupin, A record of this will be kept and if anything of this nature should occur again it will be turned over to the ministry. For now, I expect you to leave Mr. Potter alone while you come to terms with the decision Lily and James made."

"You cannot be serious. He has injured a student, here on school grounds, you must dismiss him!"

"I have made my decision, Professor Snape."

"If you are foolish enough to keep him on you can consider my son withdrawn from Defense Against the Dark Arts, effective immediately!"

"Professor Snape," McGonnagall asked, "he has the OWL exams at the end of the year, it is a required class!"

"I will tutor him myself. I am sure you can understand my reasoning for not permitting my son to attend a class in which the Professor has already broken his arm, and is continuing to express hostility toward him." Severus sneered before turning and walking out the door, slamming it behind him.

- - - - - - - -

Harry woke in the hospital wing, snitch still clasped firmly in his hand, later that night.

"I believe you have missed your party." smirked Severus looking up from the stack of essays he was grading.

"What time is it?" Harry asked sleepily.

"Quarter after one."

"No, I haven't missed it. I'm just a little late. When am I getting out of here? I suppose Madam Hooch wants this back." said Harry looking at the snitch.

"You can give it to her tomorrow. I will get Madam Pomphry, if she says it is alright we will go downstairs."

"The party!"

"I have no doubt that your housemates will be happy to throw another party tomorrow to make up for the one you missed today. I had to chase half of them out of here as it was. We need to talk."

Half an hour later Harry was seated on the couch in his father's sitting room, staring at the fire.

"So what is wrong with Professor Lupin? Is he going to be alright?"

Severus rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed before asking, "What exactly did Lupin say to you?"

Harry looked at Severus, "He kept asking me who I was, when I told him he said that I was not a Potter. I explained to him that I was adopted and he said that he knew, the Headmaster had already told him. He said that I wasn't a real Potter and that I couldn't use the Potter name. Then he asked who my real parents were. When I told him he got angry and grabbed my arm." This was the first time Severus had seen his son cry. "What's wrong with him?"

Severus gently slipped is arm around his sons shoulders and let Harry lean against him. He thought back to the conversation in the Headmasters office. "Harry... Lupin is having a hard time dealing with Lily and James not telling him that the baby they were carrying had died, and that they had adopted you. He is tying the two occurrences together and drawing conclusions that are not there. From what I know of the way the potters adopted you I have every reason to believe that even if their son had lived they would still have taken you into their family as their son, Lupin has gotten it into his head that you were a replacement and that is simply not so. I admit I have never thought well of James, but Lily was a very kind and loving person. Lupin is very angry right now and is not showing any signs of reason on this issue..."

"Surely Professor Dumbledore told him?"

"Yes, he was told. He is simply not listening." Severus paused for several minutes. "The headmaster has chosen not to dismiss Lupin outright, but instead to keep a record of this incident. I have withdrawn you from his Defense class and will be tutoring you myself."


"He broke your arm. If any other Professor had broken a student's arm they would have been dismissed immediately and would be facing an inquiry from the ministry!" Severus took a breath to calm himself. "Right now he will not see reason where you are concerned. He is still very angry at you, and at me. I don't want there to be any chance that you will be hurt again should he lose his temper."

They sat for awhile, neither saying a word, just staring at the flames dancing in the fireplace. Harry finally said goodnight and after changing into his pajamas, crawled into bed. He didn't go to sleep. Instead he lay curled up, hugging a pillow, wondering what Sirius was going to say.

- - - - - - - -

"Harry! We were so worried. When you weren't in your dorm or the infirmary we thought you'd be down here. Are you alright? That was a nasty fall yesterday." Hermione asked while shaking him awake.

Rubbing his eyes, Harry slowly sat up. "I'm fine," he yawned, "just a bump on the head."

"Glad you're alright. You missed the party last night. It was brilliant!" said Ron, taking a set on the bed.

"What was brilliant was the way everyone played yesterday!"

Hermione sensing a long Quidditch conversation about to start quickly changed the subject. "I can't wait for Defense on Monday with Professor Lupin. We have already read all of the material; do you think he will start on application first thing?"

Ron rolled his eyes while Harry looked down at his hands.


"I won't be taking Defense."

"Don't be silly, it's a required course."

"Not to mention You-Know-Who, if anyone needs that class you do."

Severus tightened the sash of his silk bathrobe as he walked into the sitting room. "You heard him correctly. He will not be taking Defense Against the Dark Arts. I withdrew him from the class last night."

"Professor Snape, I know that you don't like, Professor Lupin, but..."

"My dislike of him has little to do with this. I made the decision after he broke Harry's arm. Any other Professor would have been dismissed after attacking a student..." he spat.

"He what?"

"Why don't you come out and let Harry get dressed. We can discuss this over breakfast; I assume that you have not eaten."

While Ron was busy steeling tidbits from the plates of food Winky was setting out Hermione took the time to question Dobby. She was having a hard time believing that he was happy; after all, he was no longer free.

- - - - - - - -

Hermione was bored. Harry could tell. She kept peeking at her friends as they worked getting orders of wheezes ready to ship. Usually she would be torn away from her reading on a regular basis by Ron and Harry. She protested, of course, telling them all the reasons why they should not embark on whatever adventure they were contemplating, but she always came. Now the adventure was on a table a few feet away from her. They could all talk easy enough, but talking was not doing anymore than reading was. No one was going to stop her from helping, but instead of being asked, or dragged, she was going to have to offer. Ginny stacked a copy of the invoice for the order she had just filled on the left pile, and grabbed another from the right. Hermione hadn't turned a page in over an hour. She was bored alright. After slamming her book shut and stuffing it in her bag, she came over and joined them at the table proclaiming that any proper business needed a good filing system if it was going to be successful. Harry just smiled.

And so it happened that later that same day, while their housemates were going to the Great Hall for lunch, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were busy showing Fred, George, and Ginny their secret room.

"I can't believe we never found this!" George exclaimed enviously.

"I can't believe you kept it a secret!" Ginny added.

"We kind of wanted to keep it as a private place we could talk without being overheard." Harry explained.

"But it would be a perfect place for your business. You could really get organized here without worrying about people messing with your stuff while you're not around." Hermione explained.

"We have charms on both entrances to prevent intruders. If you do decide to join us we will have to set them to recognize you." Harry continued.

"And you would have to keep it a secret!" added Ron. "You can't tell anyone else, if you're having a snogfest you'll have to take it elsewhere."

"So?" Hermione asked.

"You're right, it's perfect."

"We're in."

"And we're sworn to secrecy."

"Although," Ginny said looking curious, "that is the strangest looking furniture I have ever seen."

"It's great!" Ron said while taking a seat on the couch and bouncing. "Hermione's parent's sent it them. They're plastic! They have air inside them."

"And puncture-proof charms on them, but you can still pop them. How many times have I told you not to bounce!"

Harry rolled his eyes as Fred and George went to join Ron bouncing. "If we are going to move the business in here we had better do it before everyone gets back from lunch. We can change the charms this afternoon."

"Yeah, hurry up, I'm hungry."

"Perhaps you'd like a Canary Cream, Ron?"

Both Harry and Hermione begged off lunch, ignoring the snogfest jokes, choosing instead to relax in their secret room.

"Harry?" Hermione asked quietly. "There is more to what happened with Professor Lupin, isn't there?"

Harry idly toyed with the edge of a throw blanket thrown haphazardly over the back of the chair he was sitting on. "Yeah... When I showed up for lunch he kept asking me who I was... and the whole adoption thing. He said I wasn't a real Potter, that he didn't know how he had mistaken me for their son, that I didn't even look like a Potter. Everyone has always said how I look like my dad, have I just suddenly changed? Grown a third head I don't know about?"

"He hasn't really spent any time with you in a couple years. We have all changed. We all look differently than we looked at thirteen."

"How... how am I different?"

"Well, for one your hair is longer. I think you are loosing some of the baby fat in your face, gaining more definition. You're taller, possibly because Snape actually feeds you. I don't know Harry. I can still see James in you. I understand why people say you look so much like your dad. Maybe you got the Potter looks from your mum. I can see your father's features becoming more apparent. But we are all going through these changes. We're growing up."

"Maybe... but... Lupin was always the most levelheaded of the marauders. If he is this mad, what is Sirius going to say? Perhaps I should take a de-aging potion every few years, never grow up."

- - - - - - - -

With Monday morning came breakfast, which Ron was immensely grateful for, and then Potions, which everyone had to admit wasn't as bad as it used to be. Severus still liked to put on a show, and Harry had listened to enough of the first year's conversations to know that he conveyed an air of terror to anyone who hadn't known him before, but overall Potions had greatly improved with a less menacing and fairer Professor Snape. Whispered conversations in the halls offer numerous rumors as to why, the most popular was that Snape had finally gotten... you know.

So it was with light hearts that the trio took their seats and started setting their cauldrons up for today's lesson. Harry shared a table with Ron and Hermione with Neville who, by the way, had improved greatly without being terrified out of his wits. The entrance of their Slytherin classmates barely caught their attention, the removal of multiple house points had all but ended any 'polite conversation' that might occur between the two houses.

Professor Snape entered with his usual flair, he walked straight to the board and started listing the ingredients they would be using to make today's potion.

"Can anyone tell me which potion uses the listed ingredients?" he asked.

About a quarter of the class raised their hands.

"Mr. Longbottom."

"Cooling potion, sir, to be applied to burns."

"Correct Mr. Longbottom 10 points to Gryffindor, the directions are on page 257 of your textbook. When you have completed the assignment turn in a sample using a vile from the table on the right, begin."

Severus watched as his students found the directions and started preparing their ingredients. As soon as he was sure they all had started he sat down at his desk and pulled a pile of seventh year essays over to grade.

"Draco!" Pansy cried.

"What are you doing out of your seat Mr. Malfoy?"

"I thought I had dropped something."

"Did you drop anything?"

"No, sir."

"10 points from Slytherin for being out of your seat."

Severus watched as Draco slid back in his seat and went back to work before turning his attention to the essays before him. Several minutes later he was once again interrupted this time by the dull clang of Malfoy and Goyle's cauldron hitting the floor.

"Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Goyle, is there some reason why you are having difficulty keeping your cauldron on the table?"

"Just an accident, sir."

"Well clean it up and see that it does not happen again. 20 points from Slytherin."

They were cleaning, fine. Severus took his red pen and highlighted an incorrect detail. As he was writing the final grade at the top of the parchment he saw two more cauldrons go flying onto the floor.

"He bumped my table!"

"Mine too!"

"Mr. Malfoy! 30 points from Slytherin and detention, here at 4. See if you can avoid any further accidents today."

"Yes, sir."

Thankfully the distractions stopped and he was able to get half-way through the pile of essays before the end of class.

The trio hung back as the rest of the students left.

"See you at supper?" asked Harry.

"Yes, as always. Go ahead, I will follow you three up to the Great Hall for lunch," replied Severus.

"You're overreacting."

"From what I have been told it is a parent thing," he smirked. "Go on."

- - - - - - - -

Draco arrived for his detention three minutes late Severus noted. He had set the boy to scrubbing the floor, since that was what he had caused the most damage to. He watched the boy, on his knees, working away. He hadn't complained about the chore, unusual for young Mr. Malfoy, the Professor admitted. Putting his grading away and getting up from the desk, Severus sighed. It was nearing seven and Draco wasn't half through.

"Enough Mr. Malfoy. I hope we will not have a repeat of whatever caused your clumsiness today. Pour out the water, put the bucket and brush in the cupboard and you are free to go."

"Professor Snape?" Draco hesitated. "You are my head-of-house and my godfather, I can tell you anything right?"

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy, you can tell me anything."

"I received this package from my father at breakfast yesterday." He said as he pulled a mid size box from his book bag and thrust it into his Professors hands.

Severus looked at his godson curiously, wondering what could upset him about a box from his father, before pulling off the lid. He pulled an envelope out of the top, then a black bundle. Rolling open the bundle he found a black cloak and a mask. He looked at his godson once again, then pulled the note out of it's envelope.


It is time you took your place, bringing honor to your family. Wear the cloak as part of your costume this Halloween, keeping the mask with you, but hidden. You will know what to do.

Your Father,

Lucius Malfoy

"I am glad that you brought this to me, but may I ask why you did?"

"I... I don't want to join."

"To be honest I don't want you to join either, but you have given me every indication that you did want to, what changed your mind?"

"It's not what I thought it was. It... It's different now... now that the Dark Lord is back. My parents, they come home covered in blood. The Killing Curse doesn't require that much blood. And when my father told him about your son, he came home with horrible aftereffects from the Cruciatus Curse. Often they both come home with that. I thought it was just... It's not what I thought it was. I don't want to join."

"Very well. Winky!" he heard the 'pop' "Inform my guest that I will be late. Come, Draco, we must take this to the Headmaster." He put the bundle back in the box, hid it in his satchel, and led his godson out of the dungeons.

- - - - - - - -

When Severus entered his quarters two hours later, he found his son reading, aloud, to his two house elves.

"What are you doing?"



"We got bored waiting for you."

"I am sorry I was late, it was urgent and unavoidable."

"I didn't think anything less would keep you." Harry said as he sat at the table across from Severus and handed him a piece of parchment. "Professor McGonagall said that I needed to have you sign that."

"I am sorry, but you cannot go."

"What! Why not?"

"For one thing it is too dangerous."

"Just being alive is dangerous for me. Do you have a better reason?"

"Professor Lupin will be supervising."


"Yes. It is not as much fun, but if you know what you want we can have it sent up."

"I wanted to get an early start on Christmas gifts. It's alright, I'll do something else. I got a letter from Grandma and Grandpa."

"I thought they were writing you regularly."

"They are, just... They want me to come for Christmas."

"I know, I told them that it was alright if you visited for part of Christmas, but that I wanted to spend part of the holiday with you. It is your decision."

"I don't know..."

"You do not have to decide today, there is plenty of time. Have you picked out your Halloween costume yet?"

"I'm not telling! You?"

"And give it away ahead of time... I was thinking that after the feast you might like to bring a few friends back here for the night."

"Because I am always getting into some kind of trouble on Halloween, right?"

"Unintentionally, of course. But yes, that is part of my reason."

"Granger, and Weasley's."

"That's fine. While we are on the subject of Weasley's, can you tell me about a certain framed parchment in your room?"

"I was wondering when you were going to mention that. I am one-third owner Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Are you proud?"

"Proud is not the word I would use. It had better not interfere with your class work. Hold it; are you inviting all the Weasley's?"

"No, just the ones still enrolled at Hogwarts, and you already agreed. My marks have gone up this year anyway, and you know it."

Severus sighed, "I was thinking of expanding our quarters anyway."

"Do I get a bigger room? I need it you know, for all the Weasley's. See you next week, father."

"Be careful!"

"This parenting thing is harder than it looks. Father? He called me father!"

- - - - - - - -

The two weeks leading up to the Hogsmede weekend passed in boring predictability, except for the night of the full moon. Severus spent the night watching as 115 house elves were bound to his son, addressing burnt fingers as necessary. In the background was a sound that had not been heard for many years, howls from the shreaking shack. Severus had flatly refused to provide Professor Lupin with Wolfsbane potion, saying that he could buy it in town like anyone else. The only part of it that concerned Severus was the way the howls were affecting his son.

- - - - - - - -

Harry sat on a ledge with his nose pressed up against the window of the Gryffindor common room watching as his friends walked merrily down to Hogsmede. He understood his father's reasoning, but he didn't have to like it. Looking out the window was depressing, he decided. His father planned to spend the day grading papers, but he was always welcome to visit. Perhaps he would read. Dobby and Winky would love it if he finished reading that story to them. So he walked, slowly, down to the dungeons.

"Hello Harry," Said Severus as he watched his son enter their quarters.

"Hello, father, I know you are busy. I just thought I'd come down here and read," Harry answered.

"Finished your homework? Then enjoy yourself."

Severus watched as his son, instead of going to his room, went to the storeroom and knocked.

"Hello, Winky. I was wondering if you and Dobby would like to hear more of the story we were reading yesterday."

"Oh yes! Master Potter is a good, kind master. A great Wizard, he is." They exclaimed as they followed him into his room.

"Reading to house elves. My son has some of the strangest ideas. Must be that Granger girl's influence." Severus decided before turning back to the pile of essays he was grading.

Harry finished reading that story to the house elves in time for lunch, which they ate at the coffee table, the dining table still being covered with un-graded essays, and started in on another story after the meal had been cleaned up. Severus's pile was slowly getting smaller as the afternoon wore on.

"If someone would just shut that blasted dog up!" he thought, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Barking? In the dungeons? Hagrid moved his dog back to the Forbidden Forest years ago and even he couldn't be heard in the dungeons. There it goes again." Severus got up and went to see what was causing the commotion that was disturbing him. He pushed open the portrait and nearly lost his balance as a large black dog scurried in.

Quickly righting himself he shouted, "Black! I know that is you, you might as well..."

He was interrupted by his son, "Sirius?"

"Harry?" the dog asked after transforming into a human. "Harry, are you alright? I saw Remus in town and..."

Harry sat down on the couch and sadly asked, "Did he tell you?"

"That Lily and James adopted you? Yes, he told me. I wish they had told me a long time ago. I would have liked the opportunity to say goodbye to Damien."

"You're not my godfather..." Harry whispered.

"What? Of course I am your godfather. Did Snape say I couldn't be?" asked Sirius throwing Severus a dirty look.

"You're Damien's."

"Harry, look at me. Lily and James didn't ask me to be your godfather until after they brought you home. They asked me to be your godfather, not Damien's. Even if they hadn't waited, in the wizarding world only one godfather is chosen for all of a family's children, I would still be your godfather."

"You're not mad at me?"

"There is nothing for anyone to be mad at you about. Remus... he doesn't seem like the type, but he can be very stubborn once he gets an idea into his head. He's angry right now, he feels betrayed. Don't let what he's saying bother you, it's not true, he's confused." Sirius pulled Harry into a hug.

"Do try not to spread fleas all over the room. There is a bathroom through there, get yourself a shower. Dobby will take care of your clothes," griped Severus.

"Sirius, I have to go. Will you be visiting long?" asked Harry.

"A few weeks, at least. I'll see you later." Sirius answered before heading off toward the bathroom.

"Thanks, father." Harry waited for the answering nod before leaving. He was working this evening.

Severus asked Winky to serve tea (it worked for Dumbledore) and sat in a chair before the fireplace to wait. He looked up when he heard a clean Sirius Black emerge from the bathroom.

"I don't like you Black."

"I don't like you either Snape."

"Have a seat, there's tea. As long as you are reasonable and do not hurt Harry, I will not keep him away from you. How long are you planning to stay?"

"A few weeks as I said, I am going to try to straighten Remus out, longer if Albus doesn't have a mission for me."

"How much do you know about what Lupin has done?"

"Give it a rest, Snape, so Remus is being a prat..."

"He broke Harry's arm after yellling at him about not being a real Potter. I don't know how much further it would have gone if I hadn't heard Harry screaming for him to let go. You can check with Poppy, Albus, or Moody, or you can look at these," Severus dropped the photos taken of Harry's broken arm on the table between them. "I am sure you can understand why, even if you can get Lupin to see reason, I will not permit Harry to be around him, especially not alone."

Sirius looked at the pictures and quietly asked, "Remus did this?"


"He has never hurt anyone before. He wouldn't hurt Harry."

Severus snorted, "Anyone that you know of, you were otherwise occupied for a few years. You have no way of knowing what he might have done during that time. I believe you that he would not hurt 'Harry Potter,' but as he no longer considers Harry a part of the Potter family..."

- - - - - - - -

Harry, Ron and Hermione walked back up the hill after CoMC one beautiful fall day. They were the last of a trail of students making their way back to the castle due to helping Hagrid put the Songbonnets they had been working with back into their crates. Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were a few yards ahead of them, competing on who could kick stones the farthest.

"Hey Ferret Face!" Ron called out. "Are those rocks from your head?"

"What am I ruining you supper? Does your mum need this stone to make stew? It's not like you family can afford anything better," sneered Malfoy.

"At least I'm not down on my knees, shoving my nose in the dirt."

"No, you are the dirt!"

"Why, you..." Ron went for his wand.

Harry was faster and Hermione not far behind. Malfoy had his wand halfway out when he noticed that Harry and Hermione had their wands pointed at Ron, not him. He kept his hand on it, just in case.

"You're a prefect, Ron. 10 points from Gryffindor," said Hermione. "Put your wand away."

"But he..."

"Ron, you started it, and you were the first to pull your wand." Harry said through clenched teeth. "If we have to take this to Professor McGonagall we will."

"I am sure you would love to spend the Halloween feast, Friday, in detention," added Hermione.

"I can't believe you're taking his side!"

"If you did the same thing to a Ravenclaw of Hufflepuff we would have the same reaction. What you did was wrong," Harry said forcefully. "Put your wand away."


"Expellaramus!" Harry shouted. Ron's fell back as his wand dropped into Harry's hand. "I will give it back upstairs, let's go."

Ron jumped up and threw a hateful glare toward his friends then turned and ran to the castle. Harry and Hermione picked up their book bags and walked. Draco Malfoy put his wand away.

- - - - - - - -

Life got quieter after the proceeding incident, and Friday breakfast was no different. Ron had not forgiven his friends for their perceived betrayal, siding with Slytherins against him. He stayed as far away from them as he could, this morning that involved sitting at the far end of the Gryffindor table. The tension did not, however, lessen his usual wonder at the arrival of the mail. He sat with his eyes raised watching the owls pour in until he saw Errol, his family's owl, flying toward him with a bright red envelope clutched in his beak.

"Better open it," one of the second years he was sitting with told him. "It will only get worse if you don't."

He pulled open the flap.


Ron's face was as red as the letter had been. He looked down the table at his brothers then got up and ran out of the Great Hall.

"I don't suppose you would care to inform me about what ever this incident was?" Professor McGonagall asked Harry, Hermione and the three remaining Weasley's.

"It wasn't much really," Hermione answered. "Ron started taunting some other students, then he pulled his wand. Harry and I took 10 points and told him several times to put is wand away. When he wouldn't Harry used the Expellaramus spell to remove the wand from him. He gave it back when we reached the common room. George and Fred handled writing to Mrs. Weasley."

"I do think that a detention might have been in order, but you seem to have handled it fairly well. Should anything of this nature ever happen again I would like to be informed, even if you are taking care of the details yourselves, understood?"

"Yes, Professor."

Ginny was the only one of his siblings Ron was speaking to that night at the feast. But second years, while interesting, did not hold much amusement for a fifth year. So, Ron sat with his ex-friends and family, pointedly snubbing Fred, George, Hermione, and Harry. It was a Halloween to remember.

Harry had come up with the perfect costume. He was a reaper, complete with grimm. He didn't see his father anywhere, wait there he was. How appropriate, a vampire. Turning back to his friends Harry got to work on the business at hand, feasting.

- - - - - - - -

Professor Severus Snape was not happy as he stalked about the Great Hall, maneuvering between chattering students and waiting for what ever Lucius had planned. He looked over at his son and that mutt he had managed to include in his costume. It was the best Severus had been able to come up with, there was no way he would be able to keep as close an eye on his son as he wanted, and at the same time stop what ever Lucius had planned for his godson. "That blasted werewolf is getting to close! Did the mutt actually growl at his friend? Yes, he's backing off. Maybe this will work out. I need to make some friends. Either that or hire a bodyguard for my incident prone son." Severus scowled and resumed stalking.

From the look on the Headmasters face the feast was going well. He stopped for a moment to check the table Draco was seated at just in time to see him leaving the Hall. After signaling Dumbledore, Severus followed them. By the time he reached the front doors Draco could be seen walking slowly straight toward the forbidden forest.

"Mr. Malfoy," he called. "You are not permitted to leave the castle!"

Draco kept walking, giving no indication that he had heard.

Severus ran toward him, shouting 'Mr. Malfoy!' several times and receiving no reaction from his godson. He reached him just after they had entered the Forbidden Forest, grabbing the boy's arm he turned to face him, only to see a vacant expression on the young face.

"Good to see you, old friend," drawled Lucius.

"Always a pleasure," replied Severus sarcastically.

"My master will be very happy to get his hands on you,"

With his wand hidden from view, Severus barely whispered the spell. "Pertrificus Totalus." But it was enough. He plucked the wand from Lucius immobile hand and levitated him, taking Draco by the arm he led the two back to the school and up to the Headmaster's office.

- - - - - - - -

A nudge from Ginny got Harry's attention.

"Look, the Headmaster," she whispered.

Harry looked up at the head table just in time to see Professor Dumbledore remove a letter from the leg of a large, black, official looking owl. As he read the note his face grew grave. After folding the note and sliding it back in its envelope, he stood.

"Attention, attention," he waited for the hall to quiet down. "I have just received news of an attack on Hogsmede. All students will go straight to their common rooms and stay there until they have been heard from their Head of house. You are dismissed."

"Mr. Potter," called Professor McGonnagall as he got up from his seat. "I believe you and your friends have already been informed of your plans for this evening. Go on..."

If the Slytherin students found it at all unusual for six Gryffindor's to be following them down to the dungeons, they were to busy to mention it. When they reached his fathers quarters Harry said the password, 'cavy liver,' and six friends and one dog entered what was supposed to be Severus Snape's quarters.

"What happened?" asked Ron looking around the much larger sitting room.

"Guess the old bat finally decided he was human," answered Sirius.

"My father said that he was thinking about expanding, I guess he did," suggested Harry, while he checked out the fully equipped kitchen.

The sitting room had roughly doubled in size and along with the kitchen a dining room had been added. Three couches and two chairs had been pulled back from the fireplace to leave room for the eight sleeping bags spread out on the floor. The bookcases that once crowded the room were now spread out along the walls with windows (definitely a spell) and several additional doors between them. There was a chess board with two chairs pulled up to it, and a large desk in the corner, carefully turned so it faced the center of the room.

The group excitedly started checking the doors to see what else had been added, carefully avoiding the one Harry thought led to his father's room. Deciding to start with Harry's room, to see if it had gotten any bigger, they pulled open the door and walked in to find... tan, everywhere. Tan sheets beneath a tan comforter, tan walls and tan curtains.

"Maybe he switched you room?" Hermione offered.

"I hope so I'll go bonkers in here within a day. Let's try some of the others."

Next they found an additional bathroom. Then Dobby and Winky's new room, they spent a few minutes listening to how much they liked the larger room and how good their masters were to them, before shutting the door and moving on. Another bedroom, another tan bedroom, this one had varying shades of tan that gave it a more guest-roomy feel. The sheets were light tan, beneath a darker tan comforter. The walls were a very dark tan; with a medium tan line around the middle and a very small light tan line on top of that. The curtains were a light and medium marbled tan, yes, much better than the last tan room.

Moving on, they found that the store room that had been turned into Dobby and Winky's room was once again a storeroom. Next they found what had to be Harry's new room. Definitely bigger, nearly three times the size of his last room, but it looked like it hadn't been finished. The walls were a very light gold with three stripes at the top, a thick tan stripe, then a thick red stripe, and finally a thin tan stripe. There were two beds, one Harry's in Gryffindor red and gold, the other tan like in the first room. There were two dressers and two desks on opposite sides of the room. The beds faced a tan curtained window that showed the faculty garden. There were two comfy chairs, one red, and the other tan, with a low table between them. To the side there was a second chess board with chairs, and the small fireplace was lit to heat the room.

"Wow Harry, this will be brilliant when it's finished!" exclaimed George.

"It's already brilliant!" Fred amended. "You could have someone sleep over any time you want!"

Harry took a minute to check his drawers, and yes, everything was in its place, before suggesting, "Come on there is only one door left, let's see!"

Opening the last door revealed a potions lab.

"Well, now that that's done we have some business to discuss." They all sat down in the sitting room as Fred continued. "Thanks to everyone's hard work and Hermione's excellent recordkeeping, George, Harry and I have reached a decision. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes has reached the point that it can take on employees!"

George took over "We have already received applications from Ginny and Ron, which just leaves us to ask Hermione if she is planning to submit an application for employment. Hermione?"

"Yes, I want to apply how..."

"Application received. Please excuse us as we confer." Harry said before escorting his partners to his room.

Several minutes, and three very nervous Gryffindor's later, they emerged, and stood in front of the fireplace.

"We have reached a decision.

"The application from Miss Ginny Weasley has been approved. Welcome to the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes family. We look forward to working with you.

"The application from Mr. Ronald Weasley has been approved. Welcome to the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes family. We look forward to working with you.

"The application from Miss Hermione Granger has been approved. Welcome to the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes family. We look forward to working with you.

"We hope you all have a long and fun-filled future with our company."

Harry laughed, "Now the other business. I am pleased to announce have arranged to pay everyone for the time put in thus far." Harry handed each person a moneybag with their name on it. "We are paying everyone the same wage per hour, but each of us has put in a different number of hours, so the amounts in each bag are different."

"Thank you all for your help, we couldn't have done it without you!" the three partners said in unison.

Six friends, two house elves, and Sirius changed into their nightclothes and got started slumber-partying, thankful that Ron had finally started to be reasonable.

- - - - - - - -

Professor Severus Snape was seated in the Headmaster's office, Lucius Malfoy suitably restrained, listening to that blasted werewolf's report on the Hogsmede attack. Apparently it was small and directed toward the muggle portion of the town, most likely a distraction, several muggles were missing, amusement for the night's revel. He finally shut up.

"When will the aurors be here to deal with Mr. Malfoy?" he irritably asked.

"I am afraid it will be some time," the headmaster answered, "Azkaban has fallen."

"We knew he was going to attack Azkaban eventually!" snapped Severus.

"We knew, yes. Minister Fudge, as you well know, has been denying Voldemort's return. He has not made any effort to improve security or protect the public. He is far too busy blaming the Death Eater attacks on hooligans."

A vary harried looking Mr. Weasley floo'd in thru the fireplace holding a small girl in his arms. Professor Snape, good, the entire ministry has been called up, they are sealing the Malfoy estate due to... er, yes," he faltered seeing an unconscious Lucius Malfoy bound to a chair. "You are listed as the children's godfather and next legal guardian. Here is Miss Malfoy."

Severus looked at the girl in his arms, "Does she have a bag? Clothes or anything?"

"I am sorry, everything is being sealed. They practically didn't let her keep the nightgown she is wearing. I must get going. The aurors will be by to deal with Mr. Malfoy Sr. as soon as they can." A handful of floo powder later and he was gone.

Draco patted his sisters back trying to comfort her. The Headmaster had quickly broken the Imperious Curse he had been placed under.

"Come Mr. Malfoy, we'll get you two settled."

- - - - - - - -

Back in Severus's quarters, Fred had just convinced Hermione to try a Galloping Gobstopper, which turned your hands and feet into hooves and caused you to go trotting about, when Severus entered with a five year old crying on his shoulder and a blond Slytherin trailing behind.

"Black, everything alright?"

"Yes, Snape, everyting is fine."

"Harry, I would like you to meet my godson, Draco, and my goddaughter, Andromeda. They will be living with us from now on." He announced.

Harry got up from the pile of pile of sweets on the floor, walked over to Draco, and held out his hand.

"Hi, I'm Harry. Welcome to the family. We are having a slumber party tonight would you like to join us?"

"You're not!" shouted Ron jumping up and running over to them. "He's been a total prat for five years. You're not going to just let it go!"

"Actually, Ron, I believe I am."

"I am not staying with that Death Eater wannabe!" he shouted as he marched toward the door.

"Ron!" George called.

"Yes?" Ron growled.

"You're fired." Fred answered.

Draco watched the furious redhead march out and then turned back to the room, to see six pairs of eyes looking back at him.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A/N: For everyone who is mad at me for Remus Lupin. I like him, I really do. I think he is a nice guy.